The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

Barr: DOJ has 500 investigations into rioters and destruction of statues

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

One day ago I said this.

Most people have left CHAZ. Only a hard core remain. Meanwhile, drones have video in preparation for the hundreds of arrest warrants to be issued for: looting, vandalism, murder, rape, kidnapping, brandishing weapons, carrying weapons to the “terror of the public,” interfering with the police in the performance of their duties, assault, assault with a deadly weapon, defacement of public property, and anything else crafty lawyers at the DoJ can come up with. It won’t go down as a muzzle flash in the night at CHAZ. It’ll happen when the people go home, with the help of facial recognition, signals intelligence, news reports, and deep plant witnesses. Look for it over the next few months. Raz-a-daz will be in prison soon. Raz was even so stupid to livestream him trafficking in weapons, handing out rifles to people he didn’t even know. Not even the best lawyer can turn that video into “gifting” a firearm to a loved one. Thus, even the ATF will be involved in this affair.

You can go ahead and pile on top of this: arson, littering, illegal threats, battery, illegal possession of firearms (how many of these folks filled out form 4473?), and crossing state lines with criminal intent. This is a short list.

And don’t you know that the FedGov is fisking Raz’s business dealings at the moment, wondering how all of that money from Dubai got into his bank account.

That’s why only a handful were there to protest his actions to dismantle the mess.

Today, Barr said this.

Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department had “scores of indictments” filed against people who committed violence during a wave of protests across the country.

During Thursday’s episode of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s podcast, Verdict, which is co-hosted by conservative commentator Michael Knowles, Barr said his agency was using 35 joint terrorist task forces across the country to investigate criminal activity, which has taken place since the Memorial Day death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man.

“When the real violence started around May 25, 26, and so forth, we started using our joint terrorist task forces around the country. And there are 35 of them around the country,” Barr said.

“And now they are starting to go full bore, cranking out investigations, indictments against the people who are involved in this violence. So we’ve had scores of indictments already for such things as arson, destruction of federal property, things like that. And we have, right now, about 500 investigations underway,” he added.

The taxpayers and ratepayers will also bear some of the burden.  Or actually, all of it.

Just as I said.  These are the repercussions of that kind of behavior.  Most of these are children whose parents never spanked them and who never had a chance to grow up and become responsible.

Raz Simone Blames Others For The Failures Of Communism In CHAZ

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

Oh no, Raz, I think you’re just trying to Raz-a-daz people with this one, but I’m not going to let you get away with it.  It just doesn’t work this way.  You can’t blame others for this failure.

I’ve always hated it when pro-anarchy rock and roll groups sing about the destruction of everything, and then get on board airplanes to fly to the next concert, aircraft that were design by engineers and fueled by gasoline and flown by pilots; those pilots having to spend a lot of time and money to learn to fly, that gasoline having to be processed from crude oil, and those engineers having to spend quite literally the first 20 – 24 years of their lives learning to be an engineer, all mentored by engineers who have even more experience.

It’s an inconsistent world view.  It’s just as inconsistent as the notion of an autonomous region without your own water supply, medical resources, food, means of waste disposal, or governance (other than thugs who like to beat people up for disagreeing with them).

You see, for me to believe that you mean business, you need to create schools where young, smart kids can learn engineering, mechanics and CNC manufacturing, and make tools that can drill for water.  You need to grow your own corps of medical professionals in colleges that you start.  You need to have a viable means of disposal of your waste so that rats, coyotes and diseases don’t come into your area.

You have none of that.  I know, you’ve tried to deflect by saying “Not autonomous.”  But it’s too late for that now.

You called it “your currupt (sic) system.”  You take no ownership of it, you want to overturn it all.  Very well, if you want to use that system, the system from literally another country, then open negotiations through an embassy.  Promise protection, promise payment, learn patronage.  It all takes time, work, effort and humility.  In the mean time, treat your own medical cases.

I know this will be hard for you as a rape pornographer.  People have been shot in your autonomous zone, girls have been raped there.  It’s all rather a thuggish project to date.  So you’re going to have to grovel a little, you’re going to have to put down your guns, you’re going to have to stop attacking people.

So write me a note, Raz.  Let me know how all of this goes.  Let me know whether you’re able to swallow your pride a little, or if this continues to devolve into Lord of the Flies II.  Or perhaps this is all just a false flag run by the controllers.

Politics Tags:

The Yankee Marshal Meets Up With Something Called Irony

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

Watch this video, or if you don’t want to watch it in the entirety, watch it from 8 minutes to the end.

His words were, “I’m an ally, I’m an ally.”  I’m just trying to show you “in a positive light.”  The thug bois mistake him for an actual somebody, and assault him.

How rich is this.  Supposed gun blogger/videographer goes to CHAZ to show them in a good light, and gets his ass handed to him.

This videographer is pro-abortion, supports BLM, supports DACA, and is married to a man.  These causes align him squarely with the controllers on all social issues, and he votes for them.  In doing so, he votes for gun control every time.

How is that summer of love, massive utopia, rainbows and pixie dust from purple unicorn farts thing working out in CHAZ, Yankee?

How does it feel to be slapped around by the boy called irony?


Politics Tags:

Raz From CHAZ Is An Islamic-Supported Thug And Rape Pornographer

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

That’s quite a hero they’ve selected for themselves.

