Special Operations Troops Doubt Women Can Do The Job
BY Herschel Smith
Surveys find that men in U.S. special operations forces do not believe women can meet the physical and mental demands of their commando jobs, and they fear the Pentagon will lower standards to integrate women into their elite units, according to interviews and documents.
Studies that surveyed personnel found “major misconceptions” within special operations about whether women should be brought into the male-only jobs. They also revealed concerns that department leaders would “capitulate to political pressure, allowing erosion of training standards,” according to one document.
Some of those concerns were not limited to men, researchers found, but were found among women in special operations jobs.
Dan Bland, force management director for U.S. Special Operations Command, said the survey results have “already driven us to do some different things in terms of educating the force.”
Well, there you go. If the force believes that women can’t do the job, the only recourse is to educate them differently, because surely, surely, surely they must be wrong. Otherwise the advocates of gender homogeneity would be wrong, and that couldn’t be the case because command says so because the administration and God-hating, elitist, Marxist liberal arts colleges around the nation say so.
Dan Bland responded the way he did because he has lost his soul and joined the dark side.
See category Women in Combat.
On April 6, 2015 at 6:50 am, BobSykes said:
Anything that weakens Leviathan is good.
On April 6, 2015 at 8:46 am, Lentenlands said:
Goodbye America. You have rejected God and the Bible as your source of truth and are ruled by and are slaves to pigs now.
On April 6, 2015 at 10:11 am, Mrs. Patriot said:
There’s one other solution besides education: Lower the standards. Woosify the forces. The Army and Marines have already done it. Why should SO have different training? It’s not fair!
We’re toast.
On April 6, 2015 at 9:00 pm, DirtyMick said:
My buddy put it this way… “Rucks and body armor are heavy.”
On April 6, 2015 at 10:34 pm, Mitch Rapp said:
I think they should keep the qualifying standards right where they are. If the extremely rare woman comes along that can do all the stuff that real men can do, I say let her in. Probably only about 1 in a 1000 women could qualify. The one that did qualify would likely be 6′-2″ and 210 pounds. That, my friends, would be a woman to fear!
On April 7, 2015 at 5:04 am, Anonymous said:
dat beez scriminations!
On April 7, 2015 at 4:36 pm, Bill Daigle said:
Two words…Ziva David