Michael Flynn Was Set Up By The Deep State

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 11 months ago

Washington Examiner.

With her filing of a blistering Motion to Compel against federal prosecutors in the Michael Flynn case just made public, Sidney Powell has upended my adherence to Hanlon’s Razor. Powell is the attorney for former national security adviser and retired Army Lt. Gen. Flynn, who pled guilty to one count of lying to FBI agents during the special counsel investigation. Powell’s motion seeks to unravel a case many feel was biased from its inception.

One of the most damning charges contained within Powell’s 37-page court brief is that Page, the DOJ lawyer assigned to the office of then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, may have materially altered Flynn’s interview FD-302, which was drafted by Strzok. FBI agents transfer handwritten interview notes onto a formal testimonial document, FD-302, within five days of conducting an interview, while recollections are still fresh.

It is unheard of for someone not actually on the interview itself to materially alter an FD-302. As an FBI agent, no one in my chain of command ever directed me to alter consequential wording. And as a longtime FBI supervisor, I never ever directed an agent to recollect something different from what they discerned during an interview. Returning a 302 for errors in grammar, punctuation, or syntax is appropriate. This occurs before the document is ultimately uploaded to a particular file, conjoined with the original interview notes which are safely secured inside a 1-A envelope, and secured as part of evidence at trial.

With this in mind, this related text message exchange from Strzok to Page dated Feb. 10, 2017, nauseated me:

“I made your edits and sent them to Joe. I also emailed you an updated 302. I’m not asking you to edit it this weekend, I just wanted to send it to you.”

But guess what?  The FBI (ahem) “lost” the original Michael Flynn 302 report.  That’s right.  Lost it.

One of my biggest gripes with Donald Trump is his tendency to throw people under the bus who seem like a handicap to him and his goals.  The moral compass of a man can always be determined by how he treats others to whom he has bonded himself.  If a man cannot honor verbal covenants he has made with others, he simply cannot be trusted with anything.

I said it back when the idiots from reddit/TheDonald were screaming to sack Flynn.  The attack on Michael Flynn was a hit job by the deep state.  Michael Flynn knew the dirty secrets of the deep state, and they couldn’t allow him to be around Trump telling him all about their nefarious deeds.

And then today there is this.

Joining Powell on “Maria Bartiromo’s Insiders” was Lee Smith, author of the new book, “The Plot Against the President,” who reported that Flynn was looking into potential misconduct in the U.S. intelligence community.

[ … ]

Additionally, Powell repeated allegations that the government worked to entrap Flynn.

“They literally planned and strategized about how to interview General Flynn to keep him relaxed and unguarded at the highest levels of the FBI… Strzok and McCabe met many times to plan it,” she alleged. “It was a high-level meeting to calculate and strategize about how to go about that interview to keep him unguarded and without knowing that he was the target of a criminal investigation.”

They’re telling you the same thing I told you months ago, and if you read TCJ, you’ll hear it first.

He knew all about the nefarious deeds of the deep state.  He was in a position to shine light on the deep state.  To the deep state, he was a danger they couldn’t suffer.  So the FBI lied, altered his testimony, and conspired to frame him.  As a consequence, he has almost bankrupted himself with legal costs.

Reminder: Don’t ever trust the FedGov for or with anything.

Michael Flynn is a decent man.  Of all the people Trump needs around him now, Michael Flynn would be at the top of the list.  The fact that Pence was instrumental in his sacking makes me distrust Pence to the point that I will never vote for him, not even for dog catcher.

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  1. On November 6, 2019 at 10:28 am, George said:

    Now the FBI is saying that they attributed notes in the case to the wrong FBI agent(s). Of course they did. It was just an honest mistake.

    The Sean Hannity’s of the world constantly state that “98 percent of FBI agents are great freedom loving and Constitution supporting people of the highest caliber”. I would remind him that 50 plus FBI agents were detailed from around the country to work on the Mueller special counsel investigation. My question is after they started working and found out the case was total BS, (this should have taken the very stupid ones about 2 hours to figure out), did they ask to be sent back to their duty offices?

