Three NRA Board Members Resign

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 12 months ago

The Washington Post.

Three National Rifle Association board members who have raised concerns about reports of reckless spending and mismanagement by the group’s leadership resigned Thursday, another sign of mounting dissent within the nation’s most powerful gun-rights group.

The three board members — Esther Schneider of Texas, Sean Maloney of Ohio and Timothy Knight of Tennessee — said they were stripped of their committee assignments after they asked questions about allegations of lavish spending by NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre and other financial excesses.

“While our belief in the NRA’s mission remains as strong today as ever, our confidence in the NRA’s leadership has been shattered,” they wrote in a letter to NRA officials Thursday obtained by The Washington Post.

[ … ]

Board member Marion Hammer … wrote in a text message to The Post her reaction to the departing board members: “Don’t let the door hit you in the back on your way out.”

The NRA: An organization for Fudds, run by pit vipers.

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  1. On August 2, 2019 at 6:39 am, Fred said:

    It’s not about the money. Money problems and money fights, pay attention; even in a marriage or small biz, are merely the felt pain point of the actual problem(s) as money touches every aspect of how we do business and make a life. The money problems at the NRA are the scab. The wounds are much deeper I can assure you.

    And, well, they still believe in the mission of the NRA, so they didn’t resign over any of this:
    -A large and useless Board.
    -A useless rating system that actually only serves to function as a fund raising mechanism and political action arm of the Republican Party, which are also traitors to the republic.
    -Fails to seek the immediate and complete repeal of all gun laws in the United States. I wonder why? Pfft.
    -Supported and supports GCA
    -Supported and supports NFA
    -Supported and supports Trump’s Bump Stock ban
    -Supported and supports Trump’s (and thereby states) Red Flag laws
    -Supported and supports the Hughes Amendment
    -Supported and supports licensing of a man’s duty unto Holy God, by which your blessings and rights flow, denying God’s sovereignty over His creatures.
    -Caves at every turn including the last “assault” weapons ban.
    -Has never had a wild eyed 2A dead ender at its helm, that being all so very unreasonable and improper among the Washington intelligentsia you see. Pfft.

    Again; the NRA is a political action arm and fund raising mechanism of the Republican Party, an organization that seeks to rule you absolutely. Get that through heads please!

    This is a fact: the NRA is the world’s premier Gun Control organization and is a UN registered NGO. Why would anybody give them money knowing it’s actual history toward firearms legislation. It’s every last member that is the problem. The NRA is OBVIOUSLY running some kind con on its membership where it promises to fight for gun rights and then sells them down river and all of America with them. It’s been at this for 100 years now.

    Choice-selection bias is not a valid excuse for supporting a bad organization. Men must take a clear and unwavering stand against wrong, regardless of who is wrong, why they are wrong, or if we like them personally or not. All gun laws harm God’s created order and violate His covenant with us.

    Anecdotally, I’ve talked to dozens of NRA members and they all have their pet gun control law such as gun free zones, red flag laws, the bump stock ban, the machine gun ban. All of them have been willing to make a trade with the devil for a piece of their own rights now while selling out their grandchildren.

    This is a fact: anybody who continues to support this organization IS, by way of fact, a traitor to the constitution and Holy God as this organization supports the overthrow of the Second Amendment.

  2. On August 2, 2019 at 7:59 am, Fred said:

    Just to be clear, perhaps I should finish that thought. I’m not talking a temporary setback or folks of lesser means living at peace; I’m talking about money fights and money problems. When money problems appear, the problem is actually sin. It’s hard to objectively look at your OWN sin and admit it. The wounds are from sin and there is sin at the NRA, and that IS the problem.

    But why would anybody be surprised as the religion of America is Humanism. As in the days of Noah who was a type of the one to come, when God determined to kill every last one of those scoundrels who were doing violence to God’s created order and His Law, save that righteous man and his immediate family, then too was Humanism, this notion of self as god worshiped as the chosen flavor of idolatry, the religion of choice in that day and every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

    It’s sin, personal, your own. Nobody can fix somebody else’s sin. But there was this one out of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem who can fix yours, and starting at your own house first, as difficult as that may be, it is a righteous and a godly endeavor.

    The problems at the NRA are merely symptomatic of America’s wider religion. There is nothing new under the sun. The NRA won’t be able to fix itself until its membership accepts their own personal sin first. It’s not ok to make little side deals with the devil. America is under blood covenant and God’s holy Law will be completed, yay, will be completed, it will be executed, in perfect righteousness even if that means violence. God is just. The sentence for sin is death and there is only way to be made justified.

    What happened to the righteous indignation of godly men intolerant toward all sin? Come out of this soft Churchianity, it is a whore of the devil. Come out and save your civilization!

  3. On August 2, 2019 at 8:53 am, Drake said:

    Marion Hammer – good luck running your organization without another penny of my money as long as you and Wayne are there.

  4. On August 2, 2019 at 2:42 pm, June J said:

    I’ve decided to stop throwing away the NRA’s fund raising mail without opening it. Now I’m taping a penny to the form, writing “LaPierre, Meadows, Cotton, etc all must go before these turn into $ again” on it and sticking it in the prepaid envelope.

  5. On August 2, 2019 at 4:17 pm, moe mensale said:

    “The NRA: An organization for Fudds, run by pit vipers.”


    I have no problem with your pit viper comment. As exemplified by Marion Hammer, I agree wholeheartedly. She was a major factor in getting open carry killed in FL back in 2011. She honored me with a scathing rebuke in Ammoland News when I publicly called her out as a liar.

    But I resent your Fudds analogy. That’s a pretty broad brush you’re painting with, no? 5 million Fudds? Members belong to the NRA for various reasons. Many NRA members also belong to other national and state gun rights groups. Those reasons aren’t up for debate by anyone. They make us no more a Fudd than they make us a gun fanatic (another disparaging term). The hyperbole isn’t really necessary.

    And to clarify, I’m not condoning anything going on with the NRA right now.

  6. On August 2, 2019 at 6:56 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    I have no problem with you resenting the remark. Notice that I didn’t say “An organization OF Fudds,” but rather, “An organization FOR Fudds.” That’s all they’re good for at the moment as I see it.

  7. On August 2, 2019 at 10:35 pm, Blake said:

    Nothing says “serious board member” quite like writing, “don’t let the door hit you in the back on the way out.”

    That is not the response of a serious adult who takes her responsibilities seriously.

  8. On August 3, 2019 at 5:59 am, H said:

    Here’s an explosive but inevitable revelation from John Richardson, in the context of Adam Kraut turning down his opportunity to become a replacement board member. The NRA is not renewing its Directors and Officers liability insurance because the new quoted cost is just too high. Had to be very very high because the board is so ridiculously large and the exposure is vast and getting steadily worse.

  9. On August 4, 2019 at 11:49 am, Michael said:

    Liberty Doll also published a recent video regarding all of the NRA shenanigans, which I found helpful.

  10. On August 4, 2019 at 1:15 pm, Drake said:

    No D&O insurance is a huge deal – I wouldn’t go near a board with legal issues AND no insurance. We really might have to watch the NRA go bankrupt, because they are making it next to impossible to fix.

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