The Focus Of American Attention: Every Place But Where It’s Needed
BY Herschel Smith
In 2021, China’s policy banks — the China Development Bank (CDB) and Export-Import Bank (Exim) — made no loans to Latin America for the second consecutive year. Beijing is now essentially focused on financing Chinese companies to operate in the region.
This shift in strategy and the resulting proliferation of Chinese companies in Latin America will increase the circulation of people and money that are no longer under the direct control of local governments. Based on current trends, Chinese criminal organizations will likely thrive in this new economic environment. Extortion, money laundering through front firms, and smuggling are already increasing, posing a severe threat to the population’s safety in the region.
Drug production is one of China’s fastest-growing businesses in Latin America. After China’s booming export of fentanyl or its precursors to Mexican cartels, a new market has emerged for non-fentanyl synthetic opioids such as nitazenes, also known as benzimidazole opioids such as the synthetic opioid derivative ISO, which are 20 times more potent than fentanyl.
US authorities believe that these drugs are being manufactured in China and shipped to Mexico where they are then smuggled into the US. In March, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody issued a warning against ISO, as law enforcement agencies advised that the drug might be responsible for the recent rise in overdose fatalities. “Isotonitazene is so strong that it can kill just by coming in contact with someone’s skin or being accidentally inhaled,” stated Moody.
Concerns are growing that ISO may be manufactured directly in Mexico or other countries in the region, where Chinese criminal groups have already established production facilities for “creepy,” the name given to a potent cannabis strain popular amongst criminal grow operations, particularly in South America.
Mexico is a failed state, just as are most or all of Central and South American countries (Brazil may be an exception). Michael Yon has documented the flood of immigrants that will soon overwhelm the Southern border, and are already doing so. They will crash the American medical system demanding free medical care, and the food and logistics situation won’t fare much better.
Meanwhile, here is the focus of the U.S. Marine Corps: The South Pacific.
Here is the focus of the U.S. Army: Europe.
The Navy is have trouble meeting recruitment and retention goals, as is all of the military.
The U.S. Border Patrol, perhaps the only real police force left in America, isn’t allowed to do their jobs.
If Congress was comprised of anything other than gargoyles, demons and pit vipers, they would hold a vote tomorrow and unanimously declare the Southern border to be a war zone, America to have been invaded, and the military deployed under arming orders to shoot trespassers.
But that won’t be done. Per a Michael Yon dispatch, this was seen.
Costly food and energy are fostering global unrest
"The Economist has built a statistical model to assess the relationship between food- and fuel-price inflation and unrest."
— wonkmonk (@wonkmonk_) June 28, 2022
The authorities want chaos and unrest. They thrive in it. They need it. It helps to maintain their authority. It makes the know-nothings beg for more government intervention and control. It’s all by design.
Never forget that. This is all by design.
On June 29, 2022 at 11:00 pm, George 1 said:
The Immigration Courts are now just granting status as cases enter the courts. No bother with appeals. The Biden administration will grant amnesty officially to nearly all illegals by the end of summer. As we have talked about in the past, they won’t even need to cheat on elections anymore. They will have the votes.
Not to mention the crime rates soring and will only get worse.
On June 30, 2022 at 6:27 am, Bob in NC said:
“…they won’t even need to cheat on elections anymore. They will have the votes.”
I think the Dems may still feel the need to cheat, because the economy is just going to get worse, and when it has been bad, that has usually been the enough to topple those in power in elections.
What I wonder about is how many of the Hispanic illegals from South America are really conservative enough to vote with morality… especially since:
– the government bribes them with so much “free” stuff
– the current Pope is openly socialist; yet South American Hispanics tend to be very devoted to the apostate Roman Catholic- more so than most American RCs.
I also wonder when Pedo Joe will start to bribe the public with our own money, as he did with “stimulus payoffs.” I feel sure that he will do it disproportionately for illegals, and that will require different name.
Whatever happens it will not be good.
On June 30, 2022 at 7:40 am, Fred said:
The same people who eagerly encourage and pay for Israel to have walls eagerly discourage and refuse funds to pay for a wall in the US.
On June 30, 2022 at 7:49 am, George1 said:
@Bob in NC
You are correct. It won’t happen this time. They will still cheat on the mid terms this year.
Hispanics have historically voted about 70% democrat. There are signs that many of them are turning away from the democrats. How many is difficult to say but I doubt it would ever be under 50%.
On June 30, 2022 at 8:06 am, George1 said:
Yes. Nice walls they are that as you point out we basically paid for. Recently Congress passed the, I think, “The Iron Dome Replenishment Act.”. Or it could be some other name, I can’t remember.
The act is so we can replace Israel’s Iron Dome missiles that they recently used to shoot down cheap home made drones. Sounds great. We give them missiles.
Except we don’t make the missiles for the Iron Dome system. Israel does. So we just gave them more money on top of the billions we already give them so they don’t have to take money from another place in their budgets.
Our greatest ally. So says Sean Hannity.
On June 30, 2022 at 8:20 am, Frank Clarke said:
We could tolerate «open borders», but not «open borders + welfare state». Up until the 30s, the only things that kept anyone from entering the United States were a virulent disease or a history of blowing things up, and we did fine.
