Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Unvaxxed Navy sailors face ‘deplorable’ living conditions while religious exemptions pend

2 years, 5 months ago

Fox News: First Liberty Institute has filed a class action on behalf of several sailors, including SEALs and reservists.

U.S. Navy service members who are seeking religious exemptions to the Department of Defense’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate have been transferred into deplorable living conditions and, in some cases, are unable to leave while awaiting termination from the military, according to court documents.


“Because I could not leave the area, I moved onto the berthing barge for the Eisenhower. The conditions on the barge are deplorable, much like the USS George Washington, which is anchored in the same shipyard. There is mold everywhere and the barge’s toilets back up and leak. The water leaks out of the base of the toilet and collects near my rack and out into the hall. On bad days, it goes into the berthings on the other side. The leaks seem to be sewage—it smells like sewage and looks like it too. See Exhibit C (water I’ve mopped up from under my rack).”

“There is some sort of worm thriving in the stagnant water in the toilet bowls and on the floor in the leaked water around the base of the toilets. Needless to say, I do not feel comfortable or safe in this environment and I have contacted mental health services multiple times,” continued the sailor.

Not sure why he called mental health services; he should contact the chief corpsman to investigate dangerous health environments. The Navy hasn’t granted a single exemption with more than 4000 pending.

Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm 82-97% of COVID Vaccinated Pregnant Women sadly lost their Baby during Trial

2 years, 5 months ago

You may be familiar with the headline or others similar. But this article is data-rich, with charts and graphs. Folks here at TCJ may find it useful.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

Read it and try not to weep, or weep, then get angry, perhaps.

The Sixth Commandment and Covid-19 Vaccines

2 years, 6 months ago

“Thou shalt not kill.”- Exodus 20:13

Adam Clarke (1762-1832):

God is the Fountain and Author of life—no creature can give life to another: an archangel cannot give life to an angel—an angel cannot give life to man—man cannot give life even to the meanest of the brute creation. As God alone gives life, so He alone has a right to take it away: and he who, without the authority of God, takes away life, is properly a murderer. This commandment, which is general, prohibits murder of every kind.

We find this interesting in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccine problems, and indications that the oligarchs plan to kill 90 percent of the population if they can. Medicine, as life-preserving, falls under this commandment according to The Institutes of Biblical Law By ROUSAS JOHN RUSHDOONY.

Fourth, since the protection and nurture of man’s life under God is the positive affirmation of the sixth commandment, it becomes apparent why, in biblical tradition, both in Israel and in Western civilization, medicine has been closely linked to religion. Tournier has stated that, “In the very essence of his vocation the doctor is the defender of the weak.”363 This is a strange and perverse interpretation, modern in its reading of the sick as the weak and in its orientation to the weak. The doctor is not concerned with the weak as against the strong and treats both as need or care requires it. The doctor’s function is to further healing and to protect and further man’s life under God. This conserving function has given medicine a conservative orientation, and one of the functions of socialized medicine has been the assault on medicine because of its conservative heritage, now rapidly being lost. The attempts at a mechanistic and materialistic medical approach function to sever the link between medicine and biblical faith. On the other hand, psychosomatic medicine, despite its many materialistic emphases, has worked to give room again for a return to a biblical emphasis, as has the renewed interest in the godly use of the soil and the proper growing of foods.

And the American Church shut down, quit, and went home without so much as a whimper. The Churches remain silent about “trust the science” or even encouraging folks to take the vaccine. But the day of resistance is coming and will be massive. Too bad the Church is weak, effeminate, and fake, too ineffective to lead the principled revolt necessary to save Western Civilization.

Christ’s church, the body of Christ, is supposed to be the beacon of hope, the light of moral law, holder and teacher of the Oracles of God, and, if properly run by men of God, should submit to no evil whatsoever.

The Normalization of The New Normal Reich

2 years, 6 months ago

Via WRSA, The New Reich is not what we were told it would be. The “NeoNazi” far right threat we’re constantly warned about has all been projection, as the Left is well known for that Modis Operandi; they are the New Reich.

