Archive for the 'Pizzagate' Category

James Woods On John “Skippy” Podesta

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago

James Woods.


Oh nice.  Two important hash tags there in a single entry.  It looks like someone has been reading Voat, yes?

As for Podesta, is someone getting ready to throw you under the bus, Skippy?  Are you scared?  I’m not.

Why Is The Deep State Worried?

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 12 months ago

Matt Bracken sends this along.  Gates of Vienna:

Whence, then, comes the hatred? Left-wing ideology — specifically gender-driven left-wing ideology — is certainly behind a lot of it. The protesters and the media are not so much worried about loss of welfare benefits or any other economic issue as they are about abortion and LGBT ‘rights’ — which they fear will be eroded under Trump. A recent article by Gavin McInnis, entitled “Normalizing Degeneracy” has pointed out that several of the organizers of anti-Trump demonstrations have convictions for pedophile offences. In McInnis’ opinion, these and many others of Trump’s opponents wish to continue the cultural revolution ongoing under the Obama administration, tear down the last vestiges of Christian morality, and legalize all forms of deviance, including pedophilia.

I believe that McInnis is right; that most of the opposition to Trump has nothing whatsoever to do with traditional left-wing concerns, such as working-class poverty, and is almost entirely driven by sexual and sex-related issues. His opponents fear losing the culture-war gains they made under Obama. However, I would suggest that many members of the establishment have, in addition, something very personal to fear from the Trump administration: For it would appear that some of America’s most powerful people have been involved in activities which if brought into the public forum would utterly destroy them, not only professionally, but also personally.

Regular readers know exactly what the deep state is worried about.

Pizzagate: The Battle Continues

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

I haven’t been posting much on Pizzagate lately, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t developments.  Make sure to check out Voat to stay abreast of developments.  Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye.  As always, I point you to the researchers who are doing the work.  I only relay the things that float to the top.

This voat thread lists and links most of the suspicious emails leaked that relate to Pizzagate.  This is useful.

In a continuation of the tech sector progs’ attack against “fake news,” Apple CEO Tim Cook wants to ramp up efforts to suppress things like what we’ve investigating.  The author, April Glaser, says this.

Remember Pizzagate? It was a completely false story that went viral on Facebook late last year that linked Hillary Clinton to a child sex ring run out of pizzeria in Washington D.C.

Prove it, April.  I dare you.  You’ve said a mouthful, to wit, “completely false.”  Prove that our claims are completely false. Go ahead.  I can be reached at my contact page.  Give me your proof.

Human trafficking is funding ISIS in North Africa.  I have no doubt, and this runs consistent with what we’ve learning from George Webb.  But this is a difficult discussion thread without any executive summary for novice readers.  I think most of my readers aren’t novice readers.

This analysis, using metadata, analyzes whether The Washington Post was “in on” the deletion of the Pizzagate subreddit.  Folks, I have to say that the evidence is not just convincing, it’s overwhelming.  Queue up another one for the MSM.

This discussion thread documents how an individual found CP on the Comet Pizza web site, turned it over to the DC police, and is now being followed by and harassed by a band of stalkers.  Now let me make it clear.  I understand those who remain anonymous, but I choose not to.  Why is it that these thugs always go after people who cannot defend themselves (viz. DC gun laws) and try to ban those who work in the shadows to discover the truth?  Oh, perhaps it’s that thing of Herschel’s Dictum.  You know.  A .45 ACP 230-grain fat boy and how useful it is.  Note to the band of thugs following this researcher.  You don’t scare me in the least.

Ryan Zimmerman has done a very good job of giving a rundown of not only the background but also the updates to Pizzagate.  It’s worth your time.

Finally, take note again how frantic their efforts are at trying to bury this.  As if you needed any other evidence as to the moral perfidity of the MSM, their burying the investigation on Pizzagate is the pinnacle of their achievements, the capstone of their careers in subterfuge and lies.  May they spend sleepless nights hearing the screams of the little ones and haunted days looking over their shoulder for the day of judgment.

