Archive for the 'War & Warfare' Category

War in the Middle East and Housekeeping Notes.

6 months ago

First, housekeeping; Herschel has been busy this week, so there is a dearth of posts. He may have a report for us coming up.

Next, writing detailed Christian content takes considerable effort, the most significant portion of which is time. It’s always the highest of all honors to be called by God to serve in any capacity, and I also sincerely appreciate Herschel for providing the space for this ministry. As we advance, The amount of Christian writing from me will likely be much lower. I don’t like the prospect of allowing the depth of posts to suffer just to fill space on a web page. We’ll have to see how much writing I can do. To God be all the glory in any capacity or for whatever season a man is privileged to serve. My biggest regrets as a Christian are that I haven’t served more often and more fruitfully; don’t leave God’s work undone, brothers and sisters. Regardless, this doesn’t mean the end of all service; we must press toward the mark.

And finally, war. None of the parties involved are your friends, including your own government. All of them deny Christ; they are none of mine. Though there may be legitimate grievances by some or all parties, it’s not my war. I don’t think Traditional Americans should involve themselves in dying for people who hate them; we have problems at home that need tending.

Eventually, the situation will get out of hand; whether this is that time or not, I don’t know. Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, check in on your kinfolk and mutual assist friends, and be the strong leader God has chosen. Herschel may have some things to say about the war; I don’t know; my concerns are those God has given me for our mutual care and support; the Middle East is not my people, and frankly, neither is much of North America. None of this is to say we shouldn’t be learning about the weapons and tactics from the battles; do your homework, as always. Tell your family you love them.

Chasing Ghosts, Ep 025 “Technicals: Toyotas Go To War”

7 months, 1 week ago

Chasing Ghosts: An Irregular Warfare Podcast by Bill Buppert, one-year anniversary episode. It’s about the Toyota Technical, an iconic, beloved, and endlessly memed, light, reliable weapons mounting platform used by irregular warfighters the world over. Who purchases, distributes, and modifies these vehicles is not the topic. The many uses and myriad weapons employed are examined, and that’s a much better subject. We discussed Mr. Buppert’s first episode here.

Khalifa Haftar Libya toyota wars 23mm HIlux technical mad max gun truck ...

Episode notes: In the one year anniversary episode (!), we chat about the use of thin-skinned vehicles in the modern age and the asymmetric nature of the fight. The employment of commercially produced vehicles for conduct of raids and ambushes employing a wide array of weapons medium- to heavy machine guns to mortars to ATGMs and everything in between. Please note that Toyota outside of Japan does not produce these for purpose built military employment. And, to my fellow CruiserHeads, I salute you.

Lessons Learned

7 months, 3 weeks ago

One year ago.

Those known of God should be serious, cataloging what they’ve learned about how the spirit of antichrist moves among the Godless, affecting their minds and every action. Although that lab-created virus was unpleasant and killed like a tough flu strain, even most of those who knew the whole thing was bunk succumbed to the spirit of fear, in one form or another, through adapting to the new normal as evil attempted to impose its will. Make note of it all.

We tend to focus on the people who brought the new normal, but we, born again by the Spirit of God, know they are merely agents. You got to witness firsthand something westerners have not seen since perhaps the Middle Ages; God allowing a grave evil to sweep through the land. You should pray to the Almighty and consider what you’ve seen; moreover, consider your ways in light of what you now know.

Secularists will use the term mass psychosis, but what we saw was that spirit of fear by the devil as the blessings of God are being withdrawn. You witnessed the power of evil through men to affect whole masses to do their bidding. You should now know what it is and how to recognize it.

Sin, and evil thereby, are very real, tangible. These are not philosophical conceptualizations to be pondered in a mountaintop monastery, nor are they ancient lore to be dismissed as the superstitions of our ancestors. You’ve now witnessed it, don’t deny it again.

You, too, should thank God, for that was quite a treat. The enemy gave away battle plans, means, motives, personnel positions and movements, tools, and sources and methods. Yes, it’s a war, and you should understand it as such. The enemy revealed many battlefield tactics. It would be wise to understand what you saw over the last two years in the context of war. God is merciful even in His judgments.

