Georgia Police Use Stun Gun On 87-Year-Old Woman Carrying A Knife To Cut Dandelions

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 11 months ago

Chicago Tribune:

When Martha Al-Bishara went on a walk near her home in northern Georgia last week, she was on a quest for dandelions. The stroll would end in her getting stunned by a Taser and arrested by police officers.

The 87-year-old woman often ventured outside – with a kitchen knife and a plastic bag in hand – to cut and collect the plants for cooking, her family said. She was doing just that last Friday afternoon when she crossed the street from her home in Chatsworth, Georgia, and arrived at a partially fenced lot belonging to a branch of the Boys and Girls Club. There, she began gathering the plants she needed.

Someone on the property, however, called 911 to report a woman in a blue dress and a brown headscarf on their site.

“She told me she doesn’t speak English and she’s walking up our bike trail with a knife towards me,” a man said in a 911 call obtained by WRCB News. “She’s old so she can’t get around too well, but … looks like she’s walking around looking for something like vegetation to cut down or something. She has a bag, too.”

The 911 caller added that the woman “didn’t try to attack anybody or anything.”

Soon afterward, at around 4:30 p.m., two officers and the chief of the Chatsworth Police Department arrived at the scene, according to a police report. There, a Boys and Girls Club staff member escorted them to the back of the property, where they spotted Al-Bishara standing on a hill, still holding a “a white plastic bag in her left hand and a steak knife in her right hand.”

It was unclear if the officers realized Al-Bishara did not speak English but, according to police, the woman did not respond to multiple verbal requests to put down her knife. Instead, she reportedly continued walking and collecting dandelions.

“While we were approaching the female she bent down to the ground and cut a weed and stood back up holding the weed in her left hand with the plastic bag,” the police report stated. ” We kept telling her to drop the knife. The female would look at us. Her demeanor was calm even seeing us with our guns out.”

The Chatsworth police chief at one point threw his own pocket knife on the ground “in an attempt to show the female that we wanted her to drop the knife,” according to the report. When Al-Bishara still didn’t respond and began walking down the hill toward the police, one of the officers turned on his Taser and pointed it at the woman, the report said.

When she about five yards away, with the same “calm” demeanor and facial expression, the officer shot his Taser, striking Al-Bishara in the chest and sending her to the ground, the report said.

If you’re afraid of an 87-year-old woman cutting dandelions, you may be a pussy.  In fact, if you are prone to call the police and say something like this:

“She told me she doesn’t speak English and she’s walking up our bike trail with a knife towards me,” a man said in a 911 call obtained by WRCB News. “She’s old so she can’t get around too well, but … looks like she’s walking around looking for something like vegetation to cut down or something. She has a bag, too.”  [she] “didn’t try to attack anybody or anything.”

You may be a pussy.

America is full of pussies, making it ripe for takeover by barbarian hordes.  But the good news is that at least the old woman now knows her boundaries.

Don’t know the language – too bad.  Can’t hear – too bad.  Have dementia – too bad.  You’d better be cognizant enough to obey the commands of the lords and masters, “Officer Safety!”


  1. On August 20, 2018 at 11:47 pm, BRVTVS said:

    The guilty parties should have their names published. When a newspaper fails to do so, it only encourages more corrupt government scoundrels to do the same abuses, knowing they’ll be protected.

  2. On August 21, 2018 at 8:20 am, Sean said:

    The family of the woman that was attacked should be allowed to use electro-shock torture (via Taser) on these three second-responding heroes.

  3. On August 21, 2018 at 10:00 am, snuffy said:

    If the caller realized she was cutting vegetation, why call 911 in the first place? That said, when in the US, learn some minimum words of English, just in case. That said, yeah, tasing was a bit over the top.

  4. On August 21, 2018 at 10:03 am, Longbow said:

    Gangsters. Any act other than abject submission, (i.e., prostrate self, roll over, expose belly, whimper, piss on self) is an act of aggression and is subject to lethal force immediately.

    I harbor a deep burning hatred for thugs and bullies.

    Jeepers, it seems like the Vast Majority never gets around to cleaning their own house… wonder what that means.

  5. On August 21, 2018 at 12:35 pm, Mark Matis said:

    There is a solution for this.

