NFACs Militia Leader Doesnt Know How an AR Works

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 12 months ago

No.  The 5.56mm round will not “knock yo’ bitch ass down.”

No.  That’s not a bullpup.

No.  That’s not a shorty.  It looks to me like a 20″ barrel, common on earlier AR platforms.

No.  Guns don’t “go off” every day of basic training with people getting killed.

No.  The AR platform isn’t that reckless and dangerous.  Eugene Stoner was a genius, and he objects to your stupidity.

No.  The BCG moving forward is by design to chamber a round – it does not cause a round to discharge.

Yes.  This NFAC leader is an imbecile.


  1. On July 30, 2020 at 11:00 am, Bad_Brad said:

    That guy was all over InstaGram essentially claiming when you hit your bolt catch release and your AR goes into battery it discharges. That wasn’t the shocking part. The shocking part was the amount of people, some well known, that agreed with his dumb Jimmy Walker ass. Dynomyte.

  2. On July 30, 2020 at 11:12 am, Fred said:

    The vid host claims “accidental discharge” is a thing. Stop that.

    But I should note that only police have “accidental discharges” when their guns “go off.” No other living thing on earth can have this happen. They are very special in that regard.

    In order to lead a militia you don’t have to be a super high speed operator. You can have firearms trainers, tactics personnel, wilderness, survival, food, medical etc. If he was smart, he would have deferred to his weapons officer, but he’s not smart and they aren’t a real militia or he would have tapped the expert in the subject field at hand to provide instruction in a particular point. The host is incorrect about militia leaders being the top operator operating operationally in operations being a requirement, although truly, experience does help. YMMV.

    The host isn’t really helping when he wrongly defines a mis-fire, twice.

    The NFAC “leader” has to be a fed plant. There is no other explanation I can come up with. There is only so much Bloomberg Mommy Demands Action misinformation that you can put in one video. He better not cross his handlers or they will JFK/MLK him so fast everybody will think he had an AR “accidental discharge, which he claims happens every day.

  3. On July 30, 2020 at 11:42 am, Reader said:

    Is that a “neo-skunk” hairdo?

    Makes me think if the John Candy comedy “The Great Outdoors”

  4. On July 30, 2020 at 11:44 am, Reader said:

    For the record, I like the hosts video. Just reminded me of a great comedy before those weren’t made anymore.

  5. On July 30, 2020 at 11:48 am, Archer said:

    How long until he claims the “AR-15” designation is shorthand for “Accidental Removal of 15 heads” per day in basic training?

    How long before he actually plays the operational operator operating in operational operations, going into “battle” with his bolt open (because that’s how the rifle is “ready”), tries to pull the trigger to fire, and nothing happens?

    How long before he inserts his magazine backwards, or tries to “rock” it in because that’s how AKs (heh, “Accidentally Killed – 47 persons” per day) work?

    NFAC supposedly stands for “Not F@#$ing Around Coalition”, but their “leader” shows the name to be a lie. I’m having a hard time taking them seriously, no matter how many members they claim to have. (And I suspect a plurality of those “members” are actually undercover FBI agents or informants keeping an eye on their “activities”.)

    When he said the AR has a kick that will “knock you down”, that just tells me that he’s never fired it. It doesn’t matter, then, when he got it, how long he’s had it, or how many times he’s fingered the trigger. If he’s never actually fired it, he’s still a n00b.

    $10 says it’s not even sighted in.

  6. On July 30, 2020 at 11:57 am, (((Doc B))) said:

    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Let Tyrone and shaniqua keep up their little game.

  7. On July 30, 2020 at 12:16 pm, Matt Bracken said:

    His now proven idiocy also proves something else: he is capable of charming and seducing a lot of folks who are even stupider than he is.

  8. On July 30, 2020 at 12:30 pm, Brock Townsend said:

    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


  9. On July 30, 2020 at 12:47 pm, Chad C. Mulligan said:

    “Educated” in a public school, no doubt. Aged-out after fifth grade,

  10. On July 30, 2020 at 12:55 pm, Egon Potts said:

    RE: Matt Bracken

    Right you are an considering his target demographic have an average IQ of 85 (that’s not a joke or a misprint) he has the meaty part of the bell curve to choose from.

  11. On July 30, 2020 at 1:18 pm, DTG said:

    Humor, with video to boot!