Death to the pedophiles.  Eternal death.


Connection Between Bill Clinton And Child Trafficker Laura Sislby

Pizzagate Censorship

Pizzagate XVI

Pizzagate XV

Planeload of FBI Agents Sent To Iceland To Frame Julian Assange

Pizzagate XIII: Who Really Leaked The DNC And Podesta EMails To Wikileaks?

Pizzagate XII

Pizzagate XI

Pizzagate X

Pizzagate IX

Pizzagate VIII

Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Connection Between Bill Clinton And Child Trafficker Laura Silsby

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

I don’t claim to do original research on this topic, as there are good folks at who are doing much better than I ever could, and besides, they have the right computer security to do this sort of thing – serious computer security.  I don’t.  But as I’ve stated, my job is to find the stuff that floats to the top, connect the dots, and then tell you about it.

This one floated to the top very, very quickly and is being heralded as the most significant find in a long time in this investigation.  I’m going to repost much of the original Voat post below, and you can visit the site yourself to see the comments and any further research.  There’s a lot of it.  I must say how stunning it is to see the massive amount of data and information these guys and girls have processed, and the incredibly good job of analysis they’ve done.

No one at the MSM is qualified or talented enough to do this, and I doubt whether anyone at the FBI or CIA has the chops or stomach for it.  The citizen researchers are doing what no one else can, and what no one else knows how to do.  This is a stunning find.

We were all shocked when we found out that alleged child-trafficker James Alefantis was connected with Friends of the Orphans, the orphanage which convicted child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from. The Silsby case is riddled with mysteries and inconsistencies. Many questions remain unanswered, and it wasn’t until the Wikileaks emails were released that we discovered how the Clintons had intervened in the Silsby case. The question was, why? We may have found the answer to that.

According to a blog written by Robin Forestal, a staff member at NPH, Bill Clinton had planned a private visit to Friends of the Orphans, the orphanage that child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from, two months prior to the Earthquake. We derived this date by comparing the photo’s filenames with other documented times (filename P1180312.jpg in relation to P1180452.JPG, which was taken on Thanksgivings). Alongside a photo of Molly Hightower and Erin Kloos of Friends of the Orphans, two volunteers who died from the orphanage’s collapse during the Earthquake, Forestal wrote:

“This is Erin and Molly on their way to see Bill Clinton at one of our street schools. This is Erin and Molly afterwards – he didn’t show up.”

This is evidence that Bill Clinton, who is famous for boarding the Lolita Express 26 times, is connected with Friends of the Orphans. No information is available regarding Bill Clinton’s visit to Haiti between November-December, while his last documented visit was during October. This points to the theory that Bill Clinton has personal connections with someone within Friends of the Orphans. To top it off, it was scheduled a few days prior to Thanksgivings, and a month prior to Laura Silsby’s initial visit to Haiti. Private matters?

This may explain why there was no investigation done into the orphanage in question, nor any statements made by a representative of the orphanage, and also why Laura Silsby was let off so easily. After all, as a reputable orphanage, wouldn’t you want to clear any misunderstandings? Because the spotlight was shone at Laura Silsby, the surrounding suspicions were buried. It was a Freudian slip by Jorge Puello, wanted child-trafficker who had represented Silsby as a lawyer in a Fox News interview, that revealed this connection.

Laura Silsby had attempted to traffic children twice, and was arrested on her second attempt at the Dominican border with 33 children. These 33 children had parents, and were gathered at Calabasse by pastor Jean Sainvil, who fled the country the day after Silsby was arrested. It was the first attempt where Friends of the Orphans came to play, when Silsby was caught trying to load a different group of 40 children onto the bus in Petionville, which is where the collapsed building of Friends of the Orphans was located, after a concerned citizen had reported to a police officer of suspicious activity.

