Archive for the 'Border War' Category

War on the Southern Border

BY Herschel Smith
8 months ago

Via David Codrea.

Report: ‘Mysterious’ Entities Giving Migrants GPS Coordinates to Unsecure Locations on Southern Border [More]

Virtually none of the things the FedGov currently does (medical subsidies, SNAP, welfare, control over firearms, social security, the department of education, the department of the interior, ownership of land, and on and on the circus could go) are called out in the constitution as being within the purview of the federal government.

The federal government is basically tasked with a single duty – control over the borders and security from invasion.

And it ignores the one thing for which it is tasked.  So then what good is it, and why should it exist?

National Borders & The Bible

1 year, 11 months ago

Replace “Biden Maladministration” with Washington DC since Reagan first gave amnesty, and you’re set. The author, bless his heart*, is still living in the fog of delusion about the Republicans. He’ll learn, after decades of betrayal, they all do. That’s another topic.

The collapsing border disaster under the Biden Maladministration is a live topic of international consequence today. Many well meaning Christians believe it is wrong to keep refugees out on a temporary basis because they believe borders are man-made constructs lacking biblical warrant. Besides the contradiction obvious in their having homes with walls and locked doors, their argument does not hold.

Established borders are biblically warranted as we see in two clear scriptural examples. Though other arguments are available, these are quite potent.

In building a case for national borders, Dr. Gentry starts in Genesis and then briefly discusses the Law and historical books primarily.

Any discussion of the necessity of national borders must start with a REAL definition of Nation, which comes from the word natal, meaning: of the same womb/lineage. A proper definition includes a common language, customs, and, most importantly, common religion.

Briefly, distinct religions won’t coexist. They can’t. The Bible clarifies that conversion is necessary for an immigrating person to be accepted into a nation. This is actual assimilation. It’s even true for Christians today. To be a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you must first be converted by God, accepting Christ under the power of the Holy Spirit, or you are a trespasser in the kingdom of heaven; woe to you, for except you be born again, damnable is your end indeed (Matthew 18:3, John 3:3, others).

Not mentioned in the article is the fact that the Hebrews were a religious, ethnic, and linguistically unique people. And in the few instances where they weren’t, again, adherence to the religious Law (conversion) was required. A country is simply some distinct region or a land area.

Chapters 9-11 of Genesis detail the creation of Nations. In a longer form post, we could include the post-flood covenant through to the Tower of Babel. The covenant with every living creature and the rights of men are discussed here.

The author does an excellent job of taking complicated topics and making them accessible to the average Christian, and he keeps posts to a digestible size, something most appreciate. That’s probably one reason he doesn’t tackle the abovementioned points while offering only two clear instances from Scripture.

*This is a southernism. Sometimes it’s not, but we’re using it only as tongue in cheek. We deeply respect Dr. Gentry’s work.

TCJ Calling For Full Scale War

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

TCJ is calling for full scale war.  SpecOps has gotten a new deployment.

Against the backdrop of Russia’s truculence in Eastern Europe, US special operators have established a new forward-operating base in another tense corner of Europe.

In early January, US Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) announced its decision to set up a special-operations headquarters in Albania.

The new headquarters will help in SOCEUR’s mission to “galvanize our relationship with Allies and partners to counter malign influence, build interoperability, rapidly respond to emerging threats and if necessary, defeat aggression,” the command said.

This is presumably one of the more than 100 countries where American troops have a presence.  Meanwhile, there are now over 130,000 Russian troops staged near Ukraine.

No, TCJ isn’t calling for war in the European or Asia theater.  TCJ is calling for war at the U.S. Southern border where troops are needed, doing the only thing American troops were ever meant to do, i.e., defend the U.S. border from invasion.

We have absolutely no business in a war with Russia.  We have no strategic interest there except for oil pipelines owned by the Bidens.  But we do have business doing things with our troops other than draining their blood in needless foreign misadventures or wasting their time.

Last March, Abbott, who’s up for reelection, launched “Operation Lone Star,” citing a crisis at the US southern border. The operation — which leaned on resources from Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas National Guard — has swelled to more than 10,000 service members.