  12. On July 30, 2020 at 1:48 pm, Sanders said:

    Why do so many on “our side” find it imperative on themselves to “educate” those on “their side”?

    Just keep your mouth shut and enjoy the show, because steep learning curves are just around the corner.

  13. On July 30, 2020 at 2:11 pm, G said:

    HE IS A FED.
    nfac is the same psyop thats been played over and over.

  14. On July 30, 2020 at 3:14 pm, Arthur Sido said:

    For that particular demographic, he is probably somewhat above average in intelligence.

    But yes, let them wallow in their ignorance. Teaching them to be more capable in handling firearms will just increase the murder rate.

  15. On July 30, 2020 at 3:16 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    They’re going to learn nothing from this post. First, they won’t read it, second, you can’t correct arrogance, an unteachable spirit and ignorance with a single post.

    Just enjoy the show.

  16. On July 30, 2020 at 3:25 pm, Greek01 said:

    Professionals are predictable. It’s the amateurs that concern me.
    One idiot has an ND (NEGLIGENT discharge not – accidental discharge), then they think someone is shooting at them. Cyclical result.
    Don’t say anything especially where they are wrong. Eventually they may take themselves out.
    Which begs my next question. I thought you are not supposed to be locked and loaded during a protest. Or is this just another matter where LEO look the other way ?

  17. On July 30, 2020 at 4:08 pm, Curious Passerby said:

    “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”
    -Hanlon’s Razor.
    I don’t think you have to be a federale to be stupid, but it probably doesn’t hurt. This guy looks like he achieved his level of genius naturally.

    If he really was in the Army, it looks like he didn’t learn much from his training, despite the Army’s method of beating simple lessons into your head over and over. It’s a style that was developed specifically for guys like him.

    If he is a fed, he’s the best moron magnet I ever saw. Also, it’s nice to know minority gun owners are scrutinized and baited as much as the white ones.

  18. On July 30, 2020 at 4:15 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    If it had been Marine Corps, he would have been sent to the “room of pain.” The problem would have been fixed immediately.

  19. On July 30, 2020 at 6:30 pm, Jack said:

  20. On July 30, 2020 at 7:21 pm, The Old Goat said:

    Sooooo… The fully semi-automatic Assault Rifle 15 fires from the open bolt position?!?! Cool! Maybe we shouldn’t tell him that if he files the firing pin down shorter, it increases the cyclic rate to 3600 rounds per minute, just let it be our little secret.

  21. On July 30, 2020 at 7:57 pm, Hudson H Luce said:

    I’ve got to wonder how many of those people were carrying with chambered rounds and safeties off – looks like at least four… And he’s *never* fired an AR-15, or else he wouldn’t be saying the dumb stuff he’s saying. I seriously wouldn’t educate these guys, either.

  22. On July 30, 2020 at 9:57 pm, Jw said:

    XR15? Noticed the ejection port, fwd assist Etc. were on the left side of the rifle, maybe the reason for the nomenclature?? Interesting.

  23. On July 30, 2020 at 10:26 pm, Sheepdog said:

    Kinda like bump-stocks and bi-pods in Vegas…

    I’m thinking airsoft with painted muzzle brakes, did see a tooth get shot out though

  24. On July 31, 2020 at 12:34 am, Ron said:

    Don’t correct them in their ignorance.

    It will make things much faster and easier if they do start “incidents”.

  25. On July 31, 2020 at 7:43 am, Fred said:

    @JW, I think his camera was in reverse, mirror image.

  26. On July 31, 2020 at 7:52 am, Matt Bracken said:

    “Morning Mental: But Im Not A Racist”
    [At 4:45 Grand Master Jay claims that yesterday’s idiocy over the AR-15 was just a psyop to draw out and identify his enemies. He is a mental chess grand master, always one step ahead…according to him. “Let your haters become your elevators.”]

  27. On July 31, 2020 at 8:32 am, Herschel Smith said:


    Thanks for the update. That’s amusing.

  28. On July 31, 2020 at 8:42 am, Frank Clarke said:

    I kept thinking of George Carlin for as long as I could watch that.

    “Think about how stupid the average man is,” Carlin begins. “Now realize that half the population is stupider than THAT!”

  29. On July 31, 2020 at 8:45 am, Fred said:

    Push the Fed Plant narrative on all channels.

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