Greg Abbott’s Armed Troops Block Border Patrol

BY Herschel Smith
6 months, 1 week ago

That’s the headline. Sounds ominous, yes? As if a pro-immigration correspondent wrote it.

Here’s the real story.

“I’m glad for what Gov. Abbott is doing, because what it’s allowing us to do, we’re able to deploy our resources to other areas that we haven’t been able to patrol for several years now. And so, that’s allowing us to go after the gotaways—that segment of the people that cause a great deal of problem here in the United States,” he said.

“What he is doing is operating as a force multiplier. It is very good what he is doing for the American people. It’s something that President [Joe] Biden should be doing but he refuses to do because, again, he cares more about his base than he does about the American people.”

The NG is blocking the area used for staging of illegals to enter the US. And even that’s not the complete story. The Border Patrol is being used by DHS to facilitate the crossing of illegals.

Not only that, treason isn’t limited to the border patrol. It’s happening with LEOs too.

But boys and girls, remember to “back the blue.” Because they have your backs.


  1. On January 17, 2024 at 5:52 am, Mark Matis said:

    “Law Enforcement” officers exist to:
    1. Protect their Masters
    2. Protect their bruthas and sistas in Blue.
    3. Generate revenue.

    Anything else they might do is purely coincidental to their employment!

  2. On January 17, 2024 at 9:43 am, george 1 said:

    George Carlin turned out to be prophetic when he said the following many years ago. Seems to be pretty spot on today.

    Politicians are criminals.

    The police are a gang instituted to protect the interests of the criminals.

    Doctors are drug dealers for the pharmaceutical industry.

    Soldiers are hired killers for the controllers/criminals.

  3. On January 17, 2024 at 9:46 am, Longbow said:

    If the nice policeman orders you to get on your knees and fellate him… just go ahead and comply. You can always go to court later and have your grievance heard.

    Submit and comply!



    It’s what Free Man do!

  4. On January 17, 2024 at 12:29 pm, Sisu said:

    Related, a recent X/twitter post I was made aware of re: the lawfare directed at DJT, re: Sect. 3. of 14th Amendment concerning disqualification of those who have led “insurrection” against the USofA –

    “Biden has led a deadly insurrection on the Southern Border for 3 consecutive years and is therefore ineligible under the 14th Amendment and should be disqualified accordingly” @StephenM

  5. On January 17, 2024 at 1:20 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    The focal point or schwerkpunkt of this problem is who controls the pay and benefits of the various police and other uniformed personnel, namely the state. In theory, we the people are supposed to be sovereign, but in fact what has happened is that once the government takes control of tax monies and other forms of revenue, they are treated it as belonging to them and not the people.

    And since the pay and benefits of government employees – including police – are paid for by the government itself, whether at the local, state, regional or federal level – guess who is ultimately in charge and whose orders the workers follow?

    In theory the system could work, and may have worked in the past. But now, it has devolved into what an economist would term control fraud. Because the state controls the funds, it is in the driver’s seat when it comes to issuing orders, handing out favors, granting privileges, and so forth. None of this is in the least bit it constitutional, but that fact hasn’t stop anyone in many many years.

    Want to clean up the corruption, racketeering, and gamesmanship? Then the process by which these “public servants” are funded and paid must be reformed from top-to-bottom.
    Because right now, the old twist on the “golden rule” applies: He who has the gold makes the rules….

  6. On January 17, 2024 at 1:40 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    (Part two)

    To add to the previous post…

    My larger point is that the official oversight and feedback control mechanism designed to regulate the various agencies of the government has broken down, especially at the federal and state levels. A great many people assume that since things still work more-or-less well or at least not terribly at the local level, then things must be OK higher up the food chain.

    But in fact, agencies of the government whose missions are the protection of the border (C&BP) the safety and security of the republic itself (the armed forces), and public order have totally broken down, been co-opted, or otherwise have failed or been compromised.

    In other words, the border is wide-open, but the people have no mechanism by which they can restore it and some semblance of order and functionality to it in the absence of those agencies and organizations who should be doing the job.

    Prime facie, the fact that these agencies are failing to do their jobs, writ large, should be grounds for withholding their funding or even de-establishing them, but how’s that working out? No one else in a position of responsibility is – or seems to be doing – anything about that either, from Congress on down the line.

    The truth of the matter is that we are fast-becoming a failed or hollow state. Indeed, in many ways, we have already arrived at that unpleasant destination. What happens now? That’s the proverbial million-dollar question, isn’t it?

    We do know what 4GW theory says about the issue: As a nation-state fails or becomes hollow, and its population begins to realize that the state can or will not provide the goods and services they need, the people will begin transferring their loyalties to someone or something else. Their racial or ethnic group, a gang, a criminal organization or cartel, for example, or even a sports team, church, civic organization, professional guild or union, etc.
    There are many possibilities; the point is that the state itself no longer commands these loyalties.

    What happens when the dysfunction becomes severe-enough? A failed state can be repaired or heal itself, or it can hit bottom and go to pieces. The latter outcome is infamous in the process of Balkanization and the subsequent internal strife and civil conflict in places like S.E. Europe and other places around the world, i.e., Sudan, Somalia, etc.

    Lind et al. have noted that in the 21st century, the state is paradoxically stronger than it has ever been, but also weaker. Even as the state hemorrhages legitimacy – the coin of the realm – in desperation it tries to sustain itself by pulling more and more resources and authority to itself.

    Strass and Howe’s “Fourth Turnings” theory also has much to tell us and to suggest in terms of possible outcomes. But that is for another time…

    The future outcome(s) in the U.S. can only be predicted or hinted at by the 4Gw theorists and historical analysts like Strauss and Howe. But it would probably be prudent for us to buckle our proverbial seat-belts…

  7. On January 17, 2024 at 6:16 pm, X said:

    LA working to make illegal aliens cops, let them carry guns:

    Of course if you are a natural-born American citizen those illegal alien, foreign-citizen cops will cuff you and charge you with a felony for carrying a gun without their permission. There’s your “law enforcement” right there.

  8. On January 17, 2024 at 6:20 pm, PGF said:

    Chicago is also allowing non citizens to apply for police jobs. If you thought it was only theory that a foreign invading army was conquering you and will occupy America you were wrong.

  9. On January 17, 2024 at 11:16 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:


    Re: “Chicago is also allowing non citizens to apply for police jobs.”

    Of course they are! If New York or California are doing something, you can bet Illinois will follow suit, especially Chicago. And mark my words, if not immediately then soon…. those illegals, er, “undocumented migrants” will be given preference in hiring

    The commies have been salivating about this stuff for years, but conditions are now finally becoming ripe for them to spring the trap on an unsuspecting public. And they’ll do it, without hesitation or any remorse whatsoever.

  10. On January 18, 2024 at 11:39 am, JB said:

    These are the same LEO’S that would not hesitate if ordered to fire upon civilian patriots who stand for God, Flag and Country. They sold their soul to the Devil for overtime pay. And it says that San Antinio is run by Communist traitors to the law and to humanity.

    The future is grim for America. I only see a future of high crime, high taxation, Police State Tyranny, and a decade of civil war. A civil war that must be won by American Patriots. We must win because to lose is die.

  11. On January 18, 2024 at 1:58 pm, Grunt said:

    Armed Troops, yet no bullets.

  12. On January 18, 2024 at 4:53 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    If they were not under arming orders (which I doubt) you’re right.

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