Archive for the 'Islamists' Category

Understanding The Threat

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 3 months ago

I know John and have talked to him face to face, as well as exchanged email with him.  I was at a conference (or training session) he was doing in my neck of the woods, and after the presentation a lady walked up and asked him, “Really, how serious is this threat and how close are they – aren’t they ‘over there’ somewhere?”

I responded for John by saying, “There’s a training camp right down the road from you in Rock Hill, S.C.”  John nodded.  Question answered.

Now, I suspect that this isn’t really about understanding the threat, but rather, caring about it and your oath to the constitution, your family, your tribe, and your country.  The Sheriff and his lawyers aren’t dumb.  Just wicked.

Leaders Urge Christians To Defend Selves After Militants Kill 70

2 years, 3 months ago


Leaders in Benue, Nigeria, are seeking to give Christian farmers AK-47s for self-defense after suspected militant herdsmen killed at least 70 Christians in several days of attacks there.

Militant herdsmen is such an odd moniker. Who actually are they?

“We are standing on our request for the federal government to give us a license for our Volunteer Guards to bear AK-47s and other sophisticated weapons,” Morning Star News on Oct. 25 quoted Anthony Ijohor, a spokesman for Benue Gov. Samuel Ortom. “The security agencies have been overstretched and, that being the case, our people have to defend themselves.”

They are requesting permission from a distant capital to defend themselves. For all of her troubles, America still has some things right.

Gabriel Suswam, an area senator and former Benue governor, also called on Christians to defend themselves.

“Since the federal government has gone to sleep and does not care about the security of the people,” Leadership Nigeria quoted Suswam Oct. 22, “it is time for them to rise up and defend themselves. We cannot continue to allow herdsmen terrorists to keep on killing these peasant farmers and destroying their property.”

“herdsmen terrorists?”

Ijohor and Suswam made the comments following days of attacks during the week of Oct. 16 by terrorists suspected to be militant Fulani herdsmen. More than 70 residents in majority Christian areas of Benue state were killed, more than 100 were injured and thousands were displaced, Morning Star reported.

In 2018, 6,000 Nigerian Christians, mostly women and children, were killed between January and June.

“In just two days, over 70 Christians were killed by Fulani militiamen in Gbeji community in our local government area,” Morning Star quoted Terumbur Kartyo, chairman of the Ukum Local Government Council in Benue. Udei and Yelewata villages were also attacked, Terumbur told Morning Star.


Elsewhere in Nigeria, a mother and child were killed and others were injured during worship Oct. 16 at Celestial Church in Kogi state, International Christian Concern reported.

Two militants arrived on motorcycles, shot the woman and her daughter, and injured an unknown number of others, ICC said, attributing the report to Jerry Omodara and identifying him as Kogi’s top security official.

“It looked like it was organized against that particular church, because their altar was burned with petrol they went with,” ICC quoted Omodara.

Who would do that, random motorcycle terrorists?

In Nigeria, more Christians are killed for their faith than in any other nation, Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors said in its 2022 World Watch List report. An estimated 4,650 Christians were killed in the 2020-2021 reporting year, Open Doors said, compared to 3,530 the previous year.

Open Doors ranked Nigeria as the seventh most difficult nation for Christians to live.

The Voice of the Martyrs, in its 2022 Global Prayer Guide, designates Nigeria as a hostile nation.

Why won’t the article call them Muslims? Are they Islamo-fascists? Muslim Jehadists? The author and editor seem at pains to avoid calling this what it is. If you won’t directly confront the reality of what’s happening and who and what your enemy is, you will never defeat it.

Are those precious Christian souls being killed for their faith by enemies of Christ or not? Seems like these Christians need to start forming militias. And needs to hire some editors that are, ahem, Church Leaders.

While Christians are not called to take the world by force of arms, at the same time, we have a duty to God to protect life (Exodus 20:13), especially those weaker (Psalm 82:3, Exodus 22:22)  and particularly of our own family (Exodus 20:12, 1 Timothy 5:8). For history and context, see this short post by Herschel on gun control in Nigeria and the rise of Boko Haram Muslim mass murderers.

The Muslim Beltway Snipers

2 years, 3 months ago

On October 24, 2002, a Muslim and his younger accomplice were finally caught.

How it began

The murders that shocked the nation’s capital and the nation itself had started three weeks earlier.

