Trump Prediction

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago


That long-stewing resentment burst into public view recently in a dispute over a seemingly unrelated topic: Covid policies. After Mr. DeSantis refused to reveal his full Covid vaccination history, the former president publicly acknowledged he had received a booster. Last week, he seemed to swipe at Mr. DeSantis by blasting as “gutless” politicians who dodge the question out of fear of blowback from vaccine skeptics.

Mr. DeSantis shot back on Friday, criticizing Mr. Trump’s early handling of the pandemic and saying he regretted not being more vocal in his complaints.

I have no idea if Trump will run again (I suspect he will) but that’s not what this prediction is about.

Trump is the one who put Fauci on the map by marching him out in front of the cameras every day to perpetrate his destruction of the economy.  Trump is also the one who pushed and took credit for the mRNA shots.

He’s too locked in to change now. He’s proud of what he did.  Even in spite of boos at rallies, he will continue to push the shots, he will continue to claim credit for them, and he’ll continue to engage in insults and name-calling against anyone who opposes him.

Thus will he lose his base.


  1. On January 18, 2022 at 10:39 pm, Red Man said:

    He has lost everyone I speak with. Some of which are former Cold war military vets and their contemporaries. Myself included

    The mans ego won’t allow him to back track to see just what the jab has done. I spent a career working for guys like him. The Palm Beach crowd. He mirrored every douchebag yacht owner I ran a boat for.

  2. On January 18, 2022 at 10:45 pm, George 1 said:

    Trump’s “Vaccine” stance is more proof that the man has no discernment. Anyone who cannot look at the mountain of data and, as of late, the CDC’s own statements is someone who cannot analyze data and come to the correct solution. This, to me, is disqualifying of a person seeking to be the leader of our country. That would be the best case scenario, delusion.

    The worst case is he is a man who cannot admit he was wrong and change course. That is a fatal character flaw. Much evil has come about because of men too narcissistic to admit they were wrong.

  3. On January 19, 2022 at 12:02 am, 21stCenturyCassandra said:

    Trump suffers from “Fonzie Syndrome.” He cannot say “I was wr, wr, wron…”

  4. On January 19, 2022 at 4:33 am, Hudson H Luce said:

    Almost every Cabinet level appointee Trump made opposed – and actively sabotaged, often enough – the policies that Trump proclaimed in his speeches. And he appointed Mark Milley to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff. So he either had been totally compromised, and had no freedom of action during his four years in office – essentially a puppet – or he was extraordinarily disingenuous. When, after the Las Vegas shooting, he announced the intent to sign an Executive Order to seize all “assault weapons”: “I’ll sign an Executive Order, and I’ll have the National Guard go around and pick the guns up…”, he lost my vote, forever. Period.

  5. On January 19, 2022 at 6:59 am, Wes said:

    The comments about the Trump baggage (justified due to Trump’s bad decision making) are deserved. One of his main issues has always been his ego. However, I also take the NYT job as a seeded piece of agitprop. They will be doing this again, and more often, going forward. They’re not scared of Trump. DeSantis bothers the heck out of them.

  6. On January 19, 2022 at 6:59 am, ragman said:

    When the bodies of the vaccinated start piling up the last thing on Trump’s mind will be running for President. His primary mission will be keeping his neck out of the noose.

  7. On January 19, 2022 at 8:31 am, June J said:

    Trump has lost this supporter. I speak out against him now because of his ongoing praise of his warp speed poisoning of the people, as well as his failed presidency at his own hands.
    As far as I am concerned Trump was just another puppet used to further divide the people against one another while bringing into the open those who will fight for freedom.

  8. On January 19, 2022 at 8:44 am, Fred said:

    He was always a Democrat. At best his policy positions were warmed over 30 year old dem ideas. I voted for him the the first time. Remember the flight 93 election? It didn’t work. The last election was rigged by software. The differences Americans have are not reconciliable. It’ll come to war. Trump is a footnote in the sad final chapters of a once free nation.

    If he wants the bump stocks so bad why doesn’t he go door to door and get them himself?

  9. On January 19, 2022 at 9:11 am, Done. said:

    The only good thing he did was give us four more years to prepare.

  10. On January 19, 2022 at 9:44 am, Longbow said:

    Donald Woodrow Wilson Trump strikes again, and again, and again…

  11. On January 19, 2022 at 11:20 am, Paul B said:

    Trump exposed the deep state.

    The deep state gave us Biden and the are prepping Hillary in the wins and she will be coronated in 2024. It will not matter at that point who I vote for.

    I am waiting on fort Sumter. Once that event occurs we will be able to rep,ace our government lock stock and barrel.