The “supply chain disruptions” should have made you serious about doing things yourself, the local way, among the trusted, moving closer to self-sufficiency. Again, thank God for the warnings, repent and act upon your new knowledge of the enemy.

And it isn’t over. If we read our Bible correctly, the last two years were just a remote storm cloud on the horizon of what’s likely coming. The explosion in depravity is not a sign of God’s judgment; it is God’s judgment. The horrendous and even audaciously flagrant wickedness of governments is not a sign of the judicial determination of God; it’s the result.

Christians Soldiers must know the Word of God. Your life depends upon it, or you will be led astray. If you got taken up in fear or have submitted to evil the last two years, that’s a good thing. Praise the Lord for this also; it’s why God sends warnings to His people in the mercy of His grace by longsuffering. Don’t lament but repent and make ready.

You should know by now where you are supposed to be, with what group of people in common you are to serve God while seeking to make yourself both versed and experienced in hard skills and hands-on doing. Pray for God to raise up a just leader, but you train the next generation, teaching them to be just men and women, righteous in Christ, forsaking all evil. Virtuous women and skilled men will matter most. It’s a separate post perhaps but we’ll mention that men will fight for a civilization populated by virtuous women.

Contact with the enemy has arrived. Please, I beseech you by the blood of Jesus Christ to hear and heed the warnings. Fear not for these two reasons: God is in control, and you were born for this very moment. God is sovereign, all is ordained, and you are here now for a reason. Be the light of Christ to those around you. Shed truth with all those you know. Spread the hope of coming victory for those that are righteous. And train for the other side of the coming conflagration(s). Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters, welcome to the war; it’s a pleasure to serve with you, repent toward God and prepare for the next battle. Pray that you not be deceived again.

It’s a spiritual conflict waged in the heavens played out among nations and men. Seek ye the Lord.

“Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.” – Proverbs 28:5

If your church leadership tries to shutdown services again, they must be fired immediately. Period. And any other leaders in support should be run off with a cane against their back! Otherwise, you must find a suitable congregation, which you should have already done.

In Chapter 13 of John, our Lord begins discussing how He will depart without mentioning the specifics. This discourse spans John 14, 15, and into chapter 16, with several asides and one possible change of location. It’s instruction to His disciples before His soon passion, resurrection, and ascension.

The notable side points of instruction help illustrate to the disciples Christ’s purposes for this instruction: His departure and the coming of the Holy Spirit. These asides include the Vine and Branch parable (John 15:1-10), an explanation of the unity of the Father and the Son (John 14:10-11), and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17). This instruction to His men continues into chapter 16 with the specific functions of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8-11) as we witness for Christ with Him.

Reading this section attentively, one understands what it means to be “in Christ.” We see only partially what the day of restitution of all things will be. When this sinful flesh is entirely and finally put off, we shall fully join this holy communion without that static interference.

There’s more, but those are topics for another day.

Repeatedly, Christ mentions the coming of the Comforter in these chapters; why Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Comforter is critical instruction. At the outset, plainly, the Holy Spirit is not for your comfort and ease, health and wealth, or to provide emotionally driven fits of excitement and unintelligible babbling. God may bless you, but those blessings serve His purposes; He does not serve you. The Comforter equips men for God’s specific purposes in support of service to glorify Him alone.

Read John 14:16-18, 26, 15:26-27, and 16:13 about the Comforter who is the Spirit of truth. The disciples are troubled by Christ’s leaving. Understandable, for the absence of God is darkness only. These are, generally, the purposes of the Holy Spirit as given here by Christ: to abide with us and in us, to teach and remind us of all things, to testify of Christ as we witness for Christ together with Him, remind us of all things, and guide us into all truth (anything untrue is not of God, but from the father of lies, John 8:44) and for showing things to come.

Read John 13:31 through John 16:16, paying particular attention to the complete sentences that include the cited verses about the Holy Spirit. It’s an extensive study; several key points will draw out the text to guide our understanding. But, we should view it as Christ delivered it, a single focused discussion with several supporting points of instruction that we must act upon. God is the ultimate instructor; the repetition with some variation is masterful indeed.

As a side note, if you won’t study your Bible, there’s nothing for the Holy Spirit to teach and remind you about. What if, and call me a radical, Christians actually did what the Bible says? These four duties in five short posts are the preparatory essential elements of the Christian faith in service of Christ.