These symbols and rituals are more than just the window dressing of the New Normal Reich. They are how our new “reality” is being created and maintained. The masses are like actors being forced to emotionally invest in the “reality” of an absurdist stage play. The more they repeat the performance, the more convincing the fictional “reality” becomes, regardless of how patently absurd it is … and it is becoming more and more absurd.

Yes, it’s a religion. It is built on the vapor of faith in a thing that can only produce misery. The bosses of the New Reich know how destructive their plans will be; you are the virus.

And these are just a few recent examples. I don’t think I need to provide an exhaustive list. At this point, you are either well aware and capable of facing what’s happening, or you’re not, in which case you are telling yourself whatever you need to tell yourself in order to pretend that what is happening isn’t happening.

The New Reich is not LARPing. Being in a disarmed country, those folks have got to be kicking themselves.

Facing the Beast

2 years, 7 months ago

Via WRSA, On The CCP Role In The Ongoing COVID Con

This story is about a bear stalking somebody that moved into the woods, which the author, the target of the bear, uses as a metaphor for facing the Covid Vaccine damage. You’ll be interested in the Covid Vaccine data. The author indicates that CCP is at war with the U.S. but is missing a known piece of the puzzle; the illness started in a lab in the U.S., making the U.S. government a combatant against its people. You should read it; the vax data is excellent, assuming it’s accurate.

But the best part is about the bear encounter.

I sped indoors, locking the door. I grabbed a weapon out of the hall closet. In my haste, I grabbed the weapon that looked like a rifle, instead of the actual rifle, which was in a case. Thus I found myself locked in an upstairs bathroom, cowering, armed with a BB gun.


I looked under the bed: hiding there could not save me if the bear made it into the house. I realized I was holding a BB gun, and felt ridiculous. Even if I managed to shoot it, this would do nothing but enrage him. The thin bedroom doors that I had thought so rustic and charming, could be broken down by an angry animal of that size in no time.

My heart pounded as I realized that he was not leaving; he continued pacing and circling, no matter where I went.

I went back into the bathroom, and locked that door with its flimsy lock.

City folk are cute.

When I called back in spite of myself and begged the police for help, they told me to call again only if he managed to break into the house.

When seconds count, the police are a third phone call away.

Vaccinated Children are 30,200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children

2 years, 7 months ago

Loads of data, charts, and math to back it up. That headline percent is not infants and includes some teens. Shockingly, the US is giving these shots to six-month-olds and pregnant women.

On June 17th 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) criminally extended the emergency use authorisation of the mRNA Covid-19 injections for use in children as young as 6 months.

There has never been an emergency in regard to Covid-19 infection among children. Two years of evidence show the alleged disease has only adversely affected the elderly and vulnerable. Children have been unlucky to suffer symptoms more severe than those associated with the common cold.


But it’s the triple vaccinated figures that are truly frightening when it comes to children.

The ONS data shows that between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22, triple jabbed children aged 10-14 were statistically 303 times more likely to die than unvaccinated children of Covid-19, 69x more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than unvaccinated children, and 82x more likely to die of all-causes than unvaccinated children.

This suggests that three doses of a Covid-19 injection increase the risk of all-cause death for children by an average of 8,100%, and the risk of dying of Covid-19 by an average of 30,200%. Whilst two doses increase the risk of all-cause death by an average of 3,600%.

But as things currently stand it’s the other way round for teenagers. Two doses of a Covid-19 injection increase the risk of all-cause death for teens aged 15 to 19 by an average of 300%. Whilst three doses increase the risk of all-cause death by an average of 100%.

The figures for children though, are in fact even worse than they first appear. This is because the unvaccinated mortality rate among 10-14-year-olds includes children aged 10 and 11 who were only offered the Covid-19 injection from the beginning of April 2022, despite the UK Medicine Regulator questionably granting emergency use authorisation for it to be administered to young children in late December 2021.

