How Helene Affected The People Of Appalachia

Herschel Smith · 30 Sep 2024 · 11 Comments

To begin with, this is your president. This ought to be one of the most shameful things ever said by a sitting president. "Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?" BIDEN: "We've given everything that we have." "Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?" BIDEN: "No." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 30, 2024 We must have spent too much money on Ukraine to help Americans in distress. I don't…… [read more]

Back To The Beginning: The Persecuted Woman And The Dragon That Hated Her, Revelation 12

1 year, 4 months ago


Revelation 12.


Revelation Chapter 8 – The Seventh Seal And First Four Trumpets: The Siege – Part One – God’s Vengeance Unleashed

1 year, 11 months ago

Revelation 8

You can understand New Testament prophecy and the book of Revelation for yourself! To help you, we offer several resources to provide background, key components, and tools. The video below is an excellent presentation of the meaning behind Revelation chapter 8 and the entire book. There is no way you can’t learn from this presentation.

Being unable to understand New Testament prophecy is typical today due to awful teaching. Dr. Baldwin alleviates this malady by doing several things in this video. This is the first time we’ve seen somebody connect Old Testament Prophecy language, adequately defined, to concisely present the meaning of Revelation by illuminating those verses. The teaching here is masterful.

This instruction is essential. The American churches are awash in a sea of ignorance and lies. We’re going to provide study notes and linked materials. All the information presented and linked here will leave you without excuse for remaining ignorant of the real meaning of much of New Testament prophecy. Your churches are not teaching the truth; you remain ignorant and are losing your civilization for it. There is no reason for your continued lack of biblical understanding but willful unfamiliarity, for which you will have to reckon with God Almighty one day soon.

If you begin to watch this video and are lost, it’s ok; that means you first need the requisite background. In this case, start here with Matthew 24. Take your time, examine all ten short posts, praying to God for truth and knowledge according to His will. Understanding Matthew 24 in context is required to apprehend the New Testament’s broader context, and specifically the meaning of Revelation.

Generally, the terms used in Revelation are not defined in that book. But, there’s something in Bible analysis called the Rule of First Use. That is, the first time a term appears in the Holy Bible, it is the most accepted definition and the springboard for usage throughout Scripture. Dr. Baldwin uses some of the simplest verses from the Old Testament as examples to teach the true meanings in Revelation Chapter eight.

Tracing back terminology to its other uses in the Old Testament and proper contextual understanding of Matthew 24 as a background is the only way Revelation can be understood.

Note: There is another fatal flaw in teaching by today’s churches. The correct method is that the New Testament interprets the Old Testament rather than the other way around. The Rule of First Use does not override this different interpretive principle. The Old Testament does not change the contextual meaning of a passage of Scripture in the New Testament. Quite the contrary is true; the New Testament shows the true final meaning in fulfillment of the Old Testament both in total and when specific Old Testament verses are quoted or cited in the New Testament.

A few Old Testament definitions used in New Testament prophecy were provided at TCJ. You must know these terms to understand prophecy in the New Testament.

Prophecy is full of hyperbolic and symbolic language, and Revelation, along with Ezekiel, are the most symbolic books in the Holy Bible. In fact, Revelation verse one of chapter one uses the word signified (KJV), which can mean symbolized. The angel provides John with the symbols of actual events both in heaven and on earth.

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John” – Revelation 1:1

Dr. Baldwin will help you immensely to understand the signs to glean the substance of the text.

The video contends that each trumpet and woe should be viewed separately and analyzed. We agree for study purposes, but it’s the only rough spot in the video. He doesn’t lay out the format very well. Literary context matters, but structural context also matters. Some time ago, we had written an overview of structure to help with format context for those studying Revelation; it’s called, Structure of the Book of Revelation Chapters 6 through 11: 7 seals, 7 Trumpets, 3 Woes, glorious depictions of Heaven and blessings of God. That post will help you keep your place and understand the action any time you explore this section of Revelation. Please read this first and perhaps keep it handy as you watch the video.

Dr. Baldwin cites some videos from The Israel Packages, which are available for purchase, or you can find each video in this exhaustive series by searching the web. These messages are critical to demolishing Israel-based prophetic futurism. We’ve seen every one of them. The series is worth watching because it will topple the years of false teaching you’ve been under in American evangelical churches.

