Oregon Woman Finds Mountain Lion Napping In Her Home

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

From readers Richard and Michael, Foxnews:

An Oregon woman recently came home to an unusual surprise: a mountain lion, which continued taking a nap for six more hours behind her sofa.

The odd encounter took place on July 8 in the Ashland, Ore., home of Lauren Taylor.

After drinking from a pond in Taylor’s backyard, the cat likely entered her home through an open back door, she explained in Facebook. The post had garnered more than 17,000 reactions and shares as of Tuesday morning.

“This is wild,” she wrote. “The door was open and the room has huge plants and stairs built around real tree branches, so she likely didn’t even realize she was walking indoors until she was inside.”

After entering the home, the cat was startled by Taylor’s roommate, who screamed upon seeing the mountain lion. This prompted the wild animal to hide behind the sofa, where it snoozed for several hours.

Taylor made a noise to wake the feline, but then “gazed lovingly into her eyes, and communicated using feline-speak eye blinking to calm her,” she wrote.

“It was amazing to realize that this worked. I gazed lovingly then blinked hard and then she did it back,” Taylor continued, adding that the cat then went back to sleep. “She clearly felt safe and she showed no inclination to leave.”

When the cat awoke a second time, Taylor said she “again connected in a loving gaze and communicated trust through blinking.”

With just “a couple hours to dawn,” Taylor decided it was time to “prompt her to leave without alarming her so much that she panicked.”

The Oregon woman then used a drum to encourage the lion to exit the home.

“She roused and knew just what to do…. walking out through the open doors, through the yard, across the creek, and through the empty field behind us exactly as we had shown her,” said Taylor, adding she has “extensive experience working with energy and animals.”

“It was a perfect ending to a blessed encounter that could have been dangerous if approached from a lower frequency,” she continued. “May she stay safely in the hills to enjoy a long life as a wild and healthy lion.”

You can go check out the pictures and video yourself.  I just don’t know what to say.  Honestly.

Read again.

Taylor made a noise to wake the feline, but then “gazed lovingly into her eyes, and communicated using feline-speak eye blinking to calm her,” she wrote.

When the cat awoke a second time, Taylor said she “again connected in a loving gaze and communicated trust through blinking.”

“It was a perfect ending to a blessed encounter …

Lovingly.  Calm her.  Trust.  Blessed.

She’s fortunate the lion didn’t scalp her and eat her brains out of her skull.


  1. On July 25, 2018 at 11:27 pm, The Big Club said:

    Must be the cousin of Timothy Treadwell..
    But then again. maybe she is some kind of cat whisperer in touch with total zen and mysticism brought about from staring at the sun.
    anything is possible I have found.

  2. On July 26, 2018 at 7:52 am, Mark Matis said:

    She is indeed “fortunate the lion didn’t scalp her and eat her brains out of her skull.”

    Unfortunately, WE are not. Let me assure you that she votes. I’ll leave it to you to guess her political preferences. But with any luck, she might invite a bunch of her friends over next time the lion is in the house. And THAT might work out even better than if the lion had decided to have breakfast before leaving THIS time!

  3. On July 26, 2018 at 8:36 am, Frank Clarke said:

    I recall Daniel having a similar encounter with a big cat. Faith, we are told, can move mountains.

    OTOH, Twain holds that “Faith is a wonderful thing, but it’s skepticism that does all the work.” ;=)

  4. On July 26, 2018 at 9:38 am, Fred said:

    This will come as a shock to many but she does understand some cat behavior. What she doesn’t understand is several things outside of behavior and details beyond making friends with a cat.

    First, the cat had just eaten lots and lots of something probably large and it’s natural prey such as a deer. It needed to den up.

    Second, she was not in charge of anything during this encounter. This will be the mistake leading to a potentially fatal next time.

    Third, the cat knew it was in a house. This level stupidity from her is monumental. A cat can smell and hear your dumb ass from distances that are hard to fathom. It is not as strictly a visual hunter, as a human, but more so upon moving to make a kill. And the notion that the animal doesn’t know where the door is or how it got in is phenomenally stupid.

