Handgun Drills, Part Eight
BY PGF1 year, 8 months ago
You’ll remember the tiff between TCJ and Ammoland about a handgun drill at that site that we linked here. Ammoland insisted that Herschel delete the post. He did delete it and made these comments here at TCJ:
I removed a post made by fellow writer PGF. I did so after receiving this note from Ammoland editor Fredy Riehl, as follows.
Hello captainsjournal100″ (sic)
You have content from our website that is in violation of our copyrights. (here is one example, you have multiple.)
The Captain’s Journal » Self-Defense Skills and Drills, The Casino Drill (captainsjournal.com)
Please remove all content and images you may have scraped from our domain at once and email us notice it has all been deleted and scrubbed from your domain captainsjournal.comThis is a poorly written letter with awful editing (e.g., you don’t end the sentence with a period if there is a qualifier in parentheses, nor put a period inside the parentheses, I don’t know what the ” is about at the beginning of the letter, etc.). But I got the gist of his offense.
You’ll note by the title of today’s post that it’s the eighth in a semi-regular series with the Tag handgun drills that we’ve been posting here at the captain’s Journal.
Well, AmmoLand has now embarked on a series of handgun drill articles. I know exactly what they’ve done because I know how lawyers think. They got Herschel to delete the link here and forbade any future links from TCJ while stealing* the idea to profit from it. I know this because AmmoLand just published another handgun drill article, and that’s how lawyers work to maximize corporate profits.
Now, I’m a Christian man, and I’m not even mad about this. In fact, I’ll do three things.
First, I’ll tell you that I can’t link the article to AmmoLand here because, as Christians, when we make a covenant, we keep it. But if you go to AmmoLand and click on recent articles, you’ll find their latest drill. It’s a pretty good practice; go read it and give it a try at the range. I recommend it.
Second, I’m telling you this out of Christian love, only because I want your family to be safe from tyrants of all stripes, be they lone assailants or the government. I never intended to profit from this series.
Third, I’m giving AmmoLand the cloak off my back (Matthew 5:40) by encouraging you to go read their article, which I won’t even name but look for the bull with red eyes. I pray AmmoLand profits handsomely from their handgun training drills series of articles.
I would have loved to have helped by sending them traffic. We could have worked together to make America a safer place. Lawyers are ruining America, but Christians have a duty to make it better.
*It’s not precisely a novel idea, and I surely was not the first to consider it, and neither were they, which makes AmmoLand all the more reprehensible for their corporate lawyer measures against TCJ.
On January 4, 2023 at 9:38 am, Thomas said:
I’m sure others have similar/same drills. I’m not sure which one they just posted up, but its definitely somewhere else that wouldn’t mind the ping.
I like the ones over at pistol-training.com/drills/
On January 4, 2023 at 4:39 pm, Steady Steve said:
Scratch Ammoland from my blog list. I won’t support petty twits like this.
On January 4, 2023 at 5:49 pm, Paul B said:
Not sure about there drills, but I fail to see how TCJ got any monetary value from them. Also if I saw anyone doing some of the drills they espouse on any of the ranges I frequent I would leave.
So I guess Ammoland is one place I will not frequent.
On January 4, 2023 at 6:34 pm, Heywood said:
Nope. No intention of ever going to their site again. There are TONS of great handgun drills out there. The first thing is to figure out what your goals are. You then need to know the capability of your available facilities. Then it is quite easy to find drills that meet your needs.
On January 5, 2023 at 4:36 am, 41mag said:
Even if Codrea writes for them, I still won’t visit AmmoLand.