Verse Studies from the embedded video:

-Rained hail, fire, brimstone – Revelation 8:7

“And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven: and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and the LORD rained hail upon the land of Egypt.” – Exodus 9:23

Not mentioned in the video but germane – “Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven” – Genesis 19:24

“And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” – Revelation 11:8

-Mountain moving/burning – Revelation 8:8

“Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.” – Jeremiah 51:25

“Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.” – Matthew 21:21

– Wormwood – Revelation 8:10-11

“Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.” – Jeremiah 9:15

“Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.” – Jeremiah 23:15

“He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood.” – Lamentations 3:15. See verse 19

“Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth,” – Amos 5:7

– Block out the sun – Revelation 8:12

“7 And when I shall put thee out, I will cover the heaven, and make the stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light. 8 All the bright lights of heaven will I make dark over thee, and set darkness upon thy land, saith the Lord GOD.” – Ezekiel 32:7-8

“9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.” – Isaiah 13:9-10

“The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:” – Joel 2:10

“30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” – Joel 2:30-31

There’s more. Watch the whole video.


Additional New Testament prophecy and eschatology study resources:

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Notes on the Destruction of Jerusalem, Part One and Part Two

Two brief Studies on the date Revelation was written and why that matters; here and here

Structural Strands in NT Eschatology

Why you can’t understand the Book of Revelation

In the Days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel

2 years, 1 month ago

Behold, what glorious things God has done for us.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” – Genesis 3:15

Genesis 3:15 is one of the most important Bible verses. It lays out, at the beginning, thousands of years of coming history for mankind that now sits fulfilled in Christ. It also explains the thousands of years-long spiritual war that’s been raging on earth from the start. But it points to the first eschatological event that would set the pattern at the end of the age and for the ages to come.

The seed of the woman would be Christ the King, who crushed the head of the serpent. Christ spoiled principalities and powers in three realms; the prince and power of this world, the devil, and the religions of men were set down when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and the kings of this world have been made the footstool of God’s own Son.

Many miss the implications of the resurrection. If God raised Christ from the dead, then the domain of death and hell is forever imperiled; having been conquered, the devil is a defeated foe.

And the kings and powers of this world mock God daily, seeking control and lusting to subjugate all the world, but neither is it theirs. For when the seventh trumpet sounded, “…The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” – Revelation 11:15. But we do not read Revelation 11:15 alone, chapter 10 and specifically verses 6 and 7 explain that there should be time no longer.

God permits evil in judgment, but today’s evil men take it upon their own cleverness, declaring themselves masters of the universe while most people marvel in awe at the beast’s system. But that God allows them, they would have no power over us at all. Christians need to stop wondering in their heart after the beastly system because in doing this, they lend authority to the dragon where none need be given. Stop surrendering your power, which comes from Christ, to the servants of the devil.

The glory of our present age is also the problem of these last days. In John 5:24-25 Jesus says that we believers are already residing in eternal life, having passed from death unto life, “…The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.”

Having the Spirit of Christ, we remain stuck between two ages. We’re in the last days, but in the ages to come, we will be resurrected and be like Christ in the new heaven and earth, our home. We are stuck in this vile body yet seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Jesus says in John 6:54 that we are spiritually resurrected, awaiting the last day and resurrection to be like Christ.

Christ is the firstfruits of the resurrection, but not the last, for all those in Christ shall rise on the final day; death and hell will be fully and finally defeated forever. Two verses are essential to explain this reality.

“And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” – Ephesians 2:6

“Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” – Philippians 3:21

While we’re here, in the Kingdom of God that now is, we serve God in anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the saints, and the final judgment.

This present age is not the end, and you that have questions, you that have served the evil of our day, you that are resigned to the sin of these end days, take heart, you believe in God; believe in Jesus Christ.

“9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: 11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” – Colossians 2:9-15

Verse 13 says: “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses”

And you, adulterers and whoremongers, thieves and cheats, living in vanity, puffed up, full of self-will and pride, murderers and drunks, drug dealers, cheats, crooks, those that have prostituted themselves, and all liars, for who among us hasn’t told a lie, sinners one and all: you who are dead in your trespasses and sins; Christ died for you and rose again on the third day, forgiving your sins and all your trespasses!

“11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.”

The token of the flesh could never save and was only a symbol of obedience to the submission of the heart in faith to Christ, that would come unto you in the fullness of time; that time is now. Putting off the sins of transgression by the faith of Christ Jesus, having believed in the power of God to renew your dead soul to life; we’re buried with Jesus in baptism, raised again in a new Spirit by the operation of God in salvation who is the only power to create life, and life anew in the resurrection by His Spirit that now is, and the coming regeneration on the last day.

Every regulation and every commandment of God has been broken, and none have kept the whole law save Christ. But every one of those was blotted out in the blood of Christ. Jesus’ blood stained the handwriting of ordinances that was against us. Every decree of transgression was blotted out by His blood, as though the law had never existed and therefore could not have been broken; no more condemnation, no guilt, no more shame. The parchment of law is now drenched in Christ’s blood and soaked through to illegible; who can read it to make an accusation against you? Christ didn’t just pay your debt; He obliterated the law as though there had been no sin to commit and no law to break! And took your sin and nailed it to His cross!

