Oliver North Supported The Assault Weapons Ban

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 2 months ago

Via Reddit/r/Firearms.  Liberty Magazine, May 1994.

Specifically, Reddit has the episode as:

Larry King Live: Season 4, Episode 17

Oliver North; comedian Bill Maher.

Show: Larry King Live

Episode number: 17

Air date: January 26, 1994

Some Redditor will eventually get this (even if from a library) and put it on YouTube.  It will be even more embarrassing than it is now, but the damage is done.

So I suspect that Oliver North, a figure head, is in place to encourage military and former military membership in the NRA.  It’s all about money.

The NRA is hoping that folks will remember “War Stories,” the Fox News series.  Most people the NRA should be after don’t watch TV any more, and none of them remember the scandal in which he was embroiled during the Reagan administration.  All they see now if that North wants to take their AR-15s.  That sounds like a real winner in the gun community.

In reality, we have another Charlon Heston.  I’m sure the NRA is comfortable with him, even if the Redditors aren’t.


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  1. On May 14, 2018 at 1:56 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    It goes without saying that Oliver North, like his statist colleagues David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal, has violated his officer’s oath by coming out in favor of gun control.

    What part of “Shall not be infringed” does he not understand? It’s a sad day to see any former Marine stoop to such whoredom, but that’s life inside the beltway, isn’t it? Everything is for sale, apparently in the case of North – including his principles.

  2. On May 14, 2018 at 5:56 am, H said:

    Indeed, another Heston who as a cowboy actor actually campaigned for the GCA of 1968. On the other hand, there are few Americans as good as he in verbally engaging the enemy, and as long as he sticks to the current NRA “assault weapons” position….

  3. On May 14, 2018 at 7:15 am, Heywood said:

    As is always the case…it IS about the money!

  4. On May 14, 2018 at 7:37 am, Kenneth said:

    That’s disappointing. Didn’t think North was as slimy as the rest of the DC scum

  5. On May 14, 2018 at 8:30 am, Charles Harrison said:

    That sob should have gone to jail! Terrible choice for president

  6. On May 14, 2018 at 9:50 am, Darrin said:

    Here’s the interview. Looking for the AW Ban support.


  7. On May 14, 2018 at 11:29 am, Bill Robbins said:

    Correct about NRA needing to engage the cord-cutters. NRA needs to bring-in younger members and “woke” members who have been to the circus and seen the show.

  8. On May 14, 2018 at 11:45 am, Sean said:

    Ollie has about as much power as he does youth, all gone! Just because he is able to get on screen and spew out drivel like that, doesn’t mean he has a lot of influence as well. The Kool-Aid was probably very tasty. Lot’s of old men lose their stones and roll over for the current BS.

  9. On May 14, 2018 at 12:45 pm, Fred said:


  10. On May 14, 2018 at 1:14 pm, israelfirst said:

    I used to listen to Oliver North when he had a talk show and he would routinely say on his radio show “If you want an assault weapon join the US military”

    There are 90 Muslims now running for public office across the country and they support gun control

  11. On May 14, 2018 at 2:56 pm, NOG said:

    IF the NRA has lost me, they are going to be in big trouble. I refuse to give them the time of day anymore. Even refused to re-up at the local shooting club because they require membership in the NRA. Nope no longer. I just joined GOA and sent about a hundred bucks. Let’s see how they do. As for Ollie….. I have a old outhouse out back that he would more than welcome to stay in if he visits.

    I just wonder why the fudds really NEED all those high powered fully semi-automatic bolt action sniper rifles? They can kill 5 miles away. Some even might have those shoulder things that go up. They should be banned, only the police and Army needs those………..Slippery meet slope.

  12. On May 14, 2018 at 3:36 pm, CB said:

    All these people are against all Americans, not one of them are war heroes or heroes of any kind!! Tell the traitors to FUCK OFF and shut up, or they can swing. Its simple people, GROW A FUCKIN PAIR and TAKE BACK YOUR STOLEN COUNTRY!!!

  13. On May 14, 2018 at 6:21 pm, Ron W said:

    The Federal Government has NO delegated power for gun laws pertaining to the People, but only for “such part of the militia” it EMPLOYS. (Article I, Section 8.16) Ollie has it backwards, gun control laws only apply legally to the Fed’s HIRED GUNS! I think some years ago when Ollie ran for the U.S. Senate from Virginia, he carried around a Constitution so he should know that without delegated powers the Federal Government may do NOTHING! (10th Amendment) That would certainly include an AWB directed against the People. But for the military, the FBI, ATF, or DHS, it would actually be Constitutionally lawful!

  14. On May 14, 2018 at 8:08 pm, Ned said:

    Ditto, Fred.

