The Truth About The Covid Vaccines Is Darker Than You Know

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 4 months ago

First, as I’ve said before, no one keeps closer track of money and statistics than actuaries who work at insurance companies, not even Las Vegas mathematicians.

This report is bracing.

Since the beginning of the plandemic, the powers-that-be have told us to “follow the science.” But perhaps a better indicator of what’s really happening would be to follow the money. And if you really want to get an accurate view, the money to follow is in life insurance. They know about death better than anyone. It’s what they do.

We reported in January about the insurance executive caught admitting there had been an inexplicable 40% increase in mortalities in 2022. They tried to walk that back, but the cat was out of the bag and it has been verified as being true. Now, a former Blackrock portfolio manager has taken the insurance cover-up and blown it wide open.

During an interview with Kristi Leigh, Edward Dowd gave us multiple bombshells. One that may have been missed came at around the 27-minute mark when he revealed plenty of evidence of mortality dramatically increasing.

“Bottom line is, they saw an acceleration in mortality in the second half of 2021, okay. Given the ‘miracle vaccines,’ that should not have occurred.”

He detailed how OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison revealed the facts during a Chamber of Commerce meeting. The information was not supposed to get out to the public, but it did and it blew up.

“In fact, he put some meat on the bones,” Dowd said. “He said a 10% increase would be a three-standard deviation event. 40% is a once-in-200-year flood. And what you need to understand about insurance companies is they make their money giving whole life policies because they can predict death rates, which are pretty steady.

Second, there is this very important video that details how researchers have determined that mRNA enters the liver, enters the nucleus of the cells, and gets converted into DNA.  At the moment, they have numerous concerns: genomic toxicity, various cancers, the placenta route, and auto immune diseases.  Here is the original paper.

Finally, via WRSA, this is a very important Epoch Times article entitled The Truth is Coming Out about Covid Deaths.

When this is all said and done, there will be many people who knew and will be culpable, and many in the medical community who suspected and said nothing, and then there will be the victims.  The people who knew should be held to account.  The people who suspected and said nothing violated their oaths and should leave the profession.


  1. On March 3, 2022 at 12:55 am, George 1 said:

    Denninger calculated about 1 in 30 severe adverse affects or death. I personally know of two people in this category. One died the other is alive but had her leg amputated owing to blood clots.

    The data below is part of what Pfizer wanted to hide until 2085. It shows during a 3 month period 1 out of 35 people died after taking the vax.

    We are just over one year into the max vax program. It will get much worse. I wonder if Trump will finally admit his error.

  2. On March 3, 2022 at 2:17 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Herschel

    Re: “When this is all said and done, there will be many people who knew and will be culpable, and many in the medical community who suspected and said nothing, and then there will be the victims. The people who knew should be held to account. The people who suspected and said nothing violated their oaths and should leave the profession.”

    There will be the temptation on the part of the public to “return to normalcy” quickly and the usual suspects and powers-that-be may ride that sentiment to avoiding what punishment ought to come their way for their crimes and misdeeds.

    Inside the deep-state and intelligence community, there is a method of handling a crisis of public opinion, when things don’t go well for the well-connected and powerful, or when things turn against them. The spooks call it a “hangout” or “limited hangout,” as both are related and differ only in degree and not in kind.

    Briefly, when it is unavoidable that incriminating and/or damaging revelations are going to come to light, and no other better options are available, then the course of action becomes admitting a degree of guilty or culpability, but in a way that limits the disclosure and localizes the damage and fallout as much as possible.

    The partial admission of guilt or culpability is the “hangout” or disclosure phase, where the public figures expose a carefully-edited version of the truth to minimize the damage to them. This is a “limited hangout,” and if it works to get the proverbial monkeys off their backs that is all that is needed. Often, politicos inside the Beltway pair such an admission with a feigned expression of moral indignation, claims of innocence, the blaming of other parties or causes, or other diversionary tactics designed to generate sympathy.

    A favorite is for the pols on the ‘Hill to establish a “blue-ribbon bipartisan commission” to study the problem and make recommendations. Sounds all official and fine-and-dandy, but the trouble is, it isn’t what it seems to be. The real purpose of such committees, such as the famous Warren Commission investigating JFK’s death, is to delay the day of reckoning long-enough for the heat and light to be turned down and the public outrage a chance to cool. Better still, the news cycle moves on and the public loses interest in the story entirely.

    The “full hangout” is simply the big brother to the limited hangout, used only if necessary and if the limited version doesn’t work or doesn’t work well-enough.
    The pot is sweetened by disclosing as much of the scandal or problem as possible and necessary to defuse tensions and outrage.

    In the event of more-revealing disclosures, it is typical in Washington, D.C. to sacrifice some underlings and foot soldiers in order to protect the top dogs, the senior leaders or people in charge at the very top. Again, the idea is to mollify public opinion enough so that the damage is limited in scope and the top people aren’t implicated.

    In light of the enormity of the moral and statutory crimes committed over the last eighteen to twenty-four months during the so-called pandemic, it is essential that the public keep its eyes on the ball, and does not fall for these tricks and methods of manipulating public opinion.

    Moreover, even though “big names” are sure to be offered up as sacrificial lambs and thrown to the proverbial wolves – perhaps even Dr. Fauci himself – that’s not enough. The biggest fish are the ones who deserve to be caught in the net, and not simply the small and medium size ones. If necessary, adopt the tactics the Feds once used to defeat the mob: Catch the small fry and then turn them by making them offers of qualified/full-immunity or reduced sentences, in return for evidence sufficient to catch the really big fish.

    Do that until you reach the very top – or mark my words: Humanity will have to deal with the very same perpetrators and evil schemes in another year or two or a decade’s time. Throwing the entire membership of the World Economic Forum in Gitmo would be a great start but that’s probably too optimistic and unrealistic to happen.

  3. On March 3, 2022 at 5:38 am, Joe Blow said:

    This is far wider and more pervasive than anything else, ever. The way it was marketed too, is problematic (secondary effect is nobody trusts anybody in medicine anymore).
    But when you consider the percentage of population inoculated, its a game changer. How many cops, DA’s, investigators, special witnesses and other law enforcement fields have been affected (all gov’t employees…)? How hard do you think a cop will work to investgate that murder of the County Health Dept. chair, when his wife died of a blood clot, and he can’t make the PT test at the same levels as 2 years ago?

    Didn’t find much evidence Boss, but they sure made a mess of that doctor, boy howdee!!

    Folks, think about how this issue has polarized society today? Now multiply it by a factor of “YOU KNOW YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!!”

    Its gonna be uglier than any of us have ever seen.

  4. On March 3, 2022 at 8:35 am, George1 said:

    I voted for him but Trump does not get a pass of this either. He enabled the whole thing.

  5. On March 3, 2022 at 9:38 am, Johno said:

    The Hippocrates oath is worthless, as is witnessed by the actions of doctors daily, around the world. Dangle enough money, or the teat of government health departments largesse, they’ll swear that up is down or that black is white. They may be just followers of the ilk of Fauci, but ultimately they enabled murder, or commited such themselves. Mind you, don’t go thinking that this is limited to the US, look at Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries, where Fascistic police gleefully split heads open, they too are enablers and need to find out they should have read a history book, instead of beefing up on baton swings.

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