“14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross”

Jesus stated plainly on the cross (John 19:30) that “it is finished.” the law has been fully satisfied. He took the law out of the way that was contrary to us and nailed it to His cross. What statute, where, show us the law? There is only the blotted-out ledger nailed with Christ to the cross, forgotten; God sees your sins no more but only by faith in the final sacrifice, the blood of His own Son shed for you. No more fear, no more accusation, no more dread of death and hell; the accuser’s head has been crushed; the law completed in Christ; we cry Abba Father in a brand new, wholly unique, New Covenant that stands forever and ever. Amen.

Why do you seek the law? In what profit is the pursuit of this world’s kingdoms? For what purpose is the all pomp and ceremony of the many religions? What are these weak and fruitless endeavors of men when God wants to recreate you in the image of His own Son?

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”

Jesus Christ has made an open show of the foolishness of this world, and not as though God did this in pride. But in love, by His abundant grace, did He offer the pure and sinless blood of His Son to crush the devil and complete the law, making an open show against the religions and kingdoms of this world: God declaring that He is life, and life eternal, Creator and proprietor of all that is. He brings glory to Himself by your acknowledgment in surrender to Him entering into the Kingdom of God. Don’t wait; accept the operation of God by faith in Jesus Christ to bring you life everlasting in the promised hope of standing with Him, an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven. “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” – Colossians 2:9. Jesus, in His triumph, is the head of all things, and you must be completed in Him.

“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” – Revelation 10:7

If Genesis 3:15 is the start, Revelation 10 and, specifically, verse 7 are equally important, signaling the finish and a noteworthy pivot in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. As all the profits had declared the coming Christ, and the law was only a shadow of the future King and a picture of true worship in heaven before the throne of God; the mystery of God that He would gather all things that are in heaven and in earth together in Christ is accomplished. Jesus Christ has risen from the grave, the mystery now fully revealed and completed; at the seventh trump, Jesus Christ, having blotted out the ordinances, triumphant over sin and death, ended the Old Covenant by its obliteration in the destruction of the temple.

By accepting Christ, you acknowledge by covenant that there is no other power over you. This is a prominent sticking point for many; they know in their heart that God is true, but we are rebellious by nature. Please don’t exchange the temporary for God’s eternity; it’s a bad trade. In Revelation 10:6, the angel states that there should be time no longer, and for you, the time of other kings and kingdoms must be no longer; there is a better law, a better empire, and a perfect King. You can live in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Revelation Chapter 7

2 years, 2 months ago

Chuck Baldwin just preached Revelation Chapter Seven this past Sunday. It’s an interesting, wide-ranging (beyond Revelation 7), and worthwhile video study. He also spends time laying some foundation for future messages on Revelation.

Reading this brief post first by Ken Gentry will help as background.

The 144,000 saints represent Jewish converts to Christianity who dwell in Israel. Note the following evidence:

  1. The text expressly refers to the twelve tribes of Israel: “I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel” (Rev 7:4; cf. vv 5–8). John later calls this body of 144,000: “first fruits” (Rev 14:4). Christianity’s first converts hail from Israel (Ac 1:8; 2:5–12, 22–24, 36–42; cp. Ro 1:16; 2:9–10). They are the remnant of Israel that forms the seed of the new covenant church.

  2. John distinguishes them from “the great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues” (Rev 7:9). John is careful to make this strong distinction between the two groups.

We find ourselves in good company in this, as Baldwin also agrees with the distinction between the 144,000 and the “great multitude, which no man could number.” (7:9)

  1. The Old Testament source from which John draws his imagery is Ezekiel 9:4, which clearly specifies they are from Jerusalem: “The LORD said to him, ‘Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.’”

  2. God protects them in “the Land” which is being judged (Rev 7:1; 14:3). The Greek phrase he ge in Rev often means “the land,” i.e., the promised Land of Israel. This fits well with the previous action occurring in Israel.

  3. Such a designation comports well with Christ’s warning his followers to flee Jerusalem before its final overthrow (Mt 24:15–16; Lk 21:20–24). He promises that those who heed his prophecy will be protected (Lk 21:18–19).

  4. We must always remember that Revelation’s events are to occur “shortly” because the “time is near” (Rev 1:1, 3; 22:6, 10). This fits perfectly with the historical flight of Jewish Christians from Jerusalem prior to its fall.

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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

2 years, 3 months ago

Revelation 6.