The day after he met Silsby, Sainvil collected the 13 children from Citron. A day after that, the missionaries” bus was halted at the Dominican border and they were arrested. Sainvil, meanwhile, became sick with “vomiting and diarrhea” and decided to fly back to the U.S. on a military transport plane, he said.

“The officer said he discovered Silsby and the nine other Americans on a bus in Port-au-Prince’s Pétionville neighborhood after receiving a tip from a concerned citizen.”

Molly Hightower, 22, was on the fifth floor of a seven-story orphanage building in Petionville when it collapsed, the organization that runs the orphanage told her father Mike Hightower of Port Orchard.

PUELLO: There was an orphanage that collapsed in Haiti. It was called friends of the orphans of Haiti. And there was somebody over there that told them that the orphans had no place, no room to place them.

To clarify for any skeptics who believe this could have been a coincidence or a lie from Jorge Puello. Aside from the fact that there are around 760 orphanages in Haiti, the reason this cannot be a fabrication is because the name of the orphanage which Jorge Puello used was its English variant, “Friends of the Orphans”, which Puello could not have known unless he was told. This is because the orphanage is known in Haiti as Nos Petits Freres et Soeurs, which translates to “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”, and not “Friends of the Orphans”. The staff call it NPFS, and not even the signs outside of the building writes “Friends of the Orphans”. It’s simply not plausible.

Molly Mackenzie Hightower graduated from the University of Portland last year. Unlike many of her peers who chose to pursue a career post graduation, Hightower flew out to Haiti in June for a year of volunteering with Friends of the Orphans, which operates Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos/Nos Petit Freres et Soeurs (NPH/NPFS, Spanish and French for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) in Haiti.

What’s the point of all of this if you don’t have the time to do all of this research and reading?  As stated by one commenter, here is the point.

So the Clintons had ties to the Silsby kidnapping racktet before the missionaries were arrested? You don’t say.

Here I was reading in all MSM that Clinton had no ties to Silsby whatsoever.

She only intervened because Jim Allen, a self-employed construction worker from Texas, wrote to her via his high-powered lawyers Reginald Brown and Jennifer O’Connor. The former a high-end DC lawyer at a prestigious firm, the latter a former ‘senior Clinton Administration aide’.

So instead of Silsby cs., this ordinary construction worker from Texas – not Idaho, mind – acquires the best defensive team ever assembled in an international case:

Brown says the group has assembled what he called a “dream team” for Allen that now includes Wilmer government affairs partner Benjamin Powell; Jackson Walker associate Amanda Bush and Mullin Hoard & Brown’s Jeffrey Ritter in Amarillo; Liberty Legal’s Hiram Sasser; and local counsel Louis Gary Lissade in Port au Prince. (Lissade is a former minister of justice and two-time president of the Haitian Bar Association; Bush is married to former President George W. Bush’s eldest nephew, George P. Bush; and Powell is the former general counsel for the Director of National Intelligence under Presidents Bush and Obama.)

Indeed.  A whole lot of high powered people got very spun up over some child trafficker who wasn’t anything to anyone, yes?  ZeroHedge posted on this very topic today.  But she was someone to someone, in fact, someone who is “special.”

In this post, the researchers have quite literally tracked down where the children came from, and performed the counting necessary to understand where she got her children in Haiti.

The MSM continues to beclown itself following the size of the inauguration crowds, what folks were wearing that day, and how everyone was looking at everyone else.  By God – look at that facial expression!  Meanwhile, people who are honest and capable are doing the job the MSM won’t do.

They should shut down every journalism school in America and restart the schools with these researchers leading them.  At least then we could be assured that something good would actually come out of investigative journalism.  Investigative journalism has perished in America except for people who are not being paid to do it.


#Pizzagate Censorship

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago


You can still get to the FB post itself, but it looks like you have to have the direct link in order to see it.

Color me surprised… /s

EDIT: Ben’s reposted it to his feed, so it’s back for now. One small victory (for now) for truth, one giant leap for saving the kids? Time will tell.

[ … ]

Just confirmed all shares linked to the story posted by my fb friends have been removed from their timelines as well.

