Petraeus Crawls Out From His Hole
BY Herschel Smith
Guess who slithers out and weighs in?
The way the U.S. handled its withdrawal from Afghanistan has done damage to the United States’ credibility and reputation abroad, said David Petraeus, former head of the CIA and former commander of U.S. Central Command.
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“There is damage to our credibility and to our reputation,” he said in an interview with CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett for “The Takeout” podcast.
The Biden administration recognizes that, and will need to work very hard to craft a “whole-of-governments” approach to the world and to China as it so “skillfully” did in the first seven months of the administration, Petraeus said.
“And again, that was very very impressively carried out, but clearly now there will be some damage, in a way and they’ll have to work extra hard to do that,” he said. “And it will be done, as always, with deeds not just with words. Words will be needed but people will really be watching for the deeds.”
Yes. “Skillfully,” you see.
I laughed out loud when I read this. It’s the only time I’ve ever seen the word “skillfully” and this administration used in the same sentence.
Not posed or answered: “Did the administration’s crap weasel approach to the exit from Afghanistan do as much damage to the U.S. reputation as did your divulging classified information to Paula Broadwell during your extramarital affair do to your own reputation and the campaign?”
On September 10, 2021 at 12:47 pm, Factions Speak Louder Than Herds said:
Be-tray-us Petraeus? Too little too late, or was there a new addition to his salad (chest medals) for inclusive diversity and he came out for the ceremony for a photo op by the peoples champagne fountain?
External enemies smell the weakness now and they will take advantage.
Taiwan knows that they are on their own with no one coming to save them (h/t-WRSA) and China is hosting a massive disinfo campaign on hive mind media to bolster their image as Chiquitastan is wearing thinner than a stuffed Depends undergarment.
On September 10, 2021 at 12:59 pm, Bill Buppert said:
I have two fitness reports from him when I worked for him at the 101st. A harsh taskmaster but he worked beside us. I kept a cot by my desk and expeditionary load-out in my locker. He had a reputation as a physical stud that was well earned.
You could tell then there were stars in his future but he was a barometer tester even then to see where the political winds shifted.
His family and children never saw him.
His behavior once he donned stars was the usual in today’s “martial” culture. He never went anywhere without a photographer and gave us the horrific Anglophile 2006 U.S. Army Field Manual 3-24 on COIN which managed to combine the worst aspects of western COIN in one volume to make things even more calamitous in the AFG quagmire.
Like his fellow flag girls, he easily donned the woke skinsuit and parroted the immoral bromides and platitudes that make the woke so repellent.
He slammed his dick in the cash register with Broadwell but like all these malefactors, that imbroglio did not harm his reputation among the government supremacists.
We need more Generals like Daniel Bolger who manned the ramparts with us in Kabul on Camp Eggers in 2013 with his rifle in hand.
Don’t hold your breath.
On September 10, 2021 at 9:35 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Bill Buppert
Re: “I have two fitness reports from him when I worked for him at the 101st. A harsh taskmaster but he worked beside us. I kept a cot by my desk and expeditionary load-out in my locker. He had a reputation as a physical stud that was well earned.”
Yeah, but there’s even a twist to that, at least according to my sources who were in the army at the time. Petreaus – a compact man of fairly small-stature – was famous for boasting that no one could beat him in running. And indeed he was a very good distance runner who liked to “smoke” the younger enlisted men to show ’em who was boss.
But Petreaus was also famous – perhaps infamous is a better word – for taking his ball and going home in a huff if no one wanted to play his games his way. Plenty of men – from low-ranking enlisted grunts on up to senior officers -challenged him to other sporting activities, such as wresting or martial arts, and good ole David never accepted those. Maybe because he knew he couldn’t control the outcome in a manner befitting the public image he wanted to project.
In other words, John Forbes Kerry in a different time and a different branch of service.
Petreaus wore the CIB, if memory serves, but he “won” it only for being in theater and not for clearing houses in Fallujah or the like. If he had any integrity, he’d have turned it down. But we already know the answer to that question, don’t we?
Full disclosure: I dislike the bastard because he betrayed his oath when he came out for gun control. Amongst other reasons. His current gig leaves me cold, too: He’s a highly-paid consultant in one of the big investment houses who travels the world flogging the “virtues” of doing business with the Arabs. Heads some institute or other for KKR.
I’ve heard rumors that Petreaus had “gone native” with regards to Islam, while over in that part of the world, but have been unable to confirm them. I do know that when a shipment of Bibles was mistakenly sent to Afghanistan when he was commander-in-chief over there, he ordered them burned, rather than just sent back to the shipper.
On September 10, 2021 at 11:13 pm, George 1 said:
Petreaus, like most other Generals today, appears to think everything will be OK. Biden will fix things, he just has to work harder. Ha. The empire appears to be nearing its’ end. For the past some decades the empire has ran on, Israeli influence and planning, U.S. Military power and Saudi Arabian oil. That coalition is not going to be influencing foreign affairs for very much longer for many reasons.
Let’s look at the recent foreign policy failures of the neocons. Stymied in Syria, out maneuvered in Crimea, failed in the stated goal of stopping the NS pipeline. After making military threats they had their bluff called outright by the Russia in Ukraine proper. Then, of course their strange withdrawal or whatever that was out of Afghanistan.
On September 11, 2021 at 10:00 am, June J said:
He’s just another symptom of the decaying carcass of a once free nation.
On September 11, 2021 at 12:19 pm, Fred said:
June J, Matthew 24:28 has already been fulfilled in the judgement of first century Israel but the use of ” decaying carcass” is great graphic language to describe the rotting remains of America. Nicely stated.