We thought to provide a note at TCJ about Revelation 6. We’ll attempt to simplify the complex by providing a gloss to prime the pump for those coming to the proper understanding of the New Covenant during the time the Church was birthed.

Keeping in mind that Job was probably the first book of the Bible written, perhaps the horse’s earliest use was in warfare (Job 39:19-25). The horse is an article of war; it symbolizes boldness and strength in battle. See Proverbs 21:31.

The very purpose of the sword brought to bear is that you might know there is a judgment (Job 19:29).

If you get Revelation 6 wrong, you can’t understand the book, and you miss the entire point of the end of the Old Covenant and the bringing in of the New Covenant in the blood sacrifice of the Lamb.

The New Testament is about the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets in Christ, the bringing in of the New Covenant, the birth of the Church – His body, and the judgment that comes upon that first-century generation for rejecting His Law – the Word made flesh.

Odd is how the Christian and even non-Christian world accept the destruction of Solomon’s temple and the judgment upon God’s people, and Babylonian captivity. But when Messiah was rejected, the Church birthed, and the second temple was destroyed, suddenly everybody has a problem.

Well, the problem is you. Get over it; God is sovereign and does as He pleases, and no amount of eschatological wishful thinking can change the facts. Revelation chapter six is about the destruction of Jerusalem in the first century (70AD), and neither can wild-eyed obfuscatory speculation about the future change that. Is chapter 6 a foreshadowing of a future global judgment, you decide? But, we will not ignore history or the correct interpretation of Scripture.

If you don’t understand Matthew 24, neither will Revelation make much sense among its fantastic imagery, hyperbolic and parabolic language, and prophetic legal decrees. Some background material is provided here, with study resources provided in part ten. Two further short notes on the subject are here and here.

As further background, in chapter 5 of Revelation, a sealed decree of God, a verdict in judgment, is held out in the right hand of He who is, the I Am. No creature in heaven or earth was able to take the scroll and open it. But, having defeated sin, death, hell, the devil, and the grave (the kingdom of death and hell), the sinless, thrice holy, resurrected Lamb of God is worthy (Revelation 5:1-7). Chapter six contains the opening of the first six seals of this multifold decree against those of that generation who rejected Jesus Christ. It’s important to note that Jerusalem also made war on the saints. In the fifth seal, the martyrs cried for vengeance. First, seal one.

Note: The right hand is that of power in Scripture; it’s why Christ is seated at the right of Power, and the position of being seated is that of being seated in judicial judgment (Luke 22:69). Jesus resides in the courts of heaven in judicial power over the affairs of men. Contrast that with Acts 7:55-56, where Steven sees Christ standing at the right side of God. Jesus was standing, to welcome His friend and faithful servant Steven home, and not seated in judgment. Having told the Pharisees that He would henceforth be seated in judgment against them in Luke 22 when they heard Steven say that he saw Jesus standing next to God, it drove them to such madness that they gnawed on him with their teeth.

“1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. 2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” – Revelation 6:1-2

Who or what is the white horse? The white horse we suppose to be the symbol of war, not simply battle, but good victory in just war. Some suggest that it is the opening of Rome’s war against Jerusalem. Ultimately, it’s God’s decree in heaven and carried out on earth among those nations and men in the first century. Jerusalem, greater Judea, all the land area called Israel, and surrounding areas were engulfed in the war. This section of Scripture is about the siege of Jerusalem. We think there is somewhat of a time progression shown in the horsemen as the city’s situation grew increasingly dim. Some say the bow represents the early stages of the war with standoff weapons such as the bow and catapult. But indeed, the first horse is that of standard Roman warfare techniques and tactics employed in the first century against Jerusalem.

“3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. 4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” – Revelation 6:3-4

Jesus opens the second seal, and the horse is red. A symbol of blood and evil. This horse is the setting forth by God of the internal struggle among the “kings” and “rulers” of the “world” or land. History shows that as Rome approached and surrounded Jerusalem, terrible infighting occurred (Matthew 10:34), tribe against tribe, kingdom against kingdom, family against each other; even the Zealots turned on each other (Matthew 24:7, 10), all under the influence of devils as God allowed. See Isaiah 19:1-2 as an example of God turning kinsmen against each other as a proclamation of internal warring under His judicial review. Satanic confederacies always fall to internal strifes. Though we deserve what must be coming today, may God have mercy on Western Civilization.

Though we don’t hold this view, some suggest that this seal also represents the totality of fighting. Though Jerusalem was held by siege, the Jews fought back against Rome viciously and to significant effect in the provinces and especially in what is now North Africa.

