SEALs Not Deployable Without The Jab
BY Herschel Smith
Navy SEALs have been informed by superiors that they won’t be deployed if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine, even if they’re granted a religious or medical exemption, according to lawyers representing the elite special operations troops and a document seen by The Epoch Times.
“What they’ve been told is if they apply for a religious accommodation, they will no longer be deployable,” R. Davis Younts, who is representing seven SEALs and is in talks to take on approximately 20 others, told The Epoch Times.
Timothy Parlatore, whose firm represents a number of SEALs and other service members concerned about the vaccines, said his clients have also been given a similar ultimatum.
Some SEALs have even been sent home mid-deployment for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine, one of his clients told him.
A document presented to the SEALs says that any special operations personnel, including Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen, “who refuse to receive the COVID-19 vaccine based solely on personal or religious beliefs will be disqualified from [special operations] duty.” It was signed by Capt. Liam Hulin.
“This will affect deployment and special pays,” the document also states. “This provision does not pertain to medical contraindications or allergies to vaccine administration.”
The reasons the SEALs don’t want a shot are the same as many unvaccinated Americans. They believe they have so-called natural immunity, or protection against reinfection after getting COVID-19 and recovering. And a subset are Christians who don’t want any medicines that are developed using cells from aborted fetuses.
“These guys are not anti-vax, they just—given the extraordinarily low risk of COVID to them and the substantial risk of unknown long-term effects of the vaccine—they aren’t comfortable with it right now,” Parlatore told The Epoch Times.
The exact number of SEALs considering not getting a vaccine isn’t known, but both Parlatore and a pastor who is advising some of them say it’s in the hundreds. The loss of that many SEALs could devastate the elite force, which has 2,450 active-duty members. So far, lawyers have not been successful in attempts to convince military leaders to alter the harsh mandate.
From one of the comments, “I would love to have the unvaccinated SEALS stay in the United States. We are going to need them.”
I’m not sure how those who refuse the jab will look at this, whether they will go silently into the night and be quiet like the FedGov wants them to and accept potentially not being able to vote, purchase a firearm, and having to accept a bad conduct discharge (if it comes to that). My bet would be against that.
However, it disappoints me that any SEALs accepted the jab. But that’s up to them.
I knew this information anyway several weeks ago. I know someone who is connected to the SEAL community and he told me this information, and informs me that “morale is very low in the SEAL community at the moment.”
Yea, I don’t doubt it.
On September 28, 2021 at 1:39 pm, Cross Scottfield said:
I’ve heard this from several military members who are wondering about asserting their right to receive a religious exemption from the shot mandate. They say that being non-deployable is a career killer. In a normal military they would be right.
But we do not have a normal military. Guess who else is non-deployable? Pregnant women, transgenders, and others who cannot receive the shot like those who recently contracted Covid.
Do you really think that the military is withholding promotions from non-deployable pregnant women and transgenders?
I do believe the brass will discriminate against those who are non-deployable for religious reasons. I hope the Chaplain Corps stands up to this madness and protects the religious rights of the troops. But we do not have a normal military.
On September 28, 2021 at 2:31 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Cross Scottfield
“Cross Scottfield”? I saw whatcha did there, pardner! You a pilot? You sure sound like one!
Re: “I hope the Chaplain Corps stands up to this madness and protects the religious rights of the troops. But we do not have a normal military.”
Oh, the same chaplain corps which stood by silently when Bill Clinton and his people created an Islamic clergyman (imam) component to the “Chaplain Corps”? True, there is no religious test for entry into the ‘Corps or any other branch/service of the military, but in the case of the Musselmen, perhaps there ought to be. The believers have been at war with western civilization and Christianity – really, the entirety of the non-Islamic world – for the last 1,400 years. To admit them into our armed forces, let alone the “chaplain corps,” is to admit the wolf into the fold.
“Green on blue” incidents were/are a reality, and the global war on terror proves it. All of those Muslim “allies” in the ISAF who abruptly got “sudden jihad syndrome” and decided to martyr themselves by taking out some of our U.S. military personnel.
Granted, this is a somewhat different issue, but I bring it up to illustrate the deplorable lack of backbone possessed by the post-modern, politically-correct military, when it comes to standing on principles, we often find that they have none, at least none worth mentioning. Excepting personnel like Lt. Colonel Scheller, and a very few others.
I’d love to be proven wrong, and have to recant my words publicly in this space, but I am not holding my breath on that one.
On September 28, 2021 at 2:39 pm, Fred said:
I heard today that 40% of the mil is resisting, troops are being reassigned and etc.
This is both good and bad. Everyone that just lines up to take the shot can NEVER be trusted again by anyone who knows God and loves liberty. I hate to tell you that but it’s it’s a badge of compliance. The converse is not lost on TPTB. Of a certainty they are taking names.
We know that the Mark is largely symbolic and the very Hebraic text of the apocalypse is speaking of a type of the phylactery on the forehead and wrist as a symbol of being antichrist (little a) but, what precisely, is the difference between a covid vaccine ID to travel, buy and sell, etc. and the Mark? Ref, Rev 13:16-18
It’s evil, and those who can’t see it are very likely not true converts. We are to resist the devil, in whatever form, and I would make the widest possible application to James 4:7 in this context.
Since the tower of babel this has been going on. And also again since the Rome- Jerusalem alliance in the first century is impossible to miss for those who have had their eyes opened to the scriptures. The point; evil is still at it today, trying to build a global empire. The workers of inequity, these sons of perdition, will never cease until made to by force.