The speed at which the operation launched and its scope has fueled frustrations internally and among veterans of the Guard. Multiple members of the Guard who are deployed as part of Operation Lone Star and spoke to CNN described long hours with little to do, poor planning, and a lack of mission — all of which, they say, are contributing to low morale among soldiers.

“As military, people know the term hurry up and wait. This is just the biggest hurry up and wait I was a part of, and there’s really no set, ‘hey, we’re doing this, or hey, go out and do this.’ It’s just, we’re sitting around doing nothing,” one soldier said.

[ … ]

The National Guard, though, generally serves in a support role and notifies US Border Patrol if they encounter migrants, so that agents can pick them up. In Del Rio, Humvees are located along the border at observation points with soldiers assigned to them to monitor for activity, which can range depending on location.

“There’s guys standing at our points doing nothing, so they don’t really see a mission. They just see this as we’re just used as political pawns for an election year,” the soldier said.

As it has always been.  But invasion isn’t a law enforcement function – it’s a military function.  TCJ is calling for the deployment of the USMC on the Southern border, including every infantry battalion along with Scout Snipers and Recon Marines.  They should have arrest powers and full authority to kill enemy shooters (including the “Coyotes” who bring the invaders North).

We can leave the border patrol in the rear to do paperwork.

Border Patrol Having Difficulty Finding Reason For Its Existence

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

At least the working class is.  Fox News has an article on the verbal exchange, but I don’t need Fox News when things we posted to Bitchute.  And I also don’t need YouTube when Bitchute exists.

Military Action On The U.S. Southern Border

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 9 months ago

But not of course by U.S. troops, who stood and looked while enemies of the U.S. launched machine gun fire into the country from Mexico.

Because no one cares enough to stop it.

How Did 15,000 Haitians Get To The U.S. Southern Border?

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 10 months ago

Finally, an answer to Fred’s question.

Border Agent Tactics

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 10 months ago

News from the viper’s pit.

WASHINGTON – Video of U.S. border agents chasing Haitian migrants on horseback stirred outrage Monday, with White House press secretary Jen Psaki calling the images “horrific” and Democratic lawmakers demanding accountability.

As the Haitians tried to climb onto the U.S. side of the river Sunday afternoon, an agent shouted: “Let’s go! Get out now! Back to Mexico!”

The agent swung what appeared to be a whip or a cord, charging his horse toward the men in the river.

“I’ve seen some of the footage, I don’t have the full context. I can’t imagine what context would make that appropriate, but I don’t have additional details, and certainly, … I don’t think anyone seeing that footage would think it was acceptable or appropriate,” Psaki said.

Oh I’m quite pleased with it, but if you think that’s inappropriate, I guess you wouldn’t like my idea.

You see, I prefer to treat all of this as an invasion and position USMC snipers along the border to shoot at invaders.

Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago


While leftists continue to deny that border control is a national security issue, on Tuesday, a Muslim migrant from Jordan named Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi was sentenced to three years in prison for sneaking at least six Yemeni Muslims into the United States across the border from Mexico. What could they possibly have been planning? No doubt they just wanted to do the jobs that Americans refuse to take, right?

These are by no means the first Muslims to have been caught crossing into the U.S. from Mexico. Judicial Watch reported back in 2016 that police in a New Mexico border town arrested a woman they described as an “Islamic refugee” who was “in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans.” This was, it said, the latest in “a number of stories in the last few years about Mexican drug traffickers smuggling Islamic terrorists into the United States through the porous southern border…. A few months ago Judicial Watch reported that members of a cell of Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the U.S. to explore targets for future attacks with the help of Mexican drug traffickers.”

[ … ]

Among the jihadists that travel back and forth through the porous southern border is a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. Khabir trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and has lived in Mexico for more than a year, according to Judicial Watch’s high-level Homeland Security sources. Now Khabir trains thousands of men—mostly Syrians and Yemenis—to fight in an ISIS base situated in the Mexico-U.S. border region near Ciudad Juárez. Khabir actually brags in a European newspaper article about how easy it is to stake out American targets because the border region is wide open.

It all mates well with the larger plan by the globalists to wreak chaos in America, leading ultimately to a totalitarian state and control by the global elitists.

