Where is the ATF?
BY Herschel Smith
So if you work for the ATF, send me a note and tell me why you’re not in Aurora, Colorado? It’s not rhetorical. Let me know.
Does attacking and shooting law abiding, peaceable Americans at 0600 hours get your riz on, while tackling the issue of illegally armed Venezuelan gangs a bit too scary for you?
If you’re not there, then what good are you after all?
Sooner or later, the American public is going to have to deal with the concept of the militia and personal self protection rather than relying on politically motivated cops, whether local, state or FedGov, for protection.
On September 1, 2024 at 10:14 pm, Chris said:
“Sooner or later, the American public is going to have to deal with the concept of the militia and personal self protection rather than relying on politically motivated cops, whether local, state or FedGov, for protection.”
Sooner or later the American government is going to have to realize that if it does not provide law and order, and justice (which includes a measure of vengeance against the law breakers, not against the victims) then the American people will withdraw their consent from the compact in which they provided power to a government, and take back the power for themselves.
On September 1, 2024 at 11:03 pm, Dan said:
The criminals in power….including the ones infesting BATFEces….WANT these gangsters armed and running loose. And ANYONE who interferes or harms any of these street soldiers for the commie left will be UTTERLY DESTROYED by the Fed Gov.
On September 2, 2024 at 5:57 am, Joe Blow said:
I came to my conclusion after observing several ‘instances’ in the recent history of our country. Hurricane Katrina and the whole kung-flu fiasco have convinced me the entirety of law enforcement are not my friend, and never will be. They have identified themselves as my enemy in fact. They have made their point public, and very clear, they’re not even shy about it: The thin blue line will protect their pension. You all can go to hell and die, they do not care.
They will not ‘uphold the law’, they will follow orders. Grok the difference.
There was nothing at all legal about any of the mandates from the Covid experience, ZERO, and yet every time, that piggie slapped on the body armor, threatened you with physical harm, arrest, and detainment if you dared attempt to even question their authority in the matter. Think about that for a second, you so much as engage in discussion vs. immediately complying, they’d taser your ass and handcuff you. Resist? Oh ho! Now we get to charge you with a crime (standing up for your rights is now punishable by getting the shit kicked out of you by 4 cops and thrown in jail for the night). They’ll even invent some “Assaulting an officer” charges too.. these clowns can’t tell a gunshot from an acorn hitting the roof. I have ZERO respect for your authority, as you’ve shown ZERO respect for my rights as YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYER!!!!
I’m support to go to jail, hire a lawyer, fight it after the fact, while the cop gets paid administrative leave and nothing happens to them and their pension. Cost me 25G’s to hire a lawyer to fight for my rights that are in black and white ink on The Constitution?
“I violated my oath of office, my citizens rights, a half-dozen departmental policies, and 3 or 4 local and state laws, but don’t worry, my cop buddies will fake forms, lie and hide evidence, and break all sorts of other laws to protect me from even having a day in court. Just make sure you respect mah authoritah!!!”
Note that last part – every time a praetorian guard violates a citizens rights, they get put on paid leave, and are given qualified immunity. Nothing happens to their pay, their pension, nor their status. Like a pedophile priest, they just shuffle ’em around somewhere they won’t recognize the name. They face ZERO punishment when they commit crimes. If I flinch during a traffic stop they’ll mag-dump my whole car. Cold blooded MURDER is excused under ‘qualified immunity’ everywhere in this country. Never gets charged, tried, nor punished, was ‘just doing the job.’ Like the guards at Auschwitz were?
This is why, when I hear about some miscreant from Venezuela greasing some cop in the parkinglot, I DON’T GIVE TWO SHITS! FUCK THEM, I used to care and defend them. Then they threw ME under the bus, because of filthy lucre. You had the entire nation behind you, and threw it all away because of ‘muh pension’.
You want to have “The People” behind you? Want them to have your back? Reciprocate. Stop bowing to your masters in control of the purse and UPHOLD THE LAW, EQUALLY, AND WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Until then, suck my left nut, IDGAF! Clean up your own ranks before you flex on what respect I’m supposed to show you. You have ALL made it very clear you will ALL circle your wagons and protect EACH OTHER over the citizens you ALL swore an oath to protect. You are the worst kind of back-stabbing traitors, that’s what you all are. You are scum in need of a bleach treatment.
On September 2, 2024 at 8:17 am, ragman said:
F troop and the badged criminals are afraid of real criminals. They would much rather show up at some American’s door at 0600, break in and shoot said citizen for the audacity to defend himself and his family from intruders.
On September 2, 2024 at 9:54 am, Bill Buppert said:
Not in their charter to go after criminal behavior protected by the state.