Tennessee GOP Governor Calls For New Gun Restrictions After Nashville Shooting
Now, Bill Lee, the Tennessee Governor, is getting in on the act of rule by kingly decree while also calling for a TN Red Flag law. This is fallacious because TN can already take a person’s gun(s) for mental health reasons. I can’t recall the exact language, perhaps somebody knows, but it, of course, involves harm to self and others, imminent threat or danger, etc.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) signed an executive order Tuesday to strengthen the state’s background check process for purchasing firearms and encouraged lawmakers to pass a “red flag” law that would prohibit dangerous people from owning guns, in the wake of a deadly school shooting in Nashville last month—one year after Lee said he would not support tighter gun laws.
Define “dangerous person.” All men are dangerous; some are peaceable, while others are harmless; may the Lord never find you in the latter category.
Key Facts
The executive order requires all crimes to be reported to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation within 72 hours, after which they are “accurately, completely and timely” processed into the state’s background check system.
“all crimes?” Does this mean even misdemeanors and previously nonprohibitive petty crimes? What about folks that have served their time and are now productive citizens and gun owners? Will they be the first to get an early morning SWAT raid?
The state investigative service is also required to examine the state’s process for firearms purchases and submit a report listing any needed changes to both Lee and the state legislature within 60 days.
I’ve always had concerns about Lee since I met him early in his first campaign. I asked him about Constitutional Carry, to which he responded forcefully and without hesitation that he was against it. It was a gut response from which one could immediately know that he firmly believes that only government should have guns. He even went on to say that he would have to consult with the police about that. And so here he is, many years later, consulting with State Police over who should be allowed to have a firearm.
Lee called on the state’s GOP-controlled legislature to pass a “new, strong” order of protection law—also referred to as “red flag” laws—that would prevent people who pose a threat to themself or others from owning firearms.
Now Governor Lee wants 3 a.m. Red Flag raids on people who some antichrist “doctor” will unlawfully warrant. We’re coming to expect more of this “trust the experts” from the inexpert power-hungry profit-motive governments at all levels in the United States.
Is a man with publicly obvious spiritual, mental, and emotional problems that thinks he is a woman a qualifying mental problem? No, by federal law! So who are these Red Flag laws going to target; people who say there are only two sexes, made in the image of God, and all else is sin, a wicked prevision? Transexuals are obviously deviant and socially deficient; any serious Christian would know they have a demon; why are our rights in jeopardy over the influence of the devil in the soul of the godless?
Lee, who said new restrictions would “give the people of Tennessee what they deserve,” indicated last year he would not support restricting firearms or strengthening gun control laws after two previous mass shootings in the state.
“We should set aside politics and pride” and take steps to prevent future gun violence, Lee said in a press conference Tuesday at the Midtown Hills police station in Nashville, which responded to the shooting at Covenant School last month.
Lee is governor; every decision he makes is politics. This is also a fallacious argument.
Bill Lee also must be a fake Christian, or he would know better than to infringe on the rights of the law-abiding. A Christian would understand, in his heart, that to accuse his countrymen of the sin of pride over their Biblical duty to protect themselves and their families is False Witness (Exodus 20:16), which is a crime against God. “Thou shalt not kill.” is enjoined. That discussion of self-defense before the throne of God is already over by the Commandment of the Holy One, our true King, not Bill Lee, who is treading dangerously on ground that would usurp God’s sovereignty.
Can evil cast out evil? America has serious spiritual problems due to sin against God. More sin against God by decree of government will not solve this problem. “18 If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub. 19 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges.” Luke 11:18-19. Can sin cast out sin, Governor Lee? The solution to the devil is the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ but so-called Christians don’t believe in the power of the Gospel because they are not actually converted.
What’s offered; more gun control by Republicans! When will America awaken to the falsehood of two competing parties?
And a review of Tennessee’s permitless carry, which Lee signed. It’s NOT permissive but restrictive. The only place it authorizes carry is on private property. That’s not permitless carry, let alone actual Constitutional Carry. Millions of Tennesseans daily carry a firearm, thinking they have a right to carry, but they don’t. The fake NRA sponsored the counterfeit Constitutional Carry bill that was passed in TN.
On April 12, 2023 at 10:02 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “Bill Lee also must be a fake Christian, or he would know better than to infringe on the rights of the law-abiding.”
You’ve hit upon the crux of the matter: It seems as if each and every time there is an incident of this sort, the only answer the politicians seem to have is to punish the law-abiding for crimes they did not commit. At the same time, inside the government no one with any authority seems willing to face the facts and evidence squarely and honestly and work from that basis.
Looking at Governor Lee, it seems as if it is prerequisite these days for being a politician that one must be an expert prevaricator and all-around flim-flam man. Is he really the best that can be done?? If so, we’re in a world of hurt.
On April 12, 2023 at 10:06 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Yes. Most pols are flim-flam artists.
On April 13, 2023 at 6:16 am, Wes said:
For those who discounted comments by a previous president, this is how “I like taking the guns first. Do due-process later” happens. Local, state, Federal… At what level of statism they operate at is immaterial.
On April 13, 2023 at 9:28 am, george 1 said:
Brings to mind a George Carlin statement, if memory serves:
1. Politicians are criminals.
2. Police are a gang hired to protect the interests of the criminals.
3. Doctors are drug pushers for the pharmaceutical companies.
On April 13, 2023 at 6:37 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
They must take the guns away from everyone who didn’t do it.
On April 15, 2023 at 9:22 am, Bradley A Graham said:
Those that want to disarm you will never disarm themselves………