    Fourth, the animal in the video is in, all decisions are valid decisions mode. Although it looks rather calm it’s 100 percent ready for fight or flight.

    And about that next time. Although we don’t taste particularly good to each other the cat now knows exactly where to find a snack, a dumb, placid, servile, docile snack.

    Oh and Lady, you need to do something about the flea, mite, and deer ticks and eggs behind, in, and around your couch and your throw pillows. Or not, cuddle up where it did and feel the chakra.

    And most importantly, what have WE learned – I’m certain that instinctively the lady knew not to cut off its path of egress but intellectually she thought she should teach it how to get out. I’m telling y’all from my hearts heart, this disconnect from OUR nature is going to get a lot of people killed when our current unprecedented era of peace in North America comes to an end. Grok This Hard!

    Wondering what @Joshua thinks of this encounter?

  5. On July 26, 2018 at 10:22 am, Herschel Smith said:


    Those were essentially my thoughts as well.

    The cat had just recently consumed something large. I wonder of that lady was around when the cat ripped the guts out of a deer and consumed them?

    The cat knew exactly where it was. It was in charge. The lady was not. It’s not that the cat “trusted” her, but rather [a] didn’t fear her, and [b] didn’t care to consume her because it had just done so and wasn’t hungry.

    The lady ascribed anthropomorphic characteristics to the cat. The cat didn’t give a shit about anything the lady was feeling. It’s a cat.

  6. On July 26, 2018 at 10:33 am, Gryphon said:

    Key to the Encounter was A) the Cat was not Hungry, and B) the Woman remained calm and obviously did not Threaten the Cat.

    Where are You in relation to the Nearest Gun in the House, Right Now?

  7. On July 26, 2018 at 12:52 pm, moe mensale said:

    Ashland, OR says it all. I lived in nearby Medford for a while. It’s an artsy college town in SW OR filed with lots of leftists who went to college there and stayed and/or moved in from northern CA. I won’t discount Fred’s comments because he’s correct but the lady is also an idiot who wants to be “in touch with the universe” as it were. Lots of them there. Too bad, it’s a nice little town otherwise. The good news is the next news story concerning her and big cats will show her vote cancelled out by the cat.

  8. On July 26, 2018 at 2:28 pm, Fred said:

    Actually @Herschel, it does have feelings. It feels like ripping the guts out of something and sticking it’s whole head inside the carcass to gorge itself and it feels like taking a nap so it has the energy to rip the cuts out of something else and eat that and it feels like making more little lions that will rip the guts out of something and eat those things. Why are you so insensitive to the poor little ‘blessed’ beast?

  9. On July 26, 2018 at 4:53 pm, TheAlaskan said:

    That story reminds me that our children see this all the time via cartoons and the like, where bears and lions and people, kids, all get along and hug each other. This story, circulating on social media, and now mainstream media finds fertile minds, conditioned by city-slicker culture, taking it all in as the REAL nature of things, the enlightenment if you will, of the modern Progressive. Indeed, Treadwell was the manifestation of such idiocy, and he was eaten, along with his girlfriend.

    Fact is, nature doesn’t give a shit. In the end, reality always wins…always.

  10. On July 26, 2018 at 5:23 pm, ROFuher said:

    At least this guy had the sense to keep his door closed.

    Colorado man spots 4 mountain lions lurking on porch: ‘It blew my mind’


  11. On July 27, 2018 at 10:17 am, Gryphon said:

    There’s a Picture out there somewhere of a Mountain Lion on a Snow-Covered Porch, looking through the Glass Door. It is Captioned “If You’re Cold, They’re Cold. Bring them Inside.”
    I’m Sure My Horse would Like that…

  12. On July 28, 2018 at 9:19 am, James said:

    Hmmm….,neat story but would definitely think twice about where I jogged early and looked like prey,4 of em,imagine if they hunted you in tandem.He says “[I’ve] never seen a mountain lion the whole time I’ve lived up here.”,make no mistake,they have seen you.A little common sense will go a long way and you can live among the big critters,am more worried about the 2 footed predators then the bears in my area, but,again,I have some respect for the bears,2 footed critters,not so much.

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