Biggest coverup I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.

And from the comments, “Have fun in hell Zuckerberg,” and “They must be in full blown panic mode. Full Blown. Fry, you bastards.”

Ben has to keep resharing the video because Facebook is censoring it.  Probably something to do with “fake news” according to the masters at Facebook.

Oh, Zuckerberg won’t be having fun in hell.  He’ll be in a lot of pain, I believe it’s variously called “outer darkness” and “lake of fire.”

Pizzagate XVI

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

It’s difficult to be patient.  It’s hard to wait and let stories develop.  It’s hard work to investigate and vet sources.  But just occasionally it’s both gratifying and amusing to be a part of things like this, albeit small on my part.

Watching the developments over the last couple of days brought a smile to my face and made me glad to be alive and able to appreciate what I’ve seen.  The MSM has absolutely self destructed, little progressive heads have exploded all over the place, and it’s wonderful to sit back and observe the festivities over something so allegedly fake and fabricated as #Pizzagate.

But first things first.  This began months ago when a journalist named Ben Swann began studying #Pizzagate, I’m sure using the sources found by the citizen investigators.  He did a fairly short presentation for CBS46 in Atlanta on Pizzagate.  By my estimation it was fairly benign and moderate, but he was certainly honest and careful.  It was a good piece of investigative journalism making use of the discoveries by the citizen investigators.  Here it is.

Queue the fireworks and exploding progressive heads.  It was the first MSM piece that didn’t claim to “debunk” Pizzagate, but rather, gave it an honest hearing.  That cannot be allowed among the rank and file.  The attacks started and will continue for some time I’m sure.

First, YouTube began suppressing search results for Ben.  Within not too many hours of the presentation, too short a time to craft anything meaningful in reply, the attacks started.  Huffington Post, Media Matters, The Daily Beast, Gizmodo and The Washington Post all jumped on Ben Swann with hit pieces like he was ending journalism as they knew it.

Further, Ben Swann articles were scrubbed from reddit, and the most interesting thing of all is that we’ve learned that CBS46 took down their post of the video.  Here is a phone call where they admit it.

A “URL problem.”  This is priceless.  Above I said that the hit pieces were crafted like Ben Swann had ended journalism as they all know it.  Of course, that isn’t what happened.  That occurred long before now at the hands of the MSM.  No one cares about them anymore, so their own “get thee to thy fainting couch” reactions over their lost credibility are wasted effort.

But ironically, if it’s ever to be rebuilt, it will have to be with people like Ben Swann.  Let me interpret for you what’s happened.  There are those true believers in the “big state,” those “journalists” who believe that the government can do no wrong, who believe that the progressives have the correct vision for the world and that a monopoly of force should and must be used to enforce that vision.  They will never believe that anything nefarious could occur.  The state is righteous by definition.

This is a point of interest for my oldest son, Joshua, who quips from time to time about how the old conservatives and liberals have swapped places.  Not the neo-cons, many of whom are in bed with the progressives, but the conservatives like me – those who believe that government must have checks and balances and that the best government is the smallest and least intrusive government.

I’m not so sure that we’ve actually swapped places like he thinks, as the hippie movement always had statism at its core, it was just that they weren’t in power and others were.  Besides, neocons aren’t really conservatives anyway.  What we’re watching now is the logical consequence and necessary outcome of the Bohemian flower child generation.  These are the children of the hippies, both literally and ideologically.

But there is a second category of “journalists” who lament Ben Swann’s presentation, and they’re are the most interesting to me.  Years ago when my son Daniel was in the Marines and I was a military blogger, I wrote a story on their operations entirely from email communications with Lt. Col. William Mullen (now Brigadier General).  I couldn’t do it any other way.  I tried to go to Iraq and report on his battalion, but I started too late and the funds weren’t there.  I added some of what I knew without my conversations with Mullen, and it turned into a decent article.  Not great, perhaps not even really good, but decent.  Decent enough to publish, and that’s about it.

