Trump Assassination Attempt: More Than One Weapon, More Than One Shooting Distance
BY Herschel Smith
I’m not going to get too far into the theories yet about everything else associated with the ugly event that unfolded a few days ago, but I have always followed some basic rules for thought. Among the most basic is the need for consistency. I don’t believe narratives – I believe data. After all, I’m an engineer.
There is an idiot writing for Slate named Myke Cole who penned a commentary titled “Was Thomas Crooks a Good Shot? He Didn’t Need to be.” I’ll let you go read the article for yourself, but there are a number of false statements such as the lack of recoil of the AR-15 being good for not jolting the rifle out of position. Specifically, he states “My experience shooting my M4 was that it was incredibly stable, aptly counteracting the recoil that throws shots off.”
Recoil doesn’t throw a shot off. Recoil may make it more difficult to regain sight picture, but it doesn’t throw a shot off. The bullet has long left the barrel before the shooter’s shoulder moves backwards from recoil (or before, say, a bolt action gun rotates about the pivot point and the barrel moves up).
Furthermore, thank goodness the shooter was using a crappy AR-15 build rather than a Tikka bolt action hunting rifle in 6.5CM, .308, Winchester .270 or 300 Win Mag. A Tikka is a << MOA rifle, whereas that crappy AR he was shooting was probably a 2-3 MOA gun.
Anyway, the narrative is apparently that this shooter was so bad that he was thrown off the shooting team in school for being dangerous, but so good because of using an AR-15 that he could take a single cold bore shot and come within 1 MOA of killing the president (without him turning his head), but then so bad (and here is the real rub for me) that a man on the very back row of the bleachers to Trump’s very left (looking at the stage) was shot and killed. That poor man was a long, long ways from Trump.
If something is inconsistent, it cannot be true. Remember what I said about having rules for my life? I don’t believe things that are inconsistent. This had bothered me since the shooting. I never accepted that we know the full story, and we may never know the full story. But there is a reason that man on the back row of the bleachers perished that day, and it wasn’t because the shooter was good, or bad, or so good, or so bad, or was using an AR-15.
There is much more to this story, and you know it. We all know it, the FedGov knows that we know it, and they can’t make up lies fast enough to cover this up. Trump’s team never requested more SS protection. But oops, now that we’re being investigated, we regret to inform you that we lied and maybe they really did request more SS assets. So sorry.
The Secret Service, after initially denying turning down requests for additional security, is now acknowledging some may have been rejected.
Now acknowledging means we lied and we want to cover that up as some sort of confusion before the investigation castigates us. But now, on to the things I have concluded thus far that make some sense of the poor man in the last row of the bleachers being shot.
Eleven shots were fired that day. Not 6, not 7, not 8, not 9, not 10, but eleven shots. Eleven shots were fired that day. It would be interesting to have examined the weapon the shooter used, and to recover the bullets he shot if possible, and mostly to have recovered the spent brass from the roof. But as local LEOs pressure washed the roof that very day, we will never know. Someone knows, but not us. Not you and me. I doubt there were eleven spent brass casings on the roof.
Next, the shots were fired at four different and distinct distances that day. Not one, not two, not three, but four different distances. What? They didn’t really think we weren’t going to analyze the audio signatures from that day? I will have to say that while not conclusive, I’m not so sure that the figure on the water tower wasn’t a human. But as of yet we don’t know. After all, while the shooter used a drone, the SS had no assets in the air.
There was an open window in the building adjacent to the roof of the building the shooter was on, and more troubling, the single image I’ve seen of the roof of the building shows the shooter’s rifle being some distance away from the shooter (I estimate 20′).
You can fill in the blanks for what we don’t know, or do know, or suspect, but we already know the things I said above. The narrative they have posited is inconsistent and thus cannot be true. There were eleven shots fired that day. Those shots were fired from at least four different distances.
There was more than one shooter (the would-be assassin) or two shooters (the would-be assassin plus the sniper team who took him out).
Prove me wrong.
