Rock River Arms Elite CAR A4 – My New Friend
BY Herschel Smith
As all patriotic, God fearing, freedom loving Americans should be, I am a member of the NRA. During the recent NRA convention in Charlotte, I inspected the Rock River Arms exhibit, and decided on a new RRA Elite CAR A4. I ordered through Hyatt Gun Shop, America’s largest independently owned gun store.
Hyatt doesn’t just have salesmen. They have legitimate, highly qualified gunsmiths working there. David Benfield worked with me for a good while with the new weapon, and Hyatt Gun Shop was very generous to me. My new friend?
A Rock River Arms Elite CAR A4, free floating quad rail for attachments. I feel that it will become a close friend, and I intend to attach at least a front vertical grip and my Surefire tactical light. John Bernard wants me to attach a Trijicon ACOG (you know, one with the Scripture still on it), but at the present that would require generous donations.
On June 17, 2010 at 10:12 am, Warbucks said:
While I am a life member of NRA and surprisingly (to me) a good shot, I myself am working on developing a far more powerful weapon of staggering capabilities in the 4th-dimensional setting. One is free to call it a weapon only because it thwarts adversarial plans and recasts the reality surrounding our collective consciousness when the newer reality so configured, also coincides with natural creative harmonics of the universe, by altering (increasing) our vibrational rates. I keep muddling up the action and haven’t figured out just yet how to aim the thing properly. Several others are helping in the endeavor….. apparently.
On June 21, 2010 at 9:44 pm, jbrookins said:
LMAO, (Warbucks)
I’m jealous as hell Herschel. As I come up on military retirement I’ve realized I won’t have enough money to pay the rent let alone get a nice weapon like that. lol (ok it’s not that bad)
On July 1, 2010 at 9:26 am, Warbucks said:
My research friends have discovered what they think is the correct minimum load for the new “Mag-gun” defensive weapon discussed above. It does, of course, have offensive capabilities we are just learning to use. The apparent effective minimum load is 8366 expressed as SQRT(1%*Pop) as I have outlined here in this new post:
So far I seem to be experiencing only partial success in using it.
On July 1, 2010 at 8:35 pm, Warbucks said:
Now here’s a nifty little piece of hardware to have: F-35 Sensor Systems
AESA Radar Sensor Systems Just goes to show you what you can do with captured alien off-world technologies reversed engineered.
On July 2, 2010 at 8:47 pm, Warbucks said:
Two good books worth reading to catch up on the US Arsenals:
“Genesis of the Cosmos” and “Secrets of Anti-gravity Propulsion” both by Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D. – Physics. I live in a community of physicists near Lawrence Livermore Labs, even they are amazed by LaViolette’s work and the power of his presentations. Apparently his work is setting them free.
On January 25, 2011 at 12:05 am, Forrest G Adams said:
I complete a trade for one tomorrow with Eotech 751 red Dot.
On January 25, 2011 at 12:22 am, Herschel Smith said:
I love shooting mine. Here is an updated pic, kitted-up.
I’m still looking to buying an EOTech. Did you mean EOTech 557?