This post is going somewhere, but context matters; instruction is fundamental. Christ spent three years teaching His men. Doing what Christ taught is where we fail today.

John 15:16 is the ordination of the disciples to bear fruit (also John 15:8). In verse 17, He immediately says to love one another; this is the first prominent point of this post. In verses 18 through 20, Christ tells them they will be hated and persecuted. Next, we arrive at the second main point: the Holy Spirit testifies of Christ, but not alone, as we also bear witness (John 15:26-27).

If you read the Bible carefully, you’ll note that when Christ speaks of bearing fruit, it’s in the context of establishing His Church by the spread of the Gospel. Notably, to love one another (John 15:17) is often a subtext of bearing fruit. So, bearing fruit is to love the brethren and make more brethren; this conforms precisely with our interim commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to serve in anticipation of His return.

In John 15:26-27, Christ is driving at the purpose of ordaining the disciples and the coming of the Holy Spirit. We must care for one another and make ourselves better Christian soldiers (Hebrews 10:24) because we need each other, not for nothing, but because we are to evangelize the whole world, converting the nations; this will draw persecution. Jesus, in foresight sublime, tells us to stick together and provides the Comforter to witness for Christ through us, even as we also serve and testify about Christ’s Gospel and the mercy God has shown us to all the nations.

Continuing into chapter 16, in verse 1, Christ, citing the things spoken so far, advises them not to be offended by the world rejecting them. How many Christians receive the offense of the world and modify their behavior to fit into the world? This is a major problem in the American church. There’s no way to pretty this up by slapping lipstick on it; it’s disobedience to God and Christ to please men above serving in the love and knowledge of the God who saved you; it’s sin.

For what else is disobedience to Christ by refusing His commandments (John 14:15)? Christ is the Lord our Righteousness, and we are to be priests and kings, but only by submission to His word; otherwise, the kings of this world rule us and look what fruit that’s wrought.

Then, in John 16, verses 2 and 3, he conveys to the disciples specifics about the persecution they would suffer (verse 2) and why (Verse 3). There’s also an important point here. Many claim the Father but not the Son, even today. God goes so far as to call those who deny the Father and the Son an antichrist (John 15:23, 16:3, 1 John 2:22). Reaching these folks with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be a priority, for they acknowledge there’s a God without which faith can never come.

Finally, arriving at the point here. The churches failed and accepted the shutdowns because they were not doing as Christ commands. In doing what Jesus says, pressing into the brethren in love and fellowship, and seeking the lost regardless of the hurt that may come, the Comforter is with you. We are to build His Church. Not doing as Christ commands allows a spirit of fear, which is not of God (2 Timothy 1:7), to enter among the brethren and even to cause antichristian behavior.

How often have you heard church teaching about the disciples fleeing (Mark 14:50) with only John and the women at the cross, yet the American church withdrew at the mere whiff of persecution? The whole point of Christianity is to convert the Nations, making them Christian. In America, the churches utterly failed the first test, and it’s not over; more trouble is brewing, even now.

It’s unnatural to forsake your own safety, but serving Christ is as normal as can be because you love Him and keep His commandments, regardless of the consequences. Genuine Christian fellowship and support, coupled with the indwelling Comforter in service of our great King, is how you will not falter again. Peace is not an outward state of men; with God, it’s inward. Peace is in Christ Jesus by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Together, read John 14:10-11, and 14:16-17, and John 15:1-10. Here, we have a clear picture of the operation of God in us and through us for the purpose of bearing much fruit. Without Christ, ye can do nothing (John 15:5).

It seems that Christ has so few true friends (John 15:14). The people in American churches don’t genuinely believe in God. At least not how Christ described and the apostles carried it into the world. The people of God are fractured into single units, but according to Christ, it ought not to be this way. Upon being ordered to cease gathering, your church should have rallied around each other, rejected the kings of this world, and served in the hope of a better home with Him.

In American churches, the folks see each other occasionally; they’re not bonded in the unity of service if they benefit Christ at all. The American church looks like any other organization of common interest instead of an army organized for battle to wield the word. Most of church life is centered on the worldly pursuits of men instead of training men to take Christ’s domains. For these reasons, the church is generally failing, and particularly under the recent persecution. The Church in Europe, if it exists at all, is useless.