A friend named Bill Ardolino, who was a legitimate combat reporter, wrote me with both congratulations and lamentations.  He liked the piece and congratulated me for getting the story.  He lamented the fact that he considered it “his story” that I scooped.  Half jokingly, but still, I could tell that he had wanted to write what I had written.

Bill went on to write a much better report from Fallujah in 2007 than I did, so I didn’t really scoop him.  But here’s the thing.  Ben Swann really did scoop the rest of the MSM put together.  They are rattling their cages, chomping at the bits, barking at the walkers, or however you want to put it, waiting for the government – there’s that notion again of government omniscience – to tell them it’s okay to write about it because charges are coming down, or investigations are underway, or court dates have been set.

The editors are holding them back.  Investigative journalism is over in America.  All of the moral preening in the “journalism” community, all of the pining away for how things used to be, all of the time spent in journalism classrooms, is all just so much flotsam and jetsam.  It’s just all irrelevant, and no one outside of their little circle of self righteous watchers cares.  The watchers have turned into talking heads and pundits who interpret official talking points for the masses, nothing more.

Citizen investigators are beating everyone to the punch, and we finally see a courageous journalist who dares to go out and speak truth to power, and lo and behold, it’s not his detractors who did the piece.  Outrage!  Ben got their scoop, and they’re pissed about it.  He was first out of the gate, and so he must be censored, even by his own station.

The MSM sucks, and it doesn’t just suck, but it sucks really, really badly.  It’s worse than totally worthless.  It has a deleterious affect on the culture.  I work around many people every day, and I’m sure readers do as well, whose initial reaction to anything the MSM writes is either to ignore it or believe exactly the opposite simply because the MSM said it – not just conservatives, but everyone.  If fake news is a problem, it begins and ends with the MSM.  I’m not sure it’s possible for the collective community to recover, but if it stands any chance, doing what they did to Ben Swann is diametrically opposed to what they should be doing.  Their instincts are so bad I’m disinclined to believe that they can ever recover.


Pizzagate XV

Planeload of FBI Agents Sent To Iceland To Frame Julian Assange

Pizzagate XIII: Who Really Leaked The DNC And Podesta EMails To Wikileaks?

Pizzagate XII

Pizzagate XI

Pizzagate X

Pizzagate IX

Pizzagate VIII

Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate XV

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 1 month ago

The researchers at Voat have connected James Alefantis with convicted child trafficker Laura Silsby.  There is also another very shadowy and nefarious character named Michael Maccoby who apparently got his panties in a wad when the neighborhood association tried to shut down Comet Ping Pong for “soliciting rapes and murders.”  Somehow I have a feeling this guy will show up later in the investigation.

The Hampstead coverup is something you should know about.

Finally, this videographer is trying to persuade you to care enough to send political correctness packing in order to avoid what has happened in the U.K.  Muslim child rape gangs, all known about, and all allowed to continue.


Planeload of FBI Agents Sent To Iceland To Frame Julian Assange

Pizzagate XIII: Who Really Leaked The DNC And Podesta EMails To Wikileaks?

Pizzagate XII

Pizzagate XI

Pizzagate X

Pizzagate IX

Pizzagate VIII

Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate Tags:

“Planeload” Of FBI Agents Sent To Iceland To Frame Julian Assange

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 1 month ago

Ögmundur Jónasson, previously an Icelandic minister, became aware of an illegal framing attempt on the part of the U.S. government.  Here he is in his own words.

You are “the minister” who refused to cooperate with the FBI because you suspected their agents on mission in Iceland were trying to frame Julian Assange. Do you confirm this?

Yes. What happened was that in June 2011, US authorities made some approaches to us indicating they had knowledge of hackers wanting to destroy software systems in Iceland. I was a minister at the time. They offered help. I was suspicious, well aware that a helping hand might easily become a manipulating hand!