“5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” – Revelation 6:5-6

Black is that color of distress, calamity, and specifically starvation with its attendant health problems (Lamentations 5:10) and moreover death by famine. The rationing of goods is the picture here. The equivalent of a day’s wages (Matthew 20:2, 9) would net a man only a measure to eat. There are varying opinions on what the standard (amount) was, but suffice it to say; that it was not enough to sustain more than one person and barely at that. Hyperinflation in food costs is pictured. Another example of famine is here in Ezekiel 4:16-17. Here is the Law of a Just Balance – Leviticus 19:36, supported in Proverbs 11:1, 16:11. The balance is a common symbol of equity and justice, which comes from the Bible. God is the great provider of all for all; food scarcity is the just reward for the evils of men and nations.

“7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” – Revelation 6:7-8

That Death and Hell are capitalized here in the KJV is a proper rendering. Verse 8 is the consummation of the fearful ravages of war wrought in the judgments of Holy God. So we also consider pestilence as a manner of judgment along with death by wild animals. The mind goes to the war of northern aggression in which more died from a combination of poor hygiene, lack of nutrition, and inadequate healthcare than by cannon or mini ball. Such is war, real war anyway. As to death by animals, we consider this in Bible terms to be the carcass of the unjust, now discarded, torn by animals (unclean), with no man to attend to a proper burial. It’s the treatment of the dead body of a disgraced man (or nation) in the Bible.

As an aside about verse 8: “his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” This phrase (with Revelation 20:13) points to why we coined the title: the kingdom of death and hell, which are all, spirit and man, that is opposed to the love and light and truth by Jesus Christ. We that are saved by grace, having the Spirit of God, moving and living, and having our being in Christ, are in the Kingdom of God. There are two kingdoms, and all men serve in one. By abiding in, or accepting, the kingdom of death and hell, sooner or later, it comes for its own, devouring them in their own evil designs on earth as outer darkness and eternal torment awaits, even to good men who do nothing and reject Christ.

Ezekiel 14:21 relates a concise word picture of what we find here in Revelation. The fourfold judgment is that of war, external by Rome in seal one. And seal two, internal fighting under the demonic influence indicated by the phrase “Hell following” in verse 8. This means the devils of hell were allowed by God to torment the people into fighting each other. (Have you noticed the spirit of the people in America lately?) Thirdly, famine and starvation, including uncontrolled inflation, as people sought too few goods. Fourth is the general calamity of war, including disease. The book of Revelation is not some new thing in language or typology. See Jeremiah 14:12, Ezekiel 5:12, 6:11-12 as a few examples of the tools God uses against all who break His covenants.

This section of Scripture is reasonably typical of apocalyptics representing sweeping historical events. The horsemen are not to be viewed in a historicist manner at all. These judgments are a single event in history, i.e., the destruction of Jerusalem. War is terrible; no right man would want it, nor would any right man tolerate it without rebellion for just cause.

The correct interpretation of these first four seals is that which Jesus spoke to His disciples of the desolation of Jerusalem in Matthew 24:6-8, Luke 21:5-6, 10-11.

Note that in Luke 21:12, after the ascension of Jesus but before the war, the persecution predicted by our Lord had already started, which points to the martyrs in the fifth seal; Revelation 6:9-11. The fifth seal is explained well in paragraph (2) here. It should bring great comfort to the saints of God to know that one day, all will be settled in heaven, and in earth, we win and will be vindicated in Christ. That the souls of the martyrs are under the altar indicates that they were a worthy sacrifice unto the Lord God. Are you?

The sixth seal is highly symbolic. We see the power and majesty of our God as He seeks to wreak vengeance for His saints. If you say that all the martyrs of all times are represented as under the alter, it’s not worth fussing over. That those souls in the first century were vindicated is apparent, and that all will be reckoned unto Holy God by the end of history, no believer doubts.

It’s best not to get carried away over-analyzing the symbolism in the prophetic books of Scripture. It’s easy to lose sight of the point of the book of Revelation when examining the red moon, darkened sun, dragon, colors of horses, etc. The book is the Revelation of Jesus Christ and not the revelation of any other thing at all.

Attempting to identify each horseman with any specific character or narrow historic event misses the point in spirit and method of apocalyptic literature in Scripture. If we were to know the particular interpretation of the (persons) horseman, it would be plainly explained in Scripture. God perfectly describes all specific symbolism in His holy word when it represents a particular thing or person we need to know. Revelation 1:20 is a good example, explaining the symbols in that chapter.

In first-century accounts of the siege, there’s evidence that people fled to hide in caves, piling up rocks to block the entrances. The sun was blocked out by fires burning from the Roman flaming catapult attacks, which also turned the moon red (orange). Those are two examples. Verses 13 and 14 are hyperbole bringing us to a sense of wonder at the power of God’s judicial authority over the earth. Other sections of Scripture have similar visual descriptions of the power and wrath of God. Perhaps those things have biblical significance, but it’s not a book of signs, and since they are used elsewhere but not literally, we accept the Revelation of Jesus Christ as being about Him.

