Ohio police used flash-bangs during raid of home with toddler on a ventilator inside, body camera footage shows

BY Herschel Smith
6 months, 1 week ago


Police in Elyria, Ohio, deployed exploding flash-bangs while raiding a home last week while a toddler on a ventilator was inside, newly released body-worn camera footage shows, and the mother says her child was harmed during the incident.

Yeah, I’ll bet.

Footage from eight officers’ body-worn cameras was released Tuesday by Elyria Mayor Kevin Brubaker’s office, which has requested an outside investigation into the January 10 incident and how the search warrant for the home was obtained.

Police believed stolen guns were also taken to the residence where the toddler and mother were staying, and the officers were searching for the weapons, the report said.

Later that day, officers entered the home with guns, a battering ram and flash bangs, according to bodycam footage.

“It was very fast-paced,” the mother, Courtney Price, told CNN on Wednesday. “I didn’t have time to process anything.”

Price was alone with her son when she first heard a knock at the door, and she thought it was her uncle, she said. But as she approached the door, she could see police officers through the glass.

“All I seen was lights flashing and smoke coming into the house,” Price told CNN affiliate WOIO.

Redia Jennings, Price’s aunt, told WOIO she and her husband have rented the home for the past year, and the person police were looking for has not lived at the residence for more than a year. His family now lives down the block, Jennings told the station.

Police in Elyria, Ohio, deployed exploding flash-bangs while raiding a home last week while a toddler on a ventilator was inside, newly released body-worn camera footage shows, and the mother says her child was harmed during the incident. Courtney Price's son Waylon

His hearing is likely irreversibly damaged.

Here is the team.

Fat boys, kitted up for playing soldier-boy, after having conducted an ill-conceived raid, the ill-conceived warrant having been obtained from an immoral judge. But hey, at least they’ll be able to go home and tell mommy they “got some” today just like the Georgia cops who threw a grenade into a crib and almost killed an infant.

These sorts of raids are immoral. How long with the American public tolerate them being legal?

I guess just like the ATF hates dogs, cops everywhere hate babies.


Another SWAT Raid, Another Flash-Bank Thrown at a Baby

Grand Jury Recommends No Charges In Georgia Police Raid That Severely Injured Toddler


  1. On January 22, 2024 at 12:39 am, Robot Boy said:

    Swafety for officer pension trumps all other considerations.
    For big bad rough and tough donut molesters they sure do act like female dogs.
    If you reach a certain level where you don’t fear some puffed up pension monger POS low level state apparatchik, it is almost unstoppable.
    The LULz begin when you realize that they will never be invited to the bunkers of their paymasters.

  2. On January 22, 2024 at 7:20 am, SamlAdams said:

    Punishment? Take the cops, strip ‘em to their skivvies, stick them inside their SWAT mobile and toss in a couple of flash bangs. Because a flash bang in a confined space is “no biggie”, right?

  3. On January 22, 2024 at 9:09 am, Bill Buppert said:

    Make criminal and civil lawsuit payouts against police misconduct come out of police pension funds and watch the change in behavior.

    Humans are built on incentives.

  4. On January 22, 2024 at 10:03 am, Longbow said:

    Remember, the men who dod this are PROUD of themselves.

  5. On January 22, 2024 at 10:35 am, george 1 said:

    So they need at least 30 SWAT cops to attempt an arrest of a 14 year old boy. I guess he was an especially dangerous 14 year old.

    In any event since the boy was so dangerous, that obviously justified throwing flash bangs into a house with no actual knowledge of who precisely was in the house at the time.

    Wow wee Jim Bob!! You know there is that dangerous feller running around our town and Aunt Bertha said she saw a guy who looked just like him go into that house. We better get our war faces on and go git him!! Grab yer SWAT gear and let’s Git Her Done!!

  6. On January 22, 2024 at 1:01 pm, Kevin said:

    As it has been stated before, You are never in more Danger when the police are around!

  7. On January 22, 2024 at 6:26 pm, X said:

    I’m glad Hersch posts these cases of police brutality, stupidity and misconduct. Cops are not heroes. They are mercenary goons who work for the government, not the people. Sure, sure, I know there are some “good ones.” But cops are not legally obligated to defend you or save you. This country was founded without police. Free, armed men defended themselves.

    Cops are basically the Mafia. You are required to pay them “protection money” with your taxes. It’d be a real shame what would happen to you if you refused to pay.

    The government itself is a criminal organization. What happens if you point a gun at someone and threaten to shoot him? YOU get arrested. Cops, on the other hand, get paid to threaten people with guns.

    What happens if you are caught speeding? The government takes your money. What happens when the cops speed? Nothing.

    If you are making book, YOU will get arrested. What happens if the government runs a lottery? Oh, that’s OK.

    What happens if you run a gambling joint? You get arrested. What if the government runs a casino? Oh, that’s OK.

    What happens if you sell weed? You get arrested. What happens if the government legalizes weed and licenses the dealers? They rake 50% off the top.

    What happens if you kill someone who never harmed you? You get arrested for murder. What happens if the government forcibly conscripts you to go to a foreign country and kill people who never harmed you? They pin a medal on your chest.

    You do not live in a “free country,” you live under the imperial occupation of the criminal government and cops are the storm troopers.

  8. On January 23, 2024 at 11:56 am, Alfred said:

    Sue right now. Demand a jury trial. This is important. A jury has to see this. Get a real good lawyer and pay him well. Don’t settle until the trial starts. This case is open and shut. I’d start with a $100M and be willing to settle for $60M

  9. On January 23, 2024 at 5:56 pm, ZERO[F2G] said:

    @Alfred, you are on the right track, but not thinking big enough. Sue the state, sue the county, sue the city, sue the PD, sue each individual ACAB involved, sue the judge, sue the clerk that filed the paperwork, sue the mayor, sue every council person or alder person. Sue the makers of the flash bang devices for selling a potentially dangerous devise to untrained inept thugs.
    Hopefully I didn’t miss any of them.

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