Maryland Set To Pass Sweeping Gun Control, Beretta Set To Move

BY Herschel Smith
11 years, 4 months ago

Washington Times:

Spurred by the Newtown massacre, Maryland is poised to pass one of the strictest gun control laws in the country.

If Maryland does pass the legislation and Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley does sign the bill, as is expected, one of the largest gun manufacturers in the country Beretta USA is considering a move elsewhere, taking with it approximately 400 jobs. Republican Gov. Rick Perry of Texas has already put out the welcome mat for any gun manufacturers looking to move.

Beretta claims that the law that would forbid 10-bullet magazines would make the manufacture of their 9mm 13-bullet magazine illegal in Maryland. Beretta says it moved one of its factories to Virginia the last time Maryland tightened its laws.

Such talk, however, doesn’t faze the people supporting the new legislation. They see the new law as long overdue. Even before the bill passes, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence had ranked Maryland’s gun laws as the seventh strictest in the nation.

The new law, which will probably be passed this week, would also ban 45 assault-type weapons, set up licensing and fingerprinting of gun buyers, and ban sales to anyone who has been committed to a mental hospital.

I haven’t heard back from my inquiries to Springfield Armory or Rock River Arms, and Kimber and Remington (in New York) are playing coy right now.  But I have a feeling that Beretta will put their money where there mouth is.  Beretta is [rightfully] concerned about public reaction to this outrage.  The American civilian gun market is more powerful and wealthy by a long shot than police or defense contracts, and gun owners rarely forgive and never forget.  Just ask Smith and Wesson about the boycott that just about killed their company.

My message to Maryland?  Bring it.  Bring on the bans, let Beretta move and take 400+ jobs with them, and let gun owners like me work hard the rest of our lives to avoid doing business with Maryland ever again or even driving through Maryland.

Consequences are the best educational tool in the world.  Some people never learn that lesson as children.


Letter To Rock River Arms

Firearms Manufacturers Boycott Anti-Gun States

Gun Companies Holding The States Accountable

Remington To S.C.?

It’s Time For The Gun Industry To Move South

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  1. On March 5, 2013 at 2:41 pm, Paraclete said:

    Never had any respect for anything Mary land.

  2. On March 5, 2013 at 4:20 pm, Chuck said:

    Yet one more reason to stay the hell out of Maryland. Unfortunately, a few times a year I must cross the ironically named “free” state to get to the other side. I don’t tarry and I make sure my guns are unloaded, stored and locked separate from ammo IAW FOPA. However, I’ve never been confident that FOPA will really protect me since I’ve heard too many horror stories of northeast corridor police basically ignoring it when it suits them. Now I’m seriously considering some major detours just to avoid the land of Mary when I take those trips.

  3. On March 5, 2013 at 5:32 pm, scott s. said:

    Ever since the state created the Handgun Board under the State Police, the place has been hell for lawful firearm owners.

  4. On March 5, 2013 at 5:55 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Oh. Well, there you go. Handgun board “under the state police.” That’s all you need to know about that. And the words “hell for lawful firearms owners.”

    Everything explained in a single sentence.

  5. On March 6, 2013 at 12:32 am, dwdude said:

    i live in a red state and will only spend vacation money in red states. i used to visit new england , but it has been off of my list for quite some time now.

  6. On March 6, 2013 at 3:15 am, TeeJaw said:

    Sad thing is that Maryland is a gun loving state outside of Baltimore. It is also a beautiful state outside of Baltimore. If only there were a way to isolate cities like Baltimore from the rest of the state. Maybe there should be wall similar to the great wall of China around cities like Baltimore, and a moat as well. Not to keep anyone out since no one would want to go there anyway, to keep the assholes, gang bangers and criminals in so the good people in the rest of state could be free, prosperous and happy.

  7. On March 6, 2013 at 10:29 am, working_man said:

    Sadly, I live in the state of Maryland and dream of the day when I can move. The governor here, Martin Owe’Malley is one of the most liberal tax and spend democrats you’ll find and he is lining himself for a run at the Whitehouse in ’16.

    Be very afraid if that happens…

  8. On March 6, 2013 at 10:39 am, steve said:

    In case you don’t know police are the cause of these problems. Without the willing henchman with the gun, members of the political army, that many court rulings explain exist to protect the interests of the state and NOT to protect and serve the private citizen, everything the members of the political class do, I.E. talking and writing things down on paper, would be irrelevant. It is the “LAW ENFORCER”, of the 60+ million laws of this country, that MAKE you obey what the professional politicians want you to. ALL laws are ENFORCED at the end of a gun, every single one.

    All police are career criminals, easily proven in logic and law. It doesn’t matter if they are bad, nice, or indifferent they are ALL, 100%, career criminals. It is impossible to wear that gun and badge and NOT violate your oaths if you want to remain a member of the political army of order follower “law enforcers” ! Just read what they SWEAR an oath to, state and national Constitutions, and clearly understand why.

  9. On March 7, 2013 at 2:48 pm, cjmartel said:

    States are ramming draconian gun control bills in complete opposition to the electorate, that renders these governments illegitimate and therefore should be removed. The people in Maryland need to forcefully remind these slags who, God only knows how, have been elected to public office to work within the confines of the U.S. Constitution, and if they fail that, remove them by whatever means are required.

  10. On March 10, 2013 at 10:32 am, mhe0828a said:

    I currently live in md and am about to hurry up and buy and ar15 my question is what will happen to the people who own the guns before the ban

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