Depicted in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are tools Almighty God uses in judgment against all who have forsaken His Law-word. So, by way of warning, one more time, without a national revival and returning to Him, what else could God do to America but the things depicted in both the Old Testament and the New Testament prophetic apocalyptic Scriptures? Europe is even now lining up for war and famine, diseases will follow, and death.

End notes: See Joel 1:4 and Zechariah 1:7-21, 6:1-8 as other examples using symbolism in rapidly successive multi-fold judgments of the Almighty emanating from the throne of His power in glory, each culminating as a single event in history on earth.

The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah – Revelation 4 and 5

2 years, 4 months ago

Dr. Baldwin offers an exegesis of Revelation Chapters 4 and 5. It’s very good; watch the whole thing. We agree with much. His explanation of the seven Spirits of God is excellent.

We don’t entirely agree with the depiction of the four beasts as given by Dr. Baldwin (Revelation 4:6-9). He states they represent the Gospel. I’ll not argue against that, but we think the four beasts have a different representation.

He says the four beasts represent the Gospel, i.e., the four Gospels. He explains that Matthew depicts Christ as the Lion of Juda. Mark shows Jesus the servant, represented by the calf among the four beasts. Luke, the face of a man or Christ as the son of Man. And the Gospel of John, with an eagle representing Christ as the Son of God. That the four Gospels do indeed depict Jesus Christ, each one in that unique type and ministry of Christ, those three and a half years as described by Dr. Baldwin, we don’t argue against. We’re less sure that the four beasts align with or represent the specific Gospel accounts.

What we think of the four beasts is that they represent all creatures, the perfect creation, fully restored by the Gospel, which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This would be the restoration to the pre-fall state in the Garden, where all things knew God and worshipped God because no sin existed; all was at peace. The conclusion to this part of the vision of John is Revelation 5:13-14, which shows every living thing (which the four beasts in chapter four represent before the throne) worshiping the glorified Christ. This is why we think the four beasts represent all creation, not the four Gospels.

It’s a minor point, and there may be something to both views. That Christ rules and reigns in heaven and earth, therefore each man must be prepared for His return is what truly matters. Jesus, by the Gospel, is restoring all things and bringing in a new heaven and new earth. The Kingdom of God now is only a type of the final domain to come when all sin shall be entirely eradicated.

Dr. Baldwin notes that the cherubim are the same as those that Ezekiel saw but does not mention the vision of Isaiah about these same living creatures in Isaiah 6:1-4.

Religion Tags:

Notes on the Destruction of Jerusalem Part Two

2 years, 4 months ago

Several months ago, we posted a note about the destruction of Jerusalem. Below we find a well-researched and accessible snapshot of the temple system being replaced by Christ. Not only is Jesus the final sacrifice once for all, ending the necessity of the temple system, but the articles contend that Jesus was teaching and preparing His disciples for all aspects of the temple system to be completed in the person of Jesus Christ. That is something I had not considered.

AD 70 & THE TEMPLE’S FAILURE part 1 and part 2

AD 70 is an important date in redemptive-history. In that year the ancient temple of Israel was destroyed, never to be rebuilt.


In the Gospel record Jesus’ subtle conduct and overt teaching prepare us for the removal of the temple as both theologically unnecessary and as spiritually corrupt. John’s Gospel is especially interesting in this regard: In Jn 1:14 Christ appears as God’s true “tabernacle” (eskēnōsen en ēmin). [1] This theme of Jesus replacing the religious features of Israel recurs repeatedly in his ministry: In 1:51 he, rather than the temple or high priest, is the nexus between heaven and earth because…

These posts provide an excellent example of why the temple was to be destroyed; judgment loomed in the first century. There will be at least one more part of the series on the linked website.


2 years, 5 months ago

A couple of months ago, we posted links to two resources containing information about the early writing date of Revelation. Here is another resource, this one taken from the text of Revelation 17.

Since there is a serious debate over the dating of Revelation, and since we are in one of the passages that offers us evidence for its date (Rev. 15–19), I thought I would introduce you to the debate.

Awareness of the debate is significant for a number of reasons. I believe that our recognition of the matter will help us understand an important issue. And that issues is: the writers of Scripture were real writers who wrote to real people in the real world. The Bible did not drop down from heaven as an other-worldly document. We must understand the historical significance of the books of Scripture so that we avoid mysticism and fanaticism. Christianity is an historical religion.

The linked article also elucidates other intriguing contents of this section of Scripture.

