Probable New Red Flag Laws
BY Herschel Smith
And maybe universal background checks too.
One Republican senator and one Democratic senator are hoping they can find some common ground on gun reforms that will garner enough Republican support to pass the 60-vote threshold in the Senate …
Republican Senator John Cornyn and Democratic Senator Chris Murphy will meet virtually on Tuesday to “see if we can agree on a basic framework” about how to go forward on gun legislation proposals, according to an aide to Cornyn. An aide to Murphy confirmed the senator “is participating in tomorrow’s meeting and will be holding meetings throughout the week.”
[ … ]
“So red flag laws are on the table. Background checks, expansion and on the table, as well as things like safe storage of guns. I think we can get something done, but we don’t have a lot of time.”
One republican congressman is even open to a renewed AWB.
Is anyone surprised by any of this?
On May 30, 2022 at 10:24 pm, Polish Sword said:
Looks like we have to stop them . So be it .
On May 31, 2022 at 12:17 am, Poster said:
“Is anyone surprised by any of this?”
Coward COPS
Perp is dead
Who can we punish…
“Why the Law Abiding Citizens of course.”
A 60yr old gun design. What a Farce.
And lets face it, it ain’t about the AR/Ak/91/180 it aint about the Mags, it aint about the Type of Ammo, it aint about The Dead..
We seen a psycho run 10rd mags and do mag changes.
We’ve seen just HG Used.
Hell, Charles Whitman used a bolt.
It’s about Retaining Power on EVERY Level.
They can’t have the Dirt People Calling the shots.
And this completely empty headed argument with, nukes, tanks, fighter aircraft…
Besides any living WW2 vet reading this…
What War has America Won Decisively, Brought about Democracy and Western Values and said Western Prosperity???
Grenada dont count, sorry. That was not a War. Not by along shot!
The Jetsons ran from the Flintstones in the Middle of the Night.
Battles are meaningless unless ya stay for The Whole Show.
God Forbid they should start Retaking Cities from Anarchists.
God Forbid they should start Sending Criminals away for
life or Terminating there worthless lives
God Forbid they should examine SSRI’s and the damage they do.
God Forbid Winners are taught to be gracious and loosers taught to be Good Loosers
God Forbid they should learn Economics and Life
God Forbid they should learn there is more than themsleves and there “feelings”
God Forbid they hear the other side
God Forbid a women has a Vagina
Gor Forbid a man has a Penis
God Forbid Chromosomes have the Final Say
God Forbid they should learn some Spirituality (10 Comandments, it aint really that difficult, wanna get rid of cops? There ya go. That Simple)
God Forbid they should learn Restraint
God Forbid you SEE whom committs the Most Death, Destruction, Rape and Assault! God Forbid!!!
God Forbid they should learn from History
Ehhhhh, I’m wasting my time and my brain hurts.
I got stuff to do
Good Luck.
On May 31, 2022 at 3:32 am, Rick said:
McConnell gave explicit ‘permission’ to Cornyn for this. Cornyn will be leading the Rs but will not be the only R on the Zoom call. Also, the call is scheduled for a time when Congress is not in session.
On May 31, 2022 at 7:38 am, Bob in NC said:
“No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound
to enforce it.” — 16 Am. Jur. Sec. 177 late 2d, Sec 256
On May 31, 2022 at 10:48 am, Ned said:
Schlicter makes a prediction. I like his writing, but this reminds me of the mom with the out-or-control kid who keep warning “I mean it mister. You better stop this time.” Plus, he lives in California, the penultimate Republican surrender state. Most Republicans have already forgotten about Trump’s bump stock ban. And even in Red state strongholds, idiots like McCain were apparently protected for life by the Republican incumbent protection act.
On May 31, 2022 at 1:20 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
Everyday, men and women train to kill you and your family using your tax dollars and following the orders of some unelected bureaucrat
What you allow is what will continue. Plan accordingly. There is no try.