The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

Donald Trump’s Hatred Of Suppressors

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

As soon as the blood was spilled the controllers came out of the woodwork to shill their ideas.  First up is The Washington Post, or in other words, Jeff Bezos’ and the CIA’s blog.

But details of the rampage include one fact unique to the growing list of active-shooter cases: the assailant used a .45-caliber handgun with extended magazines and a barrel suppressor. This small detail — that the loaded gun was fitted with simple, and lawful, “silencing” equipment — threatens to upend how we understand and train for active-shooter cases in the future.

Let’s stop right there.  I’ve never “trained” for an active shooter situation by learning to “run, hide and fight.”  Only the DHS is stupid enough to purvey such nonsense.

But details of the rampage include one fact unique to the growing list of active-shooter cases: the assailant used a .45-caliber handgun with extended magazines and a barrel suppressor. This small detail — that the loaded gun was fitted with simple, and lawful, “silencing” equipment — threatens to upend how we understand and train for active-shooter cases in the future.

But the Virginia Beach killer seemed to want the anonymity of silence, a tool of the coward, not one seeking fame or a blaze of glory. None of the videos or manifestos we’ve seen from New Zealand to Las Vegas appear to be part of the Virginia Beach story. The killer wanted silence.

Silence is the enemy of time. An entire “run, hide, fight” policy that governs every school, workforce and the first-responder community in active-shooter cases is conditioned on an important premise: that there is situational awareness that shots have been fired, bullets are flying and it’s always best to run the other way. Once you know where the bullets are coming from, you can — as I tell my own kids — “sprint if you can; duck if you can’t; and fight only if you must. I only have one of each of you.”

If she would rather teach her children that than arm defenders around them, she hates her children.  But you see where this is going.  Now the controllers are targeting suppressors.  Next up, USA Today.

It’s not immediately clear how long Friday’s attack lasted, or how much time passed before the first police officers arrived on scene. But some gun control advocates say the suppressor may have caught the victims off guard. One survivor described hearing something that sounded like a nail gun.

“Especially on a handgun, a suppressor will distort the sound in such a way that it would not immediately be recognizable as gunfire to people who sort of know what that sound is,” said David Chipman, a retired agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and now the senior policy adviser with Giffords, a gun-control lobbying group.

Oh, I see.  An “expert.”  It’s always better for your story when you can get an “expert” to weigh in, yes?

But finally, the beloved Donald Trump himself.  Someone baited him with a question about suppressors, and he had this to say.

Q    The suspect in the Virginia Beach shooting used a silencer on his weapon.  Do you believe that silencers should be restricted?

THE PRESIDENT:  I don’t like them at all.

First we had the bump stock ban courtesy of a single, solitary, action by the federal executive remaking federal law on a whim.  Nice precedent, Mr. Trump.  We’ll see that used for very nefarious purposes in the future, no doubt.  Then we had support for red flag laws (or so-called extreme risk protection orders).  Then we had the selection of a gun controller to head the ATF, and finally today we get loathing of suppressors.

In fact it wouldn’t surprise me to see a bill pass the House and Senate headed for Trump’s desk to outlaw them completely, something that is no more than a muffler intended to save the hearing of target shooters and sportsmen.

You see, Trump can honestly claim that he is a defender of the second amendment when his definition of the second amendment is that you get to keep a pistol in your home if the Police say so, and only under certain very strict conditions you may be able to carry it like he does.

It’s a matter of language and world and life view.  His isn’t yours, and yours isn’t his.  When he says he is a defender of the second amendment, he doesn’t mean what you want him to mean.

Based On The Testimony Of One Witness

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

This is why the Holy Writ requires two witnesses to convict.  And in case you had to be told (I hope you don’t), be careful how well you manage your home life.  I personally have a very good friend whose wife was unfaithful to him, demanded a divorce (that he didn’t want), and took half of everything he owned in court, along with alimony payments.  If red flag laws existed at the time his guns would be owned and operated by the police today.  And not one bit of the whole ugly affair was his fault.

AR-15: Lock on it.

Cop: Tries to cycle the charging handle three times before he concludes it is not loaded.

Good Lord.

Alabama Extreme Risk Protection Order Bill

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Coleman’s bill would create a measure allowing the court to prevent a person deemed a threat to themselves or others from owning or buying a firearm for one year. The bill, if signed into law, would require the surrender of all firearms and ammunition and would allow law enforcement to search the residence for firearms and ammunition.

Family members, law enforcement officers or educators could request a gun violence protective order, which the court could issue immediately without notice to the person it concerned, based solely on information and testimony from the petitioner. This is called an ex parte gun violence protective order.

Yes, even in Alabama.  It’s everywhere, no small indication that the controllers aren’t just in New York, Chicago or Washington, D.C.  It’s popular and easy now to push red flag bills and declare yourself free of “controller guilt” because you did a “good thing.”  But the point is that takes a controller at heart to do it.  Most politicians are controllers at heart, regardless of what they say.