If Government hides mortality rates, somebody smart could determine the number of infant and child coffins sold in a year-over-year comparison, including the last five years. They can’t hide all the ancillary data.

House Republicans demand answers from Biden admin over grants ‘to promote atheism worldwide’

2 years, 7 months ago

The void left by atheism is easily filled by father government. The promoters of this must know that.

“The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) was officially titled ‘DRL FY20 IRF Promoting and Defending Religious Freedom Inclusive of Atheist, Humanist, Non-Practicing and Non-Affiliated Individuals,’” Banks and the Republicans wrote.

And this news: Supreme Court declines religious challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates in New York

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Thursday declined to take up a challenge to a vaccine mandate for health workers in New York that does not include a religious exemption, the latest decision in which the high court has allowed state health requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic to stand.

That’s not good at all. Having long-term authoritarian implications, you can be confident the government(s) will use it against you again.

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

2 years, 8 months ago

Via WRSA, a well researched and thorough article with linked references. Some of this is review but it’s good to have it in one place, with proof research supplied. Some details appear to be new. It’s a recommended weekend read.

The designers of this pandemic anticipated a pushback by the public and that major embarrassing questions would be asked. To prevent this, the controllers fed the media a number of tactics, one of the most commonly used was and is the “fact check” scam. With each confrontation with carefully documented evidence, the media “fact checkers” countered with the charge of “misinformation”, and an unfounded “conspiracy theory” charge that was, in their lexicon, “debunked”.

In the case of all other drugs and previous conventional vaccines under review by the FDA, the otherwise unexplained deaths of 50 or less individuals would result in a halt in further distribution of the product, as happened on 1976 with the swine flu vaccine. With over 18,000 deaths being reported by the VAERS system for the period December 14, 2020 and December 31st, 2021 as well as 139,126 serious injuries (including deaths) for the same period there is still no interest in stopping this deadly vaccine program.

A new study has now surfaced, the results of which are terrifying.[25] A researcher at Kingston University in London, has completed an extensive analysis of the VAERs data (a subdepartment of the CDC which collects voluntary vaccine complication data), in which he grouped reported deaths following the vaccines according to the manufacturer’s lot numbers of the vaccines. Vaccines are manufactured in large batches called lots. What he discovered was that the vaccines are divided into over 20,000 lots and that one out of every 200 of these batches (lots) is demonstrably deadly to anyone who receives a vaccine from that lot, which includes thousands of vaccine doses.

Money, or the love of money, is behind much of the “pandemic.” It’s important to note that it was not a pandemic. It never attained the threshold numbers of a real pandemic, not even close. The boundary of the minimum number of deaths required was changed, along with most other knowledge and facts about how to handle flu(like) infection. Power and control are also primary drivers of those self-appointed rulers that have the blood of millions on their heads.

The Truth About The Covid Vaccines Is Darker Than You Know

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 11 months ago

First, as I’ve said before, no one keeps closer track of money and statistics than actuaries who work at insurance companies, not even Las Vegas mathematicians.

This report is bracing.

Since the beginning of the plandemic, the powers-that-be have told us to “follow the science.” But perhaps a better indicator of what’s really happening would be to follow the money. And if you really want to get an accurate view, the money to follow is in life insurance. They know about death better than anyone. It’s what they do.

We reported in January about the insurance executive caught admitting there had been an inexplicable 40% increase in mortalities in 2022. They tried to walk that back, but the cat was out of the bag and it has been verified as being true. Now, a former Blackrock portfolio manager has taken the insurance cover-up and blown it wide open.

During an interview with Kristi Leigh, Edward Dowd gave us multiple bombshells. One that may have been missed came at around the 27-minute mark when he revealed plenty of evidence of mortality dramatically increasing.

“Bottom line is, they saw an acceleration in mortality in the second half of 2021, okay. Given the ‘miracle vaccines,’ that should not have occurred.”

He detailed how OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison revealed the facts during a Chamber of Commerce meeting. The information was not supposed to get out to the public, but it did and it blew up.

