Looks Like an Invading Horde to Me, How About You?

BY Herschel Smith
4 months, 1 week ago


  1. On March 21, 2024 at 10:42 pm, 41mag said:

    Now overlay the mob in a neighborhood video. Welcome to our future.

  2. On March 22, 2024 at 5:34 am, Nosmo said:

    I wonder if a state government would get a quantity discount on M134As from Dillon.

  3. On March 22, 2024 at 7:33 am, Bill Buppert said:

    I have a very unpopular read on this issue:

    Per the Coleman ruling on illegals and guns.

    I have a different take; I’ve got zero problems with the decision.

    Whether illegal or criminal, they’ll get it if they want it but the thought experiment runs like this: 2A supporters and Fudds demand that illegals can’t have guns and the government responds by saying you’re right and requires your gun ownership is attached to a license or registration proving you’re a “citizen” or “tax serf” in the US.

    Voilà: the registration dream is realized.

    No, I am fine with illegals having guns, no legislation will ever stop the determined gun possessor or owner.

  4. On March 22, 2024 at 8:12 am, Herschel Smith said:


    All of those people are headed to local hospitals around the country, where the ER will be their PCP, and where, by federal law, surgery MUST be performed when needed.

  5. On March 22, 2024 at 9:29 am, Ozark Redneck said:

    Just great to see the ‘family units’ seeking asylum! We are in for bad times…

  6. On March 22, 2024 at 11:03 am, Chris said:

    What is needed is and arming order for the guardsmen requiring them to be armed, and to open fire on an persons breaking down a barrier or coming through a broken barrier.

  7. On March 22, 2024 at 11:31 am, Joe Blow said:

    Looks like why select fire should be an option for everyone, not just US dot Mil.

  8. On March 22, 2024 at 1:08 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    It is an invasion. Noted military authority and co-creator of the influential generations of warfare model, William Lind, has stated that a massive flow of unarmed refugees or migrants into a nation is more dangerous than an invasion by an armed and uniformed army. Why? Because whereas the army usually eventually departs for their home nation, the so-called refugees may be there to stay as de facto colonists.

    And this is precisely what we are seeing unfold on our southern border.

    The powers that be want very badly for ordinary Americans to believe that this massive influx of people from foreign lands is happening more-or-less accidentally and by chance, but that is a precise inversion of the truth.

    The reality is that this operation has been planned down to the detail over the course of many years, and is now in the process of being undertaken around the developed world, but in particular in Europe and the “Five Eyes” nations of the Anglophone world – i.e., the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In its own way, this operation is just as complex as the June 6th 1944 landings at Normandy, France eighty years ago.

    The UN, elements of the PRC, and various NGOs – assisted by the Biden regime – are now in the Panama Canal Zone and environs (especially the Darian Gap) – to facilitate this giant undertaking.

    This isn’t happening by accident folks; it is a deliberate attack upon our republic and way of life. And as Lind and his colleagues would remind us, it is war. Fourth-generation war, but war none-the-less.

  9. On March 22, 2024 at 1:11 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ H.S.

    Re: “All of those people are headed to local hospitals around the country, where the ER will be their PCP, and where, by federal law, surgery MUST be performed when needed.”

    Your daughter is in the healthcare field, if memory serves, so you probably know this already – but the obligation to provide care to people in the country illegally is at worst bankrupting many hospitals and at best forcing them to charge higher prices than they otherwise would to insured customers who are citizens. Cloward-Piven strategy, too, if you are familiar with that.
    Collapse the system by overloading it.

  10. On March 22, 2024 at 4:45 pm, Paul B said:

    Belt feed automatics. Or croc in the Colorado. Im open to suggestions but I think we need to close it hard.

  11. On March 23, 2024 at 6:06 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Bill Buppert

    You are a former military man, ex-special forces, if memory serves. What do you make of what is going on down on the border vis-a-vis the demographic invasion, if you wouldn’t mind sharing your perspective? What is their endgame? I have a number of ideas in mind, but would very much like to read yours if you are willing to share them.