  6. On August 21, 2018 at 12:58 pm, Heywood said:

    Wow. Just… I should be suprised, but alas, I am not.

  7. On August 21, 2018 at 2:51 pm, George said:

    If you look at many of these types of incidents you will come to the conclusion that a lot of police officers are just plain cowards. We are, in fact, a country with many cowards. One of the symptoms of the age in which we live.

  8. On August 21, 2018 at 4:10 pm, DAN III said:

    “See something. Say something.”

    Terminate snitches with prejudice.

  9. On August 21, 2018 at 4:12 pm, DAN III said:


    The snitch with the mangina is the one who needs torture. Actually, termination.

  10. On August 21, 2018 at 4:13 pm, DAN III said:

    Mark Mattis@1235,

    Yep ! Agreed.

  11. On August 21, 2018 at 4:15 pm, DAN III said:

    BTW, Never Forget:

    There are no good cops.

  12. On August 21, 2018 at 4:30 pm, Mike said:

    Chain migration has it’s consequences – evidently it’s an infestation of borderline morons with NO fluency of the language of the nation they’re squatting in. That’s the flip side to all this. Send the old broad and her whole damn family back to the turd-world schitthole that Obama dragged them out of…..

  13. On August 21, 2018 at 10:43 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    I can’t go with you there, Mike. This has nothing to do with migration. Consider. Suppose that this wasn’t related to a language barrier. Suppose it’s your own mother because she is (a) hard of hearing, (b) confused, or (c) has moderate dementia.

    Is it right for cops to shoot her because they’re pussies who are afraid of a kitchen knife?

  14. On August 22, 2018 at 2:04 am, skybill said:

    That could have been my paternal Grandmother … she spoke 7 languages but english was not one of them…. we had to speak to her in our ancestral language ….Hungarian .. which we at the time spoke fluently as well as english and would always translate to others who wished to communicate with her!! Well into her 80’s she tended a 1 acre garden, raised, butchered, prepared and cooked poultry, and when I was 12 years old gave me my late Grandfathers’ Parker Brothers 12 gauge double barreled shot gun that was always in her closet as I was old enough to go hunting with my older brother!!! That old woman could have been her!! I would hate to see that cop after she got back to her senses after being tased!!!! I told you about the 12 gauge… then there was the “Bull whip!!’ that was hanging in the garage!! from back in the day when we had a full tilt Farm!! now and then our across the street neighbors had a dairy farm and sometimes their cows and bulls too would break out and come stompin’ over to our side of the road!! She’d get the “Bull Whip” out and go after the trespassers chasing them back over the road at the thanks of our neighbors!! The Cop wouldn’t have a chance, she’d whip that taser out of his hand then give him an ass beatin’ like he was an erant 8 year old kid!!
    Rest easy Grandma,
    May God rest your soul….
    PS, She Is Why Who I AM!!!!

  15. On August 26, 2018 at 1:08 pm, Tim Lynch said:

    I recently heard historian Nial Ferguson remark that “cowardice is the most powerful force in human history”. I’ve been thinking about that a lot while also contemplating the trend of regarding traditional courage and bravery as byproducts of toxic masculinity. Men of my generation (and my fathers) would have considered tasing an old woman to be so morally disgraceful that the thought of such an act is inconceivable. I often wonder what it will take to get us back to that standard of behavior.

  16. On August 26, 2018 at 1:36 pm, Fred said:

    Hi Mr. Lynch,
    You said that you often wonder what it will take to get us back to that standard of behavior. I agree that things are bad.

    “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”

    That’s the bad news. Not a one of us, in and of ourselves, is capable of ‘being good’.

    But there was one who came down from Heaven. This Christ lived a perfect, sinless and spotless life. He went to the cross where He had to die for our sins, all of our sins, every last one of us. He raised Himself from the dead, defeating death. Christ our LORD Jesus has the power to save our souls and forgive us of our sins. This is what the Holy Bible teaches us.

    So the answer to your statement relies on us, followers of Christ to teach and to model, and to demand those around us do this thing that you seek. Only Christ can set the ‘standard of behavior’ by which men known of God might stand up as righteous in this world. All else is folly.

    That’s the good news. Will we do it? I’m not as sure.

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