Professional Analysis Of What The Vaccine Does To Your Immunological System

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 11 months ago

Watch this while you can.  Unfortunately, I cannot locate this on any other source (e.g., Rumble, Bitchute, etc.) or I would embed or link it from there.


  1. On August 29, 2021 at 7:39 am, Nosmo said:

    Thanks, Herschel.

  2. On August 29, 2021 at 7:42 am, Marybeth said:

    Thank you for speaking the truth under threatening circumstances. I take prophylactic ivm. I will be going back to work in the NYC school system and will be pressure (if not mandated) to vax, which I do not want to do, i am 60+ but many of my co-workers are young & healthy, and don’t want to vax but don’t want to lose jobs. Is Novavax better/less harmful than other vaxs?

  3. On August 29, 2021 at 8:17 am, Herschel Smith said:

    The only thing I can do is to remind you of the theological commitment that undergirds these statements.

  4. On August 29, 2021 at 10:10 am, Sisu said:


    Yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend whose spouse is similarly challenged: NYC teacher with two young children, rightly against the “jab”, yet afraid to lose an income. Apparently, the union reps are not responding to inquiries.

    Where does da bla get the authority to say “must” ? Why is not his usurping the powers of the chancellor, local district school boards and the UFT contract objected to ?

    Is not the refusal to be denied a personal healthcare decision rightly deemed a grievance ? … (Were not teachers’ and the absolute confidentiality of their personal health histories paramount when HIV infections were first rampant ? There was no duty to or liability arising from an individual not disclosing they were infected to their spouse let alone random partners; or co-workers and least of all students. Certainly, you must recall the UFT’s position then.)

    Also, I do not understand where are the local reps for each school and district ? And, how can folks who are so well organized, not able to coordinate a challenge even beginning with social media ?

    If the UFT will not allow the incompetents and criminals in “rubber rooms” to be fired, how can the leadership be willing to fire a likely significant portion of the “working” teachers for wanting to stay healthy (and not become transmitters of variants to their co workers and students) ? It’s not just the UFT there are member of other unions represented in every school.

    What is the “foundational” purpose of a collective bargaining unit if not to represent its members ?

    Please consider that the issues involved are larger than any one individual’s loss of job security (which these circumstances may suggest is illusion) and need to replace their income. As well, that compliance by itself individually and collectively may not only erode job security but adversely affect wellbeing and longevity.

    Of course, the irony is that teachers will strike and use children as pawns for increased pay, benefits and to work fewer hours, but they will not organize to defend their own rights or protect the children. Perhaps you will begin to understand why unions in general have been a detriment to this country and individual freedoms and liberty.

    The Captain’s writings (and many elsewhere) address the immorality of the “jab” technology and government pressure to comply.

    I will pray for you and others, especially that you will recognize that your personal decision will have great impact on countless others.

    Below is an article comparing the three main manufacturers’ “jabs”. It was written before Pfizer’s CEO came out this week and warned of the lack of efficacy of his company’s product:

    And, more importantly also this week a study out of Israel (the most “vaxxed” country in the world) that finds natural immunity far superior to any “jab’s” benefits:

    Article comparing “jabs”:

  5. On August 29, 2021 at 1:24 pm, Red Man said:

    This comment has nothing to do with the article. I have ben watching hurricane Ida on a weather website that I used for years as a professional yacht captain. The site proved accurate. The news channels say it is a140 mph storm, yet the website shows 70 mph on the right side, the strong side. Is this how they will get their climate change BS furthered?,29.17,11892/loc=-89.649,29.188

  6. On August 29, 2021 at 1:50 pm, Sisu said:

    Red Man,

    Thanks for sharing. I’m not a yachter; bored long ago with the weather porn of TV and related sites. I expect you’ve other sites for the oceans including NOAA, but what do you think of – practical or entertaining for terrestrial travel (and hang gliders) ?,2021-08-28-03,27.726,-90.527,4,m:eM1ad6r

  7. On August 29, 2021 at 6:13 pm, Michael Gilson said:

    Red Man, I wonder if the immediate purpose is to exaggerate the hurricane to take attention off Afghanistan, then credit the Biden administration for the low damage and rapid response to the ‘powerful’ storm.