On October 2, 2002, a sniper’s bullet struck down a 55-year-old man in a parking lot in Wheaton, Maryland. By 10 o’clock the next morning, four more people within a few miles of each other had been similarly murdered.

The attacks were soon linked, and a massive multi-agency investigation was launched.

The case was led by the Montgomery County (Maryland) Police Department, headed by Chief Charles Moose, with the FBI and many other law enforcement agencies playing a supporting role. Chief Moose had specifically requested our help through a federal law on serial killings.

Within days, the FBI alone had some 400 agents around the country working the case. We had set up a toll-free number to collect tips from the public, with teams of new agents in training helping to work the hotline. Our evidence experts were asked to digitally map many of the evolving crime scenes, and our behavioral analysts helped prepare a profile of the shooter for investigators. We had also set up a Joint Operations Center to help Montgomery County investigators run the case.

The idea of sniping from a mobile platform, never in the same place twice, is rather clever. They never switched vehicles and only slightly varied their routine, however.

A rolling sniper’s nest

On the morning of October 24, the hunt for the snipers quickly came to an end, when a team of Maryland State Police, Montgomery County SWAT officers, and special agents from our Hostage Rescue Team arrested the sleeping John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo without a struggle.

Just a few hours earlier, at approximately 11:45 p.m., their dark blue 1990 Chevy Caprice with its New Jersey license plate had been spotted at a rest stop parking lot off I-70 in Maryland. Within the hour, law enforcement swarmed the scene, setting up a perimeter to check out any movements and make sure there’d be no escape.

What evidence experts from the FBI and other police forces found there was both revealing and shocking. The car had a hole cut in the trunk near the license plate so that shots could be fired from within the vehicle. It was, in effect, a rolling sniper’s nest.

Also found in the car were:

  • The Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle that had been used in each attack;
  • A rifle’s scope for taking aim and a tripod to steady the shots;
  • A backseat that had the sheet metal removed between the passenger compartment and the trunk, enabling the shooter to get into the trunk from inside the car;
  • The Chevy Caprice owner’s manual with—the FBI Laboratory later detected—written impressions of the one of the demand notes;
  • The digital voice recorder used by both Malvo and Muhammad to make extortion demands;
  • A laptop stolen from one of the victims containing maps of the shooting sites and getaway routes from some of the crime scenes; and
  • Maps, walkie-talkies, and many more items.

I worked in DC at the time and took public transit every morning during these several weeks.

In August, A Maryland court ordered Malvo, now 37, resentenced.

CAIR Took An Interest In Kyle Rittenhouse

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Dean Weingarten.

About the same time as Kyle turned himself into the police on 26 August, CAIR Chicago was mobilizing a political campaign urging the political powers in Kenosha to prosecute him.  They named Kyle and urged a phone and email campaign.

We know that CAIR is aligned with the Antifa/BLM insurgents in America.  But Dean told me something I didn’t know.  CAIR was actively involved in setting up the arrest and charges against Kyle.

But that should come as no surprise.  CAIR is Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood, and wants to dominate the world.  They are all terrorists.

They should have been kicked off of American soil a long time ago.  But for the petrol-dollar and the U.S. alignment with the House of Saud, a whole lot of things would have been done a long time ago.

Raz From CHAZ Is An Islamic-Supported Thug And Rape Pornographer

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

That’s quite a hero they’ve selected for themselves.

We reported yesterday that the mysterious RAZ is the new Warlord and a gun runner in CHAZ.  We also know that he is connected to the Dubai government and appears to maintain a lavish lifestyle.  He also has a studio in Seattle where he no doubt produced his films.

What we can further report today is that RAZ was the lead in the movie about a white girl being gang raped by a group of black men.  This is sick!

In the production RAZ stars in, we find aggravated and sexual assault, gang rape and murder as the key components of this work of progressive art.

In the movie, RAZ is the lead role as a gansta.  He meets a young white girl at this place at a party.  The party quickly turns into a sexual assault.

The victim is choked, tries to resist, gets punched in the face and passes out.

The passed out victim is then carried to the bedroom where she is repeatedly gang raped.

Then comes a disagreement and a shootout.  Yes, and RAZ is confirmed as the lead character.

He’s not a lone actor.  He has support.

Raz somehow received a grant for $82,000 from the city of Seattle to open his own studio in a building he purchased with another loan.

