So Who Really Thinks Covid-19 Isn’t A Weaponized Virus?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago


The mRNA instructs the body’s own cellular mechanisms for making proteins to make those that mimic the virus proteins, thereby producing an immune response.

That immune response designed to tear through lung tissue, shut down breathing, and kill the host with bilateral, interstitial pneumonia.

What kind of a virus born in nature tries to kill its host like that rather than reproduce and spread?

We’ll talk much more later about where this came from, who designed it, and from where it was stolen, including ongoing police investigations.

But for now, this is what the virus does to inflict its damage.  It was built for one purpose.


  1. On March 12, 2020 at 9:36 pm, Fred said:

    “And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the Lord: for he is an holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins. If ye forsake the Lord, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after that he hath done you good. And the people said unto Joshua, Nay; but we will serve the Lord. And Joshua said unto the people, Ye are witnesses against yourselves that ye have chosen you the Lord, to serve him. And they said, We are witnesses.”

  2. On March 13, 2020 at 2:10 am, Paul Scales said:

    The panic buying has spawned a feedback loop of non-stop panic buying. People aren’t even scared of the virus.

  3. On March 13, 2020 at 11:56 am, Curt said:

    The FLU-VIRUS and/or secondary BACTERIA causes Pneumonia Which Causes Lung Damage.

    Approximately 50,000 people die each year from Pneumonia. Mostly the elderly. Thereby killing the host.

  4. On March 13, 2020 at 12:06 pm, Curt said:

    P.S. “In a worst case scenario for pneumonia, people die because the damage to the their lungs is so severe that even mechanical ventilation can’t get enough oxygen into the body.”

    I don’t pay to much attention to the LSM. On another note, it seems that the “flu-virus” and “flu-virus related illnesses and deaths” have completely disappeared from the landscape. All that is left, is all Corona-Chan and presumptive cases, all the time.

  5. On March 13, 2020 at 6:11 pm, Pat Hines said:

    Never bet on the competence of a communist government to score a weaponized virus. Even weaponized anthrax is no easy task, viruses are much more difficult.

    I am a BSN, RN (UNC Chapel Hill) with almost two decades of experience. I was also a operating room nurse in the US Army, in addition to my 19 years of enlisted service, I retired in 2005. I made it my business to learn as much as possible about infectious diseases. My microbiology professor was the same man who taught at the UNC medical school, same notes and same exams.

    Viruses, or Virii if you choose, are only somewhat known in science, nothing like what is known about pathogens such as that for common infections.

    Really, folks, it’s extremely unlikely that Kung Flu is a lab created biological weapon.

  6. On March 13, 2020 at 7:17 pm, Jefferson Marchand said:

    The Law that prohibited the research on offensive Flu viruses, 200 to 300 straines, “sunseted”Jan 2017. According to Francis Bolye PHD. If I remember the date correctly.

    The best website I have found is–, Andrew Saul PHD

    This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link and also the OMNS archive link are included.
    Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Jan 30, 2020

    Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus
    by Andrew W. Saul, Editor

  7. On March 13, 2020 at 7:23 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    @Pat and others,

    Listen to me. This virus has already been made. It’s a thing of the past.

    ” … we generated and characterized a chimeric virus.” at UNC Chapel Hill.

    There was further work in Canada by the same Chinese scientist working with Canadian scientists, and that Chinese scientist was later booted from the country with her badge pulled and a police investigation conducted for possible theft.

    It’s been done. Past tense. The question is whether that’s this particular one, or whether they just learned in the process, but there is no question that it’s past tense.

  8. On March 14, 2020 at 6:12 pm, Curt said:

    Who is Dr. Shi Zhengli?

  9. On March 14, 2020 at 11:00 pm, Dan said:

    ALL viruses work by hijacking cellular reproduction forcing the infected cell to create copies of the virus. This is NOT A NEW THING. The facts that indicate this virus was MANUFACTURED is that it is a CORONAVIRUS…a specific TYPE of virus ( there are dozens of different coronaviruses in existence) that has DNA markers that come from a RETROVIRUS ( another type of virus that has many different types including HIV and Herpes). We are actually quite lucky in that this particular strain which I BELIEVE is manmade is NOT particularly lethal. It’s a bit more dangerous to the elderly and those with significant health issues than influenza but it’s NOT a disease the will create an TEOTWAWKI type of problem….the panic being pushed by the media might but the virus itself won’t. The 64 Million dollar question NOT being asked is WHAT ELSE do the Chinese have squirreled away in this lab in Wuhan…..stuff that is MUCH nastier than this particular annoyance.

  10. On March 14, 2020 at 11:38 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    You didn’t read or read my intent carefully enough.

    Read again:

    “The mRNA instructs the body’s own cellular mechanisms for making proteins to make those that MIMIC the virus proteins, thereby producing an immune response.”

    I know what viruses do. This one in particular sends signals for the body to make proteins that MIMIC itself, thereby producing an immune response.

    It isn’t the reproduction of the virus itself that forces the immune response (which is deadly), but proteins that MIMIC the virus.

    The virus is sole- and purpose-built to kill the host, not reproduce itself.

  11. On March 15, 2020 at 8:02 am, Fred said:

    I tell ya, I just don’t know who to trust. The press is both stupid and fake and the governments are wholly wicked and corrupt and incompetent. Seriously, I still can’t make heads nor tails of what be believe about this, and not the science of the virus itself but the nature of the threat both to an individual or family and as a wider pandemic.

  12. On March 15, 2020 at 4:51 pm, Pat Hines said:

    I find it interesting that the Chinese people are the most susceptible to infection and death from Kung Flu. I’m not knowledgeable about how much of Iran’s population has oriental DNA, it appears significant.

    There’s an excellent article about why the oriental race is the most susceptible to the virus.

  13. On March 15, 2020 at 5:10 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    I’m not saying that anyone intentionally did this (I don’t know, I would have to be everywhere all the time, and I’m not God).

    Likely this was from an accident. But I AM SAYING that China, Russia, Israel, France, UK, Russia, America, all have crap like this, and much worse. The epicenter of all of this was the Chinese bio-weapons lab.

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