Secret Service and Sloped Roof Safety
BY Herschel Smith
She said the Secret Service was aware of the security vulnerabilities presented by the building Crooks took a sniper’s position on to aim at Trump. However, a decision was made not to place any personnel on the roof.
“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside,” she said.
I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. First of all, men work on sloped roofs all day, every day, in America. Second, this is the secret service. It’s their jobs. Third, the most insulting thing is that she expects us to swallow this explanation, which is obviously fabricated. No decent SS agent would have objected to this assignment.
Finally, if you really want to be safe on a sloped roof, use a lanyard. I can teach them how to do it, but that isn’t necessary. They already know. So none of that is necessary. They know how to ensconce on sloped roofs. They know how to use lanyards. They aren’t concerned about SS agents falling off of roofs. They didn’t refuse to position agents on that roof because it’s sloped.
There is also this disturbing tidbit.
“I’m being told that the shooter was actually identified as a potential person of suspicion. Units started responding to seek that individual out,” Cheatle told ABC News. “Unfortunately, with the rapid succession of how things unfolded, by the time that individual was eventually located, they were on the rooftop and were able to fire off at the former president.”
“Rapid succession of events.” Again, how insulting that she expects us to swallow this ridiculous explanation.
“Slow down shooter, we can’t respond quickly enough. Give us time, for God’s sake.”
In the aftermath, TNR published a silly article advocating banning AR-15s. But of course. Don’t consider the fact that the shooter could have used a Tikka .300 Win Mag or .308 bolt action and probably done better.
And don’t consider the fact that the sniper team that took him out was using Remington 730 Win Mag bolt action rifles. This does answer my questions, though, about equipment that team used. I got the glass right (Night Force). I didn’t get the rifle right. I didn’t have a close enough image to tell.
I doubt they were using .50 though. They were probably using 300 Win Mag or 300 PRC.
UPDATE: WiscoDave sends these images. Good juxtaposition.
On July 16, 2024 at 12:09 pm, snuffy said:
Word out now is he was identified as suspicious 26 minutes prior to firing a shot. The whole thing smells worse than that fermented fish the Nordic types love so much.
On July 16, 2024 at 1:08 pm, Echo Hotel said:
It’s all just a big “fuck you” from them to us. What else could it be?
On July 16, 2024 at 2:01 pm, Paul B said:
All the guy had to do was sew up a police banner and wear black. As to the shot, pretty easy to hit three in a quarter sized plate at 100yds. Have done it more than once.
God was watching out for Trump. His security detail not so much. He needs to fire them and get that Israeli company back on the job.
On July 16, 2024 at 2:42 pm, Dan said:
That’s the kind of nonsense you can always expect from a diversity hire like Cheatle whenever they screw up and want pretend they didn’t .
On July 16, 2024 at 4:03 pm, Don said:
It’s an obvious lie. Maybe told to her and she’s stupid enough to believe it. Or she thinks we are that stupid.
On July 16, 2024 at 4:08 pm, Jack said:
Hanlon’s razor says: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
Given the rapidly multiplying errors and excuses, it feels as if the distance between stupidity and malice is shrinking.
Or, as Herschel is fond of saying, perform a fault tree analysis of the system of protecting the president.
On July 16, 2024 at 7:33 pm, Wes said:
There are so many holes in their stories that it begs for something like an elevated Iranian threat to distract. Like the one that’s been against Trump from them since 2020 when he smoked their HMFIC for Terror Export with a Hellfire. Distraction attempted, but it’s too late. There are too many Americans, skilled at arms through multiple generations now – just the kind that Napolitano’s threat assessment told you to be skeered of. So when they trot out their horsehockey you can throw it back at them as they deserve. Their street & other creds are long gone.
On July 16, 2024 at 7:35 pm, SD said:
WATCH LIVE: Republican National Convention Milwaukee 2024, Day 2
On July 16, 2024 at 7:35 pm, SD said:
WATCH LIVE: Republican National Convention Milwaukee 2024, Day 2
ps. would you please add CC to your blogroll? thanks!
On July 16, 2024 at 8:23 pm, Smig said:
Echo Hotel has it right. Her statement is a big FU and an insult to our intelligence. It is/was an inside job. End of story. They will try again and again until Donald Trump is no more.
On July 16, 2024 at 9:53 pm, scott s. said:
Slope. Maybe a 5:1, but that roof looks like no more than 1.5:1.
On July 17, 2024 at 5:14 am, Bill Buppert said:
If boxed wine had a human form, it would be in the shape of the Director of the Secret Service.
On July 17, 2024 at 7:37 am, Frankfurt School Long March said:
Lanyards and sloped roofs are constructs of the white male patriarchy.
Mean girl boss yassqweens will conquer the world just like the lil’ girl in front of the bull statue, my purple haired African studies professor told me and I saw it on teevee.