And Raz owns multiple luxury cars, including a Tesla, a BMW and a Jaguar XJ.

He also owns some prime real estate and rental properties.

He owns the RAZ fashion line, the Aurora Smoke Shop, a social club called “The Spot”, the Black Umbrella Corporation.  All this came from funding in sweetheart deals.

Raz’s public relations team has done a lot of work to portray Raz as a gangsta’.  Oliver Darcy from CNN has helped him in shaping his image.

Finally, and most importantly, Raz is connected to Islamists.  He is involved in the manifesto, Washington State – the first black Muslim independent state.  He also is being sponsored and has been hosted by the Dubai government.  Raz’s anti-white and anti-America rants are supported.  He also has been spotted attending the Sheik Zayed mosque.

So he has not only support, but Islamist ties.  Is anyone really surprised by any of this?

Truth, CAIR And Islam At The U.S. Army War College

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 11 months ago

Raymond Ibrahim writing at PJM.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (“CAIR”)—also known as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the largest terrorist funding case in U.S. history and a designated “terrorist organization” for nations allied to America—is again vehemently protesting my forthcoming appearance at the U.S. Army War College, urging the latter to “reconsider its decision and disinvite Ibrahim,” since my lecture will no doubt be “hypocritical, ahistorical and hateful.”

[ … ]

For the record, my lecture will revolve around my book, per the War College’s request—hence why CAIR regularly targets it. As such, here one must ask: if the book’s findings are so “unsubstantiated,” why does CAIR fear it so much? Does CAIR have such a low opinion of the intellectual capacity of the U.S. Army War College and its students, as to expect them to believe anything they are told, without adequate evidence?

[ … ]

… to reiterate my supposedly self-incriminating words—Islamic terrorism and extremism are intrinsic to Islam, and have been from its first contact with Western civilization in the seventh century.

This is of course a true statement.  CAIR fears the truth, or a better way of saying it is that the only thing Muslims consider truth is what promulgates and benefits Sharia.  Raymond’s lectures won’t do that, despite being true.  Do you see the distinction?

This is a good time for readers to recall my run-in with Professor Steve Metz at the U.S. Army War College.  He is blithely indifferent to any of this except to call truth-tellers full of hate, and he compares Sharia with “Boy Scout law.”  We should be worried about “creeping Boy Scout law.”

As for the intelligence level of most U.S. military officers today, I wouldn’t be so sanguine as Raymond.  They’ve been trained their whole lives to listen to their Marxist professors and to hate America.  Raymond may have a big job on his hands and get some pushback.  I hope he expects it and is prepared for it.

The History Of Islam

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago

This is well worth the time it takes to watch it.  If you still have a mushy head on these issues, John will fix that.

“Break The Cross,” The Jihadists Shout!

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 8 months ago

Raymond Ibrahim.

A 37-year-old Muslim migrant in Rome was recently arrested for homicide after he stabbed a Christian man in the throat for wearing a crucifix around his neck. “Religious hate” is cited as an “aggravating factor” in the crime.

To be sure, this is hardly the first “religious hate” crime to occur in the context of the cross in Italy. Among others,

  • A Muslim boy of African origin picked on, insulted, and eventually beat a 12-year-old girl during school because she too was wearing a crucifix.
  • A Muslim migrant invaded an old church in Venice and attacked its large, 300-year-old cross, breaking off one of its arms, while shouting, “All that is in a church is false!”
  • After a crucifix was destroyed in close proximity to a populated mosque, the area’s mayor said concerning the identity of the culprit(s): “Before we put a show of unity with Muslims, let’s have them begin by respecting our civilization and our culture.”

The fact is, Islamic hostility to the cross is an unwavering phenomenon—one that crosses continents and centuries; one that is very much indicative of Islam’s innate hostility to Christianity.

For starters, not only is the cross the quintessential symbol of Christianity—for all denominations, including most forms of otherwise iconoclastic Protestantism—but it symbolizes the fundamental disagreement between Christians and Muslims. As Professor Sidney Griffith explains, “The cross and the icons publicly declared those very points of Christian faith which the Koran, in the Muslim view, explicitly denied: that Christ was the Son of God and that he died on the cross.” Accordingly, “the Christian practice of venerating the cross … often aroused the disdain of Muslims,” so that from the start of the Muslim conquests of Christian lands there was an ongoing “campaign to erase the public symbols of Christianity, especially the previously ubiquitous sign of the cross.”

