David French On Open Carry

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

Seen at TTAG.

What a foppish, effete, dainty man.  He and Robert Bateman may want to meet and have some egg plant and bean sprouts together.

I was sitting in a casual seafood restaurant on the Eastern Shore of Virginia not long ago. It is a place well known for the quality of their crab and inshore fish. It was early on a quiet Sunday morning. The brunch hour approached and, more importantly, we were hungry. We were passing the Delmarva Peninsula at the time, an area I know well from my youth. My wife sat opposite me across a plain varnished pinewood table and my baby daughter sat in a high-seat next to me. Three tables of this roughly sixty-table restaurant were filled.

As we ate, looking over the beautiful waters at the Island House Restaurant in Wachapreague, I noticed over my wife’s shoulder the large man sitting in the table next to ours. It is not all that often that I notice people significantly larger than I am, but this guy qualified enough so that one could not help but look when he got up a few feet away. Going I know not where, I also noticed something else, the obvious presence of a concealed weapon at his hip, nominally, loosely “concealed” beneath his oversized T-shirt.

Really? A gun, at Sunday Brunch? Are you seriously that afraid of the 75-year-old farming couple, the only other people in the restaurant, who probably raised the daughter who babysat you 30 years ago? Or is it the middle-class transient family of three, with the baby, us, who frighten you? I mean, really, there were eight people in that restaurant at the time.

Then, over the next hour, as the 30 or-so retirees and perhaps 20 more obviously in for a post-Church-service special Sunday Brunch folks came in, I came to realize how absolutely delusional the fellow must be. What kind of idiot carries a gun in a family restaurant for family brunch? Well, that would be one of the folks influenced by the NRA-approved “Molon Labe” movement.

He can’t even hide his disdain for the man, not even as it pertains to his weight.  Of course, he didn’t have the guts to tell the man he thought he was fat, nor to ask him why he openly carries.

I have always believed, and continue to, that gentlemen carry their weapons openly.  The founders and their sons did, with John Adams carrying a rifle to shoot squirrels on the way to school in the morning.

Criminals try to hide their weapons.  As for everybody else, it’s all psychological.  The fact that a weapon isn’t in plain view doesn’t mean it isn’t there.  Notice that Bateman begins with his disdain for open carry (or loosely concealed, as he called it), and then to the fact that he had a firearm at all.

It isn’t really open carry to which they object – it’s carry at all.  They don’t want you armed.  As for French, well, it’s David French.  What do you expect?  Realistically, though, he should replace “designed to be menacing” with “he obviously hates IWB carry and sweating and corroding his weapon.”

Sometimes a rose is just a rose.


  1. On November 19, 2021 at 11:31 pm, blake said:

    I lived in AZ for three years. Three of the best years of my life. Well, okay, I was still an unrepentant sinner at the time, but, that’s another story.

    Anyway, in order to keep a roof over my head, I took a job at the local stop and rob. A couple of times, I had people come in, openly carrying a sidearm. They never, I mean, never, made me nervous, even though I was working in a type of establishment noted for being the target of convenience for thugs and miscreants.

    Heck, I even discussed the firearm of choice with one of the patrons who came in carrying.

    Oh, and French needs to look around and ask himself why open carry of rifles is now considered necessary. But, since he’s an effete little lackwit, he will never admit the year of riots might have contributed to people thinking it might be wise to be armed.

  2. On November 19, 2021 at 11:35 pm, Sisu said:

    You describe the mentality of “stupidity”:

    What I can’t see, won’t hurt me.
    I am because I see and can be scene in “snapshots”.
    I am the center of my world and every one else is ancillary. I may not believe in G-d but he made me “more special”.
    If you are at the moment part of “my world” then nothing before you arrived into my presence or that happens after you leave my presence matters.



  3. On November 20, 2021 at 5:29 am, Show Me said:

    David French really is a fag, in at least one sense of the word, if not both. And he’s the textbook definition of cuckservative. A traitor.

  4. On November 20, 2021 at 8:10 am, William Ashbless said:

    I’m in SW Idaho, a Constitutional Carry state, I rarely see men open carry. It’s far more common for me to see women open carry. And, it’s seasonal. During winter I just don’t see firearms.
    I’m guessing that, in summer, it’s impossible for woman to look ‘cute’ wearing something that will conceal a handgun. She has a choice in off body carry, like a purse or handbag, but that isn’t optimal.

  5. On November 20, 2021 at 10:47 am, billrla said:

    Peope complaining about open carry are not really complaining about open carry. They’re complaining about the Second Amendment. They don’t like guns or citizens with guns.

  6. On November 20, 2021 at 10:53 am, Jsf said:

    French is probably not physically strong enough to carry a handgun heavier than a child’s cap pistol; but then they too make scary noises. Just go hide in your safeplace you puss.

  7. On November 20, 2021 at 11:02 am, Fred said:

    He made up this story. Or he simply used the word brunch so his cocktail buddies wouldn’t look down on him for being at a crab joint with fat rednecks who carry.

  8. On November 20, 2021 at 11:11 am, NOG said:

    I read your post about Bateman and noted it was 7 years ago. I could not believe his lack of critical thinking skills. Or perhaps he is just a ignorant slob. I would love to teach him about Texas’ CCW. How it came about due to the Killeen Texas Luby’s shooting. Just families eating a nice meal together. No one needed one of those awful guns. Until a nutcase came in an killed a lot of them. When someone finally did show up with a gun, his killing spree stopped. Funny that. Bateman is too stupid to be tolerated and it grieves me he has spawned.

  9. On November 22, 2021 at 1:15 pm, bobdog said:

    Gosh. Why would a guy carry a concealed weapon for Sunday brunch? What could he be afraid of on a Sunday morning?

    Uh…remember Luby’s restaurant in Texas a few years back, skippy?

  10. On November 22, 2021 at 8:12 pm, Frank Jeffries said:

    Or maybe the gun toter was some brand of LE. When I see folks openly, or concealed, or semi concealed carrying, I think to myself- good onya! Normal people need to regain recognition of normalcy, and not be cowed into thinking that being seen with a gun, is no different than being seen with a wrist watch, or a tricycle! It’s the person, not the attire! Judge a book, not by it’s cover, but by its content!

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