Later in the summer, in August, they sent a planeload of FBI agents to Iceland seeking our cooperation in what I understood as an operation set up to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

Since they had not been authorised by the Icelandic authorities to carry out police work in Iceland and since a crack-down on WikiLeaks was not on my agenda, to say the least, I ordered that all cooperation with them be promptly terminated and I also made it clear that they should cease all activities in Iceland immediately.

It was also made clear to them that they were to leave the country. They were unable to get permission to operate in Iceland as police agents, but I believe they went to other countries, at least to Denmark. I also made it clear at the time that if I had to take sides with either WikiLeaks or the FBI or CIA, I would have no difficulty in choosing: I would be on the side of WikiLeaks.

This was published on December 7, 2016.  None of this is surprising.  But ask yourself about the notion of “fake news,” what the American MSM is telling you, and whether you heard this before?

The most probable answers are as follows: The American MSM is the undisputed king of fake news, and no you didn’t hear about this before.  But remember boys and girls, Google thinks web sites like this one are “fake news,” and shill Mark Zuckerberg is going to use … wait, don’t laugh … Snopes … to “fact check” news and label it as fake if they deem appropriate.

This is the largest disinformation and propaganda campaign in American history, with the U.S. government, Facebook, Google, and the MSM on one side, and you on the other.  You understand that, right?  The target is you.

Pizzagate XIII: Who Really Leaked The DNC And Podesta EMails To Wikileaks?

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

There were multiple email dumps to Wikileaks, in at least two broad categories, first the DNC email cache and then the Podesta email cache (not all released at the same time).  It’s easy to conflate the two, and that may be some of the recent confusion over who really leaked the emails to Wikileaks.

So let’s start with William Binney.  It has been speculated that the NSA or someone in the intelligence community leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks, and that they have all of them.  I say speculated because I believe that Binney is fairly far removed from current activity within the intelligence community.  Nonetheless, he’s probably right about the NSA having all of the emails.  Here we are talking about the emails appurtenant to the DNC.

More recently, Judge Andrew Napolitano claimed that members of the “American intelligence community” (whatever that is) leaked the emails to Wikileaks.

The CIA and FBI examined the exact same data that was produced for them by the NSA. The CIA analysts said the Russians are behind this. The FBI analysts said there is no evidence that the Russians are behind this. We do know this was leaking. This was not hacking. Leaking is the unauthorized exposure of something to a person to whom it wasn’t intended. Hacking is th altering of an operational system… You can’t affect the outcome of the election if you hack Clinton and the DNC. You can affect the outcome of an election if you affect those who register the voters or count the voters.

There is NO EVIDENCE that this was done by the Russians. But there is evidence for this. Who was harmed by Mrs. Clinton’s extremely careless use of state secrets? Whose agents’ lives were jeopardized by her failure to keep these state secrets? The American intelligence community. It is more likely than not that members of the American intelligence community leaked this to Julian Assange than that the Russians did… The suggestion comes from members of the intelligence community.

Well of course the Russians didn’t do it.  But the question for the Judge is this – are you being trolled by someone inside the NSA/CIA/FBI/DIA?

There is also this from someone who should be a very reliable source.

A Wikileaks envoy today claims he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C. after they were leaked by ‘disgusted’ whisteblowers – and not hacked by Russia.

Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, told that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September.


‘Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,’ said Murray in an interview with on Tuesday. ‘The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.’

His account contradicts directly the version of how thousands of Democratic emails were published before the election being advanced by U.S. intelligence.

But Murray insisted that the DNC and Podesta emails published by Wikileaks did not come from the Russians, and were given to the whistleblowing group by Americans who had authorized access to the information.

‘Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,’  Murray said. ‘The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.’

He said the leakers were motivated by ‘disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.’

Murray said he retrieved the package from a source during a clandestine meeting in a wooded area near American University, in northwest D.C. He said the individual he met with was not the original person who obtained the information, but an intermediary.

[ … ]

‘I don’t understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn’t true,’ he said. ‘Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.’