    Till then I wait.

    So newer developments might have either China or Russia bombing us back to the Stone Age in which case the brightest idea men ever had will fade to strong man rule. Hail the King/Queen.

    Still I wait.

  12. On January 19, 2022 at 12:01 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    I disagree. We all knew about the deep state. I knew about Andy McCabe. Trump left him in place.

    I knew Bill Barr defended Lon Horiuchi. Trump appointed him AG. I knew about Comey. Trump left him in place.

    We could go on and on and on. Trump did nothing to rid us of the deep state, and in fact left them all in place.

  13. On January 19, 2022 at 1:09 pm, Paul B said:

    I said he exposed it. He did not correct it, that is for us to do.

    Only way I know to stop the deep state is to bring unelected bureaucrats to heel. I only know one way to do that and it is kin to training a mule.

    Maybe I read too many apocalyptic novels but I do not see the USA celebrating 300 years.

  14. On January 19, 2022 at 1:43 pm, JoeFour said:

    Seems like an appropriate time to re-post this:

    Word association … starting with … Trump … (but in no particular order afterwards)

    … Trump

    … bully (remember the Republican “debates”?)

    … salesman (real estate, cars, or ham sandwiches … take your pick)

    … narcissist (tweets and more tweets)

    … can take a punch but can’t (or won’t) punch back (tweets and more tweets)

    … sound instincts that he is easily talked out of implementing (has zero supporting convictions)

    … no ability (or desire) to accurately judge a man’s character

    … dumb as a rock (checkers not chess)

    … does whatever the last person who talked to him wants him to do (especially if that last person is his son-in-law)

    … all hat, no cattle (if he lived in Texas)

    … overly impressed with authority figures (generals and admirals most of all)

    …. expert at stringing together incomplete sentences (and repeating sentence fragments)

    … hates homework (especially if it involves reading)

    … a huge, bitter disappointment!

  15. On January 19, 2022 at 3:03 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    I disagree with the notion that Trump “exposed it.” We all knew it was there. He ran on ridding the deep state. No one went into the election NOT knowing except Trump. Or else he was controlled opposition.

    He failed.

  16. On January 19, 2022 at 6:13 pm, bockkey said:

    trump was played 8 ways from Sunday, he never seemed to catch on that he could NOT work with those people. His failure to fire fauci , Brix , and EVERYONE who worked for him the day after the election is unforgivable. He left them in positions of power to continue to run the scam on us and be in place the day Biden took office. notice Biden kept them? that tells you who they were working for all along. trump is toast now. he had his chance. He didn’t declassify all the documents he should have to expose the double dealing . He promised to end DACA on day one when he took office. It’s still with us today. I see him as a tragic figure , hopelessly out maneuvered and never really gettin it that he was being played. The dominion voting machines will decide the presidents from now on , so what we think doesn’t matter anyway .

  17. On January 19, 2022 at 9:49 pm, Fred said:

    “The dominion voting machines will decide the presidents from now on , so what we think doesn’t matter anyway .”

    ∆∆∆∆ THIS ∆∆∆∆

  18. On January 19, 2022 at 11:27 pm, TC said:

    Trump’s done. NO ONE I know will vote for him again, self included.

    If we have an election in ’24, it will be in a country that we don’t recognize.

  19. On January 21, 2022 at 8:35 am, George said:

    I will vote for him, because I am an American.

  20. On January 22, 2022 at 3:56 am, Ohio Guy said:

    If voting mattered, it would be made illegal.

  21. On January 22, 2022 at 10:20 am, BRVTVS said:

    If you go back to statements he made over the years, including reports from family members, Trump was fairly consistent in his opposition to sending our factories overseas. I think he was being genuine with his trade agenda. The rest (immigration, etc.) was just telling people what they wanted to hear, because he previously said the opposite when it suited him. Of course, just having a desire to protect our manufacturing alone was reason for the globalists to hate him, because that throws a monkey wrench in their plans. They genuinely hate him. On the other hand, he thought he could use the rest of his “agenda” as a bargaining chip. I don’t want my children’s future to be a bargaining chip to our so-called leaders.

  22. On January 25, 2022 at 12:40 pm, Panhandle Frank said:

    “Thus will he lose his base.”
    From your lips to God’s ears.

  23. On February 1, 2022 at 9:11 pm, J said:

    Trump bragged about how he rescued the economy,and how great things were going for the American people while his Fed bankster friends were taking your savings, your 401ks, and retirements directly through Fiat currency and inflation….oh he’s great alright…just ask him.
    NO POLITICIAN is ever good for YOU.

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