Americans must stop intellectualizing the Bible and instead put the instruction into action. Imagine if the apostles, after the ascension (Acts 1:8-9), had said, Well, that was an interesting three years; guess I’ll merely personalize it, internalize it, intellectualize it, and go back to my life and do nothing for God. You know what? One of them did, but Christ came and got him (John 21). How often has Jesus tried to tell you to follow Him in service?

The Church of Jesus Christ should have grown during the shutdowns; that’s what persecution does to Christ’s body: makes it more robust and extensive (Acts, entire book). Until His return, there will be tribulation; even as the Kingdom of God has its historical setbacks, it will continue to grow, but the kings of this world will not go quietly.

Complete peace on earth is a distant dream. The Kingdom of God is designed for spiritual warfare. And by the Comforter coupled with mutual support in fellowship and love with the brethren is the peace of God to attack the darkness, even to assault the very gates of hell (Matthew 16:18) with the truth of the Gospel. In Christ, we overcome the world and the devil; without Him, we fall. Fear not; keep His commandments and be of good cheer; Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” – Revelation 12:11

Alligator Creek: America Learns to Fight the Japanese

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 3 months ago

Ian is apparently currently on travel and brings us this interesting history lesson.

Agenda 21

1 year, 4 months ago

Source: @EmaRosa98

Agenda 21 is also called Agenda 2030 because 2030 is a target milestone year for having enabled all the infrastructure and other core components upon which the control regime will operate. 2030 is seven years away. The Great Reset initiated by Trump in the “Covid” shutdown was no coincidence.

Much of the work needed is in place, especially the laws that give the oppressors the color of authority to enact the regime here in the U.S. Also in place are almost all of the technology platforms that enable the tracking mechanisms. Whether TPTB in the U.S. will one day acknowledge in public that everything is being tracked is another question.

One significant milestone that’s still pending is tracking all human economic activity through digital currency, although credit cards are already being used this way to some extent. This will likely be done under the auspicious of “carbon footprint” monitoring. Show me a man’s checkbook stubs or credit card receipts, and I’ll show you how to control him.

Here’s the video referenced in, We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems. Excerpt:

  • Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) is the inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, education and all human beings in the world
  • This roadmap for global totalitarianism was agreed to by 179 nations, including the U.S., at the 1992 Sustainable Development conference in Brazil
  • We’ve seen various facets of Agenda 21 being implemented throughout the last three years, under the cover of biosecurity and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Green New Deal (Green Agenda), “Build Back Better,” the Fourth Industrial Revolution (the transhumanist movement) and The Great Reset all further and facilitate the implementation of Agenda 21
  • Agenda 21 is based on the ideology of “communitarianism,” which argues that “an individual’s rights should be balanced against rights of the community.” Community, however, in the mind of the globalists, is made up of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), corporations and government, which are to dictate what happens around the world. The people are not really part of the equation
  • “Sustainable development” is NOT about recycling or making sure there’s enough food and resources for everyone. It’s about moving populations from rural and suburban areas into concentrated city centers where they and their use of resources can be monitored and controlled

Agenda 21 Is Globalization on Steroids

Koire was adamant that Agenda 21 (aka Agenda for the 21st Century) was the most crucial topic of our time, as it is:

“The inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information — and all human beings in the world.”

This roadmap for global control and domination — global totalitarianism — was agreed to by 179 nations at the 1992 Sustainable Development conference in Brazil. Were Koire alive today, at the end of 2022, there’s no doubt she would have warned us all that Agenda 21 was now in the final implementation stages.

We’ve seen various facets of Agenda 21 being implemented throughout the last three years, under the cover of biosecurity and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Green New Deal (Green Agenda), “Build Back Better,” the Fourth Industrial Revolution7 (the transhumanist movement) and The Great Reset, officially introduced by World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab and then-Prince Charles in June 20208 — these all exist to further and facilitate the implementation of Agenda 21.

If you youngsters are wondering where the government claims the authority to treat Americans (Jan 6 and others) as terrorists, it’s called the Patriot Act, which was enacted after 9/11. It was modeled after the East German Stasi. One day soon, using too much carbon will be an act of terror.