Suddenly there’s a Depression or a Dust Bowl or something similar and good-hearted Americans say “Never mind about Article I section 8. Do something!”
Nowadays, we recognize that government is almost never the solution to any problem, but it’s too late. We’re in so deep, most people can’t even envision a non-governmental solution despite the fact that it doesn’t solve anything.
Nope. We’re going to have to experience a “cratering event” before enough people figure out that we’ve been doing it wrong for a hundred years. It’s going to get much worse before it gets any better.
On June 30, 2022 at 9:40 am, Herschel Smith said:
I cannot tolerate either. For if we don’t take an interest in who comes into the country, whether we have a welfare state *now* won’t have anything to do with whether we have a welfare state *in the future*. And replace welfare with Christian, Western, civilized, etc., etc.
On June 30, 2022 at 10:40 am, George 1 said:
As the Apache and Comanche in the 1860s came to realize, “It is already too late.” The current population demographics of America ensure that we will not maintain the civilization we grew up with. That is before the Biden/Obama regime doing away with all of the immigration processes. That would be the case even if we somehow could stop ALL immigration today.
The “New Americans” do not possess the social capitol needed to maintain a first world society. When you import Mexico, South America and Africa you eventually become Mexico, South America and Africa. The “America is an idea” crowd are fools.
Who knew?
On June 30, 2022 at 12:54 pm, BRVTVS said:
Drugs pushing was a major component of the communist revolution in China and subsequently in the advancement of the communist block. This was all well documented in “Red Cocaine” by Joseph D. Douglass.
On June 30, 2022 at 8:39 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
This is with out a doubt the Black Swan Theory in full effect.
Import the Third World become the Third World.
On July 1, 2022 at 2:44 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Manufactured crisis is the modus operandi – “M.O.” – of the oligarchs and the ruling class. Tranquility and peace do not serve their purposes; on the other hand strife, chaos, fear and violence serve their purposes admirably.
The communists call it the Hegelian dialectic, but in plain English, the method is simple yet highly effective: Use a naturally-occurring crisis or abnormal event (or manufacture one if necessary) to create or provoke a crisis of some kind. Make it severe-enough to provoke a reaction of some kind, a backlash. At this juncture, the rulers arrive on the scene posing as the good guys, the knights on horseback, the sheriff coming to save the day…. but don’t buy it. They’ll propose a “solution” (what the Hegelians call a “synthesis”) which gives them what they have wanted all along.
Crisis > Reaction > Resolution
This deceptively simple method has been used time and again down through the ages by those in power. Why? Because it works. And they’ll keep using it until people figure out what is being done to them and put a stop to it.
Former Presidential Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel wasn’t lying when he said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste…” …in fact, he was describing in plain language how he and his fellow communists move the ball up and down the field.
Most people are blissfully unaware of how often manufactured crises and false-flag acts of terror occur, or how often they are used to start wars, topple regimes, and the like.
For example, two false-flag operations figure prominently into the history of WWII.
On September 18, 1931, Lt. Suemori Kawamoto of the 29th Japanese Army Infantry Regiment, detonated a small explosive device under a railway line near Mukden (now Shenyang), China – an “attack” which was blamed upon the Chinese dissidents and partisans. Tokyo used the incident as a pretext for widening the war in Manchuria and later establishing the puppet state of Manchuko, thereby touching off the Sino-Japanese War which later took place under the umbrella of the wider conflict of WWII.
In Europe, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler wanted badly to re-establish a corridor between Germany and East Prussia, which were divided by the Danzig Corridor established after the Great War ended in 1918. However, Poland would not give him sufficient cause to intervene. The SS-Gestapo instead manufactured an incident to serve the purpose.
On the night of 31 August 1939, Gestapo operatives staged an attack upon the radio station Sender Gleiwitz along the Polish-German frontier. Led by SS-Sturmbannführer (Major) Alfred Naujocks, a team seized the station and broadcast a short anti-German message in Polish, and then staged the scene to look like an attack by Polish guerillas.
To make the attack look legitimate, German authorities arrested a nearby Silesian farmer, Franciszek Honiok, drugged him and then shot him to death after dressing him as a saboteur. His body was left at the scene as “evidence” of the incident, which received wide play in the German press.
Along with the Gleiwitz, two dozen similar incidents that night along the German-Polish frontier provided Hitler with the pretext for war that he needed, and German forces invaded Poland via the Blitzkrieg at dawn on September 1st 1939.
Some historians believe that the Tonkin Gulf Incident was a false-flag operation used by the U.S. and the Johnson Administration to widen the Vietnam War.
It is now known that the Spanish-American War of 1898 began under false pretenses. When the U.S. Navy battleship U.S.S. Maine blew up in Havana Harbor on 15 February 1898, the U.S. government blamed the explosion on a mine in the harbor, blaming the Spanish then in Cuba. The incident was one of the major reasons why the U.S. invaded Cuba. Much later, historical and technical research determined that the explosion was accidental and caused by a defect in the design of the ship’s coal bunkers, which had been placed in too close proximity to the powder storage for the main guns.
There are many other examples, both in peacetime and in war.