“In fact, he put some meat on the bones,” Dowd said. “He said a 10% increase would be a three-standard deviation event. 40% is a once-in-200-year flood. And what you need to understand about insurance companies is they make their money giving whole life policies because they can predict death rates, which are pretty steady.

Second, there is this very important video that details how researchers have determined that mRNA enters the liver, enters the nucleus of the cells, and gets converted into DNA.  At the moment, they have numerous concerns: genomic toxicity, various cancers, the placenta route, and auto immune diseases.  Here is the original paper.

Finally, via WRSA, this is a very important Epoch Times article entitled The Truth is Coming Out about Covid Deaths.

When this is all said and done, there will be many people who knew and will be culpable, and many in the medical community who suspected and said nothing, and then there will be the victims.  The people who knew should be held to account.  The people who suspected and said nothing violated their oaths and should leave the profession.

Medical Tags:

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

From a reader, data on what we already knew.

We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.

[ … ]

In order to investigate the antiviral properties of chloroquine on SARS-CoV after the initiation of infection, Vero E6 cells were infected with the virus and fresh medium supplemented with various concentrations of chloroquine was added immediately after virus adsorption. Infected cells were incubated for an additional 16–18 h, after which the presence of virus antigens was analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence analysis. When chloroquine was added after the initiation of infection, there was a dramatic dose-dependant decrease in the number of virus antigen-positive cells (Fig. 2A). As little as 0.1–1 μM chloroquine reduced the infection by 50% and up to 90–94% inhibition was observed with 33–100 μM concentrations.  At concentrations of chloroquine in excess of 1 μM, only a small number of individual cells were initially infected, and the spread of the infection to adjacent cells was all but eliminated. A half-maximal inhibitory effect was estimated to occur at 4.4 ± 1.0 μM chloroquine. These data clearly show that addition of chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV if the drug is added immediately following virus adsorption.

[ … ]

We have identified chloroquine as an effective antiviral agent for SARS-CoV in cell culture conditions, as evidenced by its inhibitory effect when the drug was added prior to infection or after the initiation and establishment of infection. The fact that chloroquine exerts an antiviral effect during pre- and post-infection conditions suggest that it is likely to have both prophylactic and therapeutic advantages. Recently, Keyaerts et al. [21] reported the antiviral properties of chloroquine and identified that the drug affects SARS-CoV replication in cell culture, as evidenced by quantitative RT-PCR. Taken together with the findings of Keyaerts et al. [21], our analysis provides further evidence that chloroquine is effective against SARS-CoV Frankfurt and Urbani strains. We have provided evidence that chloroquine is effective in preventing SARS-CoV infection in cell culture if the drug is added to the cells 24 h prior to infection. In addition, chloroquine was significantly effective even when the drug was added 3–5 h after infection, suggesting an antiviral effect even after the establishment of infection. Since similar results were obtained by NH4Cl treatment of Vero E6 cells, the underlying mechanism(s) of action of these drugs might be similar.

[ … ]

Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases including malaria, amoebiosis and human immunodeficiency virus is effective in inhibiting the infection and spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. The fact that the drug has significant inhibitory antiviral effect when the susceptible cells were treated either prior to or after infection suggests a possible prophylactic and therapeutic use.

This information isn’t surprising because the NIH – Anthony Fauci’s organizationtold us so back in 2005 when it was convenient and before they knew they were going to have to roll this out in 2019 for other purposes (and after gain of function research had been conducted at UNC and Harvard that had to be covered up).

You know, before Trump talked about HCQ in a press conference, which of course meant that the bureaucratic state had to deny it every day using the legacy media as their tools.

The blood of many thousands of deaths is on the hands of the bureaucratic state, but they don’t appear to care.  A few eggs have to be broken to make the collectivist omelette.

The recipe for success was always, and continues to be: HCQ, Zinc, Vitamin D and Z-Pak.  We knew this 10 months ago.  But most doctors are still prevented from administering HCQ due to the risk of losing their malpractice insurance and/or their corporate jobs.

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