On July 22, 2024 at 1:48 am, Dan said:
The only thing we can ever be certain of regarding this
event is that we will never know for certain all the details because the criminals running the FBI has already collected and buried ALL evidence that doesn’t serve the lefts agenda.
On July 22, 2024 at 2:50 am, Rick said:
Mr Guns and Gear has made probably the most accurate video I’ve seen to date. He does speak on most of the problems (created by conflicting or confusing information coming from govt) including alleged IEDs and audio analysis.
My questions are: Do we know the caliber the shooter used?
All I’ve seen is he used an AR.
Is that an AR platform (available in multiple calibers) or an AR chambered in 5.56/2.23?
I’ve seen the bad guy was not smart and a lousy shot. I’ve seen that he was very intelligent, a pretty decent shooter, and was well versed in firearms. This from a man at the Carolton (sp?) gun club. The same club used by DHS and FBI.
Yes, this level of inconsistency means it is not natural*, but manufactured by design. That points to fedgov.
*A certain amount of inconsistency is expected of early reports. This level of inconsistency is far above that, i.e. manufactured.
To that end, the SS Director is reported as saying they will curtail providing more information. My take is they haven’t gotten their story straight therefore need more time.
It will be interesting to see how the DEI Director squirms in the hearing which starts tomorrow. And will the stupid party members be satisfied with vague, evasive responses.
On July 22, 2024 at 3:45 am, Old Bill in TN said:
I see a few problems. I’m no defender of the FedGov, but this analysis of the audio presents some problems.
First the landscape. The venue was flat. Scattered in and around it are several steel-sided buildings. I can tell you from personal experience that sound does confusing things in such a landscape. Echos can be very prominent, confusing, and loud, especially at the distances we’re talking about here.
Secondly the known presence of a third LEO sniper team at the on the other side of the venue from the shooter and about the middle of the audience space (far to the front, left from Trump’s perspective). This team is reportedly armed with a 308AR of some make. They also would have had a better view of the shooter from their direction than the two rooftop teams behind Trump. Some of the signatures discussed would be consistent with rounds fired by this team. There may be some information out about this team: what weapon, how many shots fired, precise location, etc., but I’ve not seen it. Mr Guns & Gear opines that this team may have been the ones to kill the shooter, from a battlefield-eye’s judgement of the damage to the shooter’s head, and the relative calibers being used by LEOs. This is consistent with my experience.
Thirdly (and unrelated to the audio) the figure on the water tower could be other than another shooter (Perp or LEO). There’s no clear indication on the video of a firearm. Curiously, the figure is on the top of the tank. This is a singularly precarious position for a shooter. I would think an LEO team would set up on the cat walk around the girth of the tank. Also, the video shows a single figure whereas a sniper team is two people. I would suspect this to be a Observation Post. Yes, a singularly ineffective one if so, nevertheless.
Lastly (for now) I find the kind of analysis they’re attempting too difficult with the number of unknown data we already identify, aside from those we certainly haven’t identified. I impute no ill motives, just believe they’re trying to take the data available too far. A sound study of the venue, once cleared by investigators, analyzing sound from known locations and from the perspective of the original microphone might reveal much, but that will have to wait.
Old Bill in TN
On July 22, 2024 at 4:48 am, Mark Matis said:
Can you imagine how irate Hillary must be that they did not get a shooter with better aim?
She surely could have provided one or more from her “friends of Bill.”
On July 22, 2024 at 10:05 am, george 1 said:
The important thing, at least to me, is that we can be near certain that their lone wolf narrative won’t hold water. That kid’s on line footprint was completely erased. That is the tell IMO. Who can do that?
On July 22, 2024 at 10:36 am, PGF said:
How many shots were fired by the would-be assassin?
How shots were fired at him in response?
How many shots are left and where did they land?
The primary reason a Security State won’t divulge information is not that they might look bad, but they don’t want you to know how easy it would be to actually overthrow a tiny minority of incompetents.
On July 22, 2024 at 10:57 am, snuffy said:
On July 22, 2024 at 4:48 am, Mark Matis said:
Can you imagine how irate Hillary must be that they did not get a shooter with better aim?
