When Men Beg For Their Slavery

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 9 months ago

Via Ken, this news from NZ.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern won a second term in office Saturday in an election landslide of historic proportions.

With most votes counted, Ardern’s liberal Labour Party was winning 49% of the vote compared to 27% for its main challenger, the conservative National Party.

So after even more onerous lockdowns than the U.S. had, and after confiscation of firearms and the humiliation of gun owners across NZ, 27% is the best challenge anyone could mount.

How sad for the folks in NZ.  Where is their soul?  Where is their spirit?


  1. On October 19, 2020 at 10:49 pm, BAP45 said:

    Makes me wonder if it has something to do with being subjects or colonies whatever you want to call it of the British for so long. Seen the same happen with Canada and Trudeau. They’re used to the abuse or something. Sorry to any Canadian or Kiwis. I realize how derogatory this sounds. Just “philosophising”

  2. On October 19, 2020 at 11:33 pm, 41mag said:


    It comes down to what anchors you in the storms of life.

    We believers of Jesus have him, the Holy Spirit, and Gods living Word anchoring us to the only truth in this wicked world.

    We Americans have a history that anchors us to the truth about our founding and what Rights are.

    Subjects of an earthly crown are listless creatures with nothing to anchor them to truth. Like grass they are blown in the direction the monarch blows their hot air.

  3. On October 19, 2020 at 11:46 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    Life is full of storms, yes?

    What anchors you in those storms? That’s life’s question. You’ve chosen wisely.

  4. On October 20, 2020 at 9:13 am, Fred said:

    “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

  5. On October 20, 2020 at 9:16 am, Baddog said:

    It’s not called the land of sheep for nothing.

  6. On October 20, 2020 at 11:25 am, John said:

    A difference in ancestry seems to be the making of the man.
    Places settled by deported criminals vs. political or religious malcontents
    with blood in their eye appear to have very different outcomes.
    “Show me a man who is not permitted to bear arms and I’ll show you a slave.”

  7. On October 20, 2020 at 12:51 pm, James said:

    May the chains rest lightly…

  8. On October 20, 2020 at 1:30 pm, Roger J said:

    Same thing with the Aussies, at one time one of the toughest, most self-sufficient, peoples on earth. Now disarmed and neutered, allowing their cops to arrest pregnant women who dared to leave home without a mask, restricting their citizens (in the State of Victoria) to a 5 km radius of their home address. Shameful…

  9. On October 20, 2020 at 5:59 pm, 41mag said:

    Add in the Irish now.

    5km travel distance and NO GROUPS.

  10. On October 20, 2020 at 10:57 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:

    Can’t remember who said it, but to think that people value liberty and freedom is to believe that all of human history is a mistake.

  11. On October 21, 2020 at 6:29 am, X said:

    If anyone here thinks that 98% of American gun owners are any different, I’ve got news for you: they ain’t.

    Everyone who thinks he is some sort of April 19, 1775 tough guy has so far failed to walk the walk. 40% of Americans are morbidly obese, and probably 90% of gun owners are cop-worshippers. The Lexington militia they ain’t.

    There were some very tough white men who created the Anglo-American empire in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Yet the Australians, the British, the Canadians, and the New Zealanders all turned in their guns without a single shot being fired. What makes you think Americans are different? They have dutifully complied with the NFA. How many of you have an unregistered can or auto sear? Probably none. The Democrats are openly talking gun bans because they know they can get away with it. They have done it in NY and CA and MA and CT. They’re not afraid of us.

  12. On October 21, 2020 at 4:21 pm, The Forgotten Man said:

    OK, that stings.

    I’d frankly have thought a little more Christian charity was in order.

    First off, we’re not all Jacinda-cultists. 51% of us voted for other than her. We still lost. We’re dealing with it. The result does not make all of us Kiwis neutered soy-sheep.

    If some of you think it does, y’all may want to look in the mirror; didn’t you elect Obama for 4 years and then re-elect him for another for? Wasn’t DJT’s popular vote tally more than two percentage points lower than WitchClinton’s, at 46.1 per cent against her 48.2 per cent – or 62.98 million against 65.84 million?

    No-one I know thinks that means that each and every one of the rest of you non-Clinton-voters are – what was it – disarmed, neutered, or that in any way all of you are like that 65.84 million of your compatriots (a compatriot being… an inhabitant of the same country with another; a fellow-countryman. Whether we like it or not).

    But hey. The rest of us down here will keep our own counsel, and not quit.

    I would add we’re also keeping our powder dry and our remaining guns clean and exercised; but ever since that sad aquatic accident where the canoe tipped over and they were washed away downstream, that of course no longer applies. At all. In any way.

  13. On October 21, 2020 at 6:39 pm, ROFuher said:

    The Libertarian ACT party has made its strongest showing ever. Up to 10 seats from just one in the former parliment.
    The National party is branded as ‘conservative’, but would be viewed as RHINO by US standards. They lost big by not defending conservative principles, and the fence sitters following the handouts.

  14. On October 21, 2020 at 10:28 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    @The Forgotten Man,

    Oh I don’t mean to imply at all that Americans are any less guilty of begging for enslavement.

  15. On October 21, 2020 at 11:27 pm, The Forgotten Man said:

    ROF: At the risk of further traumatizing the deceased equine’s thorax: Yes, National down here is RHINO-equivalent, or as I see it, Commie-Lite. I engaged politely with the local (National) Member of Parliament back when the Mass Gun-Theft was starting up; if she had cared any less it would be into astronomical black-hole territory (i.e. a region of spacetime where suction is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it).

    I voted ACT and am pleased they made a good showing. Gotta start somewhere.

    Herschel: Indeed the degenerate forelock-tugging, she is common in oh so many places in the world present-day. I just wanted to object for the record: NAKALT.

    (Not All Kiwis Are Like That).

    And thanks for the blog. A bit unfair to make my first comment ungracious. Thanks anyway.

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