    Do you delve into this in your “Chasing Ghosts” podcasts? I haven’t yet taken the time to listen/view those… my bad…

  12. On March 23, 2024 at 11:33 pm, Beast5 said:

    @georgiaboy61 Illegals have their 4+ children for free on Medical/Medicaid, the average out of pocket cost to have a child in California for a citizen (tax slave)is $11,500 (2022) and $14,500 (2023) with insurance, after the $15,000 (2022)-$24,000 (2023) in premiums for the year. Not to mention if the pregnancy goes through January, you’ll pay the max out of pocket twice.

    Millions of fighting age men aren’t here for free stuff, that’s just cover for action, they’re here for a good old fashioned conquering.

  13. On March 24, 2024 at 12:34 am, Georgiaboy61 said:


    Re: “Millions of fighting age men aren’t here for free stuff, that’s just cover for action, they’re here for a good old fashioned conquering.”

    OK, so you more-or-less agree with the analysis posted above. I was afraid of that! I’d hoped you’d have better news, but you know what they say about hope. It makes a good breakfast but a poor dinner.

    I was talking to one old boy out here in rural America where I live, and he quipped that the way things are going, the Chi-Coms, Muslims and Latinos will all be fighting it out among themselves to see who wins out, with Trad-Americans trapped in the middle.

    I wish he was joking, but I don’t think he was….

  14. On March 24, 2024 at 7:03 am, Bill Buppert said:


    I share some of my thoughts on this in Ep 037 “Storming America: Another War Will Come Home” on what the violent end-state will look like in the near future. This scenario can happen tomorrow morning.

    Find it here: https://cgpodcast.substack.com/p/ep-037-storming-america-another-war

    I think that William Forstchen’s book, “Day of Wrath” and Kurt Schlichter’s book, “The Attack” both show a grisly snapshot of what 72 hours of focused terror attacks by activated cells can do if unleashed and the aftermath; Forstchen’s estimate of the government reaction is more realistic than Schlichter’s.

    Take listen and see what you think.

    The age-old equation of Diversity + Proximity = Violence will prove out.

    The domestic color revolutions and voter “fortification” in 2020 and 2022 provided a framework for perennial CPUSA wins in the USA without importing new voters. There are enough dead voters on the US rolls to perpetually ensure at the Federal level the Offal Office is never occupied by the other wing of the Uniparty, why bring in allegedly all these future CPUSA voters? It makes me think the illegal influx is a dual-use commodity other than filling voter rolls and Cloward-Piven is a partial explanation.

    I am convinced the elites have zero idea of the long term effects of what this border invasion does nor do they have the power to control whatever they have unleashed. As the intersectional IED cannibalism in MN has proven out, the cultural collision between Islamists and Marxists will not be the story the Marxists imagined.

    When asked why the Offal Office (and by extension, the Federal colossus) behaves in the manner it does, imagine a political junta run by unstable teenage girls regardless of age and gender and it provides the most compelling explanation.

  15. On March 24, 2024 at 9:53 am, Beast5 said:

    “…a political junta run by unstable teenage girls….”

    Precisely. But add a few lines to the code and run it through Michael Yon’s paradigm machine to make it work. Everything our political class does benefits a few specific nations. Every single time you think they can’t be this dumb, ask yourself which of our enemies and “allies” does this benefit. You’ll be shocked but never surprised again.

  16. On March 24, 2024 at 9:43 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @Bill Buppert

    Thanks for the information, yours as well as the two books recommended. I read William Forstchen’s “One Second After” some years ago when it first came out, but I am not familiar with the title you mentioned. I read Schlichter’s new one, and found it useful and reasonably well-done. I am also going to make a point of reading Matt Bracken’s new novel, too.

    I read a lot of non-fiction, but find that sometimes works of fiction may supply some useful data points, too, as well as entertainment and suspense. And certain authors do a good job in injecting as much realism into their stories as possible.

    Thanks again…

  17. On March 27, 2024 at 8:52 am, Latigo Morgan said:

    More and more people are starting to figure out what, “Every single time” actually means, and notice just who it is, “every single time” when they delve deep into the causes, the enablers, and those in charge.

    If you haven’t noticed by now, then you haven’t been looking.

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