Did the clot shot make an entire generation of retards or was it Heather has two mommies?
To Fumbleina and beyond, yes we can, si se puede!
“We will corrupt the west so bad that it stinks.”
Comrade Willi Munzenberg, Frankfurt School
On July 17, 2024 at 8:32 pm, X said:
The idea that this DEI bitch would so blatantly lie to us is sickening. Maybe the roof was too sloped for HER. But not for the 20 year old MALE assassin — even considering what a dweeb he was?
Have you ever seen a crew of female roofers doing a tear-off on a 12/12 pitch in 90 degree heat???
“Equality,” LOL.
On July 18, 2024 at 1:19 am, Georgiaboy said:
@ Jack
Re: “Hanlon’s razor says: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
Given the open malice with which the left talks about former president Trump, in this instance it might be wise to invert that saying or modify it suitably to express the reality that the left/Biden regime permitted this incident to happen because they wanted it to happen, and then tried to use incompetency as the cover for their malice-aforethought and intent.
In other words, the evident incompetency of the DEI hires at the Secret Service and FBI – though very real – isn’t an adequate explanation for what took place.
Re: “Have you ever seen a crew of female roofers doing a tear-off on a 12/12 pitch in 90 degree heat???”
Nope, and you know why? Because the DEI crowd aren’t interested in real, honest-to-goodness work. Especially the hazardous, uncomfortable, and difficult kind.
The reason why you don’t see that crew of female roofers is the same reason why the gal soldiers all disappear when there’s a six-by-six to be unloaded, or when anything heavy needs to be carried.
A friend of mine is ex-USAF – an enlisted man, a maintenance NCO. He told me once that none of the “you go, girl!” types who were mechanics, so-called, for their MOS, in his unit – could carry their own tool boxes. Some other “service member” – read “man” – had to do it for them.
Another pal of mine is ex-army, and he said that none of the GI Janes could rack the action back on an M240 machine gun to cock it.
This DEI crap is gonna be the end of us if someone doesn’t put a stop to it. It is absolute madness…
True story…
On July 18, 2024 at 1:29 am, Georgiaboy said:
One more story, can’t resist…
Years back, I read Brian Mitchell’s book on the damage being done to the military by cultural marxism in the 1990s and prior. Yeah, it has been going on a long time.
Back in the 1980s, when large numbers of female recruits were first cycled through the army in non-traditional occupation fields for women, “Big Green” quickly found out that there were problems with those new “small-stature soldiers,” which is what the DOD/Pentagon called them back then…
One of the standard parts of training in basic or boot camp (if you are Navy or USMC) is learning how to use and throw a standard fragmentation grenade. For a very long time, the test was given to recruits by asking them to arm and then throw over-hand at a target some distance away. However, when female recruits/trainees tried to do this, many could not throw the grenade far-enough to escape its blast cone. In other words, they would become casualties of their own grenade.
Rather than do the honest thing, and admit that the whole enterprise was wrongheaded to start with, the army instead chose institutionally to lie, and to sweep these problems under the rug. The lie was the one told policymakers and the public that female recruits were the equal of their male counterparts in every way. The sweeping under the rug was that the army quietly changed the grenade toss to an underhanded throw over a low wall, a task easily executed by even the most-lame of recruits. They dumbed-down the test, in other words.
Anyone who has spent time in Uncle Sam’s military over the last 30 years or so knows all about this kind of thing…. it is pervasive, regardless of branch.
On July 18, 2024 at 7:12 am, Jack said:
Following up to my previous comments, Sean Davis of the Federalist echos my sentiments in his post to X (
“There are basically four competing narratives or theories about what led to the assassination attempt against Donald Trump:
1) Through a combination of incompetence and innocent mistakes and garden-variety bureaucratic ineptitude, a gunman was able to penetrate security and take multiple shots at Trump.
2) The right hand of the Biden security regime deliberately starved Trump’s security detail of resources and assigned a squad of C-team rejects to his detail knowing it would make Trump vulnerable.
3) Includes all of option 2, but also includes the left hand of the Biden security regime independently but deliberately inciting and weaponizing, and potentially even hand-holding, mentally unwell freaks to take matters into their own hands and eliminate Trump (analogous to what the FBI did when it created and led the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping and murder plot).
4) The Biden regime itself explicitly attempted to assassinate Trump via its own shooter(s), and the named assassin is all deliberate misinformation and misdirection. ”
I’m not one to succumb to garden-variety conspiracy theories, and the incompetence of the Federal government (hell, any government or other body that plays with other peoples’ money) is extremely well documented, but given the Whitmer plot and the FBI COINTEL programs targeting the 60s radicals, 2 and 3 are no longer “out-there” but have entered the realm of real possibilities.