Speech by Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Warning up front.  I have absolutely no way to independently verify he is who he says he is.

If he is, he has just sacrificed his career to say these things.  He’ll be gone from the military very soon.

Watch it before YT takes it down, which I suspect would be very soon.

UPDATE: Via WiscoDave.

Yep, as I suspected and said.

A Canadian Army officer in New Brunswick is under investigation after calling for other military members and police to rise up over vaccination and pandemic restrictions.

Maj. Stephen Chledowski spoke in uniform in a seven-minute video Thursday, describing government actions during the pandemic as tyranny. He goes on to describe vaccination for COVID-19 as “genocide.”

Daniel Le Bouthillier, the head of media relations for the Canadian Forces, confirmed in an email that Chledowski is an active member of the military based at 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown.

“We are investigating the incident and will be taking appropriate action,” Le Bouthillier said in the statement without specifying what that action may be.

He’ll lose his career.  He’s a brave guy.  My respect to him for truth-telling.


  1. On February 11, 2022 at 2:40 pm, Fred said:

    He associated democracy with freedom twice. He’s pretty ignorant for someone with a first class blah blah in political blah blah. Democracy is tyranny.

    If Canada pops hot before America I’ll laugh all the way ’till my last day. Of course if it does, it’ll spread.

  2. On February 11, 2022 at 3:34 pm, NA said:

    This is a real video. Regime mouthpieces are saying Maj. Stephen Chledowski will be punished for daring to dissent (which cannot be tolerated):

  3. On February 11, 2022 at 3:37 pm, NA said:

    This appears to be the same video–but without portions censored in hopes of prolonging its existence on YouTube. As a result the uncensored video is about 40 seconds longer:

  4. On February 11, 2022 at 5:07 pm, Jonathan said:

    I have one bit of feedback for Major Chledowski, if you can reach him – Democracy is not the opposite of tyranny. Very often democracy is used to justify tyranny. Tyranny is just when someone uses government authority to brutalize you in some morally unjustifiable way. Even if you vote yourself into a dictatorship, it doesn’t make it not tyranny. It just means that the process failed to produce freedom. This is why we have constitutions in our republics these days, to demand that certain things not be allowed to be put up to a vote in a time of panic and hysteria such as this.

  5. On February 11, 2022 at 6:09 pm, Fred said:

    Well, his heart is in the right place anyway. The brainwashing is so thorough that people can’t even articulate what freedom is. None the less, good on him.

  6. On February 11, 2022 at 6:26 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Re: “He associated democracy with freedom twice. He’s pretty ignorant for someone with a first class blah blah in political blah blah. Democracy is tyranny.”

    To be precise, the Founders of our republic often spoke of “democracy” as nothing more than mob rule. Or rule-by-majority which can degenerate into mob rule rather quickly. This is one reason why, in their wisdom, they gave us one house of our national legislature whose composition is not determined – or is not supposed to be, at any rate – by population alone, namely the Senate. Every state gets two Senators, regardless of size or population. A lot has been done to corrupt that particular idea over the years, but that’s another whole ball of wax.

    It is disappointing that someone who studied political science does not have a better grasp of the fundamentals, but as he seems to be an ally, one supposes that such nit-picking is counterproductive.

    In fairness, the left/communists have done a great deal to muddy the waters over the last half century or so, concerning such terms and how they are defined. And quite successfully, it appears. The communists are past masters at the subversion of language and turning it to their purposes.

    Major Chledowski can hardly be held responsible for any of that. It didn’t happen on his watch. He isn’t the first young man with a few rough edges that need smoothing out, either – give him some time, he’ll probably be OK.

  7. On February 11, 2022 at 11:09 pm, James said:

    Bless this man,no matter what the future.