Because the CIA is comprised of professional liars.  Concerning this last report, among the citizen researchers it is taken as an article of faith that Seth Rich is the source of the email leak, and he was killed for it.  But there is a wrinkle in the fabric.  It is this email from John Podesta.


Date: 2015-03-08 19:48 Subject: Re: Tweet from @JoeNBC

Eric Braverman was the CEO Chelsea Clinton hired to “clean up” The Clinton Foundation, and his last tweet was October 12th.  He hasn’t been seen or heard from since then.

This last wrinkle makes a mess of the narrative, because it’s possible that Eric Braverman is the source of some of the emails concerning TCF.  It has been speculated (and even hinted) that he is in the custody of Federal Marshalls in the witness protection program.

We may never know exactly how this all transpired.  But suffice it to say that the narrative that seems most likely is that someone with legal, insider information leaked the emails to Wikileaks.  No one who is reputable is suggesting otherwise, and the CIA’s claim that the Russians did it is farcical.

And just to keep you up to date on the recent finds of the citizen researchers at Voat, here is a video of the pedophile rings in France and the depths and breadths to which it extends.  It’s sickening listening, but nonetheless necessary if you want to be informed.


Pizzagate XII

Pizzagate XI

Pizzagate X

Pizzagate IX

Pizzagate VIII

Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate XII: Formation Of The Government Narrative

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

There has been a lot found over the last week or so concerning #Pizzagate.  To begin with, watch this video, or if you don’t want to, read the transcript of what she says.  She is wife of a Mafioso, and she says that the royals and politicians are killing and raping children for “fun.”

Did you read the transcript?  Make sure you do.  This isn’t fake news, it’s just news you won’t be told by the U.S. government or the MSM.  The American MSM traffics in fake news.  I do not.  Here is another report.

Next up, the Washington Post, NYT (this link works too) and ABC News have all scrubbed the news report of Norway’s pedophile ring bust.  It was initiated by an AP report, and it’s accurate.  Norway isn’t denying it, and it won’t go away.  In all, 150 Terabytes of data and information was seized.

So what is the MSM in America is trying to cover up?  Is there a connection to TCF?  What is it that the MSM doesn’t want you to know?  How far does this go, and how widely across the isle do the fingers point?

Meanwhile, you’ve see the narrative developing all around you in dealing with all of this.  First, trot out some CIA shills to say that Russia was meddling in the affairs of America.  Unnamed people, saying things using unnamed sources, of course.  Next, claim that any porn or CP found on computers is a Russian plant.  Next, quickly and silently pass the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act.  Next, trot out Senator John McCain to say that he cannot believe that Trump doesn’t believe all of this.

Well, Trump says he doesn’t believe it, Kellyanne Conway calls it laughable and ridiculous (which it is), and apparently Trump won’t attend any briefings with the CIA.  I wouldn’t either.

As to the role of the various governmental organizations is all of this, when I read analyses weeks ago that asserted that there’s a war going on between the old guard CIA and the FBI / NSA, I initially dismissed those analyses.  I’m beginning to believe that there is something to all of that.

As to whether Russia tried to hack computer systems, of course they did.  And we do too.  And China does too.  And so does the Mossad.  Folks, I work for a large corporation, and during conversation with a corporate executive several months ago I was told that my company is the target of hundreds of thousands of hack attempts per month, some by governmental organizations.  If you work for a large corporation, your company is a target too.  Deal with it.

That’s not what’s happening here.  Look past the smoke and mirrors and understand that a narrative is being set in place to deal with the fallout of #Pizzagate, one that 90% of America will suck down in a second, and go back to wearing stupid costumes and cheering for their favorite band of criminals on Sunday.  If you can’t see the narrative developing, you’re in denial or you’re stolid.  The rest of you who understand what’s going on are in a war, whether you want to be or not.

The American MSM is kooky and unhinged.  David Seaman has it right.


Pizzagate XI

Pizzagate X

Pizzagate IX

Pizzagate VIII

Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


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