The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

Magpul To Move To Texas And Wyoming

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

Washington Times:

Magpul Industries, a firearms-accessories maker, announced Thursday that it will relocate its extensive manufacturing facilities to Texas and Wyoming, in angry response to the Colorado legislature’s passage of sweeping gun-control legislation in 2013.

At the same time, the company plans to maintain a toehold in Colorado in order to continue to fight the gun bills passed by the Democratic-dominated state legislature and signed in March by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

“Moving operations to states that support our culture of individual liberties and personal responsibility is important,” said Magpul CEO Richard Fitzpatrick, who started the privately-held company in 1999 from the basement of his home in Longmont, Colo. “This relocation will also improve business operations and logistics as we utilize the strengths of Texas and Wyoming in our expansion.”

Magpul officials plan to split up the company’s corporate and manufacturing arms, both of which are now located in Erie, Colo. The corporate headquarters will relocate to Texas, and a site-selection committee has narrowed the final destination to three locations in the state’s north-central region.

Meanwhile, Magpul’s manufacturing and distribution facility will move about 80 miles north to Cheyenne, Wyo. Company officials say they plan to lease a 58,000-square-foot building for two to three years while they construct a 100,000-square-foot custom facility in the Cheyenne Business Parkway.

Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead, a Republican, said in a statement that “Wyoming and Magpul are a great match.”

“Bringing an innovative and growing manufacturing operating to Wyoming is a significant step for the state,” Mr. Mead said. “We offer Magpul an attractive tax environment, stable and reasonable regulations, not to mention a firm commitment to uphold the Second Amendment.”

Magpul must have gotten some deal on taxes to have decided to split the manufaturing and corporate offices like this.  Unless I knew the details, it sounds like an odd move.

Trust me when I say that we’ve been watching.  Magpul promised to leave, and we would have been furious with them if they had broken that promise.  My next rifle is a Winchester Model 70 Sporter, .270, made right down the road from me in Columbia, S.C., at the FN plant.  It’s on order and paid for.  I liked what I saw, but one factor in my decision was to avoid purchasing a Remington from New York, first because of the union shop, and second because I won’t reward a communist state like New York.

We gun owners are patient, but diligent to reward those with whom we agree.  Hopefully, all other gun and parts manufacturers are watching.

Governor Hickenlooper Signs Colorado Gun Control Bill

BY Herschel Smith
11 years, 4 months ago

Denver Post:


Gov. John Hickenlooper signed bills Wednesday that place new restrictions on firearms and signaled a change for Democrats who traditionally shied away from gun control debate in Colorado – a state with a moderate streak and pioneer tradition of gun ownership and self-reliance.

Hickenlooper’s signature of the bills comes exactly eight months after dozens of people were shot in a movie theater in suburban Denver, the day after the executive director of the state’s Corrections Department was shot and killed at his home.

Police were searching for the person who killed Tom Clements, and trying to figure out if the attack was related to his job.

The bills require background checks for private and online gun sales and ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 15 rounds.

Hickenlooper was surrounded by lawmakers who sponsored the bills at the signing ceremony. Before signing the first bill, which requires purchasers to pay fees for background checks, he looked around with a solemn look on his face and then began signing it.

Every time he signed a bill, applause erupted from lawmakers and their guests …

So be it.  It’s now time for Magpul to leave and take its revenue and jobs with them.  When laws like this are implemented it’s always the duty of every individual to study the bill itself, sometimes including case law that ensues from the bill.  Gun forums don’t do justice to the complexity of most gun control bills, and every visitor to the State of Colorado is in danger of some sort of new violation of their laws, which most of the time would be felonies.  It just isn’t worth my time to study the law.

I have visited Colorado only once to ski in Breckenridge.  It was a wonderful experience, and sadly, one that will not be a recurring trip.  Not only will I not risk any sort of violation of their new law, but I won’t reward Colorado for their actions today.  I have friends and readers in Colorado and I don’t wish them ill.  But now that Colorado has been proven to be an anti-gun state, they will feel the wrath of gun owners and gun manufacturers.  They should consider their future through the lens of firearms at a time when their chief of the department of corrections was just gunned down.  Will the criminals have such a hard time getting what they want?

My treatment of Colorado won’t be any different than my treatment of other gun-control states.  I steadfastly refuse to drive through or even fly over New York, New Jersey, Illinois, or Maryland.  If I drive through with a weapon I must know their idiotic laws.  If I fly over with a weapon I might have to make an unscheduled landing in one of their cities.