  8. On February 12, 2022 at 1:00 am, Shonkin said:

    The party founded by Thomas Jefferson, in opposition to Hamilton’s Federalist Party, was called the Democratic-Republican Party. The key word here is Republican. Something we seem to have lost in the United States is that our form of government is a constitutional republic. Our president and legislators are democratically elected, but their actions were (and still should be, but are not) strictly limited by the Constitution. Generations of imaginative Supreme Court Justices have eaten away at those limits.
    It’s even worse in Canada. There the majority party in the House of Commons (or a multi-party coalition) elects the Prime Minister, who is the head of government. The Prime Minister APPOINTS members of the Senate and federal judges, with rubber-stamp approval from the Commons majority. There are no checks and balances at all.

  9. On February 12, 2022 at 5:56 am, Joe Blow said:

    Further evidence that the jig is up.
    So, whats next? What do the tyrants do now? Slink away with their tail between their legs? Sorry, you got us, my bad…?
    What will their next move be.
    What will our next move be?
    Sit waiting to react to theirs?
    Eyes open, head on a swivel. The next phase is inbound like a mortar, you can bet on it.

  10. On February 12, 2022 at 2:33 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Joe Blow

    Re: “Further evidence that the jig is up.
    So, whats next? What do the tyrants do now? Slink away with their tail between their legs?”

    You know as well as I do that those guys – the billionaire oligarchs – aren’t going to admit defeat. They may withdraw tactically for a time to plan their next move, but they’ll be back, sure as the sun rises. If they were the kind to be sensible and back off when smart to do so, we – meaning humanity – would not be in this predicament in the first place. But then, that’s how it goes when you are dealing with evil, psychopathic/sociopathic people.

  11. On February 12, 2022 at 7:44 pm, Hudson H Luce said:

    Trudeau is pretty clearly a grandiose narcissist – same case for Macron and a lot of other WEF types: “A larger body of research has focused on grandiose narcissism—a more assertive and extraverted form characterized by high self-esteem, a sense of personal superiority and entitlement, overconfidence, a willingness to exploit others for self-gain, and hostility and aggression when challenged (e.g., Miller et al., 2017). This research has shown that grandiose narcissists often seek out and attain positions of leadership in organizations, but their propensity to pursue their own interests at the expense of the collective can jeopardize the organizations and institutions they lead…” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7427600/

    In short, they’re profoundly mentally ill and make bad decisions because of their screwed-up perceptions. There’s a place for people like that, and it isn’t in positions of power over others. Perhaps that 20-foot fence around the US Capitol could be put to good use – to keep the inmates of that place *in*, and not the public out. Furnish the place with attendants, a liquor supply for Nancy, and TV coverage from 2pm to 4pm on Sundays, so the rest of us can watch them rant and rave, if we haven’t got anything else better to do.

  12. On February 12, 2022 at 8:13 pm, Fred said:

    I love the idea of letting them think they’re in power while ignoring whatever they demand. The rest of you should try it. It works just fine.

  13. On February 13, 2022 at 9:49 am, Longbow said:

    God bless him!

    So few have genuine Courage these days.

  14. On February 13, 2022 at 10:27 am, Michael Schlechter said:

    I watched several videos on this channel last night, several of which were awe inspiring. Several eloquent speakers. The first one is a woman in this country who clearly understands the current threat.


  15. On February 13, 2022 at 10:30 am, Michael Schlechter said:

    …and I apologize in advance for anyone annoyed by my overuse of “several”. Just re-read my post..

  16. On February 13, 2022 at 10:53 am, JonBond said:

    It has already been taking down on YouTube and others. Corrupt social media fuck heads. We are in commie China. It’s time to initiate a war against all commies.

  17. On February 13, 2022 at 1:47 pm, Papa said:

    It is sad reading some of the comments here that nitpick the Major.
    Listen to him and learn a thing or two.
    I was encouraged listening to him.
    The Canadians seem to have more brains, backbone, and balls than us apathetic Americans.

  18. On February 14, 2022 at 5:24 pm, scuzzy said:

    What Papa said.

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