We reported yesterday that the mysterious RAZ is the new Warlord and a gun runner in CHAZ.  We also know that he is connected to the Dubai government and appears to maintain a lavish lifestyle.  He also has a studio in Seattle where he no doubt produced his films.

What we can further report today is that RAZ was the lead in the movie about a white girl being gang raped by a group of black men.  This is sick!

In the production RAZ stars in, we find aggravated and sexual assault, gang rape and murder as the key components of this work of progressive art.

In the movie, RAZ is the lead role as a gansta.  He meets a young white girl at this place at a party.  The party quickly turns into a sexual assault.

The victim is choked, tries to resist, gets punched in the face and passes out.

The passed out victim is then carried to the bedroom where she is repeatedly gang raped.

Then comes a disagreement and a shootout.  Yes, and RAZ is confirmed as the lead character.

He’s not a lone actor.  He has support.

Raz somehow received a grant for $82,000 from the city of Seattle to open his own studio in a building he purchased with another loan.

And Raz owns multiple luxury cars, including a Tesla, a BMW and a Jaguar XJ.

He also owns some prime real estate and rental properties.

He owns the RAZ fashion line, the Aurora Smoke Shop, a social club called “The Spot”, the Black Umbrella Corporation.  All this came from funding in sweetheart deals.

Raz’s public relations team has done a lot of work to portray Raz as a gangsta’.  Oliver Darcy from CNN has helped him in shaping his image.

Finally, and most importantly, Raz is connected to Islamists.  He is involved in the manifesto, Washington State – the first black Muslim independent state.  He also is being sponsored and has been hosted by the Dubai government.  Raz’s anti-white and anti-America rants are supported.  He also has been spotted attending the Sheik Zayed mosque.

So he has not only support, but Islamist ties.  Is anyone really surprised by any of this?

CHAZ: A Veritable Utopia With Rainbows And Purple Unicorn Farting Pixie Dust

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

Politics Tags:

“Social Justice” As Governance

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

City Journal.

The new state of CHAZ has evolved. Over the past week, following Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan’s decision to abandon the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct Building, left-wing protesters have transformed the surrounding neighborhood into the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), hoping to create a new political authority based on social-justice principles. On its first night, the new micro-state was led by the armed paramilitaries of Antifa and the John Brown Gun Club, but after preventing the return of police and securing defined borders, the CHAZ has sought to implement civilian rule.

Almost immediately, activists established a social structure based on a “reverse hierarchy of oppression”: Native American, black, and trans women are the highest authority; diversity determines individual social status; and whites are called upon to perform rituals of atonement. Through a series of speeches and community gatherings, activists have sought to implement the social theory of “decolonization,” which, in the words of Black Lives Matter activist Nikkita Oliver, means overthrowing capitalism, eliminating the structures of “patriarchy, white supremacy, and classism,” and returning the land of the autonomous zone to displaced Native American tribes.

Let me be clear that I don’t think skinny bois would last two minutes against the various militias across America.

But that’s not the point.  Right now, they have the support of the pols.  And this is what the prog pols want.

Does that sound like something you can grok?  If not, you’d better prepare now.  You won’t have a chance to do it later.

Politics Tags:

CHAZ Update

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

Antifa group policing CHAZ.

A militant Antifa group known as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club is patrolling the six blocks known as CHOP or CHAZ. In other words, the activists that kicked cops out of the occupied space now have their version of “police,” but with no meaningful police training and stubborn ideological beliefs. What could possibly go wrong?

[ … ]

When people film any fights or other acts of violence, activists in the crowd presumably “working” under the security personnel, purposefully bump into and block anyone filming with their cell phones. They did it to me on Saturday as I filmed a fight that broke out on stage.

Sounds pretty anti-first amendment to me.

Sons of the French Revolution.

… let’s rewind a little bit. He said, has anyone heard of the French Revolution? Here’s some here’s some wooing like the white girl woo at a concert. Woo! Woo!It’s like if the musician on stage mentions your home city. Anyone here from. Fill in the blank. Anyone here from Omaha? Whew! Except this is about the French Revolution. Were they beheaded people? It was just a bloodbath in France. So he said yes. Back then, people put property and greed over the importance of lives and you know what happened to people who wouldn’t get on board? And a few people said Chope. He says, Say it louder. They chant, Chop. He said, one more time, louder, even louder. Chop. They’re talking about the guillotine, they’re talking about beheading people. This is super radical rhetoric and he’s saying we’re serious about this. That’s the message, we’re not going anywhere. And I think that there’s a bit of a problem, at least some concern when you have a movement that is waxing nostalgic and sort of romanticizing the French Revolution, which was a lawlis, as I said, a blood bath. Where people were brought up on a stage after show trials and their heads were cut off. And here you have a crowd in the Chaz or Tropp Zone of Seattle chanting enthusiastically about the guillotine.

Politics Tags:

Raz Simone, The Hero Of CHAZ, Transfers Firearm Illegally

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

He didn’t even know this individual.  I believe if he was white, he would have been arrested for that.

Politics Tags:

How Farming Gets Done

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

Via Insty.

Another picture.  At CHAZ, it looks like this.

By the way, who owns that land you’re on, son?  Do you hold title to it?  And what are you going to do when you find out you’re doing all the work and others are eating all of your vegetables?

America has already had an experiment in socialized farming.  It was very early in our history.  It didn’t work.

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