Jack Dorsey Sucks
BY Herschel Smith
Via David Codrea, Jack Dorsey sucks.
The lawyer for accused Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse fumed that he was “going to take Jack Dorsey’s ass down” after Twitter blocked him as he tried to raise money for his client.
L. Lin Wood accused the Twitter CEO of censorship and said he would sue the social media giant for locking down his account for nine hours Tuesday.
“I’m going to take Jack Dorsey’s ass down,” Wood told Fox News. “He has been abusing the First Amendment of this country for his own agenda.”
“I knew they were going to censor me because I’m sending a message of hope,” the lawyer said. “I’m sending a message of truth. And I’m sending a message that Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent.”
Wood, who has nearly 138,000 followers on Twitter, said he was blocked from tweeting for several hours on Tuesday for violating the company’s guidelines — receiving a message that he was “glorifying violence” when he sought to raise money for his client’s legal fees.
So now Mr. Wood has two errands that should keep him busy for a while. First, get Kyle Rittenhouse freed from jail and from the ridiculous charges.
Second, take down that Jack[ass] Dorsey.
We must pray that he’s successful at both of these errands.
On September 2, 2020 at 11:50 pm, Quietus said:
Lin Wood has some successful history. I do think that Wood, as a participant in an unk to me larger defense team, will serve the client well.
People may have forgot that Richard Jewell was represented by Lin Wood in suits against media outlets and against Jewell’s employer. There was half a dozen suits, all settled except for the Atlanta newspaper. Jewell died, his heirs continued the suit, and the heirs lost. But mostly, the lawyer Lin Wood won big several times for Jewell.
I expect that more winning is in Kyle Rittenhouse’s future, due to the quality of his counsel.
On September 3, 2020 at 8:03 am, Fred said:
You have a right to speak but not a right to be heard. Twitter is private property. Dorsey can do what he wants with it. Or, if you want it nationalized in Hitlerian or communist fashion and made a public utility then no thank you to that as well. Dorsey has zero duty to facilitate anybody’s speech. Nobodies voice must be heard. That’s communism to assume that you have a right to be heard.
Checks first amendment; nope it’s not in there. Nobody is required to listen to somebody and nobody is required to pay for (facilitate) another man’s speech.
On September 3, 2020 at 8:39 am, Herschel Smith said:
I checked the post I made, and nope, it’s not there. I didn’t say anything about the first amendment.
I don’t want to be “heard” via Twitter. Twitter is like a toxin to the brain.
I want Jack Dorsey to be impoverished. I’d like to see Twitter’s employees on the street begging for food and their buildings demolished.
The tactics, techniques and procedures Mr. Wood brings to bear to accomplish that is his business.
On September 3, 2020 at 9:09 am, Fred said:
He’s a lawyer so I assumed we were talking about laws, and not war tactics.
I accept your point as a tactic of warfare and not as a strictly legal matter. Well, burn the buildings and server farms, bulldoze them, and salt earth as well. I’m in.
On September 3, 2020 at 7:04 pm, Joe Blow said:
With all due respect to Fred…. the 1st Ammendment issue with regards to Twitter is the publishing platform violating copyright laws under 1st ammendment protections, but not supporting them in all instances (aka Lin Wood).
Can’t have it both ways. Free speech doesn’t only exist when it behoves you.
On September 6, 2020 at 5:28 pm, Sheepdog said:
Can I drive the bulldozer please, please, please?
An armored D9 would be sweet, maybe an articulating M134 for bolshevik cleanup operations…
On September 6, 2020 at 8:29 pm, Fred said: