Constitutional Carry Amendment To Open Carry Rejected By the S.C. Senate
BY Herschel Smith
South Carolina senators debating a bill that would allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry their guns on Wednesday rejected an attempt to get rid of the requirement for the permits.
Senators voted 25-21 against the so-called constitutional carry amendment after several hours of debate.
It would have allow anyone who can legally own a gun to carry it anywhere the weapons are legally allowed.
The Senate was on its second day of debate on a gun bill that Republicans rapidly brought to the Senate floor. The bill would allow anyone who passes the background check and a roughly eight-hour course to get a South Carolina concealed weapons permit to carry their pistol in the open.
Senators adjourned about 7:15 p.m. Wednesday and said they expected a final vote on the bill after several hours of debate Thursday.
Several Republican leaders in the Senate weren’t ready to go as far as open carry without a permit.
“I think training and background checks are important,” said Senate Majority Leader Shane Massey, a Republican from Edgefield.
Well I could be disappointed in Shane Massey, and it was a valiant effort on the part of the 21 who voted in favor of the amendment. But as for disappointed, maybe not.
Maybe Shane knows something we don’t. Perhaps he knows that this was a poison pill, one that would doom open carry from passing because he knows whether they have the votes.
If that’s the case, then let’s move on. As I’ve said before, let’s be incrementalists. Open carry this year, constitutional carry next year.
The ninnies, frightened and the tepid must see for themselves when the state is let out of its cage that the sky doesn’t fall like law enforcement and “The Karens” said it would.
They’re like a frightened, psychologically stunted animal who has been caged its entire life, afraid to leave the confines of its own imprisonment.
Let’s be smart about this. Move on.
We’re watching.
Open carry. Let’s get it done guys. Proceed with intentionality and purpose.
Move it.
On May 6, 2021 at 5:16 am, Nosmo said:
Baby steps. And, 2022 is an election year for a large number of the four-letter-words working in that building in Columbia; that’s called “leverage” (not that a substantial percentage of them should not be replaced outright, but those two things are related).
As for Constitutional carry, 20 states have it now, by next session that number will be higher; South Carolina will soon become an outlier. Something I consider of equal import – and Constitutional carry may solve this one, too – is the statutory restriction on (licensed) carry in SC government buildings – “state-mandated Victim Disarmament Zones.”
In Florida, for example, most government buildings are not restricted, although certain areas at certain times (council chambers during council meetings, for example) are. Nobody’s perfect.
But not all states are as opposed to human and civil rights as South Carolina:
From Clayton Cramer’s blog recently:
“Monday, April 19, 2021
How Do You Know You Are in Idaho?
You go to testify before a State Senate subcommittee in favor a Second Amendment sanctuary law (SB 1205) and someone walks into the room with a 1911 cocked and locked.”
On May 6, 2021 at 8:08 am, GWB said:
I’d put “law enforcement” in scare quotes right along with “The Karens”. Law enforcement lobby groups comprised of the upper echelons regularly speak out against pro-2A proposals, while the rank and file are often largely for them. Has anyone done polls in NC to see what the separation might be on this idea?
On May 6, 2021 at 8:08 am, GWB said:
Ugh…. South Carolina – SC
On May 6, 2021 at 9:38 am, Mack said:
I see what you’re saying.
Advance our troops forward, dig in. Keep advancing.
On May 6, 2021 at 11:01 am, Geoff said:
I want to know who the RINOs are that voted NAY on the amendment.
Nosmo is probably right, if the Amendment passed it would kill the entire bill.
Constitutional Carry is a separate bill, H. 3096 and is NOT expected to pass as a standalone Bill, so that’s why it was offered as an Amendment to H. 3094.
I am disappointed to say the least, but the Open Carry With Training Act is expected to pass, so we will be where Texas was, OC with a CWP.
In the meantime, NC is only 7 miles North of me and Open Carry is legal there with No Permit, so guess where my sales tax money will be going. At least for taxable goods, the Counties still charge a 2% Food Tax, which is why I see many NC license tags at SC groceries stores.