Be prepared as best as you can.

Support For Trump Dwindles Among ICE Officers

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago

The Washington Times:

ICE officers who endorsed President Trump in 2016 now say he has failed to follow through on his get-tough promises, saying catch-and-release of immigrants living illegally in the U.S. is not only still happening, but has gone into “overdrive.”

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers say they’re being roped into such mundane tasks as opening the doors on vans to release immigrants already caught by Border Patrol agents. That’s dragging the officers from their usual duties of nabbing fugitives, or scouring local prisons and jails for immigrant criminals who lived illegally in the U.S. ready to be deported.

The shell game is all the more “ridiculous,” the officers said, because Border Patrol agents could fill out paperwork and open the doors themselves, but the agency’s leaders don’t want to be part of catch-and-release.

“Hundreds of man hours are wasted each day at a time of crisis on the border,” the leaders of the National ICE Council, the union that represents ICE officers, said in a letter sent directly to Mr. Trump on Monday.

[ … ]

“You frequently speak publicly of the great public safety work ICE is doing under your leadership. To be direct Mr. President — the rhetoric doesn’t match reality and we hope that this letter shows you the complete and total nonsense that is really taking place under the Trump Administration on the southern border,” the ICE officers said.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

The letter comes as the situation at the southwestern border has grown out of control for Homeland Security.

Some 160,000 migrant children and family members have been encountered at the border over the last five months, shattering previous records.

Most are arrested by the Border Patrol, though 10-15 percent are encountered by Customs and Border Protection officers trying to come through a border crossing without permission.

Because of the overwhelming numbers, lack of bed space and court rulings, Homeland Security usually processes and quickly releases most of them, with the vain hope that they’ll come back for hearings and eventual deportation.

That’s been dubbed “catch-and-release,” and Mr. Trump took office promising to stop it.

Instead the rate has increased, and it’s spurred the bureaucratic sparring.

Mr. Crane says Border Patrol agents have the power to fill out the release paperwork and to do the releases on their own, but they don’t want to face the embarrassment. So they make ICE officers fill out the release paperwork, and when they drive the immigrants to bus stations to be dropped off, they make an ICE officer actually open the van doors.

Because if Trump ever did intend to do anything about immigration and the border (and he was probably being dishonest about immigration), he intended to wait until after he no longer had the House of Representatives to make it a big deal so that he would be blocked and could make it a re-election issue.

Because he thinks Americans are tools.  By my calculations the only good thing we’ve gotten from Trump is Neil Gorsuch.

Border Rancher: “We’ve Found Prayer Rugs Out Here”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 6 months ago

Washington Examiner:

Ranchers and farmers near the U.S.-Mexico border have been finding prayer rugs on their properties in recent months, according to one rancher who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation by cartels who move the individuals.

The mats are pieces of carpet that those of the Muslim faith kneel on as they worship.

“There’s a lot of people coming in not just from Mexico,” the rancher said. “People, the general public, just don’t get the terrorist threats of that. That’s what’s really scary. You don’t know what’s coming across. We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal. It’s not just Mexican nationals that are coming across.”

[ … ]

Border Patrol and its parent agency, Customs and Border Protection, did not respond to multiple interview requests. But CBP’s Arizona region issued a statement on Twitter Wednesday that said agents had arrested people from across the world over the past five days.

Did you catch the bolded part? (Bold mine).

But doesn’t it all make you feel warm inside knowing that they “Come for love?”  David Codrea has related thoughts, surely correct.

On a related note, the Middle East Forum sent a note out saying this.

The Middle East Forum has learned that New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy will conduct a State of the State town hall event at the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC) in northern New Jersey tonight—a mosque with a long history of pro-Hamas leadership.

The ICPC’s current imam, Mohammad Qatanani, has terrorist connections galore: His own lawyer admits that he was a member of the student chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, and the N.J. Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness identifies Qatanani as a Hamas supporter. Qatanani is currently fighting deportation on the grounds that he lied to federal officials about his Israeli conviction for membership Hamas.

This is the man who recently signed six gun control bills into law.  He’s willing to buddy-up with terrorists, but he wants to disarm peaceable men and women.

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