Hero Citizen Stops Potential Mass Shooting, Amarillo Police Shoot Him

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 5 months ago

It happened in Independence, Missouri when a man saved his wife, daughter and thirty other people from a potential shooting, where the hero dropped his weapon, raised his hands, and the police promptly shot him after saving those people.  Now it’s happened with another potential mass shooting in Texas.

As news of the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida dominated the airwaves this week, a massive hostage situation—which was quickly turning into a mass shooting situation—was foiled by a hero in a church. That hero, however, is now in the hospital after police showed up to the scene and shot him.

The situation was well on its way to becoming one of the deadliest shootings in history as the gunman took over 100 people hostage inside the Faith City Mission church on Wednesday.

“They said there was a gun in the building everyone started running all different ways,” said Clay Murdock, a student at Faith City Mission.

According to WLOX, Murdock said he tried to get as many people inside their sound room as possible.

“We’re standing in there and everyone starts praying,” said Murdock. “I went outside to see what was going on if I could get more people in there and right when as I went outside the guy was standing right in front of me with the pistol.”

Murdock then ran outside.

According to the Amarillo police, the initial call came in around 8:45 a.m. and indicated that there was an armed suspect inside who was holding 100 people hostage.

Sergeant Brent Barbee told reporters that when officers breached the building, they encountered an individual who had a handgun.

The officers fired shots that struck the man,” said Barbee. “After some additional investigation, they’ve learned that the man that [had] the gun may have taken the firearm away from the original suspect in the call. The man who originally had the gun has been taken into custody.”

Later that day, police clarified that they indeed shot the wrong man.

As I’ve said, stay away from the police.  It’s best not to involve them in anything, ever.  They are the most dangerous people on the roads, in the neighborhoods or anywhere else.  At least with criminals you know what you’ve got, what to expect and how to respond.

With the police, you know they’re going to overreact, ignore their backstop, and put their own safety above that of everyone else.  But if you react to the police in a manner you need in order to protect yourself and your loved ones and neighbors, the courts will hang you.  You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.  Only the police are safe when they invoke their procedures.  That’s by design.

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  1. On February 22, 2018 at 7:06 am, ragman said:

    Without the popos the dirt people (us) would string the elites up from the nearest tall oak tree. And rightly so. Without our costumed heroes criminal gangs like MS13 would be gone in a week. The cops, the attorneys, the judges, and the prison systems are all part of the corruptl cartel known as “the criminal justice system “. The whole stinking mess is set up to protect them from us.

  2. On February 22, 2018 at 9:03 am, WiscoDave said:

    Only legit argument against allowing the arming of teachers is “How many teachers lives will be lost when the responding “day late, dollar short” police shoot down the armed teacher because the officer felt threatened?
    We have to lose lives in order to save lives…

  3. On February 22, 2018 at 10:27 am, Fred said:

    “…everyone started running all different ways.”

    Train for that, just don’t ask me how, other than just build discipline to be consistent and repetitive so muscle memory takes over I guess. I wonder how many people ran into other people. What a mess.

    But hey, everybody went home safe. Well, the people that matter did.

  4. On February 22, 2018 at 10:32 am, luckyforward said:

    My wife and I have been attending a large Southern Baptist church in our community. I am Reformed, she is not, so we have been trying to find a church we both can call home. In the last few months I have come to the conclusion that I am actually more at risk of being killed by the costumed clowns from the local police department they have hired as security. It’s terrible to be in worship and realize that if you have to defend your wife the Thugs in Blue are just gonna probably shoot you down like a dog.

    Of course that applies everywhere now, but this church chose to delegate their security to the “Local Heroes”.

    Time to find a new church.

  5. On February 22, 2018 at 10:59 am, Herschel Smith said:


    When I go to worship now, the first thing I consider is where do I sit, what are my means of ingress and egress, where can I best hear what’s going on around me, and how quickly can I evade a shooter. All of that is true even though I am carrying.

  6. On February 22, 2018 at 11:22 am, luckyforward said:


    I do that as well.

    BTW, your blog kind of took the place of Sipsey Street in my daily updates. I miss Mike V. and his way with words, but you do a really great job.

  7. On February 22, 2018 at 11:24 am, Herschel Smith said:

    Thank you sir. Yea, I miss Mike too, but he’s in a better place.

  8. On February 22, 2018 at 2:49 pm, moe mensale said:

    “Meanwhile Gonzales (who works for the church) said they are thankful for the police department’s work today.”

    Wait a minute. The cops arrived after one of your employees disarmed the potential shooter and they shot him because they couldn’t take the time to figure out who the real bad guy was? And you’re thankful for what they did? The cops shot an innocent man and you’re thankful?

    You, sir, are a moron.

  9. On February 22, 2018 at 11:15 pm, Darrell said:

    As a former police officer I find you statement about police officers to be filled with ignorance and the same hatred and malice intent that the democrats have been spewing forth for years. 98 percent of officers would not react like this yet you paint them all with a broad brush and just like the racist black lives matter you presume they are all the same. Then again you may just be a russian troll.

  10. On February 23, 2018 at 12:55 am, Russian troll-bot said:

    At a certain point Darrel you can no longer deny reality. Cops come in two varieties in these situations: arrive at the scene and prepare for a long siege, or go in considering anything that moves a threat to OFFICER SAFETY!

  11. On February 23, 2018 at 8:30 am, Joe Lozito said:

    “Tax season” is upon us… I get the feeling that everyone here will submit. Please prove me wrong!

  12. On February 23, 2018 at 2:30 pm, Shawn said:

    Joe Lozito. Word. Why finance the very thing we are apposed to. Stop payment on fraudulent charges. But then they hold the military families hostage if we do. whiskey tango foxtrot.

  13. On February 23, 2018 at 2:35 pm, Shawn said:

    FYI in case some do want to withhold the ransom due April 16. It’s a felony not to file. Payment is still voluntary. So fill out the paper work. And then be ready to get death threats from you know who. Have a nice day

  14. On February 23, 2018 at 3:14 pm, Baba Tim said:

    the biggest threat my crew and I faced in Afghanistan was from Afghan security forces, the ANP in general and the NDS specifically. It never occurred to me that I would face the same threat when I returned home.

  15. On February 23, 2018 at 3:22 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    Very insightful and unfortunately amusing, Mr. Lynch. I hope you’re doing well sir.

  16. On February 24, 2018 at 3:39 pm, Ned said:

    Actually, Shawn, fwiw, failure to file is a misdemeanor – 26 U.S. Code § 7203. Tax evasion is a felony – 26 U.S. Code § 7201, as is making incorrect statements on a tax return: 26 U.S. Code § 7206.

    More than likely you won’t get death threats – they’ll just levy all your money and lien all your property, making it even more difficult to fight the IRS and the biggest law firm in the world – the U.S. Department of Justice (Tax Division).

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