The “news” is full on dystopian psycho-babel (yes the word babel has a root) about how the protests are this or that or the other thing. Some of the headlines are absolutely comedic but billions of people don’t even know it’s all nonsense and among them are hard core true believers, whether in the danger or in the power to be derived by weielding the sword of fear.
But to you and I brothers and sisters: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 The spirit of power is in Christ and manifest through rightly understanding the scriptures and effectively wielding the sword of God which is His word. You should have been studying God’s word like your life depends on it, because it does. If not, today is the day to begin. You can’t win a spiritual war if you not which spirits to test and how to test them. 1 John 4:1
On September 28, 2021 at 2:43 pm, Fred said:
Fyi, The chaplain Corp wouldn’t know Christ if He sat down with them and preached from the Scriptures without a bible. Maybe the imams in the “chaplain” Corp will resist. Hahahaha.
On September 28, 2021 at 2:55 pm, Mike Austin said:
Oh dear! The thought of a bunch of unemployed SEALs back in the US and really, really pissed off!
Ok then. Let the games begin.
Oh…military “chaplains”: Hardly any—none?—are Christian. Hindu, yes. Wiccan—sure. Muslim—damn right, praise Allah!
So-called “chaplains” are being replaced just as are NCOs.
On September 28, 2021 at 3:16 pm, scott s. said:
Note that a BCD can only be awarded by a special or general court martial. I don’t think it makes one a “prohibited person”. Being non-deployable, means you will have to be removed from your unit, making you kind of worthless. They probably won’t let you re-enlist, if you wanted to (probably not though).
In the old days they could probably strip you of SpecWar status and return you to your parent rating but now that they have a SpecWar rating nowhere else to go.
On September 28, 2021 at 4:09 pm, I R A Darth Aggie said:
At least they’re not in the brig.
On September 28, 2021 at 4:32 pm, Herschel Smith said:
@scott s.,
A BCD or other than honorable discharge makes one unable to fill out Form 4473. Period.
They will have the DoJ on their side. They will have the DoD legal system on their side. If this is an order, then disobeying that order can lead to other than honorable discharge. Unless the supreme jerks were willing to review and overturn it (hint: they won’t).
Will they go that route? IDK.
Can they go this route? Yes.
On September 28, 2021 at 4:43 pm, Jackson Lee said:
Only half kidding here, but couldn’t current active duty personnel just adopt the tactics/mantra of the trans-left community and just say that they “…identify as a vaccinated individual”???
Seriously, if an individual can be accommodated by the .gov/.mil for identifying as something they are clearly and biologically not, why not do the same in this instance?
Per Saul Alinsky: RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
On September 28, 2021 at 5:06 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Mike Austin
Re: “So-called “chaplains” are being replaced just as are NCOs.”
Wait for it: Next up, probably political commissars placed in each unit of any size, alongside commanding officers to assure that everyone toes the party line, regardless of rank. It’s what the communists do. Since their ideology violates the laws of nature, God and man all at once, they can’t maintain control without full-spectrum surveillance and the implied threat of force.
On September 28, 2021 at 7:22 pm, Sisu said:
Well, … I pray all the “good guys and gals; warriors and their logistics teams” stand strong and refuse the “jab”. They will be needed to reclaim America. …
And, now all you “beyond your service date” need to start accepting that your purpose in life is becoming singular: to perpetuate life; even if you are not around to see the ultimate success of your efforts. … As many already know it is more mindset than muscle. …
I am resolved though distraught that it looks like “bloodshed is inevitable”, if only because of the abject willful servitude of the followers of the sociopaths who think they can out “sociopath” each other and the communists; despite the latter being much more oriented (pun intended) to purposeful “group think”.
On September 28, 2021 at 9:29 pm, Miles said:
“A BCD or other than honorable discharge makes one unable to fill out Form 4473. Period.”
No Herschel. a Bad Conduct Discharge is not disabling. Only a DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE or DISMISSAL (what officers receive instead of a DD) is disabling under law. (read the instructions)
g. Have you ever been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions?
Discharged “under dishonorable conditions” means separation from the Armed Forces resulting from a dishonorable discharge or dismissal adjudged by a general court-martial. That term does not include any other discharge or separation.
On September 28, 2021 at 9:49 pm, Cross Scottfield said:
Yes, I was a rated military aviator, thank you American taxpayers.
I am not (nor was I ever) hopeful about the military bureaucracy, including the Chaplains. It is not the same military I joined long ago under Jimmy Carter.
On September 28, 2021 at 10:06 pm, George 1 said:
Well one thing is sure. If the military wants to get rid of it’s most intelligent people it is going about it the right way.
On September 28, 2021 at 11:46 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
@scott s: “Note that a BCD can only be awarded by a special or general court martial.”
For now…
– JAG Corps
On September 28, 2021 at 11:50 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Thanks for that. I hope it does not become DD for the Lt. Col.
On September 29, 2021 at 10:08 am, JoeFour said:
@ Georgiaboy61
“Since their ideology violates the laws of nature, God and man all at once, they can’t maintain control without full-spectrum surveillance and the implied threat of force.”
Profoundly correct … Your observation also explains why the Controllers behind the COVID scam want a total surveillance system over a totally controlled (and drastically reduced) populace … It is all Satanic to the core.
On September 30, 2021 at 2:07 pm, Bob said:
What ever happened to Scheller?