  8. On August 29, 2021 at 6:17 pm, Sisu said:

    Michael Gilson, Let’s see if he responds to you or me. …

  9. On August 29, 2021 at 7:10 pm, Chris Hricik said:

    Thanks Herschel. Many co-workers got the jab. One that I know now has pericarditis. The others seem fine for the moment and wear it like a badge. He won’t be getting the booster. The question now is what do the vaxxed do that want the jab removed? For me, no jab. Healthy living and weekly ivmctn. Thanks to Miss B also and super nerd. Pony paste.

  10. On August 29, 2021 at 9:06 pm, Gospace said:

    I’ve heard from a few young men who found out about potential damage to their reproductive system after they’ve had the shot, that if it turns out they cannot have children, there are going to be a lot of dead powerful people who pushed it.

  11. On August 30, 2021 at 7:35 am, NITZAKHON said:

    Gospace saod: “I’ve heard from a few young men who found out about potential damage to their reproductive system after they’ve had the shot, that if it turns out they cannot have children, there are going to be a lot of dead powerful people who pushed it.”

    I was chatting with a Covidian – frustrating – and mentioned the possible long-term fertility effects. They were “Well, there’s no proof that there will be”!

    There’s no proof there WON’T be.

  12. On August 30, 2021 at 9:19 am, Fred said:

    He’ll get visit and when he won’t recant and comply he’ll have and accident.

  13. On August 30, 2021 at 11:26 am, Red Man said:

    M Gibson, SISU, I agree this is being exaggerated to take the heat off of Afghanistan. SISU, as I am retired now, I don’t consult the weather sites so much anymore. The site you recommended looks great, it would have been a resource I would have used. I’m watching the Weather Channel and Fox now, they are both trying to tell us it was devestating so they pose on front of awnings that got wrecked. I saw what happened to Biloxi Ms post Katrina. Whole neighborhoods gone, nothing left but the cement pads where there used to be houses. In such a strong storm, trees would be absolutely stripped of green, and destroyed. I’m just not seeing that. Post Katrina, the vid from the choppers was horrific. I’m just not seeing that now. I was in Miami for Andrew. I would drive down a street I normally drove on, but I didn’t know where I was as it was unrecognizable. With such low lying country, of course the storm surge comes in, even for tropical storms. The big lies just go on and on, the nes cycle keeps cycling. People continue to sleep through life while getting their Ash reamed.

  14. On August 30, 2021 at 11:32 am, Red Man said:

    Herschel, I apologize for hijacking your site with a different conversation. I just don’t know how to get the word out. Your commenters are always thoughtful and concise, so I am hoping a few will take a look. I won’t make a habit of it.

  15. On August 30, 2021 at 2:28 pm, George 1 said:

    @Red Man: I just looked through some of the news sights. Most show some damaged areas. Some are seriously damaged. However it does look like all of the news media are using the same photos or at least many of the same photos.

  16. On August 31, 2021 at 5:58 pm, Red Man said:

    George1, You are correct. They are looking for damage. If yo notice the damage is in a very small area. It it was a CAT 4, Nothing would be left undamaged. The catastrophic winds they said were blowing just didn’t. Complete areas would be wasted. Yet they are not showing that. I think the would if they could. I have a friend that was on the right side, the bad side. He was in the bullseye. His fence came down, but all the houses are OK. Not what happens in a CAT 4! The they are only showing flooding. Recall that New Orleans was built below sea level, and it’s not flooded! Also the whole area is barely above sea level, so a tropical storm will induce flooding. I am thinking it that they saw a hard CAT 2, or a low CAT 3. But the news says the ‘Strongest Ever”. F’ng bullshite!

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