    Hannity also says that he knows many FBI agents personally and can vouch for their supreme goodness. I wonder how Mr. Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, as well as other talk show people who say they personally know many FBI agents got to know them. Could it be that the FBI is cultivating these types of people for their PR purposes? I wonder if Hannity and Limbaugh have considered this.

  2. On November 6, 2019 at 11:21 am, scott s. said:

    I suppose Hannity has a couple of insiders feeding him info so he doesn’t to bite their hands. It’s clear this was just part of the effort run by Brennan/Clapper and the real question is were they rogue or did the administration approve or direct it.

  3. On November 6, 2019 at 12:57 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Herschel

    Re: “Of all the people Trump needs around him now, Michael Flynn would be at the top of the list. The fact that Pence was instrumental in his sacking makes me distrust Pence to the point that I will never vote for him, not even for dog catcher.”

    The deep-state is cunning. When its fortunes are on the wane in a given election cycle, as when Donald Trump was elected, they retreat and quickly reform around a new strategy: If we can’t win the election, let’s surround the new guy we don’t control with guys we do control. This phenomenon was seen with Ronald Reagan, a man the deep-state did not want as POTUS.

    The denizens of the GOP establishment maneuvered their man, George H. Bush, onto the ticket as VP – and the nation has suffered twelve years of the Bush political dynasty as a result, father and son. And then eight years of Obama.

    Pence is a house-broken company man who won’t upset the apple-cart. So was now-departed John Bolton. And so many others. For a guy who is supposed to be this genius with people, President Trump has done a pretty poor job selecting his senior subordinates and staff.

  4. On November 6, 2019 at 5:07 pm, NOG said:

    “Michael Flynn is a decent man”. Just how do you know this? I don’t know him personally or know anyone that does. I wonder if the set up by the FIBs was so easy because he was “part of the big club” and never thought they would target him. I have know many officers. Some were true blue Americans that I would follow into battle even today. Some were sociopaths that I would not pee on if their hair was on fire. I just don’t know the General. So I wonder if he was just another deep stater. I just trust no one any more. All that said the deep state have no right to rail road him as they did. Now one thing I disagree with the Washington Post writer. At the end he said it will take a generation to regain trust. He is dead wrong. I believe many here will never give that trust back to the feds. Just no.

  5. On November 6, 2019 at 7:57 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    “Just how do you know this?”

    Well, to begin with, he is hated by the establishment, including and foremost the military establishment installed by Obama after the purge.

    Second, Dr. Steve Metz hates him. He is a professor at the U.S. Army War College, and a hater of America. He once compared Sharia to the Boy Scout laws, over this very blog.


    Third, the progs at the SWJ hate him for his views on just about everything, including Islam.

    He sees the Muslim faith the root cause of terrorism, and has called fear of Islam a rational thing.

    Fourth, he knew too much. “Flynn has been a firsthand witness to government screw-ups, smokescreens, and censored information that our leaders don’t want us to know.”


    Fifth, he has been the husband of one wife for his entire adult life, and as best as I know, faithful to her.

    The democrats only align themselves with trash, e.g., Stanley McChrystal, David Petraeus, etc. They hate honorable men.

  6. On November 7, 2019 at 12:07 pm, NOG said:

    Thanks for the reply. Again this does not tell me enough about him. The Deep State is not a singularity. There are different factions just like the Democrat Party. Clinton wing, Bernie wing, southern “Blue Dog” (now quite defunct). Deep State has the Democrat, the RINO and some we won’t even know about. So perhaps the General belonged to the Yankee Carpetbagger Bush wing, but he still belonged. Don’t know Metz but sounds like the typical over-educated know nothings dotting all colleges, but that is more about Metz than Flynn. Third the progs hate all military, even “their Obozo guys” serving. Forth point him knowing “too much” makes him a insider. Knowing what he knows and yet he still had his spot at the table. If he was a good guy why would he play along? Lastly, we don’t know about his home life, but good on him for having a life long family relationship. Bottom line is none of those things tell me what I would want to know to decide if he is indeed a good man. Respectfully NOG

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