Note that God, by His angel, is telling us (Verse 7) the mystery of the woman, not hiding it, and of the beast and the horns.

“6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” – Revelation 17:6-13

Religion Tags:

Dating the Book of Revelation

2 years, 7 months ago

Housekeeping Note: I (PGF) will be offline next week. No posts from me. Be back soon. Herschel will probably dock my pay of course.

Chuck Baldwin Dates Revelation, including a solid refutation of historicism and identifying “the Beast.” Touches on Chapters 11 and 17. Dr. Baldwin continues to suggest that there may be an early fulfillment in part and a later (sometimes referred to as “now, not yet) fulfillment of Revelation, if that’s what he means. We remain interested in his reasoning behind this and hope that a future message will explain.

And Dr. Ken Gentry, in two short posts, Part One and Part Two dates Revelation.

Plus an explanation of the temple in Revelation 11.

Why You Can’t Understand The Book of Revelation

2 years, 8 months ago

Read Isaiah 24:21-25:9

You can’t understand the book of Revelation because, perhaps, you started in the last book of the Bible expecting to need no prior knowledge and background to understand this final apocalyptic writing in scripture. So, most then look for some man’s opinion about what all of the imagery means.

Revelation is not about a dragon, a giant woman, bowls of wrath, or locusts with tails of scorpions although those things are in the book. The Revelation is about Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1)! Reducing Revelation to anything other than the conquest of Christ over His enemies and the curse of sin from the fall is to miss God’s purposes completely.

To understand the book of Revelation, you must study the entire Bible. There are many ongoing revelations in God’s broader redemptive plan, in choosing a people to be His, in grace and mercy unto salvation, instruction in righteousness, and yes, judgment.

Apocalyptic Judgments in the Holy Bible appear from the start. It would help if you started by understanding the magnitude of the fall (Genesis 3); the entire earth is cursed, and everything is dying. There are many separate curses and consequent judgments pronounced by Holy God at the fall; the woman is cursed, satan is cursed, and the man is cursed, and with him, the very ground you walk on is cursed. As can be pretty typical of Apocalyptic writing throughout the Scripture, each of these curses has four parts. Keep that in mind when reading the prophetic portions of scripture; often, judgment comes in fours.

An example seems necessary. Most straightforward to see is the four upon the woman.

“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” Genesis 3:16:

1 Great sorrow

2 Pain and distress in conception and childbirth

3 In yearning for and need of a provider/protector husband

4 And made subject to that man

In God’s ongoing redemptive plan, every aspect of the sin curse in Genesis 3 is being addressed. Matthew 22:30 is one of the many verses that convince us amillennialism is flawed. All of it is ended by the close of history, the Kingdom of God now being a picture. God brought and is bringing judgment to every man, for all have sinned, but He is the God of mercies, grace abounding unto redemption; at the close of history, all those blood-bought faithful will be redeemed with no more curse (Revelation 22:3). Though we live by faith now in a type of the final kingdom, in the end, we hold out our hope by faith toward the God that restores for perfect (complete) restoration.

We reject the notion that Jesus Christ was tortured to death for an allegory. “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” – Romans 5:12. Sin is real, the consequences of which can be devastating to not only individuals but to nations. There is no more thoroughly documented occurrence in antiquity than the resurrection of Christ. Almighty God, the creator of the heaven and the earth, reached across the expanse of His creation and through time eternal to personally contact you, offering salvation, a glimpse of the final Kingdom, and a knowledge of Him that only His own can receive. Is your salvation an allegory? You know better! Those claiming such things read the Bible as mere literature but having been brought to new life in Christ, His word is revealed, we know that the Bible is the words of life. There are just too many verses that point to an end state with God, not just spiritually now, but free from all corruption. Don’t doubt His power to have a people that live in fellowship and truth and worship with Him at the end.

Within this section of Isaiah (Chapters 24 through 27), we’ll narrow our study to some verses from 24 and 25 that can help build your knowledge of the apocalyptic type of language. Also, see Matthew 24, Part Four, Definition of Terms Primer.

The specific target of the judgments rendered in our verses is not given. Isaiah, in general, is the judgment of Israel using Babylon as His instrument, and then, as is also God’s typical manner, those used in judgment against God’s own are also judged; this too can help you understand the prophetic books. But we can’t miss the language, as many of these verses seem to point to a distant future yet unknown to the people then living.

God is not hiding what He is doing; He reveals it; scripture always answers scripture. In the book of Revelation, you must understand the language of prophecy. You must study God’s purposes in judgment, His means, and the modalities of bringing judgment, which is by human instrumentation with a few exceptions.

