Gun Showdown In The Texas House
BY Herschel Smith
House Speaker Dennis Bonnen wants to make one thing perfectly clear.
Gun rights are safe and sound this session, despite some grumbling from grassroots activists.
“I’ll bet my critics an AR-15 that their gun rights won’t be infringed,” he posted recently on Facebook.
This comes after some Texans began criticizing the Angleton Republican for “betraying” efforts to pass more legislation.
“For the first time in decades, a Speaker has appointed anti-gun Democrats to chair the two most important House Committees for Texas gun owners,” according to an article by The Texas Firearms Coalition.
At issue: state Rep. Poncho Nevarez, D-Eagle Pass, who was named to head the Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee, and state Rep. Nicole Collier, D-Fort Worth, who was appointed to head the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee.
“It has come to my attention that a small handful of gun rights fringe groups have called my leadership into question. Let me set the record straight,” Bonnen wrote on Facebook. “For 22 years I have been an advocate for Texan’s 2nd Amendment Rights.
“I have not wavered at any point.”
Collier received an F rating last year from the National Riffle Association.
“I’m here to promote the legislative process,” she said Tuesday. “Speaker Bonnen has set the tone for the new session and has expressed his trust and confidence in his colleagues in the House.”
Nevarez received a D rating from the NRA.
In 2015, Nevarez became the center of media attention after open carry supporters had a heated exchange with him.
Kory Watkins, then a spokesman for Tarrant County Open Carry, posted a video online that showed open carry advocates being aggressive with Nevarez, telling him he “won’t be here very long, bro,” because he didn’t support open carry.
The House soon approved new rules letting lawmakers put panic buttons in their offices that would summon Texas Department of Public Safety troopers if they needed to remove people from their offices.
The fear this session is that anti-gun bills in the House will get hearings but “pro-gun bills either will not get a hearing or won’t get a committee vote in time to reach the House floor for debate and voting,” the Firearms Coalition article stated.
It went on to encourage Texas gun owners to reach out to top Texas Republicans, including Gov. Greg Abbott, to weigh in on “Bonnen’s betrayal.”
“The only way to prevent this from happening again is to make the political price of betrayal so high that no elected official can afford it,” according to the article.
Bonnen responded to the concerns on social media. He said his committee appointments “represent diverse views — just as any well functioning democracy should.”
But he said he also named a majority of pro-gun members to committees that will consider gun legislation.
“The fact that some fringe groups can’t count to 5 for a 9 member committee is really not my problem,” he wrote.
And he believes committee chairs will “allow reasonable bills which reflect the values of Texans” to make their way through the session.
“I have not wavered at any point.” I agree. You appointed full-on communists to posts of importance. There was no vacillation with you.
The notion that the Texas Firearms Coalition is a “fringe” group is patently absurd, and I predict he’ll pay a steep price for his treasonous behavior.
By saying that “reasonable bills” will make their way through session he means that the committees will hear them, stall, vote a split decision too late to do anything about them in the once every two years meeting of the Texas Legislature, and then can the whole idea if it doesn’t do homage to state control over gun rights. And then he’ll make excuses for the committees about the wording being wrong, or LEOs opposing the bills because of “public safety,” or some such bullshit.
Watch and see if I’m wrong about this. You can tell him what you think about all of this at the following email address:
On January 29, 2019 at 11:23 pm, June J said:
Texas Firearms Coalition a “fringe group”? Shows just how far Bonnen has sold out to call us law abiding freedom loving Texans a fringe group.
On January 30, 2019 at 12:30 pm, Fred said:
I don’t know anything about this guy but you can tell that he’s lying anyway. He’s also using the same tactic the last, and likely now new as well, Tennessee governor used. That tactic is to make sure nothing gets out of committee. Of course the last TN governor had help with this from the then House Speaker who FELT it important, by created nature, to nurture and coddle us for our own safety.
On January 30, 2019 at 3:59 pm, Pat Hines said:
Sorry to point this out, well not so much, that diversity is NOT our friend and leave it at that.
On January 30, 2019 at 4:24 pm, Mike said:
Constitutional carry will NOT become a reality in Texas – bet on it.
Thanks for nothing Speaker Bonnen, you sonofabitch….
On January 30, 2019 at 4:43 pm, GomeznSA said:
IMHO both Fred and Pat Hines nailed it. I too do not know much about Bonnen but he is starting to sound like Joe Straus reincarnated.
On January 31, 2019 at 6:32 am, Matt said:
As the author(s) of this site like to say, do not put your faith in the tyrants in black robes. I’m beginning to see the same thing applies to our supposed representatives. The time is approaching for the people to decide to throw off these ropes and chains of (legal) oppression and push the reset button.
On January 31, 2019 at 8:36 pm, BRVTVS said:
Some good news:
Notable from this story: “Democrats and law enforcement officials, including the South Dakota Sheriff’s Association, opposed the measure and called for it to be limited to South Dakota residents.”
On January 31, 2019 at 9:06 pm, Chris Mallory said:
OT Some talk that the Houston police raid was at the wrong house.
On January 31, 2019 at 9:54 pm, Herschel Smith said:
The dem position is idiotic. Unless they stopped everyone they ran across, they wouldn’t know who was carrying or who was or wasn’t a state resident. It wouldn’t be a “Terry Stop,” and thus it would be illegal and unenforceable.
On February 2, 2019 at 11:16 pm, Michael Donato said:
Don’t understand Texas politics, but a bad rating from the NRA almost makes me think the person is ok.