Sergeant Jerry Shriver
BY Herschel Smith
This is the most awesome fact I found the entire weekend. Jerry Shriver, of MACV-SOG in Vietnam, carried a Marlin 444 lever action rifle.
This is the most awesome fact I found the entire weekend. Jerry Shriver, of MACV-SOG in Vietnam, carried a Marlin 444 lever action rifle.
On June 17, 2024 at 5:48 am, jrg said:
Umm – 24 seconds into video, one of Shrivers firearms was described as a ‘sawn off shotgun’. I saw a M79 grenade launcher, but my eyes are old and may be playing tricks with me.
That isn’t on Shriver. Not the first time I’ve heard of this man. Fearless and a fierce warrior – someone you want on your side for sure.
My condolences to his family and friends.
On June 17, 2024 at 8:06 am, Herschel Smith said:
You have to listen further into the video to hear about how, on R&R stateside, Jerry ordered a Marlin 444 to be sent back to Vietnam for his use.
On June 17, 2024 at 1:02 pm, jrg said:
I’m sorry, that shotgun comment took me off the .444 subject altogether. I wasn’t commenting towards that firearm at all – my apologies. I will go back and listen to that part of the video.
I’m a fan of the .444 Marlin, owned one once but I had to regretfully sell it when I was building our home and wanted COMMERCIAL GRADE steel doors for it. It was a mid 1980’s model and had a crossbolt safety in receiver so not a an old vintage rifle. Fun to shoot – I told me Uncle it was like having a .44 caliber .30-30 and he gave me a thumbs up.
It would have made an interesting gun for anti-personal use. That big bore demanded attention.
On June 17, 2024 at 4:41 pm, 41mag said:
…and carried a bunch of New York reloads on his person lol.
On June 18, 2024 at 8:04 am, Randolf Scott said:
Shriver was a genuine badass warrior.
I watched that video yesterday while looking for some footage of my late uncle Tommy Pearson. He was up in the Highlands with Montagnards. Uncle Tommy did make it home but never talked much about being there. He like Montagnards, said the ones he was around were afraid of nothing.
On June 18, 2024 at 10:16 am, WiscoDave said:
@Randolf Scott:
Did your uncle write this?
If you have access to Twitter, I’d contact this guy and ask him if he has anything
On June 18, 2024 at 5:25 pm, Steve Miller said:
Myself I have a Marlin 444S and loves it muchly so!!!!
On June 18, 2024 at 9:57 pm, Nolan Parker said:
I’m not much for videos. The comments tell me he was a particular BadAss. I’m guessing those two fellas were buddies,,. Just for a split second I thought I heard banjos. None of them look like they were strangers to the principal’s office. The kindsa guys I want on My side.
On June 23, 2024 at 8:53 am, Ned said:
I knew this back when I bought one. Nothing on this continent a 444 won’t kill with 300 = grain bullets. I imagine the original 240 grainers were extremely lethal on human targets.