ATF downplays impact of new gun ruling, expects 60% to register AR ‘pistols’
BY Herschel Smith
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said in the new assessment that other government reports that millions of gun owners will be impacted are wrong by huge margins.
What’s more, the agency said in a 95-page impact analysis of its 293-page rule regulating AR-style pistols that most owners will give in and register their guns despite online campaigns calling for a mass boycott of the new rules and threats from Congress and Second Amendment groups to immediately file suits to stop implementation of the changes.
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Opponents, citing industry data and even the bipartisan Congressional Research Service, have claimed that the rule will impact millions of gun owners and up to 40 million firearms.
But in the impact statement, ATF said those figures are inflated. It estimated that just three million people might be impacted.
It estimated that of those with the firearms, 826,000 will decide to register their 1.6 million weapons with the rest turning them into ATF or destroying or altering them.
Oh my. The only really bad thing about this report is that it’s out there for public consumption.
I think that information is way, way off. It doesn’t account for the numbers of ARs with < 16″ barrels that have been sold, the number that have been built, and the number of existing ARs that have been modified by replacing a 16″ barrel with a 12.5″ barrel (by a simple order and shipment from a machine shop).
Moreover, the notion that half of them will register their guns while the other half turns them in to the ATF or destroys them is simply ridiculous.
But I don’t really think the ATF believes this analysis, do you?
On January 31, 2023 at 4:58 am, Joe Blow said:
The sad part is no one will ever question the accuracy of those ‘statistics’. They were supplied to achieve the result, not because they were believed to be accurate. More fraud, more proof your government lies to enslave you.
Thats right, fraud, corruption, and complete bullshit will be used to prosecute and jail perfectly law abiding Americans for no other reason than these orcs view as subjects. You pay their salary with your taxes, they suppress and harrass you. Gawd I want to shoot every one of them in the face. With snake charmer loads. Buried up to their necks by an ant hill. Covered in syrup.
On January 31, 2023 at 7:26 am, Wes said:
The notion held by a government arm that “only 3 million” will be affected says much. A pittance; now shut up you peasants and eat your peas.
In the collateral damage category, I’ve not seen much discussion of the impact to those who live in states that allow pistols but do not allow SBRs. Thus, one of the remedies proposed by the Regime is immediately made unavailable to many.
On January 31, 2023 at 8:51 am, Frank Clarke said:
How can 1.6 million firearms be held by 3 million owners?
On January 31, 2023 at 11:18 am, MTHead said:
Good comments all!
“But in the impact statement, ATF said those figures are inflated. It estimated that just three million people might be impacted.”
Oh, as long as only 3 million people are having their rights denied, were good to go!
A 95-page impact analysis, on a 293-page rule? The word vague doesn’t seem to appear in the ATF’s vocabulary?
We can only hope the courts still understand it’s meaning, and where it needs to be applied.
On January 31, 2023 at 11:22 am, Grumpy said:
If CT is any indication (though it was a state issue, not federal), then less than 10% will comply.
On January 31, 2023 at 12:17 pm, Chris said:
Govt numbers NEVER Count….
They aren’t based in Reality. EVER.
Sooo, this means absolutely Zero.
On January 31, 2023 at 4:06 pm, Steady Steve said:
For everyone that bought an AR pistol that came without a brace, or built your own, just remove the brace (if you put one on) and you are good to go. Just remember to replace the buffer tube with a “pistol” type. Sell the brace to a friend (for $1) that doesn’t have one of these pistols (so no constructive possession). Let the court cases work themselves out. Buy your brace back, reassemble, and write a f you email to the ATF. If we all contribute a few dollars to the people fighting this in court, the SBR rule and perhaps the NFA could be overturned. Write your Congresscritter and ask that the ATF budget be cut severely or eliminated.
On January 31, 2023 at 9:37 pm, Longbow said:
I predict two to three… dozen, will comply.
On February 2, 2023 at 7:51 pm, Oldbev said:
I have a better Idea. Kinda like what I have. You know life liberty and the pursuit of firearms. How about come and get ittt.