Archive for the 'Hate Mail' Category

Comment Of The Week

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 5 months ago


As a former police officer I find you statement about police officers to be filled with ignorance and the same hatred and malice intent that the democrats have been spewing forth for years. 98 percent of officers would not react like this yet you paint them all with a broad brush and just like the racist black lives matter you presume they are all the same. Then again you may just be a russian troll.

A hit dog always hollers.

More Hate Mail

BY Herschel Smith
17 years, 6 months ago

Regarding one post to which one particularly irrelevant comment was appended, I responded to Rod ‘Breaker’ McCoy that while I appreciated his comments to previous posts, I do not allow people to use the courtesy I allow to make comments on my website for the purposes of advertising their services. I also contended that comments should be relevant to the content of the post rather than discuss other, unrelated issues. To this, Mr. McCoy responded the following:

I object to your attitude. You dont (sic) anwer (sic) questions. Your site is organized to discuss only your opinions. You are arrogant and afraid to hear other better informed opinions.

You are the enemy of people who seem to have the same cause.

However, you are weak and spiteful towards people who want to do more than whine.

You only want to publicize your own drivel and keep others from getting ahead or stating their views.

I consider you as bad as a leftist or a muslim (sic) imperialist., (sic) only to you the objective is to vent only! (sic)

Do not contact me again ! (sic)

Smith responds:

You should give up caffeine and use the money you save to purchase a spell checker. Beyond this, I suppose that I should recommend that you find a good counselor.

Jackass of the Year

BY Herschel Smith
17 years, 7 months ago

I have noted, with some lack of embarrassment (I know, it embarrasses me that I am not embarrassed), my utter jealousy of Michael Fumento’s hate mail category (although Mike Adams has a good one too, but not nearly as admirable as Michael’s). So it is with proud anticipation that the Captain’s Journal announces the “Jackass of the Year” award. It goes to one SSG Kevin Gorman, who writes to us (continually, we might add) from a military network domain:

IP Address =>

And his e-mail address is:

I actually know the location from which he is writing, but I will let the army figure than one out. It should be easy for them.

In response to my post The NCOs Speak on Rules of Engagement, dear Kevin began dropping cantankerous comments that quickly devolved into spam (name calling) that Spam Karma II caught (many, many of them). I love Spam Karma II. It keeps all information from the sender, and stops the spammed comments automatically based on the settings that I give it. So I get to see what Kevin has said, and from where he has said it.

Kevin has been quite the author over the last couple days. One wonders exactly what he has been doing with his time? A little background. I had received a comment from Major Joel Leggett, currently in Iraq, stating to me that his unit “always resolves any reasonable doubt in favor of the individual marine on the ground.” I responded to Maj. Leggett that I was glad to see that this was so, while also continuing my polite questioning of the ROE under which we operate.

Now. I responded this way for reasons known only to me. It could have been the viability of U.S. warfighting capabilities, or it could have been the safety of the unit my son deploys with (2/6), or it could have been related exclusively to my son and any future engagement he might have with the enemy when he deploys. The reader doesn’t know. This is key. I digress for a moment. Anyone who has actually been through the pain of watching, nay, participating in, proceedings that were conducted by Robert’s Rules of Order, knows that one huge no-no is ascribing motive to someone. You know what they say, but you do not know what they think (by the way, this is one thing that causes so many problems with interpreting congressional legislation after the fact).

But Kevin claimed to know what I thought, when he wrote back to me the following words: “Ya, I’ll bet. Better to keep your son alive than to win the war.”

Congratulations, Kevin! You have won it! The “Jackass of the Year” award. You win it, and in the superlative degree. No one else was close in the running.

Though … I still wonder how you have the time to send me all of those spams when you have … um … a military job.

Flotsam and Jetsam

BY Herschel Smith
17 years, 11 months ago

Concerning my post “The Decision has no Teeth,” someone named WW writes:

When did you begin hating your own country and everything it ever stood for, anyway?

Concerning my post “Fight them there or fight them here: Get it?” WW opines:

The “fight them there or fight them here

From Me to ME

BY Herschel Smith
17 years, 12 months ago

From “ME” to the Captain’s Journal:




Captain’s Journal Response: No, ME, I did not remove your post (sic – comment).  It never made it past SK2.  Your comment was swept up in the spam harvest.  I guess I am not quite as “previsible” (French: foreseeable) as you thought (French … Hmmmm … you must be my visitor from Beirut).

I have tried to help you with this Caps Lock thing you have going on with your computer.  Remember?  CAPS ON .. caps off.  CAPS ON … caps off.

I have checked on it, and I cannot change the name of my blog to “The Liar’s Journal.”  They won’t let me do it since the name of my site is already registered.  I sure wish that you had given me your suggestion when I was trying to come up with a name for my blog.

Regarding the rest of your letter to me, no one knows what you are talking about.  But feel free to send me more mail.  By the way, if you really want me to respond, you must use a real e-mail address.  ME@WAR.COM just doesn’t cut it.


The Captain

Captain’s Journal Response to ME (sic)

BY Herschel Smith
17 years, 12 months ago

Note from ME (sic) to the Captain’s Journal:



ME (sic), the “Caps Lock” key is just above the “Shift” key on most keyboards.  You can use it to toggle on or off Caps Lock.  Practice with me, ME (sic).  CAPS ON … caps off.  CAPS ON … caps off.  The period key is just to the right of the comma key.  You may use it to demarcate the end of sentences.  Follow simple rules like this and you should do better next time.

Captain’s Journal Response to ME (sic)

BY Herschel Smith
17 years, 12 months ago

Note from ME (sic) to the Captain’s Journal:



ME (sic), the “Caps Lock” key is just above the “Shift” key on most keyboards.  You can use it to toggle on or off Caps Lock.  Practice with me, ME (sic).  CAPS ON … caps off.  CAPS ON … caps off.  The period key is just to the right of the comma key.  You may use it to demarcate the end of sentences.  Follow simple rules like this and you should do better next time.

My First Hate Mail

BY Herschel Smith
18 years ago

I have longed to be more like Michael Fumento, whose prose so infuriates the left that he has an entire page dedicated to hate mail.

On my post “The Iran War Plans,” someone named rick (sic) opines:

You are an idiot. ’nuff said.

Loud applause!  Thank you rick (sic).  But please, in the future, be a little more verbose so that I will have something with which to fill my “hate mail” page (under development if I can just get some more hate mail).  I want to compete with Michael.  I want to be like Mike.  I want to be like Mike.

Postscript: I will be updating my Iran War Plans (in which I discussed the difficulties of a direct ground invasion) with Iran war plans of my own.  Now, if I can just get the Pentagon to listen.  Come back soon, now, rick (sic).

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