Prior here at TCJ: Is This On Purpose?

And see: Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules

Rifleman Training and Competition

1 year, 5 months ago

There’s a Tactical Sniper challenge article at Ammoland. It looks particularly demanding. But before we get to that, it got us thinking, where to begin? Well, that place is Project Appleseed.

Traditional 25m Appleseed Rifle Marksmanship Event

Our events are typically two-day programs that teach the rifle marksmanship skills that were once commonly practiced in America. Our Instructors put in nearly 200 hours of training so they can teach the skills that will one day allow a Rifleman to be accurate out to 500 yards. This distance is known as the traditional “Rifleman’s Quarter Mile” and has been part of America’s marksmanship repertoire since our country’s earliest days.

During breaks, we’ll tell you the true story of the earliest days of our nation, including the detailed events of April 19, 1775. You may be surprised by what you hear.

Whether you’ve never fired a rifle before or you’re already a competitive shooter, no one who comes to a Project Appleseed event ever leaves the same. The new skills, history, and friendships are inspiring and life-changing.

Rimfire Known-Distance

A RKD (Rimfire Known Distance) is just like a Centerfire Known Distance. Except you’re using a 22LR. Most of the RKDs are done at a 100 yard range. The stages are at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. Just how much drop will a bullet have at 100 yards if it’s zeroed for 25? And how much will the wind affect a 22LR at 100 yards? So all the principals involved in a 400 yard KD apply here. And it’s just plain fun and a bit of a challenge.

They also have pistol clinics, handgun caliber rifle training, and women-only classes. Sadly, they don’t like AR pistols even though more than one million are in the hands of responsible men and women.

Women’s only classes can be critical self-defense training for ladies. Women have security and self-defense needs that men can’t understand. Project Appleseed isn’t the only one offering courses just for women. There are women-only basic handling and shooting to intermediate self-defense handgun courses in your area.


For many women, a rifle range is an unfamiliar and potentially intimidating territory, which is why we created Ladyseeds. A Ladyseed is an Appleseed designed specifically for women. It offers the opportunity for women to shoot, share and get to know each other in a comfortable learning environment. Of course, the women who attend a Ladyseed event will learn much more than how to fire a rifle, they’ll also learn American heritage and how women actively aided in the fight for America’s freedom. When you attend a Ladyseed, it’s our hope that you’ll leave with new friends, a renewed sense of country, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.

Known-Distance Appleseeds

A Known Distance class is a fun and challenging centerfire-only rifle class. During this intermediate-level class, students focus on the skills required effectively make hits on target out to 400 yards and beyond. Topics covered include the Three Challenges of a Rifleman: Target Detection, Range Estimation, Making the Shot (trajectory, battlesight Zero, and environmental factors.) Students will also learn how get the most of out their own sight systems (MOA or mils) and much more.

Prerequisite: Students must have attended at least one 25m Project Appleseed clinic, as the fundamentals such as position, NPOA, and firing the shot are not detailed at a KD event. Some locales may require a student to have earned a Rifleman patch. Check the information page for that class for details.

Photo: Project Appleseed


Next, according to Pew Pew Tactical, these are the 11 best tactical carbine courses, beginner to advanced.

Let’s be real; it doesn’t do you much good to buy an AR-15 or other rifle if you have zero idea of how to use it.

You know who you are!

If you’re going to possess a weapon, you have to know how to use it in a realistic scenario! And with gun sales soaring last year and an influx of new gun owners into the community, gun classes and in-person training opportunities have exploded. Finding good instructors or gun schools can feel a bit intimidating, though. With a lot of options on the table, it can be tough to narrow it down.

But luckily, you have us here at Pew Pew Tactical to help in your search! We’ve gathered together a list of the 11 best tactical carbine courses across the U.S. at various skill levels.

The article doesn’t state the criteria for choosing the rankings. There are three categories for the 11 courses, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Further descriptions of each course are given on the Pew Pew page.

Every effort should be made to maximize the training given. Always check with the trainer about equipment requirements and other prerequisites. You don’t want to waste your money or fail to participate fully. Prices may have changed, and there are out-of-pocket costs, such as ammo. Look at the reviews online for helpful hints.

