New Gun Regulations

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago

I was discussing this with Len Savage today and no one knows yet the extent of this.  I was speculating that it will declare 80% lower receivers to be illegal unless serialized.  Len thinks that’s just the beginning.

The Biden administration will come out with its long-awaited ghost gun rule — aimed at reining in privately made firearms without serial numbers that are increasingly cropping up at crime scenes — as soon as Monday, three people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

[ … ]

For nearly a year, the rule has been making its way through the federal regulation process. Gun safety groups and Democrats in Congress have been pushing for the Justice Department to finish the rule for months. It will probably be met with heavy resistance from gun groups and draw litigation in the coming weeks.

Another reader on this same discussion thread was speculating that they will require that uppers and lowers be serialized the same, making it illegal to purchase uppers and lowers separately.

We’ll see.  Either way, this is as obvious an infringement as could be imagined.

So that’s the way it happens.  Completely without Congress, if you want to make something illegal, you just declare it so, sort of like Trump did with bump stocks.

He set the standard, so all of you Trump sycophants have no room to complain about this upcoming ruling.


  1. On April 11, 2022 at 7:44 am, Fred said:

    Lawn Darts.

  2. On April 11, 2022 at 8:46 am, Paul B said:

    They can shut the barn door all they want. The horse is out and free.

    I was not pleased when trump ok the bump stock ban. Told me right there we would not get all he promised

  3. On April 11, 2022 at 9:46 am, DTG said:

    I vehemently opposed Trump’s bumpstock action as unconstitutional, because it was. He. Was. Wrong.

    I also I voted for him twice. Does that mean I’m a psychophant? Hatdly.

    No chief executive makes 100% correct constitutional decisions. When the president goes ‘high and right’, Congress can override anything a he decrees through an executive order, or legislation, including what Trump did. Key there is that Congress would have to act in accordance with the constitution., which they usually don’t do as a body.

    I submit it’s essential to hold congress, as well as the president accountable for constitutional violations.

  4. On April 11, 2022 at 10:21 am, Bill Sullivan said:

    As soon as they put it into effect, 79% kits will be available.

  5. On April 11, 2022 at 10:23 am, George 1 said:

    I voted for Trump twice as well. The second time I was thinking that he might give us additional time to prepare for what is coming. The truth is you can only go one of two ways with Trump.

    He is either a very stupid man in spite of his business acumen or he is part of the problem and was all along.

    Trump: ” The vaccine never harmed anyone.” That should tell you all you need to know.

  6. On April 11, 2022 at 10:31 am, Herschel Smith said:

    That’s an idiotic statement (“The vaccine never harmed anyone.”). I didn’t know he made that statement.

    You can’t prove a universal negative.

    Logic. NOT the hobgoblin of small minds.

  7. On April 11, 2022 at 10:39 am, Bradley A Graham said:

    Care to wager that spare parts will be next.

    Magazines, Springs, Firing pins, Extractors, Ejectors, etc. ad nauseam.
    If you don’t have a sufficient supply in your current inventory, you have not been paying attention.

  8. On April 11, 2022 at 11:29 am, VietVet said:

    Who cares what they do. Doesn’t matter, any “law” or “finding “ that’s repugnant to the Constitution is illegal regardless of what they say or do.

    I’m past caring what they do. I will not submit

  9. On April 11, 2022 at 12:16 pm, ExpatNJ said:

    Herschel wrote:
    “Another reader … was speculating that they will require that uppers and lowers be serialized the same, making it illegal to purchase uppers and lowers separately.”

    So, if someone owns two identical make/model firearms (although both serialized as per statement above), dismantles them for cleaning, and accidentally reassembles them with mismatched parts, they c/would be guilty of a felony?

    Rules this stupid deserve to be ignored.

  10. On April 11, 2022 at 4:58 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ DTG

    Re: “I submit it’s essential to hold congress, as well as the president accountable for constitutional violations.”

    That’s really the crux of the matter, isn’t it? There is no real means, by which I mean a method with actual legislative/legal effectiveness, to “hold them accountable.” Short of the Second Amendment itself, that is.

    A number of historians and writers, Ken Royce among them, have suggested that the Founders – specifically, the Federalists like Alexander Hamilton – intentionally crafted the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights to only weakly restrain government and its growth.