Recall what I said about that.  “The desire to control others is the first sign, incorrigible pathology and premier sin of the wicked.”  The desire to control others is always and everywhere evil.  To my Alabama readers, see if you can beat this back, and then make the proponents of this bill pay for ever bringing this up in the first place.

Philly Sheriff Gets Guns Away From Alleged Abusers Fast

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

News from Philadelphia:

“Our concern is that in the immediate timeframe, that family is safe,” Williams said. “Imagine it’s cold out, there’s a family with children that’s just run out of the house with no coats or shoes on to get away from danger. We pick them up, we bring the whole family back to the house, we remove the bad guy and the guns and we make it safe.”

The Sheriff’s office is responsible for more than 1,000 firearms confiscated from accused batters due to Protection From Abuse orders. Their office’s Warrant Unit can execute Protection From Abuse orders signed by a judge 24/7, Williams said.

[ … ]

“We do this every day. We’re not making a judgment if this person is guilty or innocent, we’re enforcing the order,” said Sheriff’s Office deputy chief Paris Washington. “The courts determine whether they get them back, whether it’s vacated, or whether it lasts longer.”

Just obeying orders, like cops everywhere will do when pressed.  The operable phrase here is “alleged.”  It’s in the title of the article, I didn’t make it up.

So we don’t have to imagine anything.  All it takes is an accusation or allegation.  Presto.  God-given rights to self defense abused in a flash.  One phone call, one statement to a judge, one allegation to a social worker, true or not.  But no one is making a judgment, of course.

USCCA Supports Red Flag Laws

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

The US Concealed Carry Association supports gun control.  Via reddit/firearms, this screen capture:

Remember that.  If you do not present a danger to yourself or others and are acting lawfully, there should be no reason to be concerned.

Unlike, say, if you lawfully defend yourself and the prosecutor wants to put you in prison anyway because the system is abused, necessitating a high-powered second amendment lawyer paid for by your USCCA dues.  That’s the only situation where abuse happens.  Or perhaps they know there will be abuse, and it’s another chance to score membership dues from the sheeple.  People will need those high-powered lawyers to get their guns back when they’ve been falsely accused of something.

What a bunch of hypocrites.  Hey, USCCA.  If you’re not careful, you’ll take up the mantle from the NRA as the most well-connected and well-financed gun control organization on earth.  Would that make you proud?

Will Red Flag Laws Be Used To Set Up Gun Owners?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

David Codrea:

It’s fair to ask what protections will exist to prevent abuse and catch innocents up in a net that will strip them of rights and leave them on their own to fight a state with virtually unlimited resources?

What’s to stop false accusations, and incentives offered to make them?

Yes, the system will be abused, but I’ll go further.  Such abuse could only begin after an ungodly, unrighteous bill was signed into law.  There is no provision in the Scriptures for presuming to know the future and acting to punish people based on what you foresee they might do.  That’s God’s domain, not man’s.  In a Biblical economy, those guilty of divination are cut off from the people, a virtual death sentence.  See Leviticus 19:26-31, Leviticus 20:6, Deuteronomy 18:9-14, and many other passages.

The authors of this detestable thing have set themselves against God and upon the throne of the Almighty.

Is It Safe For S.C.’s Lindsey Graham To Write A Gun Bill?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago


U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham supports laws to temporarily revoke guns from people who might harm themselves or others, and he’s working on legislation that would give grants to states that pass such statutes.

It’s a controversial position among gun rights advocates, but the South Carolina Republican’s not worried about alienating his base.

“Not my base,” he said of his opponents of this issue, adding they are the “the fringe of the fringe.

“I think most Americans believe that multiple murderers shouldn’t have gun rights. Most Americans support background checks,” Graham continued. “The Second Amendment’s important to me, but it’s not a suicide pact.”

The “fringe of the fringe.”  That’s how Miss Graham sees you and me.  And she’s lying.  This bill isn’t about preventing “multiple murderers” from getting guns.  That’s already covered in the laws.  This bill is about removing God-given rights from people who have committed absolutely no crime whatsoever.

From the department of pre-crime, Miss Graham knows what you’re going to do before you do it.  And the voters of South Carolina will flock right to her corner on election day because of a few nice things she said about Trump, the other gun grabber who gave us the bump stock ban and suggestion for red flag laws, something even Obama never did.

Liars and soldiers of the Trojan Horse, they are.

Massad Ayoob: “Give The Cops All Your Guns”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

Massad Ayoob:

For April 2019, the question was what to do if the police showed up at your home with a warrant authorizing them to seize your firearms.  You can find it here.

Spoiler alert: their unanimous advice is “Don’t resist.  Allow them to take the weapons. Sort it out later in court.”

So at the risk of being too simplistic, this isn’t really a viable long term strategy because red flag laws are subject to the whims of the court, and the color of your eyes may disqualify you from owning firearms.  Massad Ayoob still believes in the “American Justice System.”  I believe in that too, just without the word justice.

Wirecutter saw this one too, and titles it And to think I used to like this guy.  Eh … I never really liked him.  I never saw why folks thought he was so special.

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