Most of these courses provide zero creature comforts; pushing your 21st-century comfy lifestyle out of the way for a few days is also an excellent benefit of these classes. You might find that shooting isn’t your problem; perhaps, you’re just too soft.

The beginner’s category is described thus:

These classes are best for newcomers – those who’ve just bought their carbine and aren’t sure how to use it defensively. Within these courses, you’ll learn the fundamentals as well as some battle tactics.

Number one in that category is:

1. Max Velocity Tactical HEAT 1 Combat Tactics Class ($850/4 days)

Deep in the hills of Romney, West Virginia lay Max Velocity Tactical, run by former British SAS soldier Max. Aside from authoring a number of excellent books, Max is also known for one of the best tactical training businesses out there.

4 days for under $1000 seems like a ridiculously good training opportunity especially given this trainer’s reputation.

The Intermediate category is described thus:

Let’s say you’ve nailed the fundamentals but now want to learn how to apply battlefield tactics to more “technical” situations.

Number one in that category is:

4. JWM Tactical Tactical Carbine Course ($550/6 hours)

A shorter course based in Texas, the JWM Tactical Carbine Course teaches techniques such as fighting in buildings, unconventional shooting positions, transitioning to sidearms, malfunction drills, and shooting from behind cover.

Note: JWM Tactical’s Carbine Fundamentals is a prerequisite for this course.

The Advanced category is described:

Let’s say that you want to delve into the deep stuff. Well, the following advanced options will find you facing off against opponents as you apply battlefield tactics and carbine skills to succeed in your mission. If you have a confident understanding of both, these are the classes for you.

The first one mentioned under advanced is:

9. Tactical Rifleman’s Advanced Combat Pistol/Carbine Course ($750/2 days)

Yet another Tactical Rifleman course that made our list. Let’s say that you already have a good baseline level of experience in using your rifle in a combat setting. Now you’re looking for advanced techniques on how to operate.

Bonus Material:

Notable is that Max Volicity’s HEAT Squad Tactics class, under advanced, seems like a great opportunity to set aside a few days each year for some fun with guns in the woods. Are we the baddies? Oh, most certainly, we are!

While the cost is $800 [ for Squad Tactics ], the opportunity exists to attend the course as an OPFOR agent and not pay tuition. So, you get the chance to train against a live force as you hone your skills for free. That’s a pretty cool possibility.


Photo: Ghost Firearms Training


And lastly, as promised, at AmmoLand, what appears to be a serious challenge. This is not training but competition.

To be accurate, there are NO off-seasons for Tactical Games, just missed sea-to-shining-sea opportunities if you are not on the ground running and gunning your way through stages somewhere. Tactical Games events provide year-round opportunities for athletes to compete – great for me because I had the opportunity to spectate at another yet altogether different competition recently, a Tactical Games Sniper Challenge.

The Sniper Challenge is a two-day competition comprised of individual and two-person shooting teams and consists of nine or more stages distributed throughout a continuous long-movement course. Each stage can easily cover several miles, depending on the venue. The first day of the Sniper Challenge consists of long foot movements, like operations. During stages, competitors stop and complete tasks, including target identification, and engage long-range targets under time constraints and/or physical duress.

The second day consists of multiple shooting stages requiring the completion of physical tasks and up-close to long-range target engagements clear out to 1,200 yards. Far enough and physically taxing enough to test a competitor’s stamina, strength, mental grit, and surgical accuracy.

There are more details at the Ammoland link. Tactical Games is not training, although they offer separate training opportunities. They have intermediate men’s and women’s circuits, 40-plus and 50-plus men’s trials, along with a team, mixed, and individual events. These matches are not for everybody.

Is This On Purpose?

1 year, 5 months ago

People are starting to learn that the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 under the New World Order are real, yet they still blame the “elected” puppets in Washington. Yes, they intend to starve you, freeze you, and reduce the world population by 90 percent. Believe that they mean what they say and prepare.

The New Order is not operating under the same basic well-intending heart toward improving the state of mankind that “normies” are. That premise is wrong because folks can’t see evil, won’t call sin what it is, sin, and refuse to recognize that genocide is what they intend. It’s the “normies” biggest blindspot, thinking that those in power actually care about your well-being the same way you care about others.