    One of the pieces of evidence that this was the case lies in the fact that the three branches of government are supposed to police one another. Even in the world of the late 18th century (1780s), expecting this arrangement to work was clearly wishful thinking.

    What I am getting at is that there is no real way to hold elected officials accountable once they hold office. Writing sternly-worded letters and voicing your displeasure to congressional aides or in the local op-ed page of the newspaper might seem like good ideas at first, but after a while, you recognize that the people in power ignore those things almost all of the time.

    Cutting off the funding for the government would certainly get their attention, but how is a regular Joe or Jane Sixpack gonna do that?

    Impeachment of public officials or their recall might work, if you can get the requisite signatures on the recall petition, etc. – which is an uphill climb requiring not only lots of people, but money. In theory, this sounds promising, but in reality public officials are so difficult to recall and/or impeach that it is almost never done. The inner party protects its own, and it is only when one of the principle insiders betrays the others, that they will then betray him. Sometimes, the deep-state will remove someone if they become a political liability, i.e., such as former Governor Cuomo of N.Y.

    So, my question to you – and it is a sincere one – is: Just how are we supposed to do what you recommend, “hold them accountable”?

  11. On April 11, 2022 at 6:19 pm, Randolph Scott said:

    Surely you jest. I have watched for several years your postings and feel that you know very well how to hold the federal criminals accountable for their actions and inactions. There is only one way and it is LOUD!

    Things that will NOT work to hold federal criminals accountable at this point in history:
    #1 Voting, when have been f**ked on this one already, like a dog on a rag doll.
    #2 Writing to your Con-gress critters, the deep state owns every damned one of them
    #3 Writing to newspapers, all of them belong to the deep state co*Ksuckers
    #4 Forming militia groups, 3 out of every 4 members would be FBI lap lickers
    #5 What’s left, we are truly *ucked at this point, they know it, we know it, the whole damned world knows it.

    The only thing to do is sit around, watch TV and wait for Jesus to come back and deal with this crap.

    FU*K Joe Biden
    FU*K Joe Biden
    FU*K Joe Biden
    FU*K Joe Biden until the end of his time, hopefully it is not much longer.

  12. On April 11, 2022 at 7:49 pm, Fred said:

    @GB61, congress was granted unlimited power in creating new departments and agencies. That should have been a huge red flag that a leviathan was being born.

  13. On April 11, 2022 at 8:19 pm, Jonah said:

    Herschel, did you vote for Trump?
    I voted for him twice as he is the closest thing I’ve seen to Establishment-Non as we have had in my life time. Doesn’t make me a sycophant.
    He made some mistakes and surrounded himself with bad advice.
    I still would take him over Biden.

  14. On April 11, 2022 at 8:27 pm, Jonah said:

    I forgot to mention – I am complaining about the ghost gun ruling bigly and with a lot of covfefe :)

  15. On April 11, 2022 at 10:30 pm, Daniel Smith said:

    I mean why does it matter, really though. Other than the idea that someone is telling you that you can’t own a certain thing, it really affects nothing. Maybe those lunatics that own a million firearms and like 200 rounds total *im laughing at the thought of all of them right now* Anyone ever notice it’s just in the cities that most of this crap shows up, like the northern ones that have firearm bans and such? This literally affects nothing in my life and will never affect it and; I’m extremely well versed in firearms on a daily basis.

    Who cares *shrugs shoulders*. This is nothing more than for an administration touting a “win”

  16. On April 11, 2022 at 10:51 pm, Michael Gilson said:

    Don’t forget the ATF created doctrine of constructive possession. Using that and they could say anyone with a hunk of metal or plastic big enough and metal working or wood working tools is in constructive possession of an illegal gun.

  17. On April 13, 2022 at 10:42 am, tired dog said:

    So the gun grabbers have been ‘pushing’ Justice to finish it up for a year.

    And personal weapons believers have been sitting around waiting until victory is not very likely.

    I understand the difficulty of pushing back on or trying to get ahead of a nebulous cloud of vapor, but every time the grabbers take the field we find we are pushed farther and farther behind.

  18. On April 13, 2022 at 12:47 pm, Fred said:

    Trump will save us.

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