Mark Smith on Inside Baseball Stuff Regarding the Second Amendment and Roger Benitez
BY Herschel Smith
In order to understand what he’s saying, you have to watch it all from beginning to end.
I would also point out that while he focused on who has the burden of proof, and it should always be on the state, if his example is correct, a complete ban wouldn’t have an effect anyway if the example has to do with carry rather than ownership
That may be the second reason the “dangerous and unusual” test must be pressed to the state, not combined into a textual analysis of the 2A.
In order to understand my remark, you’ll have to watch the video.
On October 24, 2023 at 8:34 am, Frank Clarke said:
He must be a lawyer. He takes 23 minutes to say what any normal person could expound in under 5 minutes.
On October 24, 2023 at 8:45 am, Herschel Smith said:
Or another way to look at it is that he’s building an unimpeachable logical case for those who are interested and have the patience to think through the issues.
On October 24, 2023 at 3:06 pm, xtphreak said:
@Frank Clark
Agree with Herschel 100%.
Legal issues are often based on small things (does it say “and” or does it say “or”?), legal cases are decided on literally one word sometimes.
Mr. Smith tries to cover all the bases in building his statements, very much like submitting a brief to a court.
You have to present rebuttals to arguments you know the opposition is going to make to eliminate the court not knowing the information and ruling incorrectly out of ignorance.
If you don’t want to listen to a well reasoned argument, I suggest you just wait and read some hack writer’s synopsis.
The rest of us are eager to learn / have verification of our own opinions.