TPTB are not stupid; they’re evil. Or technically, they are evil and therefore appear to be stupid to the gullible, who scoff, denying that the devil is real. Evil is willful, ordered, cunning, and subtle and operates a global system with its own domain, the kingdom of death and hell (Revelation 6:8, 20:14).

People’s inability to “get it” will cause them to be continuously strung along, always looking for governmental policy decisions or a newly elected savior to rescue them and their families, never understanding that the US Government is an arm of the Global Order. Please accept this truth and prepare; globally, elections are being manipulated.

The US, for the first time, is importing more agricultural products than exporting. Here are just a few things to keep in mind. Note cascading effects:

Shortage of diesel fuel, thus high cost

Gas and diesel refinery capacity limitations

Refineries shutting down as upgrades and compliance are too costly due to regulation

Fuel shortages for large-scale farming operations

Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals shortages, including Tamiflu / we wonder if there are agricultural animal antibiotic shortages as well?

Butter and milk shortages

Baby formula shortages are ongoing

Concrete and other building supplies

Coal plants are being shut down, and hydroelectric dams are being demolished.

Four dams near the California-Oregon border will be demolished. The hydroelectric dams blocked poor little fish from swimming to their ancestral homeland, er, homewaters. “Build Back Better” doesn’t include any actual building back.

The cost of running electricity to rural areas will begin to be unsustainable, driving people into urban centers where they can be controlled. The day is soon coming when raising a family outside the urban areas will be illegal. They won’t ban it outright, but without power, water, and sewer, child protective services and other armies of petty, well-paid do-gooders will force you to live as they prescribe. Moving everyone into controlled urban population zones is a stated goal.

The dams produce less than 2% of PacifiCorp’s power generation — enough to power about 70,000 homes — when they are running at full capacity, said Bob Gravely, spokesperson for the utility. But they often run at a far lower capacity because of low water in the river and other issues, and the agreement that paved the way for Thursday’s vote was ultimately a business decision, he said.

PacifiCorp would have had to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in fish ladders, fish screens and other conservation upgrades under environmental regulations that were not in place when the aging dams were first built. But with the deal approved Thursday, the utility’s cost is capped at $200 million, with another $250 million from a California voter-approved water bond.

“We’re closing coal plants and building wind farms and it all just has to add up in the end. It’s not a one-to-one,” he said of the coming dam demolition. “You can make up that power by the way you operate the rest of your facilities or having energy efficiency savings so your customers are using less.”

Just use less, freezing and starving, or move to Portland or San Francisco, where everything will be fine?

Reading the article, we note how “aggrieved” parties are manipulated by the communist Democrats and Republicans to drive the agenda 2030 plan. Fish and rivers have more rights than you. The notion that the US government suddenly cares about some fish or the Indians it genocided is ludicrous, and everybody knows it.

Writers, serious men and women, have got to stop blaming these actions on Democrats and Biden. We have the very best minds and writers on our side, but frankly, when they blame a political party, they sound ill-informed at best or, worse, like government propagandists for the Republican arm of the Globalist-run communist regime. And stop using the wrong words. The TPTB are not stupid, crazy, or insane. The correct term is evil, and their actions are sin.

2030 is seven years away!

H/T Survival Blog and Instapundit

Autonomous Drone Battlefield Networked Lethal Vehicles

1 year, 5 months ago


Legion-X Drone Swarm For The Urban Battlefield


Autonomous Urban Quadcopter Brings ‘Search & Attack In One’


Manufacturers Webpage: Elbit Systems


1 year, 5 months ago

Republicans, or people who vote for them, are still, in a bizarre act of idolatrous religious faith, counting on national-level voting to change things. Meanwhile, the communists are tearing at the foundations with increasing success. If you feel you should vote, even knowing your government is thoroughly corrupted, then do it; we believe there is a Biblical case for that, but let the idea go that anybody but Christ can save us now.

First, your District Attorneys continue to be replaced by communist party adherents, faithful only to Moa’s little red book.

Secondly, as we’ve warned, the defund police movement in some cities is moving to phase two of their operation. They only want control of the national security apparatus with which to destroy you. **Warning, not a family-friendly link** Hard-core violent communists are training the police to be party enforcers, which means you, dear religiously Republican voters, are being targeted for genocide.