The addressees of Revelation, seven first-century churches, would have had some knowledge of what that book spoke about when using those apocalyptic images. Those that were Jews, notably, would have been very familiar with the meanings, types, symbols, and language in Revelation. But today, Gentiles are not raised from their youth in the knowledge of the Tora. Keeping in mind that the New Testament interprets the Old Testament to understand Revelation, you must study apocalyptic forms and language from Genesis onward, especially the prophetic books.

Holy God uses language throughout the Old Testament that is brought forward to Revelation. It’s NOT some new thing mystically veiled by God to keep us in ignorance.

“21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.

22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.” – Isaiah 24:21-23

[ And “In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.” Isaiah 27:1 ]

We see war in Heaven and judgments on the earth (verse 21) with similar apocalyptic imagery and symbols of serpents and “the Dragon” destined for the pit (27:1 above. See Revelation 20:2-3) and ultimately to be no more (Revelation 20:10). See also Daniel Ten about war in Heaven come to earth, against the kingdoms of this world, on behalf of just men.

Verses in Revelation to consider here include 12:7-12, and Chapter 20, especially verses 1-3, 7, 10.

No moon, no sun shall compare to the Glory of Christ, who shall be the light of the city. Compare verse 23 (above) with Revelation 21:23 and Revelation 22:5.

And compare verse 23 (above) with Revelation 4:4, the Lord on His throne surrounded by the “ancients” or “four and twenty elders.”

Know that God’s angels would make war in Heaven and earth for you who cry out to Him day and night that He would avenge His own elect. (Deuteronomy 32:35, Luke 18:7, Romans 12:19/Hebrews 10:30)

“O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.” Isaiah 25:1

This verse seems to point to a soon-coming day of victory by God, knowing full well that Christ is triumphant.

Verses in Revelation to consider here include; Revelation 19:1-3.

“2 For thou hast made of a city an heap; of a defenced city a ruin: a palace of strangers to be no city; it shall never be built. 3 Therefore shall the strong people glorify thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear thee.” Isaiah 25:2-3

Many apocalyptic verses and some parables come to mind but immediately, Luke 19:41-44 and Mark 13:2. This language is striking. Perhaps Isaiah points to Babylon (see Revelation 16:19, a type). Still, it’s impossible to miss that God may be reaching across a span of many centuries pointing to the true Israel of God, that would worship Him in spirit and in truth when the “strangers” who knew Him not would reject the cornerstone (Luke 20:17-19) of the building, God creating much greater worship; “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” – 1 Corinthians 3:16. These verses are about a city run by God’s enemies, standing in the way of the new heavenly city, and the vengeance of God for His faithful (strong followers, Philippians 4:13).

“4 For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.

5 Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud: the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low.

6 And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.

7 And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations.

8 He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.

9 And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”  – Isaiah 25:4-9

The needy, the poor, and those in distress remind us of Luke 4:17-21. Imagine being there; “And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.” Wonder not at how many misunderstood or questioned but marvel in His sight that you, of all creatures, would be made aware.

We see salvation in verses 4-9, where this prophecy of Isaiah turns beautifully messianic. The veil is rent in verse 7 (Matthew 27:51), the heathen may have their faces uncovered (eyes opened), salvation has come to all people (Revelation 12:10), who shall live in the love and knowledge of our Lord, the great Redeemer, Creator and merciful giver of the breath of new life into His reborn creatures, salvation in Christ is at hand!

By the time we reach verse 8, what else could we have but the Revelation of God Almighty in final victory; all tears are wiped away (Revelation 21:4). The ending of the curse of sin and the last enemy death, is roundly defeated (1 Corinthians 15:26), for God is life, and to His own, He brings life eternal. The strong city, the heavenly Jerusalem, is born. The enemies of Holy Father God shall be tread upon by Christ’s hosts (Revelation 11:2) as Babylon the Harlot (Revelation 17:5) falls not only to physical destruction (Matthew 24) but into ruinous darkness (Romans 11:7). Christ has left the old temple desolate (Luke 13:35, Matthew 23:38).

“1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” – Revelation 21:1-7

In the judgments of God, the Bible shows us how God made them to war against each other, took their ability to sustain themselves, and brought diseases and famines. To understand Revelation, you must pursue prophetic language from Genesis onward.  To understand the freight-train-load of trouble coming at America, you must understand why God brings judgment and the means and modalities of destruction for those who hate Him.

And again, though full of typology and symbols, we reject the notion that all is an allegory and that the Kingdom of God now is the end. Christ is coming again for those that are His and His final estate with Him; there shall be no defiled thing, watch, therefore, keep your garments spotless, and be ready for no man knows the hour.

Edit: We should have noted that the concept for this post and some of the reference verses came from M. S. Terry.

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