  15. On May 14, 2018 at 10:59 pm, SemperFi, 0321 said:

    I served with S-2 Scouts, 1/9 3rdMarDiv in ’73-74. We used to go up to NTA in northern Okinawa for jungle training. Capt. Oliver North was the CO of the camp, always struck me as an arrogant ass, sitting in his CP tent with a cigar in his mouth. Very aloof towards the enlisted men.
    Seems nothing has changed.

  16. On May 14, 2018 at 11:35 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    Thanks. Nothing like first hand experience.

  17. On May 15, 2018 at 3:37 am, Huayno said:

    In addition to having spent an earlier week in NTA with 1/9, I share SemperFi’s impression of Oliver North. Best I can say of the Lt. Col. is that he appears to have been a good LT.

  18. On May 15, 2018 at 8:39 am, Jerry The Geek said:

    I don’t care one bit what Ollie did (or did not do) in The Nam. Or out of The nam.
    In my opinioon .. I was there, and he wasn’t.

    I have my story, and he has his.

    I was drafted; given a choice, I wouldn’t have been there, either.

  19. On May 15, 2018 at 9:41 am, Herschel Smith said:


    I don’t care what he did in Nam either. That isn’t the subject here.

  20. On May 15, 2018 at 9:45 am, willford said:

    GOOD way to shoot yourself in the foot NRA? Just when I was starting to get back to thinking of supporting you. THEN this. DAMN how dense can you be? AND I’m a life member.

  21. On May 15, 2018 at 9:18 pm, Michael said:

    Well, at least old Ollie has a kindred spirit.

    “Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA — ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.”
    –Heinrich Himmler

  22. On May 15, 2018 at 9:23 pm, Michael said:

    Oops – I forgot another of Ollie’s like-minded pals

    “I have grown up with guns all my life, but people who like assault weapons they should join the United States Army, we have them.”
    –Gen. Wesley Clark, US Army

  23. On May 16, 2018 at 1:13 pm, Matthew Wilbanks said:

    Was anyone actually able to find the Oliver North quote in the video that Darrin posted? I skimmed through twice and couldn’t find it.

  24. On May 17, 2018 at 10:41 am, Dan said:

    I was the original guy who posted it on Reddit – looks like I was wrong about which interview it happened in. The article from the magazine (May 94) mentions a radio interview from “last year” where he talks about it, but it looks like the Jan 94 interview isn’t it.

  25. On May 17, 2018 at 11:02 am, Herschel Smith said:


    Thanks for your patronage to this site, and while I didn’t want to “steal your thunder” on the reddit post, I wanted to get this out so everybody could see it. I’m sure some of my readers don’t frequent reddit/r/firearms. And reddit/r/guns sucks.

    With a reader who I’ve been exchanging email with, I’d like to do a series on “Quotes from Fudds” who undermine 2A. It’s too easy for them to take politically expedient positions and then turn later when they want to court gun owners.

    Can you nail down a specific date, transcript or video?

  26. On May 17, 2018 at 11:33 am, mikrat said:

    Never given the NRA a Dime and never will – Especially when the members keep showing their Stockholm Syndrome.

    NRA Supported the National Firearms Act of 1934


  27. On May 17, 2018 at 4:45 pm, RegT said:

    As mikrat said, the NRA supported NFA ’34. Actually, the NRA helped write everything from NFA ’34 to GCA ’68, the Lautenberg Amendment, the AWB, “gun free” school zones, and a lot of other gun control legislation. In the Aug 1968 American Rifleman, they wrote and article on how they supported’34 and ’68 (and smaller bills). They said they wanted to prove that they could be “reasonable”, could “compromise”.

    They were telling the truth. They have been compromising away our gun rights, from even before 1934. When the Lautenberg Amendment was passed and signed without even a whisper of warning, I ended my 20+ years membership with the NRA. They help write gun control laws because it brings in millions of dollars, while they pretend to do something about it.

    I am a Life Member of GOA. They are the only “no compromise” gun rights organization. Yes, the Second Amendment Foundation has done some good things, like Heller, but they compromise with the Left too, from time to time. Besides, Alan Gottlieb runs a bunch of other organizations besides the SAF, and will drive you crazy with how often they beg for more money.

    BTW – any of you who use to be members of JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership), Gottlieb ran a scam when Aaron Zelman died, and got the remaining admin of JPFO to sell out to him, without notifying any of us members that it was happening. Gottlieb saw another money-maker and snapped it up. I never heard what he paid the board of JPFO to sell the business to him, but since they were silent about it as well, I’m sure they made out like champs. That is another reason I dropped my JPFO membership, and why I refuse to support the SAF. For me, it is the GOA, and them alone.

  28. On May 17, 2018 at 4:58 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    Yea, we all know about Gottlieb. I have numerous articles on him and his lackey, Dave Workman.

  29. On May 17, 2018 at 10:23 pm, mpow6m said:

    GOA is the way to go.

  30. On May 20, 2018 at 12:28 pm, mikrat said:

    And then there is the NRA poster lackey –
    Ted “loud mouth & i’m never ever wrong” Nugent.

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