The Canadian Trucking Convoy
BY Herschel Smith
At WRSA, if you follow the links back to the source, Rebel News is covering the details.
These are committed folks, and two videos below show not only their commitment, but also their strength. They turned to God in their time of need.
Surrounded and forced to make a difficult decision. Motion has passed, they are staying.
Stay tuned.
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— K2 (@kiansimone44) January 31, 2022
The truckers turn to God, surrounded and cornered in by Kenneys government.
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— K2 (@kiansimone44) January 31, 2022
SWAT has been called on the Canadian truckers, and they’ve brought tow trucks with them because they’re cowards.
So here is my question (and readers can correct me if I’m wrong about this). The truckers are primarily Canadian, and are on the Canadian side of the border.
Where are the American truckers? If this collapses because of trucks being towed and truckers arrested and ticketed, it could continue if their American trucker colleagues showed the courtesy of having their backs and supporting them.
Where are the American truckers?
Where are the American truckers?
Where are the American truckers?
Good subjects of the king, we are here in America. Or so it seems.
On January 31, 2022 at 11:26 pm, Rubber Duck MACK Trucks said:
Dragon Wagon is the trucker slang for tow trucks.
Bears, County Mounty, Local Yokel, are some of the LEO terms.
Any violence will be by state sponsored agitators posing as truckers/supporters or SWAT.
Scuttlebutt about an American Trucker Freedom Convoy forming out in CCP rump vassal West Colony or Kaliforina.
On February 1, 2022 at 7:23 am, m. fuah said:
swat badge-dindus, keep sucking loyuh dick
On February 1, 2022 at 7:30 am, Todd said:
@joe, I suppose Herschel was wondering about the lack of trucks at the border in question. We don’t know (don’t really care about) the “inside baseball” of truckers, but we can all see results. I’d think if a convoy was making its way, it’d be obvious. If it’s move a fragmented movement that meets up, great, we’d love to hear all aboot it.
On February 1, 2022 at 9:00 am, Fred said:
There aren’t nearly as many “owner operators” as there used to be. All those rigs on the highways, yeah, they belong to trucking companies. And truckers are no longer white middle aged rural and country men either. They, as you, are being replaced.
On February 1, 2022 at 3:40 pm, Cowpie Patty said:
There was a group planning to meet in Fargo, ND, at 11:00 am on Saturday the 29th and head for the Pembina crossing. I don’t know what they got for numbers, but there was a plan. God Bless ’em all!!
On February 1, 2022 at 8:59 pm, J said:
I suspect that the fbi is having a difficult time locating enough truck to mount a fake protest
On February 2, 2022 at 9:27 pm, BRVTVS said:
It looks like an American convoy is forming.