Judge Barbara Bellis: Update On The Sandy Hook Families’ Lawsuit Of Remington
BY Herschel Smith
In Judge Barbara Bellis Says Sandy Hook Families’ Lawsuit Of Remington Goes Forward, we discussed the traitorous actions of Judge Barbara Bellis by blatant, intentional flouting of a federal law that forbids lawsuits against gun manufacturers based on potential criminal actions by users of those guns. Barbara knows better than the U.S. House and Senate. CNN has an update of this case.
Attorneys representing gun manufacturers are fighting to throw out a lawsuit brought by families of the Sandy Hook shooting victims after landmark progress by the plaintiffs earlier this week.
The new motion to strike filings seeking to do away with the case come after a potentially groundbreaking ruling earlier this week by Judge Barbara Bellis that set a trial date for April 2018 and opened the door to discovery in the case.
Should the case proceed after the defense’s latest effort to kill the case, it would be the first lawsuit of its kind to reach the discovery phase after the enactment of the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, or PLCAA, according to experts.
The discovery phase of the case would also unlock internal documents and open the door to depositions of employees of the gun companies, giving the public insight into the internal strategy in these companies.
And this is likely what judge Barbara was after all along. Internal documents are proprietary, contain trade secrets, marketing strategies, patents, manufacturing information, and a lot of other important data and information to which the Sandy Hook parents (and judge Barbara) have no right.
Depositions can mean potential damage to the company if someone slips and says something that he or she shouldn’t, giving the Sandy Hook parents leverage in a corrupt court system led by corrupt tyrants like judge Barbara.
It should never have gotten this far. My friend Dave Hardy has said to me that if the lawyers for Remington had argued that the case couldn’t be won by the Sandy Hook parents rather than that the parents lacked standing and the judge lack jurisdiction, we wouldn’t be here today. I have very much begun to doubt that. With this particular judge, she could just as easily have ruled that it begged the question for Remington to argue that the parents couldn’t win, and that the case should proceed.
In other words, judge Barbara is contemptuous of not only Remington, but the United States Senate and House of Representatives. She should be thrown off the case for this contempt. If the Senate and House had any guts at all, they would charge her with contempt and summon her via federal marshals at her doorstep to appear at Capital Hill for depositions herself. But the Senate and House lack guts, so that won’t happen. The black robed tyrant gets away with it, yet another nail in the coffin of American liberty.
Remember your behavior, judge Barbara. It will come back to haunt you.
On April 25, 2016 at 8:11 am, Haywood Jablome said:
You are correct that her day of reckoning will come when she meets her maker. Unfortunately, she will be adored by the leftist retards here until then…..
On April 25, 2016 at 8:13 am, Renov8 said:
The blatant disregard of the law in general is what will bring down the corrupt Left. Do as I say and not as I do, seems to be the Leftist mantra. I like to think “what go around, comes around”.
On April 25, 2016 at 9:20 pm, steve618 said:
The families lack standing to sue anyway. NO ONE was killed at Sandy Hook. The whole thing was staged. Defense attorneys should have a field day with this if it goes forward. Any family member who participates would necessarily perjure themselves as a result. Go for it.
On April 26, 2016 at 2:20 pm, Pat Hines said:
You’ve nailed, Herschel. This judge must have an intervention, by all necessary means.
On April 27, 2016 at 9:33 am, Ned Weatherby said:
When I performed legal work years ago, I learned that the government and its agents would lie, cheat and steal, would conduct illegal ex-parte communications between the prosecutor and the judge (big deal, right, since the prosecutor’s office is right down the hall from the judge…) and even put Trojans into electronically disclosed discovery.
The system is SO broken, and many federal state and local judges have contempt for everyone.
On April 28, 2016 at 12:09 am, Loog Moog said:
This is part of the CIVIL WAR COUNTDOWN- and civil wars sometimes begin with a sudden spark and then a “Night of the Long Knives”…
The countdown reaches zero when the Feds or a state begins gun confiscation (or if a certain former senator and sec of state reaches High Office), or upon some OTHER as yet unknown outrage…