The Insurance Actuarial On The Vaccines
BY Herschel Smith
A few key observations:
- Mortality worsened in 2021 vs. 2020 despite widespread vaccinations
- A spike in Mortality among younger, working-age individuals coincided with vaccine mandates
- The spike in younger deaths peaked in Q3 2021 when Covid deaths were extremely low (but rising into the end of September)
On Tuesday, financial insurance company Unum reported that their Life segment saw an increase of 9% in their ratio of payouts vs. premiums (Benefit ratio), a 17.4% increase in 2021 vs. 2020 despite widespread vaccinations, and a 13.3% increase over 2019.
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On Wednesday, Dowd noted that funeral home company Carriage Services saw a 28% increase in September 2021 vs. 2020, and a 13% increase in August vs. the same period. Funerals and cremations are up 12% and 13% respectively on the quarter.
And no, it’s no from Covid deaths.
$UNM reported today in Life segment a Q4 increase of Benefit ratio of 9% y/y (payout vs premiums)
In 2021 they saw a 17.4% increase vs 2020. This is higher than the 13.3% increase vs 2019. So the higher payouts in 21 are occurring with a miracle vaccine & less virulent strains
— Ed ☯️Free Thinker & Oracle (@DowdEdward) February 2, 2022
$SCI saw +6.7% increase in quarter y/y as well…not same magnitude but trend is up. Stock was up 63% in 2021 as well. Business was good despite the “miracle” safe & effective vaccines.
— Ed ☯️Free Thinker & Oracle (@DowdEdward) February 2, 2022
No one on earth keeps closer track of probability and statistics and money that an actuarial working at an insurance company. No one. Without the actuarial, they go bankrupt
On February 6, 2022 at 10:23 pm, Sisu said:
For a long time I have been asking: “Where are the ‘actuaries’ ?” …
Yes, I have been also asking where are the leaders of the major Christian and Jewish sects / denominations. … While islamists want the end of the world and other religions focused on “reincarnation”, none of the satanic cults / secret societies who only seek a NWO can be expected to condemn the obvious “genocide” which the world’s population is experencing ?
Bottom-line even the NWO / eurocrats and demonrats need the illusion of successful economies. Yet, while “financial results” and “labor statistics” (etc.) are all subject to manipulation (which is why over the last 60+ years the US and world governments have become so ‘prescriptive’), actuaries are so consumed with accuracy they are “compelled” to be “right”.
Thus, G-d’s requirement that he will present when “two or more gather in His name” inevitably leads to an insightful answer. (Most actual scientists cannot help but see ‘intelligent design” in all.)
Now I am not assuming all actuaries are G-d fearing believers, rather that spiritually, healthy humans (because they are created by G-d) cannot help but tell the truth. And, while actuaries (I have known) have the same failings as the rest of us (perhaps more), they are specialized in their presence – they are among the most accurate in their observations (albeit human and thus always imperfect).
On February 7, 2022 at 10:35 am, Fred said:
“No one on earth keeps closer track of probability and statistics and money that an actuarial working at an insurance company. No one. Without the actuarial, they go bankrupt.”
And there is no better forward looking, data driven, crowd sourced predictor of events than the US stock market. Note carefully in the charts how the stock price began to rise months BEFORE the raw numbers and percentages were known. This is not unusual at all. The smartest(in one sense) and most data driver people on earth knew this was coming…and if you’ve been reading TCJ so did you.