Listening To The S.C. “Debate” On Open Carry Live
BY Herschel Smith
This is out of control. They have no control over what’s going on. There are delays, discussions on impertinent issues, bringing things up that are not germane, attempts to delay, long winded yapping and yapping, more delays, attempts to amend, more attempts to amend, and on and on and on.
What a bunch of yappy red neck pols. The senator from Charleston is the absolute worst, and no one will shut him up. He can barely speak comprehensible English. He’s just droning on and on and on and on, and my prediction is that the parliamentary rulings will allow this bill to die due to complete incompetence.
Do they not follow Robert’s Rules of Order? Can no one shut all of this up? Can no one “call the question?”
UPDATE: Unbelievable. One senator is trying to amend the bill to force open carriers to “wear some sort of identification to let law enforcement know they are legally openly carrying.”
Wear the scarlet letter, peasant! What a bunch of rednecks.
UPDATE #2: Now one senator is arguing that this is going to be Tombstone, and people should even refrain from answering knocks in the middle of the night while carrying a weapon because it might put law enforcement ill at ease. Seriously. Bad things are going to happen. Awful things. The sky is falling. The boogey man is coming for us. Run, hide. The boogey man is coming!!!!
It’s going to be the wild west. Blood running in the streets. Blue lives matter. Gore everywhere.
This is almost too hard for me. I’m doing this so you don’t have to.
UPDATE #3: Senator offers up an amendment to allow open carry of weapons inside the chambers of the S.C. senate. I’m certain this was offered up as a poison pill. While I would be in favor of this amendment, I would probably vote against it because they just want to kill the bill. The amendment fails.
They’re pulling every trick in the book. I’m sure they’ve been schooled by “Moms against everything.”
UPDATE #4: Amendment to expand the bill to include open carry allowed in all state buildings, including county and city owned buildings (he’s the first senator I’ve heard at the podium who can actually speak English). One senator objects that people can carry guns on the beach. We all know that this is pointing towards businessmen worried about Myrtle Beach tourism and the objections of “The Karens.”
UPDATE #5: Good grief. Senator is lobbying for an amendment for LEOs to temporarily confiscate firearms. Good grief. LEOs should never touch another man’s weapon. This is stupid.
UPDATE #6: They’re making all the same mistakes that Texas did, where LEOs will be confiscating weapons until permits have been shown. Handling of weapons causes NDs. Stupid.
On May 6, 2021 at 4:20 pm, Alex said:
I’m moving to SC in a month. I was hopeful this would pass, but I’m not surprised because after all, these people elected Lindsey Graham as their senator.
Gotta love the South and its Jim Crow gun control laws! Only the controllers and “only ones” should be armed.
On May 7, 2021 at 12:15 am, Michael (from Utah) said:
In Utah:
Carry in the state Capitol by mere mundanes – check.
Carry in government offices (with the exception of secure areas like courthouses, etc) – check
Carry on the beach (lakes, no oceans…sorry) – check
We don’t have a law on the books preventing Cops from disarming those carrying, but I can’t recall hearing of this happening.
You are always welcome here, Herschel. Course, there’s a housing crunch driving prices up sky high. Sorry your legislators are such idiots.. (I often think ours are the same, but the do pretty good on gun laws).
On May 7, 2021 at 8:29 am, Longbow said:
“Wear the scarlet letter, peasant! What a bunch of rednecks.”
Typically, Rednecks favor their rights and freedoms. Those people you described are Communists.
On May 7, 2021 at 8:32 am, Longbow said:
“UPDATE #5: Good grief. Senator is lobbying for an amendment for LEOs to temporarily confiscate firearms. Good grief. LEOs should never touch another man’s weapon. This is stupid.
UPDATE #6: They’re making all the same mistakes that Texas did, where LEOs will be confiscating weapons until permits have been shown. Handling of weapons causes NDs. Stupid.”
Now, come on! Don’t we blindly support Law Imposement around here?
Just Submit and comply! Submit! SUBMIT!
On May 7, 2021 at 9:06 am, JoeFour said:
A great example of politicians “doing the people’s work” (as they love to say).
On May 7, 2021 at 11:35 am, Frank Clarke said:
“Gore everywhere.” Not here. Uncle Al is banned from Florida.
On May 7, 2021 at 12:24 pm, Mack said:
Thank you for the updates. It really helped.
I tried to follow in real time on the ‘current’ Journal, but that was for Wednesday.
Here is the Journal for Thursday, May 6:
Feast your eyes on all the gory details. And see how long it is. Endless scrolling.
The GOP is one big sausage factory. FUBAR.
On May 7, 2021 at 1:22 pm, Ozark Redneck said:
The ‘Rednecks’ in both Missouri and Arkansas passed open carry aways back.
On May 7, 2021 at 1:52 pm, Michael in AK said:
I am sorry, but I don’t understand why you care about rule of law issues when all of the rules are falling apart? Sure it is a “victory” but very hollow.
On May 7, 2021 at 1:55 pm, Herschel Smith said:
@Michael in AK,
This is state level law. That matters. Local politics matters.
That’s why we’ve seen some 20 states institute constitutional carry. People are active, there are victories.
If you don’t like incremental victories, then go ahead and turn every aspect of government over to the progs. Let me know how that goes for you.
On May 7, 2021 at 3:19 pm, Michael in AK said:
The law used to matter, your normalcy bias is showing. It is obvious to anyone who looks that the law is only upheld when dealing with us serfs and while that may be a reason to advocate for laws, in the bigger picture of the republic, its just window dressings on the bigger problem.
And it is not an incremental positive change to have to have permission to do what God already gave me the authority over. Sure you can consider it “clawing back your rights” but state level rights aren’t really an issue for those working the gun control agenda.
While many think we can “save the Republic” by “voting harder” working in the system, changing laws……how has that worked out for liberty over the past 100 years?
At some point, the reality of the situation will hit enough people to realize that conditions are not going to improve by using the system.
While we may disagree on strategy, I will encourage you to keep up the fight on all fronts.
On May 7, 2021 at 3:25 pm, Herschel Smith said:
“While many think we can “save the Republic” by “voting harder” working in the system …”
Who said anything about that? What does that have to do with anything? This is local.
As for “how has that worked out for liberty over the past 100 years?”
At the state level, constitutional carry has now been passed in 20 states that didn’t have it before.
I have no “normalcy bias.” Or any other bias that I’m aware of except being considered a Calvinist. And I wouldn’t phrase that “bias.” I would phrase it axioms, or presuppositions.
On May 7, 2021 at 3:44 pm, Mack said:
“At the state level, constitutional carry has now been passed in 20 states that didn’t have it before.”
I do see this as a war.
So by all means, let’s advance where we can, and establish a foothold.
No retreat. No surrender.