She surely could have provided one or more from her “friends of Bill.” There was absolutely nothing wrong with his aim. He had the elevation exactly on target, along with windage. The ONLY thing that saved Trumps life was turning his head at exactly the right 25/1000 of a second. If he hadn’t, that round would have gone into his ear, and out the other side. That shot was exactly on target.
On July 22, 2024 at 11:39 am, Latigo Morgan said:
The assassin did not miss.
On July 22, 2024 at 11:50 am, xtphreak said:
Please go back and listen to his “calculations”.
I don’t disagree with his assertion that the was more than one shooter, but
he assumed 3.6 sec is twice 2.2 sec, so instead of 400 ft it was 800 ft.
I posted in the comments:
“…@12:27 he says 0.36 sec is twice 0.22 sec
It’s not.
2.2 sec x 2 = 4.4 sec
0.36 sec – 0.22 sec = 0.14 sec
0.14 /0.22 = 0.636
That’s 64% of 2.2 sec
0.36 / 0.22 = 1.636%
So, 1.64 % x 400 ft = 654.5 ft
Not 800 ft …’
Also he assumes the reports from shot 6 & shot 7 are sequential with the supersonic cracks.
I posted:
“…@ 11:30 he says are #6 & #7
Why does he assume the two reports following the two shots are sequenced as report 6 & report 7?
Shot 6 might be with the latter report, not the next report.
It might be shot 6 shot 7 report 7 shot 6.
What’s the delta time between shots 6/7 and reports 6/7?
What do those distances work out to for shot 6 and the latter report, shot 7 and the next report? …’
On July 22, 2024 at 2:41 pm, Rick said:
PGF, Thursday night I listened to two videos of the shooting. The videos were taken from two different vantage points
(one from close to the stage where Trump stood, the other from several yds further away, towards where the assassin had set up.) I played the videos at .25 normal speed. I listened with my eyes closed in order to not be distracted.
I counted three initial distinct reports. Those three sounded alike. I assume they came from the assassin.
(Chronologically, Trump reached for his ear just a fraction of a second before the 2nd report.)
After those three, there was a cavalcade of shots of different sound (like a larger caliber) and seeming to come from two separate locations. Some of those shots sounded suppressed.
On July 22, 2024 at 4:22 pm, Gospace said:
One thing we can know if they release it- how many rounds did his magazine hold? How many rounds were left in it?
Simple easy to ask and easy to answer question.
On July 22, 2024 at 4:52 pm, Joe Blow said:
Has anyone checked the book depository windows?
On July 22, 2024 at 7:10 pm, john844 said:
There IS one thing we can know for sure; it was an inside job. is written all over this; which branches/how many and under whose directives may be open to question, but the fact that the government and its controllers did this cannot be open to question to anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size.
On July 22, 2024 at 8:51 pm, Tom Madere said:
Never attribute a grand conspiracy to that which can be explained by simple incompetence.
On July 30, 2024 at 10:37 am, JB said:
On July 31, 2024 at 3:22 pm, OverMountainMan said:
“If something is inconsistent, it cannot be true.” Pre-zactly, sir.
My comment on the previous “idiots” post did not make the cut. Apparently though, many other “idiots” didn’t make it either, as the number remains at zero.
The whole thing was staged with blanks (any shots fired “at” people), mixed in with real rounds fired at empty grass for sound effect.
It’s not a math problem. It’s not an engineering problem. It’s not a ballistics problem. It’s an Occam’s Razor problem. Find the assessment that presents the least number of absurdities. The least absurd is that actor Trump intentionally cut his own ear while pretending to dive for cover. Dead sniper? Not dead; actor. Dead hero firefighter? Not dead; actor.
We all know that DJT is NOT what his rhetoric pretends him to be. Why is it so hard to believe that he and his fellow Reichstaggers didn’t in fact Kabuki this thing to gin up your sympathy?
Staged. Hoax. And once you see it? Not very convincing.