I don’t take pleasure in seeing friends suffer under totalitarianism.  But when we look for work-arounds and fill in the gaps for others, we prevent the learning experience that comes from bad decisions.  Consequences bring the gift of wisdom.  For half a century now America has raised its children to avoid consequences, and partly for that reason we are where we are.

In this case, may Colorado get exactly what they have asked for, and exactly what they so richly deserve.   Tonight I will go home and order some Magpul hats, clothing and accessories (I already have their AR-15 magazines).  I will never again visit Colorado, and depending upon what other manufacturers do (Remington has made their bed, are you listening, Colt?  Rock River Arms?  Kimber?  Springfield Armory?), I will look for ways to reward the faithful and punish the wicked.  And there are millions of gun owners just like me.

Colorado And Magpul

BY Herschel Smith
11 years, 4 months ago

Isaac Chase of Guns For Everyone sends this along.  It’s an online petition to let Colorado Governor Hickenlooper know where you stand on proposed gun legislation.

So here is my inner struggle.  My head tells me one thing.  I know that I have second amendment brothers and sisters in Colorado who needs our help.  Therefore, for my Colorado readers I am letting you know that this petition exists.

But my heart tells me something else.  I keep thinking, do it, do it, do it, pass the legislation you pansy-ass liberals.  Bring it.  Get what you ask for and what you deserve.  And let the voters see exactly what they voted for.  There is no better teacher than consequences.

Ammoland gives us this.

Erie, Colorado-based Magpul Industries founder Richard Fitzpatrick is making one thing clear: if Democrats in the state house and senate succeed in passing a high capacity magazine ban, Magpul is leaving the state and taking the $85 million it would have generate for Colorado next year with it.

Fitzpatrick’s company has been making magazines for AR-15s since 1999 and is now “one of the country’s largest producers of magazines and other firearms accessories for gun enthusiasts, law enforcement, and the military.”

He says attempts to restrict the size of magazines and add serial numbers to each one will make production costs untenable in Colorado.

Moreover, with state Democrats pressing for a bill to hold gun manufacturers liable for the criminal misuse of “assault weapons,” Fitzpatrick fears that if Magpul remains within the state and a criminal tapes two magazines together to outsmart the ban, Magpul will be held liable.

The good news for Magpul is that Wyoming and Texas are already asking the company to relocate to their states.Some supporters of the bill say, “Magpul is bluffing.” But Fitzpatrick countered, saying, “It’s not really a threat. It’s a promise.”

So now if the Colorado politicians back down, they have let a gun parts manufacturer bully them around.  The liberals couldn’t let that happen, could they?

But that’s my heart speaking.  My head says fill out the petition.  My heart says pass the law and see Magpul run.  Run Magpul run,  see Magpul run.  Hickenlooper sees Magpul run.  Everyone sees Magpul run.  Bye bye, Magpul.

Gun Control Tags:

Guns, Consistent Dental Care And Drowning Kittens

BY Herschel Smith
11 years, 5 months ago

Colorado Springs Independent:

Today we will dip our toes into the gun discussion. Specifically, the high-capacity ammunition magazines for assault weapons and how such items tend mostly to be the realm of people without much education or any sort of consistent dental care who live in trailers with 30 cats and have an NRA sticker on their $400 car.

Harsh? Perhaps. But if you believe the massacres at Columbine High School and a theater in Aurora and the numbing execution of 20 wide-eyed little school kids in Connecticut — in part because of these high-capacity magazines —- should not have any bearing on your “right” to shoot trees and your “right” to blow up propane tanks in the woods with a withering barrage of bullets as you guzzle beer, well, you’re probably accustomed to life being harsh.

[ … ]

Maybe Magpul could make up for the lost revenue by manufacturing a device that could hold a bottle of gin on your dashboard for the drive home from work. Or a heavy stick to beat your spouse. Or a plastic water barrel to drown kittens.

Then the writer goes on a masturbatory high on trying to get Magpul to pull out of Colorado (a move which I have advocated, along with Remington and Kimber out of New York, and Springfield Armory out of Illinois, etc.).  But I haven’t noticed any lack of dental hygiene among my buddies at the range.  I’ll have to run around inspecting their mouths like I would my dog.  If the writer is accurate, they won’t mind because they’re too stupid to know what I’m doing.

Where does this rag find the screeching, hysterical bitches to write stuff like this?


Tinfoil Hat Bircher NRA Peckerwood With A Long Gun

Stone Age Vigilantes

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