Thirdly, these religious Republican voters scoff at the leftist State’s and City’s policies of allowing rampant crime and homelessness, never understanding that it’s being done on purpose. Crime, along with national tax policy and immigration, has been designed to drive leftist constituents into the Red States, turning formerly quiet, friendly, and quaint small cities and towns into communist enclaves, one Uhaul truckload at a time.

Why can they read this post, understand it’s true, yet live and remain in their fantasy? Shamefully, the next national-level election will be no different. Those going through the various iterations of the grieving process for America today will once more put on their denial dunce hats and start looking for a national savior by pushing the R button on the machines that are pre-programmed with the results.

Your enemy is at war, and your faith in a foundation you know has already been destroyed is silly. Seriously, it’s like watching a Benny Hill skit, and you’re the object of the caricature. Please stop; you look foolish. National politics is an open failure for all the world to laugh at in derision, and your religious adherence is making it worse. Unless you have the money and a plan to conduct a counter-communist revolution, then today should be the day you end your fantasy. Rend your clothes, stomp up and down, flop on the floor and beat your fists as much as you must, get angry and scream, cry and wail, eat a bowl of ice cream in your PJs sobbing, but end it today, no more whining and no more denial. Your country needs you, not Washington but your real country; the people who know you and love you are counting on you.

Sorry for calling you names, but seriously, stop being dodo birds.

No more politics. I love the direction that TCJ is taking;  you need a plan, practical knowledge, friends, tools, and the right spirit for what’s coming. Every moment you spend on politics is time wasted you could be spending on praying, training the young, teaching yourself craftwork, making practical application of pioneer, homestead, or survival skills, family team building, firearms and self-defense training, sharing the Gospel, deepening commitments among local trusted allies, etc., etc., etc.

Be a self-sufficient Christian. Nothing is more subversive than self-reliance, declaring Christ is King.

Former CIA Intelligence officer suggests using ‘counterterrorism’ strategies against ‘right-wing’ Americans

1 year, 5 months ago

He seems nice:

Former Senior Intelligence Service officer at the CIA, Marc Polymeropoulos published a Sunday piece declaring that that techniques once used to fight radical Islam should be turned against the against the right-wing in America.

Polymeropoulos’ piece for NBC News Think warned that propagandists, whether Islamic terrorists or Republicans, should be subject to counterterrorism and counterradicalization techniques.

“I worked in counterterrorism operations for nearly my entire career at the CIA before retiring in 2019. The battle we engaged in with international terrorist groups like Al Qaeda wasn’t just with their legions of foot soldiers but with their highly effective propaganda arms as well,” he wrote. “The U.S. and our allies considered those propagandists fundamental cogs in a terror group’s machinery, and just as culpable as any other terrorist. So we held them accountable when innocent civilians were killed.”

Polymeropoulos suggested that the attack of Paul Pelosi was evidence that the American government needs to take a firmer approach to its own citizenry.

“Lone wolves are a thorn for domestic U.S. law enforcement as well, as we saw last week when a man not affiliated with any known group but immersed in right-wing propaganda attacked Paul Pelosi, the husband of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,” he wrote. “While the authorities have taken appropriate action against him, there are few signs that the government is taking the big-picture approach needed to combat the violence-inducing propaganda behind his crime.”

He appeared to lament that the U.S. Constitution gives American citizens more rights than foreign enemies.

“The Constitution confers certain free-speech protections for extremist propaganda in the U.S. that prevent authorities from exactly replicating our foreign counterterrorism strategy here at home. But there are important lessons we can and should apply,” he said. “For one thing, we can exercise free speech to proclaim that the normalization of violence against politicians is dangerous and unacceptable. Some violent rhetoric might not be illegal, but it is all morally repugnant.”

Polymeropoulos also seemed to equivocate demonizing an opposing politician with calling for violence against them.

“To start with, we need to clearly identify what crosses the line into the realm of dangerous rhetoric. That means calling out those in the right-wing ecosphere who for years have demonized, and at times even promoted and encouraged, attacks on Pelosi,” he claimed.

There are more bizarre, rambling, semi-coherent, partially partisan political ravings at the source. He seems to have spent just a little too much time inside the intel machine. All a hammer sees, after all, are nails.

Via WoG.

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