This “campaign” traces back to the Muslim prophet Muhammad. He reportedly “had such a repugnance to the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with its figure upon it,” wrote one historian (Sword and Scimitar, p. 10). Muhammad also claimed that at the end times Jesus (the Muslim ‘Isa) himself would make it a point to “break the cross.”

Modern day Muslim clerics confirm this. When asked about Islam’s ruling on whether any person—in this case, Christians—is permitted to wear or pray before the cross, Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Tarifi, a Saudi expert on Islamic law, said, “Under no circumstances is a human permitted to wear the cross” nor “is anyone permitted to pray to the cross.” Why? “Because the prophet—peace and blessings on him—commanded the breaking of it [the cross].”

There is much more.  He documents many more recent instances of violence against Christians.

But for most American Christians, believers in the premillennial rapture, they will be swept out before any real persecution begins, directly contrary to the balance of history which shows that Christians always live through the mess around them.  Such belief also underscores the silly notion that the Bible was written for Americans, who believe that if they aren’t being persecuted, then it must not be happening.  Tell that to the Christians raped and beheaded in Mesopotamia by the Muslims there.

But where are the Muslims in America, you ask?  To which I reply, are you alive and looking around you?  Do you know what’s happening in the prisons of America as an incubator for Islam?  Do the folks in South Carolina know there is an Islamic settlement, courtesy of the FedGov, in the Upstate region near Spartanburg?  Do you know that this is duplicated all over America, out to Boise and Twin Falls?

Arm up and train up.  You’re next on their list if you are a “cross worshipper” (by which they mean Christian).  Drop those notions that Jesus was a Bohemian, peacenik, hippie, flower child, pacifist).  Your family is counting on you.

Border Rancher: “We’ve Found Prayer Rugs Out Here”

BY Herschel Smith
6 years ago

Washington Examiner:

Ranchers and farmers near the U.S.-Mexico border have been finding prayer rugs on their properties in recent months, according to one rancher who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation by cartels who move the individuals.

The mats are pieces of carpet that those of the Muslim faith kneel on as they worship.

“There’s a lot of people coming in not just from Mexico,” the rancher said. “People, the general public, just don’t get the terrorist threats of that. That’s what’s really scary. You don’t know what’s coming across. We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal. It’s not just Mexican nationals that are coming across.”

[ … ]

Border Patrol and its parent agency, Customs and Border Protection, did not respond to multiple interview requests. But CBP’s Arizona region issued a statement on Twitter Wednesday that said agents had arrested people from across the world over the past five days.

Did you catch the bolded part? (Bold mine).

But doesn’t it all make you feel warm inside knowing that they “Come for love?”  David Codrea has related thoughts, surely correct.

On a related note, the Middle East Forum sent a note out saying this.

The Middle East Forum has learned that New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy will conduct a State of the State town hall event at the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC) in northern New Jersey tonight—a mosque with a long history of pro-Hamas leadership.

The ICPC’s current imam, Mohammad Qatanani, has terrorist connections galore: His own lawyer admits that he was a member of the student chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, and the N.J. Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness identifies Qatanani as a Hamas supporter. Qatanani is currently fighting deportation on the grounds that he lied to federal officials about his Israeli conviction for membership Hamas.

This is the man who recently signed six gun control bills into law.  He’s willing to buddy-up with terrorists, but he wants to disarm peaceable men and women.

A Bleak Look At Children Training For Jihad

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 2 months ago

News from Syria:

He said he is still haunted by several scenes in his film, notably the one with the children playing with the makeshift bomb.

In another scene, one of the children proudly boasts to Abu Osama — which means father of Osama in Arabic — about killing a little bird.

“We put his head down and cut it off, like how you did it, father, to that man,” the boy proclaims.

The bombed-out desert landscape that the family calls home and the fact that the family’s women are never shown or even heard adds to the sense of despair throughout the film.

This isn’t an aberration.

… nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

This poll was taken of Muslims in America.  Not Syria.  Ponder those things within the context of the facts that [a] you are made in God’s image, [b] God will not suffer His image to be marred, and thus [c] He has decreed that you must defend yourselves and your loved ones and neighbors because of [a] and [b].

Oh and by the way, wherever you are, you don’t live too far from a U.S.-sanctioned, U.S.-supported, and U.S.-funded settlement for Muslims.

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